Chapter 856: Difficult

Gu Qing Shan let the evil creature go and ignored it as it ran away.

He then headed towards the Xie Qi Fiend King’s palace to join the other evil creatures.

This place was already full of people.

Two Cruel Bone Demon Kings who had the same appearance were wrestling one another in the sky, displaying the power of an evil Ruler.

Gu Qing Shan stood among the crowd of evil creatures and looked up at the sky together with the rest, observing the two Devil Kings’ fight.

Two Cruel Bone Devil Kings.

There really are two of them——-

While Gu Qing Shan was contemplating, a voice appeared in his mind.

“Found you”

This was Luo Bing Li’s voice.

Gu Qing Shan abruptly turned around.

At an exceedingly faraway location from where he was, he found a person shrouded in a thick robe and a hood staring at him.

“Why are you here?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“I’m worried that you might run into some problems” Luo Bing Li replied.

As she said so, she had already appeared next to Gu Qing Shan.

The robe she was wearing was quite wondrous as it completely concealed her human aura, and since the other evil creatures were busy watching the two Devil Kings’ fight, none of the evil creatures noticed her.

“Don’t worry, no evil creature here would be able to discover my identity” Gu Qing Shan told her.

Luo Bing Li sighed: “How can I not worry? You’re the only person who managed to travel back in time in the last 10,000 years. If something happened to you, all of our preparations would have been meaningless”

Gu Qing Shan’s eyes rolled a bit.

He sneaked a glance at her, then at the two Cruel Bone Devil Kings in the air.

“It’s not the first time I came here. I already prepared for any situation that might arise, so don’t worry”

Luo Bing Li also looked up at the sky only to see the fight between the two Cruel Bone Devil Kings.

“Are these two Devil Kings fighting over this Wraith Realm fragment?” she asked.

“Not sure, I’ve been staying inside to cultivate and only ran out here after I noticed the commotion” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Are they twins?” she asked again.

“Who cares—— you have to understand a certain thing, evil creatures are full of nothing but schemes and lies. If you care even a little bit about what they’re doing, then you wouldn’t be able to calm yourself down and do what you need to” Gu Qing Shan told her.

“So you’re saying that you don’t care about this outside commotion at all” Luo Bing Li muses these words.

“I am. I’m trying to think of a way to let the [Order] evolve quickly and get the Divine race to help me obtain the Heaven sword” Gu Qing Shan answered sincerely.

The two of them said nothing for a while.

In the sky, the fight between the two Cruel Bone Devil Kings grew more ferocious.

A while later.

Luo Bing Li spoke up again: “You know, since I’ve already completed the jade disk, we can simply discard the figure of light and move forward into the next phantom image prepared by humanity, you would be able to travel directly from there towards the true history and arrive at the last moment of the Age of Old”

“But the figure of light would definitely have a way to follow me—— both him and the Golden Flame Divinity managed to follow me closely everywhere, so I can’t risk that” Gu Qing Shan answered her.

“Are you afraid of him?” Luo Bing Li turned her head and asked.

“Of course I am, the figure of light has the strength of a Paragon realm peak stage cultivator, and it can summon countless Divinities at any moment, he can easily kill me as long as he wants to!” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“You don’t have to be scared, I can stop him if anything happened”

Luo Bing Li stared closely at Gu Qing Shan and insisted.

Gu Qing Shan shook his head: “That’s not good enough. If we can’t defeat him once and for all, if he arrives and interferes when I’m about to obtain the Heaven sword and causes any trouble leading to my failure, that would truly be the end of everything”

He insisted with a greater resolve: “Everything we’ve prepared for up to this point had been to obtain the Heaven sword without trouble. Humanity had already waited for countless years, why rush during these last moments?”

Luo Bing Li briefly turned silent before nodding.

“Very well, as expected of someone who managed to return from the future, to be patient enough to make such preparations, I feel very assured” she told him.

Gu Qing Shan said nothing.

Luo Bing Li then asked: “Will you really give the power of the [Demon King Order] to that figure of light?”

“No” Gu Qing Shan instantly denied that, “If I gave the power of the [Demon King Order] to the Divine race, they would be able to escape from this era and go 10,000 years into the future, the world in the future would simply be ruled by them again”

“You’re not going to give it to him? But the three coins are in the figure of light’s hand, what do you intend to do about that?” Luo Bing Li asked.

Gu Qing Shan replied: “As long as I don’t give the [Demon King Order] to him, there would be no longer be any issue”

Luo Bing Li thought for a bit and lightly nodded again.

Gu Qing Shan wasn’t wrong at all.

Even though the Divine race had the three coins and two out of three powers necessary to use them, as long as Gu Qing Shan didn’t provide them the power of the [Demon King Order], there simply wasn’t any way for them to do anything with them.

“Very well, since you’re already clear on everything, I’m relieved——- you should continue your cultivation here then, becoming stronger is only a good thing” Luo Bing Li said.

“I know” Gu Qing Shan smiled bitterly.

In front of the sleeping Demon Dragon, the Soul Shrieker and Abyssal Fate Weaver, unless I cultivate for another few hundred years at breakneck speed, I’m seriously outmatched.

Luo Bing Li nodded, then turned and left.

It seemed she had other ways to directly leave this place.

Gu Qing Shan simply stood still and watched the fight between the two Devil Kings.

His mind was chaotic, countless thoughts were moving around without end as cold beads of sweat dripped down his back.

Only after the two Cruel Bone Devil Kings had finished their fight and a winner was determined did Gu Qing Shan leave the venue with the crowd of evil creatures.

He randomly went into a bar, picked a bottle of liquor and slowly drank.

Since the bar had nothing but common and weak evil creatures, while the barkeeper was a particularly powerful evil creature, the bar itself was quite peaceful.

While Gu Qing Shan drank, he was also thinking about what happened.

It was too convenient that the two Cruel Bone Devil Kings appeared at such a time.

Coincidences do exist, but what just transpired couldn’t possibly be by chance.

That’s why when Luo Bing Li questioned me, I purposefully avoided answering her question.

Currently, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t trust anyone.

Luo Bing Li specifically came here just to say a few words to me.

Looking at this positively, she was worried about me and the future of humanity.

But there was another meaning to her actions if seen from another perspective.

She was checking if I was going to stay at the Xie Qi Fiend Realm.

She was checking if I knew about the Abyssal Fate Weaver.

She was checking if I would use the three coins to escape.

And she was proving a certain fact: if I knew about the Abyssal Fate Weaver’s ability, then she would be able to prove that she wasn’t the Fate Weaver by appearing at this point in time——– because she and the Cruel Bone Devil King appeared at the same time.

In the end, is Luo Bing Li an enemy or an ally?

Gu Qing Shan drank an entire shot of liquor in one gulp, but still had no answer to that.

He recalled another issue.

About the method to kill the Demon Dragon———

The best way to do that now would be to go back to the Primordial Heaven Realm and check the Divine King inheritance vault.

I need 12 offensive Soul Artifacts to activate the Abyssal Jail’s directive and kill the Demon Dragon’s soul.

Gu Qing Shan took a small sip of liquor and continued to think.

I cannot use living Divinities for this.

It would cause a huge commotion whether I tried to catch 12 Divinities or deceive them into coming with me.

With such a huge commotion, if either the Abyssal Fate Weaver or the Demon Dragon noticed, it would cause an irreversible problem.

So I need to enter the Divine King inheritance vault to look for other solutions.

———but I can’t do that right now.

I just said that I wanted to stay in the Wraith Realm, so if I went back to the Heaven Realm now, that would be an unnatural change in opinion.

Which would rouse suspicion.

Gu Qing Shan sighed as his feelings of doubt and hesitation gradually grew more and more.

What am I staying here for?

His gaze fell onto the UI of [Worlds Apocalypse Online: Revolution].

As the [Demon King Order] continues to evolve, I would be moving closer to that final moment.

The Heaven sword.

The Heaven sword is waiting for me at the final moment of history.

And surrounding it are the countless phantom images, as well as countless terrifying entities who already laid their pawns and spun their webs, waiting for the final moment of humanity to reveal itself.

This was clear.

Now that the Bygone Era humans have left, there is no one left to go against these terrifying entities.

The lives in the Heaven realm and Wraith realm are nothing but ants to them.

They could have directly destroyed both of these worlds without fear.

But they didn’t.


Gu Qing Shan drank shot after shot of the strongest liquor here, allowing the intense taste to spread all over his mouth.

The only answer I can come up with is that they were waiting for something.

The twin swords Heaven and Earth forged by humanity.

And the key to opening the final moment of history was me, the cultivator who came from the future.

Gu Qing Shan shook his head and downed another full shot of liquor.

He felt like he was walking on a path of certain death.

In this case, it was crucial that he carefully plan his moves before he made them.

But to save the Earth sword, I don’t have much time to waste.

If the time suspension ability affecting the Earth sword were to lose its effect...

Gu Qing Shan put the shot glass down, picked up the whole bottle and took a big swig from it.

The liquor that these evil creatures brewed was a lot more intense and thick compared to what humans usually made, each shot felt like a tiny dagger that was constantly stabbing, slashing at his throat and stomach from the inside.

But compared to the difficult situation he was facing, this liquor was nowhere near enough.

After Gu Qing Shan finished the entire bottle, he made the decision.

“You need to evolve again”

He glanced at the blood-red UI in front of his eyes and spoke.

Declaring this meant that he was taking one step closer to the Heaven sword.

And also one step closer to almost certain demise.

A few lines of blood-red text appeared on the UI:

[The next evolution stage is: Demon Tide]

[Following the evolution protocols, as you have selected rapid evolution mode, most of the Order’s functions will not unlock]

[Before the Order conducts its next evolution, you must accomplish a corresponding Quest, this is a necessary step in the process]

Gu Qing Shan answered right away: “Issue the Quest”

[Very well, preparing Quest]

All the blood-red text shrank.

A new Quest appeared on the UI.

[Quest description: We need the Demon Dragon’s body]

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