Chapter 816: The Two Girls

Translator: La0o9 Editor: La0o9

Gu Qing Shan and the other evil Ruler didn’t have to wait for too long.

Two women with black goat horns, black feathers all over their bodies, and terrifyingly ugly faces came down.

They seem to have much higher status and were a lot more distinguished compared to the two women from before.

『『 The previous Ruler has seen the master, it’s your turn now?』』

Both women spoke at once towards the other evil Ruler.

The evil Ruler couldn’t help but ask: 「 But the fellow before me hasn’t come down yet, has he? 」

One of the female fiends replied: 『 You do not need to wait for him, he is dead?』

The evil Ruler froze as cold sweat began to drip down his back.

The other female fiend spoke empathetically: 『 Please do keep in mind, the top floor of the cathedral is where its power is the strongest. Once you are up there, even if you only tell half a lie, our master can only watch as you become the next decoration of the cathedral?』

「 Is he not going to save me? I came here to do business with a lot of treasures?」the evil Ruler wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and questioned.

One female fiend replied: 『 Unfortunately, the master is usually more interested in fixing the cathedral than doing business?』

The other female fiend continued: 『 Please come, do not let the master wait for too long. Otherwise, if he is angry, then…』

The evil Ruler was scared enough that he quickly walked up the stairs.

As the two female fiends looked at his back, they couldn’t help themselves from giggling.

When the evil Ruler disappeared at the top of the stairs, the two female fiends turned back to look at Gu Qing Shan.Gu Qing Shan smiled.

The two female fiends were a bit surprised.

——-there were a lot of bad rumors about the Xie Qi Fiend King, but he was truly handsome and quite a sight to behold.

One of the two female fiends’ eyes glowed and praised: 『 Your Excellency’s demeanor is quite rare among the Rulers?』

Gu Qing Shan replied: “My appearance isn’t my strongest suit”

『 Ah? Then what is your strongest suit??』 that female fiend grinned and questioned.

“My generosity” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He randomly pulled out two jewel boxes and let them fly towards the two female fiends.

The two female fiends opened the box, glanced over them and put them away.

——-the Fiendess he killed kept some of the most precious gems and jewels within his two evil realms, treasures of untold value in any evil realms.

But the two female fiends didn’t react to them at all, they only took a swift glance to confirm what they were and put them away.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but notice that detail.

The two female fiends weren’t too interested in the treasures, but they were quite interested in Gu Qing Shan himself.

One of the two female fiends curiously asked: 『 I heard that you killed a Fiend King and a Devil King??』

Gu Qing Shan didn’t ask why they knew and just smiled: “To be exact, I killed one of them, the other was killed by his mistress”

『 Is that so? Do you like killing??』the female fiend asked.

“I don’t”

『 Then as a Ruler, what do you like to do??』


Both female fiends were stunned.

After a short pause, she smiled brightly.

『 The cathedral didn’t devour you, so that was actually the truth?』she commented.

“I usually don’t deceive people” Gu Qing Shan replied.

『 Gracious… true again, you truly are a special Ruler?』the other female fiend tilted her head as she judged him.

“Honesty makes it easier to work together, I trust that you don’t like being deceived and to be lied to either” Gu Qing Shan answered her.

『 Then, do you think I’m attractive??』one of the two female fiends abruptly asked.

They weren’t attractive at all, in fact, they seemed a bit ferocious.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze fell onto her body and answered: “You have a very charming figure that deserves praise”

——this was the truth.

The female fiend then turned to her friend and asked: 『 What about her??』

“Similarly charming” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The other female fiend loudly questioned: 『 Then which one of us is more attractive??』

The atmosphere seemed to freeze right at this moment.

Both female fiends stopped smiling completely and stared straight at Gu Qing Shan, waiting for his hurtful reply.

After all, no one dared to lie within this cathedral.

“Neither of you are as attractive as I am” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The two women were stunned, then both laughed out loud.

『 Ahahaha, what an interesting man?』

『 Hm, by appearance alone, that is true—– why is there a Ruler as strange as you??』

As they spoke, a cloud of black smoke began to rise around their bodies.

The black smoke took away their feathers, long goat horns and ferocious appearance, replacing them with pearl-white skin and beautiful faces.

In front of Gu Qing Shan were now two unrivaled beautiful young girls.

They looked exactly the same, except one of them had purple hair while the other had green hair.

——-one could only tell the difference between them by the color of their hair.

This seemed to be their true appearances.

Gu Qing Shan was shocked.

Such a change combined with their originally stunning figures made for quite a sight to behold.

『 Do you still think you’re the most attractive one here now??』one of them asked.

Gu Qing Shan sighed and replied: “You’re both a lot more attractive than I am”

The two girls smiled brightly.

——-teasing these Ruler-class fiends and devils were a part of their daily joy.

When they wanted to say something else, their expressions suddenly froze.

『 How unfortunate that we can’t keep talking with you like this. It is your turn now, sir Ruler, the master is waiting for you?』one of the two girls said.

Gu Qing Shan looked up at the long flight of stairs and repeated the same thing the previous Ruler did: “But the fellow before me hasn’t come down yet, has he?”

『 You do not need to wait for him, he has become a decoration?』one of the two fiend girls casually replied.

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Has someone ever come back down?”

The two fiend girls exchanged glances, then looked at Gu Qing Shan again.

Gu Qing Shan simply smiled at them: “If you can’t answer then fine, I have to come up either way”

One of the two fiend girls stared closely at him and suddenly spoke: 『 Please keep in mind, do not waste time?』

『 Firstly, the master will forgive the fiends and devils with powerful Mystic-type abilities, but he also holds businesses and the cathedral in very high regards?』the other fiend girl added.

Gu Qing Shan nodded and expressed his understanding.

“Would your master punish you for telling me this?” He asked worriedly.

『『 It is fine, the barrier blocks out everything, the master doesn’t care about what he isn’t interested in, furthermore, he doesn’t restrict us from saying anything?』』the two fiend girls replied.

Gu Qing Shan smiled, nodded towards the two girls, and quickly headed up the stairs.

He had indeed been keeping something in mind.

The barkeep of the Rusty Stain bar already told him that there were two rules in this place.

The first was that you can’t lie.

The other was fairness.

Fiends and devils always kept the first rule in mind, because they would always subconsciously lie, regardless of whether or not that would benefit them.

It was simply their instincts.

As for the ‘fairness’ part, that was the Lord of Total Distortion’s rule on transactions.

This was very easily ignored.

Because for those that do business, this was the most basic rule.

To be frank, as someone who opened up a marketplace, it was mandatory for the Lord of Total Distortion to add such a rule.

Two rules.

But most only remember one of them.

Anyone can tell what their outcomes would be.

Other than that, there was actually a third rule for those who want to leave this place alive.

『 Firstly, the master will forgive the fiends and devils with powerful Mystic-type abilities?』

This half of the sentence was the third rule!

Finally, and also most importantly, was actually the first thing those two girls advised him on.

——-when there isn’t much time, people usually make it a habit to say the most important things first.

And what the first female fiend told him was: 『 Please keep in mind, do not waste time?』

This was the fourth rule!

Gu Qing Shan quickly arranged everything in his mind.

He reached the top of the stairs and went through the black barrier that obscured his vision.

Soon enough, just like the two previous Rulers, he vanished from the two girls’ eyes.

One of the fiend girls suddenly spoke up: 『 Big sister, should we take a look??』

The other fiend girl replied: 『 Of course, this Ruler is really interesting, I also want to know how he would end up?』

『 Would it be ok for us to sneak up there again??』

『 It’s fine, father wouldn’t scold us in front of guests?』

『 Then let’s go?』

『 Yeah?』

This was the top floor of the cathedral.

——–and also a large observatory.

Gu Qing Shan looked towards the only man in the room.

The Lord of Total Distortion.

He was wearing a black robe, pointed black shoes with a long black cane in his hand, standing among a flock of crows with his back towards Gu Qing Shan, staring at the stormy sea outside.

All the crows were staring straight at Gu Qing Shan.

『 The Xie Qi Fiend King who traveled a long way, I heard that you wanted to save your weapon??』

The Lord of Total Distortion asked right away.

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Yes, I’m willing to pay the necessary price in a transaction to exchange for one cast of the [Death Suspension] ability”

The Lord of Total Distortion replied: 『 I respect the will of every individual, so what do you intend to pay as the price??』

Gu Qing Shan took out two long shining strings and offered it to the Lord of Total Distortion.

The Lord of Total Distortion said nothing yet.

These were the String of Law for both the Xie Qi Fiend Realm and the Cruel Bone Devil Realm.

Each String of Law represented one world fusion.

When evil realms fuse together, a large amount of World Origin would be distributed as feedback to living beings of that world and increase their strength.

Even fiends or devils who were stuck on their advancement would obtain varying levels of increase in strength through the reinforcement of the World Origin.

Because of this, every evil realm was a priceless treasure, every world fusion was a precious opportunity earned through blood and sweat.

——-so what was being offered to the Lord of Total Distortion right now were two evil realms.

To save a single weapon, the Xie Qi Fiend Kind was offering two evil realms!

There was no shortage of fiend and devil Rulers who come here with the most precious resources and treasures of their world as an offering to request the Lord of Total Distortion’s help.

But how many of them would directly offer him their own evil realms?

The Lord of Total Distortion was silent for a while before sighing: 『 Immediately offering two fragments of the Wraith Realm. Xie Qi Fiend King, have you always been so generous??』

“I simply don’t like to play with little tricks”

『 Little tricks??』

“Indeed, if I couldn’t offer anything that would be enough to satisfy you, that would be a waste of your time, and time is priceless” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The Lord of Total Distortion said nothing.

But the crows around him all flapped their wings and flew away from the observatory.

On the top floor of the cathedral, the Lord of Total Distortion spoke up again.

『 A young Ruler with a good head over his shoulder, quite a rare sight to see?』

『 The price you are offering does indeed satisfy me, so you are not wasting my time?』

『 If I were to insist on using you as a decoration on this cathedral, that would be unfair of me 』

He finally turned around and faced Gu Qing Shan.

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