Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 806 - The Search For Gu Qing Shan (1)

Chapter 806: The Search For Gu Qing Shan (1)

Translator: La0o9 Editor: La0o9

Gu Qing Shan once obtained a coin that could summon a fridge out from thin air.

Originally, he thought this was a magical artifact created by the Divinities.

But as time went by, he gradually found that the coins contained more varied and important abilities as well as secrets within them.

He even had a replicated coin that allowed its user to go back 5 minutes in time.

——-and now he had found out the truth about the coins.

They were in fact creations of the Bygone Era humanity, it was natural for them to contain unimaginable powers and secrets.

“Let me guess, our Divine race then tried to replicate a lot of the Bygone Era coins” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The figure of light replied: 「 Indeed. After you died, the next Divine King would be the first to discover the secret of the coins. From then on, we would continue to replicate many coins over and over again. Aside from the three coins that I mentioned earlier, the replication of the coins never stopped 」

Gu Qing Shan cracked his head unnaturally and commented: “It’s quite uncomfortable to hear someone else discuss your own death”

The figure of light replied: 「 After you come with me and experience more history, you will gradually get used to it 」

Gu Qing Shan lightly asked: “Then where are the final three coins now?”

「 During the period of time when our relations with the Desolate race was at its best, they allowed us to communicate with them, thus learning the secret of the coins—— they do not know about this secret, but the coins were still theirs 」the figure of light replied.

“Haven’t you ever tried to bring the three coins back?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

「 As soon as a member of the Divine race enters the Desolate world, we would be noticed right away. That’s why we imitated the Bygone Era humans and created a spell that allowed us to disguise as humans——– I’ve already used that technique on you once. After using this spell several times, we finally managed to obtain the three coins 」 the figure of light said.

“Then what are you waiting for? You can already use the power of the coins” Gu Qing Shan asked doubtfully.

「 We couldn’t 」the figure of light sighed, 「 The power of the three coins could only be activated by the three existences that they represent. We managed to contact the Great Bramble Tree and discovered the resting place of the Angel of Condemnation 」

「 Because of the coin, we were able to convince the Great Bramble Tree to help us once 」

The figure of light continued: 「 As for the Angel of Condemnation, we used the coin to awaken her——- but she didn’t remember anything that happened during the Bygone Era at all, as if she lost all of her memories 」

Gu Qing Shan squinted his eyes and questioned: “How did that happen? Was it because the Bygone Era humans were afraid that she remembered how the three powers were used?”

The figure of light replied: 「 Possibly, that is why we told her that she was our creation and took care of her quite a bit in making her accept her identity 」

Gu Qing Shan was speechless.

——–so that’s what happened.

She had already existed during the Bygone Era, but she lost her memories of it.

In hindsight, considering how na?ve that girl was, it was almost inevitable for her to be deceived…

The card deck she has was probably not a creation of the Divine race but rather one of the inheritances from the Bygone Era humanity.

No wonder a mere Lapis-grade card was already that powerful!

If she was at her peak, I really can’t imagine what kind of power she would be able to exert.

With Little Dusk’s background and power, no wonder the Divinities were so wary of her in the end!

Gu Qing Shan spoke without batting an eye: “Out of the three kinds of powers, you said that you’ve managed to obtain two, only the Demon King of Order was left—— this seems to be an [Order] of humanity, you weren’t able to borrow the power of this [Order]?”

The figure of light replied: 「 This was the most difficult part. The Demon King of Order must be created by the [Worlds Apocalypse Online: Demon King Order], only a single one of them could be born at all, and we couldn’t afford to let the Demon King be created 」

“Why not?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

「 Because the birth of the Demon King represents the fact that [Worlds Apocalypse Online: Demon King Order] had reached maturity. This was a key factor in awakening the other [Orders], as long as the Demon King is willing to, it can awaken any other [Order]——– and we definitely would not allow that to happen! 」

The figure of light’s voice suddenly became solemn: 「 Once the other [Orders] awaken, humanity would quickly enter an era of rapid growth, and our rule would end 」

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Then why did you release this [Order] in the first place?”

The figure of light replied: 「 The awakening of the [Orders] were arranged by the Bygone Era humans before they left, we simply couldn’t stop it. Even the combined might of the Desolate race and ours only managed to change the order in which they appear 」

Gu Qing Shan fell into thought.

So the root of every problem was still with the [Demon King Order].

For humanity as a whole, this [Order] was the cruelest of all the [Orders], combined with the deceit and provocation of the Divinities, humanity naturally considered it to be their enemy.

And by nature, the [Demon King Order] wouldn’t be well-received, because only one person could ever reach the peak of this System and become the Demon King.

Only after the Demon King appeared can the other [Orders] awaken one by one and humanity can prosper once more.

The Bygone Era humanity definitely didn’t expect that after so many years, the [Orders] were still sleeping while their brethren were enduring slavery under the Divine race, the Desolate race as well as the Eternal True God.

How pitiable…

Gu Qing Shan asked after thinking for a short while: “After my death, how did the Divine Kings of the future cope with the [Demon King Order]?”

「 Whenever someone was discovered to carry the [Order], humanity and us would seek them out and kill them 」the figure of light replied.

“Can members of our Divine race carry the [Order]?”

「 Unfortunately, we cannot 」

Gu Qing Shan then asked: “If that’s the case, I still have one crucial question I need answered——- is it only the Demon King who can transfer the power into the coin and blend it with the other two types of power?”

The figure of light replied: 「 That isn’t so, once the [Order] evolves to reach the level necessary for the Demon King to descend, any carriers of the [Order] at that point would be able to do it as well, but like this, the power obtained will be weakened 」

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Then, I have a solution”

The figure of light was surprised.

「 You… have a solution? 」he asked with a shaken voice.

Despite countless years, the Divine race never came up with a way to deal with every problem, yet now the God of Frost and Chill said that he had a solution.

“Listen, here’s how we’re going to do it” Gu Qing Shan cleared his throat and spoke seriously: “We must choose a human and help them carry the [Demon King Order], but we must strictly monitor that human’s pace so that they do not grow to become the Demon King. Once we obtain enough power of each type for them to fuse and use, we kill that human”

The figure of light was speechless

He was completely shocked by this suggestion.

Through the long years of history, the Divine race has never once considered allowing humanity and the [Order] to associate with one another, hoping that their relations would become strained to the point of no return.

This idea was as dangerous as dancing at the edge of a cliff, one wrong step and they would fall to their demise.

But if they were to use a human to obtain the power of the [Order], then kill that human, there would be no longer any threat to them and they would achieve their goal.

It was that simple.

This was very doable!

Inside the giant block of ice, Luo Bing Li’s closed eyes were also moving a bit.

Both Gu Qing Shan and the figure of light didn’t notice this.

The Grand Divine Palace fell silent.

A while later.

The figure of light spoke: 「 Even if they are not yet the Demon King when the [Order] evolves enough to summon a Demon King, that human would still become unprecedentedly powerful, it would be very hard to kill them 」

Gu Qing Shan coldly replied: “We will use the might of the entire Divine race”

The figure of light fell silent for even longer.

And then, it spoke: 「 This is a very serious gamble, one wrong step and we could fail 」

“We would all die in the future anyway, if that is how it was going to be, what’s the loss in taking a gamble?” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The figure of light said: 「 If we want to do this, we will need a suitable human cultivator, who do you think we should use? 」

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Of course, it should be Gu Qing Shan”

The figure of light froze briefly before asking doubtfully: 「 Why him? 」

“Because Gu Qing Shan came from the future, he knows about the [Order] so he would accept becoming a carrier a lot more easily”

Gu Qing Shan patiently explained: “According to the Golden Flame Divinity’s words, in the future, the [Demon King Order] has yet to give birth to a Demon King, many of the other [Orders] were still sleeping, and humanity was hostile towards the [Demon King Order]”

“Because of this, he would definitely not try to become the Demon King or awaken the other [Orders]——– he probably doesn’t even know about their existence”

The figure of light questioned: 「 Why would he accept to help us? 」

“The Heaven sword——– I will promise to help him obtain the Heaven sword” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 The Heaven sword? 」

“Indeed, Golden Flame had said that Gu Qing Shan carries the Earth sword with him, and we found out that both the Earth sword and Heaven sword were the Eternal True God’s scheme, weapons that ‘he’ wants to be forged”

Gu Qing Shan gave the figure of light a bit of time to swallow all of this.

A short while later, he continued: “Once the twin swords Heaven and Earth both appear, the Eternal True God would show up without a doubt——- it has been waiting for that very moment”

“Even without us doing anything, Gu Qing Shan will die”

“Because of that, before helping him obtain the Heaven sword, we shall help him carry the [Order] and evolve into a state capable of summoning the Demon King, use him to fuse the three kinds of powers together, and then——–”

「 And then—— 」the figure of light subconsciously repeated.

“And then he can go ahead to his meeting with the Eternal True God and receive his death”

Gu Qing Shan’s voice came become light again: “At that time, we would be able to use the power that transcends Space-time to escape from the end of this Era and escape from the Desolate race’s slaughter”

“Even if we invoked any terrifying unknown existences during the process, they would be problems for the Eternal True God and Gu Qing Shan to face”

“While we of the Divine race will be able to travel through time into the future several thousand years later”

“All of our brethren shall survive”

“The future of the Divine race will have been changed by us!”

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