Chapter 850: Mechs!

“You’re a mechanic? What a blessing!”

The female flight attendant shouted in delight.

There was really nothing to say about what happened afterward.

Because everything went too well.

Gu Qing Shan only needed to take a quick look at the tail of the plane to identify a small problem.

After changing out some small parts, the problem was fixed.

Everyone on the plane was tearing up from joy.

As this was a commercial plane without any powerful means of defense, if they couldn’t hurry up and fix the problem, once night fell, most passengers on the plane would be sitting ducks in the middle of the desert.

So when Gu Qing Shan expressed his will to hitch a ride to their destination, no one refused.

The blond man and old Li also went with him.

“This plane is currently heading to Dong Fan city and should arrive in about 2 hours”

After flirting a bit with a beautiful flight attendant, the blond man came back and told them.

Old Li opened a map to check and reported: “That’s good news, Dong Fan city was already quite close to the capital, only half an hour on the highway”

The most advanced Mech research center was situated on the outskirts of the capital, so the three of them had already decided to first visit the capital.

Gu Qing Shan checked the map and spoke while in thought: “This plane’s route seems to go past the capital, is it not going to land there?”

“Unfortunately, it’s heading straight for Dong Fan city without pause” the blond man told him.

The plane’s announcement speakers suddenly turned on.

A gentle flight attendant’s voice sounded from the speakers:

[Attention please, as you know, there was some problem with the plane earlier, so we will have to land in the capital for the airline’s maintenance crew to perform an overall evaluation and ensure safety for all our passengers, thank you for your understanding]

The three of them exchanged glances.

The blond man commented: “Alright, seems like our luck is quite good today”

After the plane landed, the three of them were led into a private room inside the airport to wait for their accommodation.

They didn’t know that their appearances had already been sent to the central processing system of the capital’s defenses to be evaluated.

The results quickly came out.

[Appearance conformity 97%, identified as Li Wei, discharged military veteran, sniper, owner of the Medal of Patriotism]

[Appearance conformity 99%, identified as Joel Thomas, member of the North Union Mining Group board of directors, philanthropist, Northern state Autonomous Region VIP]

[Unknown individual, unregistered within the system, reporting to the National Defense Bureau]

On the other side.

“Let’s go, let’s go, emergency meeting!”

“Raul, are you done with your part yet? Come quickly!”


The man called Raul hurriedly clicked the [Confirm] button on his screen.

These were all matters that are already processed and dealt with, all he needed to do now was to do the final confirmation.

“Hey Raul~ Wait for me after work, I want to have a private chat with you”

A woman in a tight business suit whispered into his ears before quickly making her way into the meeting room.

This was the prettiest woman in their office, as well as the dream lover of all the men in the bureau, whether they were already married or not.

Raul’s hot gaze stuck close to the figure of the woman as she went inside, smelled the lingering fragrance of the woman’s perfume, and couldn’t help himself replying: “Yes, I’ll definitely wait for you later”

His hands continued to press the [Confirm] button unconsciously to process and pass every document that went to him, among which was Gu Qing Shan’s unknown individual profile as well.

When Raul’s eyes went back to the computer screen, he saw that every document had already been processed and passed.

He shut his computer down, picked up his mug, and quickly made his way into the meeting room.

The airport.

“Here you go, these are your temporary IDs, after finishing the registration here with me, you may leave”

The airport’s security manager gave three cards to Gu Qing Shan’s group.

As he left the room, the manager gave Gu Qing Shan a wink and smiled.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t understand anything.

The other party believed that he was a secret agent working for the government, but Gu Qing Shan didn’t know a single thing.

“That fatty winked at you before he left” old Li whispered.

“I saw that he’s a bit strange” Gu Qing Shan put the card into his pocket.

“What’s so strange about that? No one can control their romantic emotions after all” the blond man commented, sympathizing with him.

Old Li and Gu Qing Shan exchanged glances.

They secretly took some distance from the blond man.

“Where are we heading?” old Li asked.

“We need to find a Mech first, I want to check the specs of this country’s technology so far” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“That’s not easy, each Mech is a dangerous machine that’s closely guarded, civilians like us wouldn’t be able to get close” old Li told him dejectedly.


The door was opened again.

The security manager came forward and looked at Gu Qing Shan: “Were you the one who fixed the plane?”

“I am”

“There was a malfunction in our security Mech, but our engineer happened to be off-duty today. I thought that you might be a mechanical expert, so can you take a look for us?”

Old Li and the blond man both had looks of utter disbelief.

“No problem” Gu Qing Shan smiled.

He stood up first and followed the security manager.

Old Li and the blond man hurriedly went after them.

Old Li couldn’t help but glance at the blond man.

His expression was clearly asking a question.

(Who exactly is this guy?)

The blond man shrugged and mimicked the action of screwing something in to express his answer.

(A Mech scientist, he’s already proven his excellence when it comes to this)

Old Li pointed at the sky and made a praying gesture.

(No, I think he might be God instead)

The blond man chuckled and shook his head.

(You think too much, it’s just a coincidence)

On the security sentry post, 7-8 staff members were loading the large-scale security Mech onto a transport vehicle.

As soon as they hoisted the Mech up and was about to put it on the transport vehicle, the airport security manager arrived.

“Wait a minute, don’t move it yet, let an expert take a look”

As the staff members heard that, they sighed helplessly and prepared to put the Mech back down.

Gu Qing Shan thought of something and told them instead: “It’s fine, transport this damaged Mech to the component reserve center, if I can identify the problem, I would be able to change out the parts right away”

Thinking that to be a good idea, the security manager agreed.

They quickly arrived at the component reserve center.

The Mech was then hoisted down.

The staff members left.

“How is it? Can you help us take a look?” the security manager asked.

Gu Qing Shan circled around the Mech and carefully observed this 3-meter-tall machine.

This Mech was equipped with a large machine gun in its hand, the majority of its components were housing ammunition, there was also a heavy artillery that could be detached at will on its back.

This was a primitive humanoid Mech suit, the cockpit was left in the open, allowing the controller to observe their surroundings, all of the Mech’s movements must be manually inputted through its controller.

This was definitely not a Mech that was used for normal security, usually, these models were employed for clearing out a battlefield through heavy firepower.

Despite being so primitive, this Mech was designed to sacrifice its mobility for an overall increase in firepower, which showed how powerful the mutated undead around the capital had become.

Gu Qing Shan squinted and continued to evaluate this primitive Mech.

From a design perspective, this Mech was still within the most primary design phase, the designer must have yet to encounter the infamous design concept struggle between [Humanoid Machine] and [Machine-like Human].

But that’s a good thing since I’ll be able to remodel this Mech as I please.

“There aren’t any major issues, perhaps it’s a malfunction due to some minor components being damaged, I’ll need to perform a more thorough check” Gu Qing Shan told him.

“That’s great, this thing is too expensive so if anything too serious happened, we would be troubled to report it” the security manager said in relief.

Gu Qing Shan, the blond man and old Li pushed the maintenance stair up to the Mech together.

“I need to check the control panels” Gu Qing Shan said.

The security manager hesitated for a second.

The other party is a secret agent, his identity has already been confirmed by the intelligence bureau.

Furthermore, this is only a malfunctioning security Mech.

“Alright, no problem”

He came up first, turned the control panels on, screened his fingerprints, entered a series of passwords, and changed the authority of the Mech to [Maintenance].

While the Mech was in [Maintenance] state, the controller wouldn’t be able to engage its movement system, turn on the ignition or connect to the military network.

The controller would only be able to obtain a schematics of the Mech as well as the authority to replace and fix its components.

This should be safe.

The security manager climbed down and smiled: “Please come to the employee cafeteria for lunch, I’ve already made the arrangements. Furthermore, when you leave, our airport will arrange your transportation for you”

“Please come up with me as well, I’ll need some helping hands” Gu Qing Shan said.

The blond man and old Li nodded.

They climbed up the maintenance stairs and onto the cockpit of the Mech.

Various flashing lights, buttons, communicators as well as a pair of stick controllers appeared in front of them.

Old Li blew a whistle.

The blond man also held his breath.

For every man, large-scale war machines made completely of cold machinery and technology had a sense of romance to them.

Gu Qing Shan lightly stroked these devices.

The [War God Skills] icon in front of his eyes glowed brightly.

Lines of glowing text appeared:


[The skills that this Mech have performed that can be comprehended include the following:]

[Discovered this world’s language and writing system, cost 100 Soul Points to learn]

[Discovered Mech directional controls, as you are a Mech engineer that far surpasses this world’s civilization, cost 1 Soul Points to learn]

[Discovered confidential communication password system, cost 30 Soul Points to learn]

[Discovered this world’s programming language and operating system structure, as your expertise far surpasses this world’s civilization, cost 1 Soul Points to learn]

[Discovered this world’s Mech maintenance method, as your expertise far surpasses this world’s civilization, cost 1 Soul Points to learn]


Gu Qing Shan glanced over and silently said in his mind: “Learn everything”

A warm flow came from his hand into his mind.

Very quickly, he fully grasped the language system of this world, their Mech structure, their operating system, password system, and organization, so on and so forth.

“How is it? Will it be hard to repair?” the security manager loudly asked from below.

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Some components need to be replaced, but after that, there should be no problem”

He quickly operated the control panels.

The damaged components were quickly detached by a mechanical arm and showed in front of Gu Qing Shan.

“Here are the damaged parts, please take these down and show the manager”

Gu Qing Shan selected a few and gave them to the blond man and old Li.

They carried the components down.

The security manager understood enough to confirm that it was indeed a problem of damaged components.

“I need you to give me the authorization to take and use new components to replace them” Gu Qing Shan told him.

“I’ve already given the authorization” the security manager smiled.

Gu Qing Shan then turned around, had the blond man and old Li to help operate the machines. Since the controls were quite simple, they easily got the job done.

While Gu Qing Shan continued to operate the mechanical arms to fix up the Mech wherever he could.

When everything was ready, the blond man and old Li once again climbed up to the cockpit, breathed heavily, and reported to him: “The new components are ready”

“Are we going to start fixing it now?” old Li asked.

Gu Qing Shan nodded, then whispered: “When he leaves, we’ll begin”

When he leaves?

The blond man and old Li were both confused.


All of a sudden, the security manager’s communicator rang.

[Manager! A group of mutated undead approaching the airport!]

The security manager’s expression changed.

“I’m coming!”

He hurriedly ran out.

The Mech maintenance and repair center returned to silence.

Old Li and the blond man were both shocked.

“Good, now I’ll be repairing this Mech”

Saying so, Gu Qing Shan instinctively took out his Holo-Brain from his Inventory Bag.

He began to make his true preparations.

Next to him, the blond man and old Li silently exchanged glances.

They both said nothing.

Old Li shrugged and showed a questioning expression.

(What do you think now?)

The blond man pointed at the sky without hesitation.

(Yup, he’s definitely God)

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