Chapter 790: Evolution

Translator: La0o9 Editor: La0o9

The intense sound of battle was left behind by Gu Qing Shan.

No person or monster was able to discover him.

He flew straight above through the smoke and fire-filled battlefield.

At some point, it became silent again.

A towering structure made completely out of metallic alloys stood still at the very end of the world.

——-this was the secondary defense subsystem’s innermost portion, as well as the central processor of this world.

Countless war machines and living mechs surrounded this mountainous metal structure.

They were protecting this place.

When Gu Qing Shan appeared, none of the war machines reacted or attacked him.

Gu Qing Shan flew up the metal structure and stood at the top.

He could see the flames of battle on the horizon.

—–in truth, that wasn’t actually very far away, the Desolate race only needed to put in work and it would only be a matter of time until they completely destroy this world.

Gu Qing Shan shook his head and asked: “Is this the core of the world?”

[Correct] the War God System replied.

As soon as it replied, the ground behind Gu Qing Shan opened up and released multiple mini flying devices that slowly assembled to form 2 transparent screens in front of Gu Qing Shan.

The two screens circled around Gu Qing Shan once before lighting up and stopped.

A gentle female voice resounded: [Identity confirmed, begin authority transference]

Hearing her voice, Gu Qing Shan asked in surprise: “Why are you also here?”

Indeed, this was the voice of the woman who helped conceal him and brought him here.

The woman answered: [This place is my subsystem, so naturally I would be able to come here and fight alongside you]

Gu Qing Shan asked: “What should we do next?”

The woman answered: [You will be responsible for commanding this siege battle, sir. I will extract your essential battle factors and provide it to various war weapons]

She then smiled at Gu Qing Shan and asked: [I still don’t know your name yet, sir]

“Gu Qing Shan, and you?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The woman answered: [I am the soul of this large-scale war system, you can call me Water God]

“Water God? Are you a Divinity?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

[Water God is only my incarnation, I’ve managed to infiltrate the Divine race to try and help humanity, but I only have ample World Origin that is unable to synthesize any other types of power. I could only make sure that humanity’s inheritance isn’t lost while unable to do anything else] the woman answered.

While they were talking, one of the screens slowly shrunk down to the size of a fingernail and went inside Gu Qing Shan’s body.

Almost right away, a long notification appeared on the other screen.

[Humanity’s battle System has been activated]

[Commander: Sir Gu Qing Shan]

[Begin extraction of Gu Qing Shan’s battle skills]

[Discovered a total of 79 Ice-type spells]

[Omitted 16 non-combative spells]

[Remaining spells to manifest: 63]

Gu Qing Shan looked at the Ice spells that appeared on the screen.

——–all of these were Zhao Wu Zong’s Skills.

He asked in contemplation: “You can use my battle skills?”

Water God’s voice came from inside the screen: [Yes, I can use Origin to manifest your battle skills as well as providing them to all living mechs. Each living mech will carry one of your Skills, this way, their overall battle abilities will be increased by 200%]

“That much?” Gu Qing Shan asked with interest.

[The first batch of living mechs that carry your battle factors have been prepared, please give the orders] Water God told him.

“Sortie” Gu Qing Shan ordered.

[Understood] Water God replied.

The scene at the frontline appeared on the screen.

The ground suddenly opened up as brand new living mechs rose up from below.

A living mech on the first row

It leapt high into the air and descended on the battlefield, striking the ground with all of its strength using its fist.


With a heavy dull sound, the ground shook, the monsters around it were also stunned briefly.

But this wasn’t the main point.

The main point was——

Layers of frost began to manifest at the living mech’s knuckle and expanded all over the ground.

Everything within 300 meters was completely frozen.

The ice slowly climbed onto the Desolate monsters’ bodies and caused their actions to become dull.

Elemental Ice, [Frost-woven Ground]!

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

This was one of Zhao Wu Zong’s ice techniques!

Gu Qing Shan saw this technique mentioned among Zhao Wu Zong’s personal jade tags.

Following that, the second living mech also entered the battlefield.

It charged towards the group of frozen Desolate monsters and suddenly turned into a wave of icy wind.

The icy wind swept through the bodies of 7-8 monsters before reassembling as a mech over a dozen meters away.

Those Desolate monsters were thoroughly turned into ice sculptures that were easily crushed by the fists of the mechs that followed.

The ice can dull the monsters’ movement as well as kill them, a type of Elemental power exceptionally suitable for wide-ranged combat.

And now, each of the living mechs here were given the ability to use one of Zhao Wu Zong’s ice techniques…

The monsters were unable to adapt to this change.

The situation of the battlefield began to change.

At this point, Water God continued: [Sir Gu Qing Shan, please assume command]

Countless metallic tentacles reached out from inside the structure.

They attached to Gu Qing Shan’s body and covered his back.

All of a sudden, Gu Qing Shan felt that he was able to sense each mech and each artillery structure in this world.

With a single command, he could direct their forces to any location he wished.

But Gu Qing Shan didn’t give any orders.

He only watched the scenes of the battlefield on the screen, feeling this to be a real eye-opener.

Extracting the ability of one person and bestowing it individually to war machines that fought their wars for them, is this the culmination of the Bygone Era humanity’s civilization?

He grinned: “There’s not much to command here, increase our forces by double after 10 more breaths and continue to clean up the battlefield. After that, when the higher-ranked Desolate monsters show up, I’ll formulate our strategy according to the situation”

[Understood] the female voice responded.

Gu Qing Shan continued to observe the war situation.

The Desolate monsters were constantly being pushed back.

After the double the number of living mechs entered the battlefield, the entire war almost became a one-sided massacre.

Gu Qing Shan had a sudden thought.

This was only Zhao Wu Zong’s own power that was extracted and given to the living mechs.


If this large-scale war machine could extract the God of Frost and Chill’s Divine Crafts…

While he was contemplating, Gu Qing Shan noticed that lines of glowing text were scrolling across his retina.

[As the deciding factor of this war came from you, you are considered to indirectly participating in this war]

[Because of that, you can collect Soul Points from monsters killed in this battle]

[Soul Points +7]

[Soul Points +11]

[Soul Points +8]

[Soul Points +3]

Gu Qing Shan was a bit surprised.

Being able to collect Soul Points is a good thing.

But from how I’ve been collecting Soul Points, it’s clear that the System is also currently amassing large numbers of Soul Points as well.

Gu Qing Shan took a deep breath and asked: “War God System”


The System responded: [Gu Qing Shan, you must be ready, the Lord of Desolation has already noticed the change in the war]

Following that, the War God System continued: [War System: Water God, according to my calculations, a drastic change will soon appear in this war, you need to immediately evolve into an Order]

The woman called Water God replied: [Humanity had disappeared for countless years. I have accumulated enough Origin, but without Soul Points provided by humanity, I cannot synthesize the necessary factors and energy]

The War God System replied: [I shall provide you enough Soul Points, you need to evolve as soon as possible]

Water God answered: [As soon as there is enough Soul Points, I will immediately evolve]

A card went through the screen and manifested itself in front of Gu Qing Shan.

It was the card that depicted Water God.

At this point, the War God System explained: [Gu Qing Shan, I can sense extreme danger, you need to immediately put your hand on her card, I shall provide a huge amount of Soul Points for the card to help her evolve into an Order]

Gu Qing Shan placed his hand on the card without hesitation, then asked: “What are the benefits of turning into an [Order]?”

The War God System responded: [At the very least, she wouldn’t die and be able to use all the power available to help us fight]

“Have you been collecting Soul Points for this moment?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

[No, I only hope that all my preparations were excessive] the War God System replied.

When Gu Qing Shan wanted to ask more, he felt an astronomical amount of Soul Points exuding from his body.

The supernatural phenomenon began to manifest.

Due to this immense amount of Soul Points, powerful wind began to pick up around the metallic structure.

The wind formed into hundreds of tornadoes that began to rampage on the surface of the world.

——–who knew how much Soul Points the War God System had just used.

Gu Qing Shan saw the same notifications appear both in front of his eyes and the floating screen.

[Soul Points have been replenished for the first time in a million year]

[World Origin prepared]

[Fusion begin]

[Factor created]

[Energy rising]

[Evolution begin—–]

At this point, on a far point of the battlefield, an angry roar echoed.

『 Despicable war machines! Die, all of you! 』


A 7-colored light erupted all the way to the sky.

The Lord of Desolation has arrived.

At the same time, the card in front of Gu Qing Shan began to crumble.

The woman on the card——- Water God, smiled at Gu Qing Shan and muttered: [We have waited over a million years to finally reach this time of evolution]

She suddenly vanished.

A glowing red notification appeared in front of Gu Qing Shan’s eyes on the War God UI.

[Worlds Apocalypse Online: Human Regiment, is activating!]

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