Chapter 803: Two Paths

Translator: La0o9 Editor: La0o9

Gu Qing Shan’s homeworld.

The North Pole.

The wooden cabin at the top of the mountain.

A pair of eyes opened and looked around.

There was nothing but total darkness.

Countless voices were speaking to him.

As if many creatures or people were urging him to let himself go and sate his thirst for killing.

I want… to kill…

All of a sudden, a loud sound of electronic music began to play from within the darkness.

This sound was so familiar that it immediately drowned out all the other voices and woke up his memories.


This is the game I’m the most familiar with.

This upbeat electronic music is from the 2nd stage of that game. When the mid-BOSS character appears to block the path, this music would start playing.

It was very simple to defeat the mid-BOSS, I just needed to jump, attack, jump, dodge and repeat this over and over while paying attention to my cooldowns.

Abruptly, the sound of music was distorted and disappeared.


Someone actually died during such a simple fight?

He couldn’t help but try and push forward in the darkness.

The wooden coffin covered in complicated patterns was opened.

Ye Fei Li leapt out from the coffin.

After taking a look at his surroundings, he froze.

A man wearing a black leather jacket was lying on the ground in front of the fireplace, snoring with a bottle of booze in his hands.

On the other side, a feminine catgirl who wore black stockings and a short skirt was sitting with her back to him, mashing the buttons on her controller.

“Put something on first before you say anything——- tch, after evolution, you got even whiter huh?”

The girl said that without turning around.

Ye Fei Li finally noticed that he wasn’t wearing anything.

He hurriedly looked around.

A set of neatly folded clothes was right next to his coffin.

Ye Fei Li quickly put on the clothes and sat down next to the girl.


“Call me big sis Kitty”

“Ah, yes, big sis Kitty, that stage just now, you can’t win like that” Ye Fei Li said very seriously.

He already remembered that this young girl with a pair of cat ears who had an air of pure beauty and bewitchment at the same time was Kitty of the Justice Iron Fist Club.

——and he was also a member of this club, their newest member.

Hearing that, Kitty shoved the controller into his hand: “My HP is going to 0 soon, can you still pass the stage?”

“Others might not be able to, but it’s no problem for an expert of my level!”

Ye Fei Li happily said.

——don’t joke with me, I can pass this simple stage with my eyes closed.

He took the controller and seriously took over the character on the screen, dodging the BOSS’ attacks while looking for a chance to retaliate.

A few seconds later.

The character on the screen got hit again and died.

Ye Fei Li scowled.

That was really embarrassing——–

But there wasn’t much HP left, I died with only one hit.

Am I going to take this loss and make a fool out of myself in front of big sis Kitty?

No, I’m going to use my true powers!

Ye Fei Li became fully focused on the game.

On the other hand, countless bloody faces appeared in the void of space, trying to jump into his body. But they were all stopped by some sort of invisible power, unable to come close.

Ye Fei Li didn’t seem to be aware.

While staring at the screen, Kitty was constantly moving her hands to throw the bloody faces straight into the space vortex without fail.

Barry was snoring, but had one eye opened, coldly staring at those bloody faces.

——-when a World Destroyer evolves, innumerable evil thoughts and desires would be derived from their bodies, manifesting as spirits that try to take over control of their bodies.

If a World Destroyer was controlled by their spirit, they would lose their rationality and emotions, thoroughly turning into a killing machine.

The World Destroyer would then massacre all of the living beings on that world, absorb the world’s power and essence in order to evolve again, and turn into a more powerful Apostle of Destruction.


Kitty and Barry were here.

They were silently protecting Ye Fei Li

Everything was going well.

Once Ye Fei Li’s situation becomes better, they could simply send him into the Tower of Infinite Worlds to train himself.

A few ten thousand years ago.

The Primordial Heaven Realm.

Inside a certain phantom image.

The Sky Beyond Heaven.

The Grand Divine Palace.

A certain conversation continued:

“I still feel that it’s not suitable to drink too much alcohol, there could be a lot of issues”

Luo Bing Li said cautiously.

She already had two cups, currently enjoying her third.

Gu Qing Shan had already finished an entire bottle, took out a roasted chicken wrapped in lotus leaves, slowly closed his eyes and savored its scent.

“How fragrant…” he muttered.

“Oi, you’re currently the Divine King, if you eat roast chicken right here, after they come back from the trial, your act might be exposed right away” Luo Bing Li reminded him.

Looking at her serious expression that didn’t fit the cup of liquor in her hand, Gu Qing Shan said without worry: “Tests and trials have always taken a lot of time, we’re in no rush. Not to mention, no one is going to barge in here without permission”

“The Soul Shrieker” Luo Bing Li coldly said.

Gu Qing Shan glanced at her.

He raised the chicken and gestured to ask if she wanted some.

Her momentum was broken as she angrily answered: “No, I’m not hungry”

Gu Qing Shan broke off a chicken drumstick and explained: “At this point in time, the Soul Shrieker will silently wait for the twin swords Heaven and Earth to be forged, it won’t try to disturb the peace of humanity and the Divine race”

Saying so, he began to eat.

All of a sudden, his Inventory Bag trembled a bit as the Adorable jade gourd flew out by itself.

The jade gourd hovered in front of Gu Qing Shan and let out a faint squeak.


At the same time, a line of glowing text appeared on the War God UI.

[Jade pendant: Adorable is requesting you to give it 300 Soul Points]

Gu Qing Shan looked at his Inventory Bag in surprise, then glanced at the jade pendant floating in front of him.

——my Inventory Bag is still tightly closed.

This jade gourd is able to go in and out without minding the Laws of Space?

Gu Qing Shan reached his hand out, grabbed the jade gourd and poured in another 300 Soul Points.

Having received the Soul Points, the jade gourd squeaked happily before going back into the Inventory Bag.

Gu Qing Shan scanned his bag.

Inside the Inventory Bag, the jade gourd had once again fallen silent.

——-from the looks of it, it fell asleep again.

Gu Qing Shan sighed.

Eat then sleep, sleep then eat again?

This really is…

So envious.

This Bygone Era artifact… should be reliable, right?

In the worst case, it’ll be like raising a pet.

While consoling himself, Gu Qing Shan finished his chicken drumstick.

He drank another bottle of liquor before happily leaning back on the throne to digest his food.

Looking at his state, Luo Bing Li was a bit speechless and said: “Are we just going to stay here like this?”

Gu Qing Shan asked: “How’s the jade disk going?”

“The toughest parts have all been made, as long as I want to, the rest can be completed right away” Luo Bing Li answered.

“In other words, we can take it and leave any time we want” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Indeed, we can leave right now, as long as you stop acting as Divine King” Luo Bing Li confirmed.

“Do you think I’m going to stop now?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“I don’t see the point of continuing, you can go on your way to find the Heaven sword again right now”

Luo Bing Li stared at him, then abruptly asked: “Or… are you going to give up because you know this is a scheme of the Soul Shrieker?”

Gu Qing Shan sighed.

It’s impossible to stop humanity from forging the Heaven sword, and I can’t give up either.

No matter what kind of scheme or hidden plans there are, I have to save the Earth sword.

If the Earth sword is a component of some other weapon, I’ll destroy that weapon as well.

“Come, let us take a look at the current situation”

As he said so, a cluster of cold mist began to pour out from Gu Qing Shan’s hands.

The cold mist manifested the form of a lifelike cultivator.

Gu Qing Shan spoke: “The current situation is like this, humanity can’t win against the Divinities, at most, one or two humans might be able to defeat a Divinity, but this is meaningless”

While he spoke, the cold mist swirled and shifted as the human cultivator turned into a Divinity with a cold flame burning in between his eyebrows.

“The Divinities are currently ruling over humanity, but they can’t win against those truly powerful Desolate monsters”

The Divinity faded into the mist and once again manifested as a terrible monster.

“The Desolate monsters only listen to the order of the Lord of Desolation, who is actually the Soul Shrieker”

The mist once again swirled and turned into an eerie half-man, half-woman creature.

“The Soul Shrieker is a creature that cannot be reasoned with, as well as our greatest enemy”

“The Desolate monsters are under its rule, so they won’t listen to us either”

“Which means, the only power we can exploit is the Divinities”

Gu Qing Shan waved his hand and dismissed the cold mist in the air.

“In other words, even if I make it to the final moment of humanity and find the Heaven sword, if the Soul Shrieker shows up, there would be no one to help me escape from the sure-death situation”

“That’s why I need to prepare a bit more power, even if this power comes from the Divine race”

“Other than that, I still want to investigate just how much preparation the Divine race had made to prevent them from showing up at the true final moment and interfering”

Hearing his long-winded explanation, Luo Bing Li was finally convinced: “I understand, then I’ll wait until you come up with something”

Seeing the other party convinced, Gu Qing Shan finally relaxed.

Luo Bing Li was the one responsible for the path leading to the forging of the Heaven sword. She basically held the same status for humanity as the figure of light for the Divinities, so it was necessary to tell her his plan so that no cracks would form between them.

Not to mention, I spent 90,000 Soul Points to turn into the God of Frost and Chill.

Now that the War God UI is acting like a housewife that takes a huge cut out of all my earnings, I’m not going to be able to earn that much Soul Points again in a short time.

Furthermore, while I hold this Divinity’s form, I basically have the same level of power as he did.

If I return to my human form, my strength and these ice abilities would greatly weaken.

No way I’m going to turn back so easily.

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