Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 786 - Beyond Void Beholder Realm

Chapter 786: Beyond Void Beholder Realm

Translator: La0o9 Editor: La0o9

There were a total of 4 people within the cave.

One of them was the old man who controlled the talisman to open and close the entrance of the cave.

One of them was Xie Gu Hong who had 7 swords behind his back.

There was also a burly man who was naked on top and carried a long staff in his hand.

And finally, Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan clasped his fist towards the three people and spoke: “Gentlemen, I didn’t think I would run into you in this place”

The white-haired old man asked doubtfully: “Sect master Zhao, why have you come to this dangerous place?”

Gu Qing Shan nonchalantly answered: “My sect was destroyed, as the sect master, how could I not avenge them?”

The three of them went silent.

Indeed, during the war, because of how close the Drifting Moon Immortal Sect was to the frontlines, they were responsible for many crucial points in the war, becoming a thorn in the monster’s eyes.

And the Drifting Moon Immortal Sect was destroyed.

This was painful for humanity as a whole.

Hearing Gu Qing Shan say that, the three people felt sympathy and respect.

He came here by himself in order to perish with the enemy!

Xie Gu Hong sighed: “Sect master Zhao, the Divinities are still with us. After we return safely, I will personally ask them to help you rebuild your sect”

“Thank you for your goodwill, but I’ve already decided” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Hearing that, the three of them no longer tried to convince him.

At their level, each decision they made wasn’t going to be changed by the words of someone else.

The burly man changed the subject: “It is such a rare chance for the two worlds to intersect like this, so we felt that it would be better to obtain more information here rather than defend against the siege in the Heaven realm”

Gu Qing Shan replied: “I also agree”

Xie Gu Hong asked: “Sect master Zhao, how long has it been since you came here?”

“Not too long ago. I was thinking of how to get past these monsters when you noticed me” Gu Qing Shan replied.

As he glanced at these people, he slowly recalled who the old man and burly man were.

While he was still a disciple in the Barren Cloud Heavenly Palace, Gu Qing Shan had already learned of the powerhouses of humanity. Once he became the Divine King, he received even more detailed information about each of humanity’s top Combatants.

This white-haired old man was the Grand Elder of a certain sect, an expert in Elemental spells and the 6 arts, including Divination.

The burly man was a loose martial cultivator, but he was also one of the strongest people humanity had, an almost unbeatable Combatant in close combat.

These three were all cultivators beyond Void Beholder realm.

The old man was a Void Wanderer realm cultivator, even if he was categorized by the future 900 million World layers standard, he would be ranked as a top Combatant.

This was also the main power level of the 900 million World Layers, highly respected by living beings everywhere.

The burly man was a bit stronger, a Void Revolution realm cultivator.

Void Revolution realm cultivators could already be considered Lord-class Combatants within the 900 million World Layers, but they weren’t the most powerful among Lord-class.

——-the standard for Void Wanderer realm in the future were Combatants that could break the void of space with a single strike and observe at least 90 worlds for a brief moment.

——-the standard for Void Revolution realm were Combatants who could break the void of space with a single strike and see at least 800 worlds revolving in front of their eyes.

There was another realm above these two realms, when compared to the 900 million World Layers’ standards, cultivators of this realm would be equivalent to the strongest Lord-class Combatants. Capable of breaking through and witnessing 3000 worlds with a casual strike, lingering for a long time without fading away. Because of that, this realm was simply called Three Thousand Worlds realm.

These three realms were commonly referred to as 90-Void Wanderer, 800-Void Revolution, and Three Thousand Worlds realm.

The difference between these realms was so great that there was practically no way to win against an enemy above their level.

As far as Gu Qing Shan knew, Xie Gu Hong had already reached Three Thousand Worlds realm a long time ago, the strongest Combatant of humanity, the pinnacle of power.

Before the Barren Cloud Heavenly Palace was destroyed, Xie Gu Hong was suspected to have broken through this realm and reached Paragon realm.

The Paragon realm was the realm of Divinities, where one can use the four pillar Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind to create a new world for themselves.

Because of that, the Divinities wanted to spar with him to check his real strength.

In the end, even though Xie Gu Hong hadn’t reached Paragon realm, his swordsmanship was so great that he managed to win against a Divinity by half an exchange, leading to the fall and calamity of the Barren Cloud Heavenly Palace.

Right now, Gu Qing Shan was taking Zhao Wu Zong’s appearance——- a Void Revolution realm peak cultivator, a bit stronger than the burly man and the old man, but much weaker than Xie Gu Hong.

Gu Qing Shan quickly determined the difference in everyone’s strength before asking: “Have the three of you came up with a way to go past these monsters?”

Xie Gu Hong replied: “We wouldn’t be able to kill them all, and doing that can easily draw the attention of more powerful monsters, so we are waiting”

“Waiting?” Gu Qing Shan asked, puzzled.

“Yes” the old man continued: “Periodically, the chaotic tides would erupt here, followed by an extremely strange noise”

The burly man added: “We’ve managed to faintly determine the pattern. When the next chaotic tides arrive, we will follow the strange voice and attempt to break deeper into the Desolate world”

“Strange voice?” Gu Qing Shan asked doubtfully.

The old man explained: “When the strange voice appeared the last few times, in consideration of danger, we decided to ignore it”

Xie Gu Hong continued: “But now we don’t have any better ideas, so we’re planning to risk it once and follow that sound during the next chaotic tides”

“Wait a minute—– aren’t you afraid this might be a trap set by the Lord of Desolation?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Xie Gu Hong replied: “Before we found you, we heard the Lord of Desolation’s furious roar resounding across the entire world, apparently it was being held back by something”

The old man added: “Furthermore before we noticed sect master Zhao, I performed Divination and found that it would be safe”

Divination was mystical and mysterious, as long as the practitioner reaches a certain level of expertise, they would be able to receive trustworthy predictions at the cost of their life force.

Furthermore, the spirit sense of these three cultivators was considerably powerful, so their sense of danger was quite reliable.

Gu Qing Shan slowly nodded.

“Then let’s wait together” he said.

A few moments later.

The three cultivators’ expressions changed at the same time.

The burly man whispered: “The chaotic tides are here!”

Everyone went quiet.

The ‘chaotic tides’ that they’ve been talking about was a natural phenomenon created by the demon stones that existed all over the Desolate world.

The countless demon stones in the world would give off chaotic energy that would fill the void of space. The longer they were undisturbed, the more energy it would accumulate, and this energy would periodically erupt.


The intense sound of explosions resonated across heaven and earth.

Elemental energy clashed and overlapped, forming a constant sharp sound of friction that felt like a gigantic monster was constantly howling and crying in pain.

The cave itself began to shake and tremble as well.

The chaotic tides continued to exert its power, lasting for several dozen seconds.

At a certain point, a lively female voice resounded inside the cave:

[Discovered four humans in danger, attempting to provide aid to safety]

[As the System is in a state of severe energy deficiency, only one option remains]

[I will provide you with Shadow Origin Power to conceal your figures, will you accept?]

The four people exchanged glances.

The other three were relatively fine, as they had already been through this before.

But Gu Qing Shan was almost shocked stiff.

Lines of glowing text were scrolling across his retina.

[Discovered large-scale human war facility, attempting contact]

[Attention please!]

[The other side is in a state of severe energy deficiency, connection failed]

[Please replenish energy to the other side and awaken this large-scale war system]

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help asking in his mind: “System, what kind of energy does it require?”


The War God System replied: [I haven’t directly come into contact with it so I don’t know its operational energy source, you will need to find out yourself]

Gu Qing Shan fell silent.

At this point, Xie Gu Hong spoke: “I’ll go first. If this is a trap, I’ll jump outside and fight with the monsters until my death”

He glanced at the other three cultivators: “If things really come to that, I’ll draw the monsters’ attention. The three of you can decide for yourself whether to search for a way to continue forward or to return”

Saying so, Xie Gu Hong didn’t want for their answers and flew upwards: “I accept!”

The female voice responded: [Providing Shadow Origin Power]

[Please pay attention, as the System’s energy is inefficient, the Origin Power can only provide concealment for 1 hour]


From the void of space, grey circles suddenly manifested and wrapped around Xie Gu Hong.

The circles slowly faded away.

Xie Gu Hong also disappeared from the three people’s sight.

Even after releasing their inner sights, the three of them still couldn’t sense Xie Gu Hong’s existence.

The old man hesitantly spoke: “Palace Master Xie, are you still here?”

Across from them, Xie Gu Hong’s voice replied: “How miraculous, I’m clearly still standing here, but I can’t see myself at all—– not even with inner sight”

The burly man spoke: “If you’re already accepted the spell, we’re probably going to find out whether or not this is a trap soon enough”

The four people waited for a few breaths of time.

Nothing happened.

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