Chapter 793: Avatar

Translator: La0o9 Editor: La0o9

After Gu Qing Shan left.

The secondary defense subsystem world.

The headless body of the Lord of Desolation wielded the 7-colored spear and advanced towards the metal mountain at a constant speed.

Wherever it went past, the endless swarm of metal insects as well as the powerful Desolate monsters would shriek and scream as their souls were ejected from their bodies.

The souls were flying into the Lord of Desolation’s headless body, slowly replenishing some sort of power to it.

At a certain point, this headless body suddenly stopped.

Countless souls gathered at the neck of the body as a blinding cluster of light.

The cluster of light quickly morphed and changed to turn into an eerie purple color.

A few moments later, a face could be clearly seen within the purple light.

Half-man, half-woman.

It stared at the faraway metal mountain, displaying an emotion that humans did not possess.

The male and female voices spoke at the same time, containing rage, ferocity, pain, and fluctuating chill:

『「 Troops of [Order]——– unfortunately, only two 1st level soldiers, are you asking for death? 』」

On top of the metal mountain.

The two metal soldiers stopped their hands.

[Detected enemy, an Eternal True God]

The Biochemical Project 1st class soldier spoke with its mechanical voice.

Its entire black body slowly sank into the metal mountain and vanished.

Very quickly, a thunderous roar came from below the ground.

All the metal insects cried out at the same time.

They shrieked and took flight high into the sky, devouring one another.

On top of the metal mountain, the Sniper 1st class soldier also spoke with its mechanical voice:

[Reporting to commander, discovered Eternal True God: Soul Ripper on the battlefield, preliminary observations suggest it is not the main body. Initial conclusion: it is a miniature avatar]

[This campaign isn’t conducted on a Samsara world, odds of victory are zero. Changing strategy]

Its silver metal hands began to sink into the sniper rifle.

The shape of the 2-meter-long sniper rifle slowly began to change.

Its body turned silver, the handle and gun shaft also became more complicated.

The tiny long muzzle grew to be as thick as the size of a bowl, an endless indigo light flashes on and off inside the gun barrel.

[Erasure Bullets ready!]

Right at this moment, an overwhelming amount of flesh rained down from the sky like shower.


All the metal insects were now dead, only the final one remained.

This one metal insect had absorbed all of the other insects’ mutated genes and slowly grew to become a gigantic metal bug that was several dozen meters long.

Its body was completely made of metal without any exposed flesh, even its composite eyes were glowing in a mechanical manner.

This giant metal insect spreads its 12 thin transparent metal wings and circled around in the sky.

Abruptly, the sound of an insect call resounded from deep underground.

This seems to be some sort of order.

Hearing this insect call, the giant metal insect began to assault the two-faced monster below.

At the same time, a cluster of light even brighter than the sun exploded on top of the metal mountain.

It was at this crucial moment that the sniper soldier attacked!


The monster was sent flying into the sky by the bullet, then was caught by the metal insect.

Long tendrils extended from the metal insect’s body, grabbed and began to spin the monster around.

A thin layer of white silk began to form around the monster.

『「 You are courting death! You can’t possibly win against me! 』」

The monster angrily roared.

It then triggered the 7-colored spear’s power.

On the other side.

Gu Qing Shan was being flown forward along a tunnel of light by an invisible power.

He asked in his mind: “System, do you know what that monster was?”

The War God System replied: [Through absorbing the information stored into the vault of the Divinities, I am sure that monster was an Eternal True God from the Bygone Era——- the Soul Shrieker]

Gu Qing Shan scowled: “How was that a God?”

[They are not the same! Those expired personal combat Soul Artifacts only used humanity’s nature of fearing the Divine and falsely proclaimed themselves as Gods]

[The Soul Shrieker isn’t the same as the fake Divinities, but rather a terrifying True God that was born within the Eternal Abyss outside of the Winds of Chaotic Tribulation] the War God System explained.

Gu Qing Shan recalled how that monster killed people and confirmed that it indeed used a kind of shriek to absorb souls.

That name is indeed fitting, but…

“Can such an eternal monster be considered a God?” Gu Qing Shan was puzzled.

The War God System replied: [Indeed, the Soul Shrieker has the divine attribute of Eternal Existence]

For some reason, Gu Qing Shan suddenly recalled the dark figure of light.

I’ve had this conversation once before——-

It was the second time I traveled back in time and was eaten by a monster in the fog.

When I returned inside the seal, I asked the same question.

「 A Space-time Fog monster, you can think of it as a God of your Divinities, it ate you 」the dark figure of light replied indifferently.

“Can that really be considered a God?” Gu Qing Shan asked in disbelief.

「 Living beings always worship things that they don’t understand, it has always been that way, never changed 」the dark figure of light replied.

If I remember correctly, the figure of light was also born within an Eternal property, that’s why the Divine race feared it and sealed it away.

Gu Qing Shan’s expression turned serious.

“What is a divine attribute?” he suddenly asked.

The War God System explained: [A unique attribute that humanity cannot explain, cannot grasps and has no way to ascertain]

Gu Qing Shan asked further: “In other words, humanity can’t do anything to it?”

The War God System replied: [That is not the case, the Bygone Era humanity was able to chase them into the Eternal Abyss outside of the Chaotic Tribulation]

The War God system calmly narrated: [In the Bygone Era, humanity collectively called these incomprehensible powerful Eternal creatures as Gods]

Gu Qing Shan said: “…The sniper soldier among the two primary soldiers that I just summoned, his attacks weren’t able to heavily wound the Soul Shrieker, but he was able to restrain its movements”

He thought for a bit, then muses: “But if the Soul Shrieker was only that strong, the Bygone Era humanity would’ve already killed it back in their time”

The War God System replied: [You are incorrect, the Soul Shrieker isn’t here, its main body is still outside of the worlds, deep inside the Winds of Chaotic Tribulation, inside the Eternal Abyss that humanity can never reach]

[It is a place that is as deep as it is unfathomable, the creature we saw earlier was nothing but a small avatar of the Soul Shrieker]

Hearing this inexplicable explanation, Gu Qing Shan felt a bit heavier.

He asked: “Was the battle between the Bygone Era humanity and the Soul Shrieker recorded in the documents that you absorbed from the Divine race’s vault? What were the results?”

The War God System replied: [I already told you, they were evenly matched—— humanity had the ability to chase this True God back where it came]

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Chase it back? Is that useful?”

[It was useful for stalling time, this Eternal True God would have to spend some effort and brave the Winds of Chaotic Tribulation to climb back up from the Eternal Abyss] the War God System explained.

Gu Qing Shan then recalled the huge fortress wall that extended as far as the eye could see.

It was the sturdiest wall.

——–a wall created from the rocks of Huang Quan’s Grand Tie Wei Mountain.

Even the 7-colored spear wasn’t able to damage this wall at all.

At this point, Gu Qing Shan suddenly realized why the Bygone Era humanity had to build such a wall.

The War God System abruptly asked: [Gu Qing Shan, now I need to ask you——- why are you looking for Xie Gu Hong?]

“Hard to say”

[You must tell me. I have to begin the preparations]

Gu Qing Shan fell silent briefly.

It was clear, even the System was feeling a sense of urgency.

In other words——

The System and I are currently facing a true trial of life and death.

Gu Qing Shan sighed and said: “Considering how powerful the Soul Shrieker is, it can easily control everything. Even the Samsara that the Divinity sneakily created wasn’t able to escape its eyes”

“And so, don’t you think it’s strange that Xie Gu Hong was able to obtain the method to forge the twin swords Heaven and Earth without it knowing?”

The War God System fell silent.

Gu Qing Shan continued: “This is simply illogical, so we need to see the real situation with our own eyes. Otherwise, no matter where we go in the future, we would be walking with one eye closed due to missing a crucial piece of information, finally ending in an inescapable trap”

The War God System responded: [Understood, you have decided to see for yourself how Xie Gu Hong obtained the method to forge the twin swords Heaven and Earth]

“Yep——– wait, why don’t I see Water God anywhere?” Gu Qing Shan asked again.

[Her devolving was actually a form of self-harm, so she has now fallen dormant. We need to return to the real world before we can find a way to awaken her] the War God System replied.

Gu Qing Shan sighed.

An exit was finally seen on the other side of the light tunnel.

Gu Qing Shan flew through.

He appeared in a world of boundless pure white.

There wasn’t anything in this world except an arena.

At the same time, a voice resounded in this world:

[Welcome to the cultivation-type treasure vault world. Countless Bygone Era cultivation methods, spells, and powerful tools are stored here]

[As this world has lost its administrator, you must stand on the ring and prove your identity as a human to enter]

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