Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 837 - Reward You A Supreme Treasure of The Wraith Realm

Chapter 837: Reward You A Supreme Treasure of The Wraith Realm

As Gu Qing Shan explained what he found out, something changed about the hallway he was standing in.

The cold mechanical voice resounded:

[Discovered key to the Abyssal path]

A flash of light struck at the triangular key directly from above.

The key began dronning with a ‘zi zi’ sound.

[Confirmed key authenticity]

[Cross-referencing relevant information]

[Confirming event authenticity]

In front of Gu Qing Shan, a screen appeared.

It showed the Lord of Total Distortion standing in front of a large metal door and forcing it open with his strength.

The door was slowly being pushed apart.

The mechanical voice resounded again:

[Confirmed event]

[Through situational analysis, confirmed threat level of this event to be: Severe]

[Summoning The Demon Dragon’s spirit to resolve the problem]

The mechanical voice then faded away.

On the screen, the Lord of Total Distortion had already managed to push the door open.

He then uttered a high-pitched laugh while dancing in apparent celebration.

The Lord of Total Distortion was currently a middle-aged man with an air of dignity, so seeing him perform these clearly seductive and feminine dances was eerie beyond description.

He walked into the darkness inside the door.

At the same time, the cold mechanical voice sounded again:

[The Demon Dragon’s spirit has been notified and will arrive shortly]

[Event resolution initiating]

Following this declaration, the situation on the screen changed.

The howling wind abruptly appeared out of nowhere to stop the Lord of Total Distortion’s path.

「 How unfortunately, there is actually still another gate after this, you won’t be able to release yourself 」

The howling wind gradually formed the shape of a person.

『 Demon Dragon! 』

The Lord of Total Distortion screamed.

His voice had turned completely into that of a woman.

「 It is me, my apologies, I’m going to ruin your plan once again 」

The figure emerged from the darkness.

A man with a pair of black sharp horns growing on top of his head and two long dragon beards above his lips. He seemed quite aged, but his eyes still full of spirit, together with a well defined masculine body hidden under a long black coat.

This was The Demon Dragon’s soul

Its body was still alive, but the soul had temporarily shown up standing in the way of Lord of Total Distortion.

「 How pitiful, having to use such a weak evil creature as your vessel, like this, even without waking up, I can erase you with just my soul 」

The Demon Dragon appeared to be truly apologetic as he lightly shook his head, the pair of sharp black horns on his head also shook with him.

The Lord of Total Distortion opened his mouth and spoke in an extremely sharp and high-pitched female voice that sounded like a sharp object scratching the air.

『 You despicable guard dog, if you didn’t have this human prison, you couldn’t have possibly trapped me! 』

「 That is true 」The Demon Dragon easily admitted.

He was rubbing a ring on his finger with his hand, apparently, this was an instinctive action.

He was wearing one ring on every finger.

There was a ring with a faint yellow glow, one with a deep purple glow, as well as one with a particularly luxurious appearance that was carved with various gems of different colors.

You could infer at a glance that all of these rings were exceptionally precious equipment.

『 Release me, from now on, we’ll have nothing to do with each other 』the Lord of Total Distortion stared straight at The Demon Dragon.

The Demon Dragon stopped fiddling with his ring.

「 Do you think I’m going to believe you? It’s quite rare for us to face each other like this, don’t you have anything more important to say? 」he couldn’t help but speak up.

『 You’ve already watched over this place for over a 100 million years, I know that you also want to get out of this restrain and obtain freedom 』the Lord of Total Distortion said.

「 Fate Weaver, you don’t have anything that can convince me 」

『 You just have to release me, then you won’t need to guard this place any longer 』

The Demon Dragon silently listened and suddenly laughed.

「 That’s the only condition you can offer? How uninteresting. In this place, I can eat and I can sleep, every few hundred years, I can even absorb the power of my bloodkin to obtain a chance to evolve. My powers would soon surpass yours 」

『 Surpass me? 』

The Lord of Total Distortion showed a mocking expression: 『 Demon Dragon, the knowledge humanity gave you was too shallow. You are too blinded by your perceived knowledge that even now, you still don’t understand a certain fact 』

「 And that is? 」the Demon Dragon asked.

『 The universe is endless, the things that humanity knew are nothing but tiny drops of water in an ocean. Regardless of how much they tried, they were never able to see the truth that reigned above all 』

「 And yet, they were able to kill you 」the Demon Dragon calmly replied.

『 They simply happened to catch me at the single moment when I was at my weakest after going through 5 consecutive tough battles and destroyed my body 』

The Lord of Total Distortion showed a triumphant smirk: 『 The pitiful humans don’t understand what is truly Eternal, and a mindless beast like you also has no idea how to truly get rid of me 』

「 I only need to trap you here 」

Saying so, the Demon Dragon lightly clapped his hand at the Lord of Total Distortion from afar.


A loud clap.

The Lord of Total Distortion’s body was instantly turned into a pile of blood and flesh.

The blood and flesh didn’t scatter right away, they gathered in the air and swirled around one another, trying to reform as a female figure.

But the Demon Dragon didn’t give his enemy that chance.

He opened his mouth and blew out a faint blue flame.

The flesh and blood quickly caught fire and burned intensely.

A soul-piercing female scream came from inside the flame:

『 Damned Demon Dragon, don’t you dare fall into my hands, or I will cut you into countless pieces! 』

The flames burned everything to ash.

The female voice also disappeared.

Demon Dragon stopped caring about that and turned to look at the screen.

His gaze seemed to have gone through all the obstructions and reached Gu Qing Shan.

「 A human, how rare, thank you for informing me and resolving this threat 」

The Demon Dragon said.

“You’re welcome, I only happened to find out about this 」Gu Qing Shan replied.

The Demon Dragon spoke: 「 I must reward you for what you’ve done. Perhaps you don’t know this yet, but the entire Wraith realm is under my management, so I can easily take any treasure of the Wraith realm as I wish to add to my collection 」

“That’s really impressive” Gu Qing Shan praised.

The Demon Dragon thought for a few moments and continued: 「 How about this, according to the threat level this time as well as how much you’ve contributed, I have three supreme treasures of the Wraith realm that you can choose from, but you may only choose one of them as your reward this time 」

“This humble one couldn’t possibly accept such a thing” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 Nonsense, this is what you’ve earned, come here and receive it 」the Demon Dragon insisted.

“But I don’t know how to get to where you are” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The Demon Dragon chuckled: 「 That is simple. Just give the order to that disk you are riding on to take you here, that is enough 」

“That does sound very simple” Gu Qing Shan also smiled.

「 That is because it is 」the Demon Dragon said again.

They both stared at each other with smiles on their faces.

But Gu Qing Shan didn’t move at all.

The Demon Dragon curiously asked: 「 What is the matter? 」

While he asked, his hand was fiddling with a ring on his finger.

Gu Qing Shan stared closely at the Demon Dragon and answered: “There is another abnormal situation that I need to tell you about”

「 Abnormal situation? 」the Demon Dragon was surprised.

“Yes, this situation is enough to threaten both the Primordial Heaven Realm and the Primordial Wraith Realm, if it is left to continue, both of these worlds would be destroyed” Gu Qing Shan said.

The Demon Dragon looked at Gu Qing Shan in wonder.

The Demon Dragon stopped touching the ring on his finger and casually answered: 「 Tell me 」

Gu Qing Shan replied: “The Soul Shrieker is currently stealing resources from the Primordial Heaven Realm, it is abusing the power of humanity to create a kind of weapon”

Gu Qing Shan directly told him of the truth from start to end.

The Demon Dragon silently listened with a wondering expression on his face.

「 So that’s what happened, how unexpected, how should I deal with this now? 」

He muttered in a low voice.

After a few moments of silence.

「 Your information was indeed valuable. Come down and quickly choose your reward, after that I shall come with you to the Primordial Heaven Realm to check the situation myself 」the Demon Dragon replied.

“Will you really come to the Primordial Heaven Realm?” Gu Qing Shan appeared glad and asked.

The Demon Dragon spoke with a serious expression: 「 Of course, this is a part of my duty, I wouldn’t sit still while the Divine race and Desolate race destroy what remains of humanity under the control of an Abyssal monster 」

“That is great” Gu Qing Shan nodded.

Despite saying that, he remained still without doing anything or giving any orders to the flying disk at his feet.

The Demon Dragon simply watched him without saying anything as well.

All of a sudden, from the endless darkness behind the Demon Dragon, a thin white thread silently coiled around his neck.

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