Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 774 - Divine King’s Dissatisfaction

Chapter 774: Divine King’s Dissatisfaction

Translator: La0o9 Editor: La0o9

The Divine King’s Grand Divine Palace was situated on the Sky Beyond Heaven of the Primordial Heaven Realm, which was also where all of the Divinities resided.

Each Divinity had their own Divine Palace, using the height of their palace on the Sky Beyond Heaven to display their status.

And the Grand Divine Palace was situated on the highest point of the Sky Beyond Heaven.

Humans didn’t know about this.

Only the Divinities had this silent understanding and knew about this differentiation in status.

Before the time of the coronation.

The God of Frost and Chill wasn’t sitting on the divine throne.

He was currently standing on top of the Grand Divine Palace, silently observing the entire Sky Beyond Heaven, or perhaps the entire Primordial Heaven Realm itself.

This was the absolute highest place in the Primordial Heaven Realm.

Two Divinities flew up and hovered just enough so that the Divine King looked down on them.

They reported: 「 Sire, humanity have sent an envoy asking for the post-war arrangements 」

The Divine King went silent briefly before ordering: “The sects of humanity are to select the most excellent seeds to be sent to cultivate in each Divine Palace and become stronger”

“The Divine Palaces must delegate specialists to teach the humans to the best of their abilities, the masters of each Divine Palace do not have to personally do that, they must instead focus their attention to studying the abilities from the Bygone Era humans to become stronger as well”

“We got ourselves a breather on the frontlines, but we cannot let our guards down. The Divine Palace that is on duty this year must reinforce our position on the frontlines. Urge the production and construction of large-scale war equipment. Choose out skilled craftsmen, improve their treatment and status, if necessary, commend them in front of humanity as a whole”

“Furthermore, have the humans pick out a group of excellent scouts who are ready to give up their lives to infiltrate the Desolate world and gather intel”


「 Yes, as you will, sire! 」

The two Divinities respectfully went back down.

The Divine King returned to silence and continued to stand on top of the Grand Divine Palace, observing the entire world.

A few moments later.

The Golden Flame Divinity came up from below.

He observed the Divine King: 「 King of Divinities, master of Frost and Chill, my perception of you has really changed 」

“Was I a blind and useless Divine King in your history?” the Divine King questioned.

「 If I can be frank, you were not, but you were nowhere as impressive as your current self 」the Golden Flame Divinity replied.

The Divine King emotionlessly answered: “If you were in my shoes, knowing for sure that you would be killed by an enemy you cannot possibly defeat, then you will probably do even better than I am”

The Golden Flame Divinity fell into thought for a bit before nodding.

He was feeling a bit emotional.

Indeed, death was always the most efficient motivation.

Even for a Divinity, that remained true.

At this point, a few more Divinities flew up and asked the Divine King for his orders on a few more things.

The Divine King only thought briefly before answering them, quickly and efficiently arranging everything.

As the Divinities listened, their expressions became a bit more respectful.

After receiving their orders, they bowed to the Divine King and left.

At this point, the Divine King asked: “How did matters go on your side?”

The Golden Flame Divinity shook his head: 「 The mysterious human killed many Desolate soldiers and completely changed the flow of the battle, but then suddenly disappeared? 」

“What do you think happened?” the Divine King asked again.

The Golden Flame Divinity’s expression turned serious: 「 With humanity’s scale, this human’s cultivation was only at Void Beholder realm at most, but his swordsmanship had already reached Great Attainment stage of Sword Saint realm 」

He continued: 「 I feel that he is indeed Gu Qing Shan 」

The Divine King paused briefly, then continued: “Then what do you intend to do now?”

The Golden Flame Divinity replied: 「 I suspect that he might have escaped to a Wraith realm, or is currently hiding inside one of the sects. I need more manpower to investigate this 」

The Divine King generously accepted: “No problem, I will provide you a few more people”

“On the other hand, I believe you might have paid attention to the wrong thing. You should probably look into the fact that he can use Elemental Lightning. During this era of ours, humanity has never been able to wield Elemental Lightning”

The Golden Flame Divinity nodded in thought.

At this point, the Divine King summoned five Divinities and ordered them to follow the Golden Flame Divinity’s command.

“Go, you are dismissed. You must capture that human at all cost”

After giving his orders, the Divine King shook his head and sighed emotionally: “Not only was our race under constant threat by the Desolate race, but we would also face the threat of slaughter at a human’s hand in the future. Was our fate really to suffer so?”

His expression was calm, his tone was stable, but his words caused the Divinities to feel inadvertently sorrowful.

The Golden Flame Divinity fell silent.

Having recalled the history of several ten thousand years, he couldn’t help but sigh: 「 It can’t be helped, even now, we still have no way to win against the Desolate race 」

The Divine King abruptly shouted in anger: “NO! If we already know the future, we have to change it! I must find the way to change our situation!”

“I swear, I will change everything that was already decided by fate. This world should be ruled by us of the Divine race!”

His voice echoed across the entire Sky Beyond Heaven.

For a brief moment, all the Divinities stopped what they were doing and silently listened to the Divine King’s shout.

“Strength God, get out here!” the Divine King called out.

Following the Divine King’s orders, a Divinity clad in intensely bright light flew up from a palace not too far below the Grand Divine Palace.

In front of every Divinity’s gaze, the Strength God looked up: 「 God of Frost and Chill, what do you want? 」

According to the Golden Flame Divinity’s words, he was supposed to compete with the God of Frost and Chill for the divine throne.

The Divine King stared straight at him and spoke with a solemn expression: “We have been suppressed for too long, Strength God, are you not dissatisfied with our Divine race’s current situation?”

“If you were a king, yet you still have to beg and flatter your enemy, what kind of king do you think that would be?”

The Strength God just looked at the Divine King and said nothing.

The Divine King spoke: “Strength God, listen closely. Very soon, I might anger the Lord of Desolation and I might not live for the next 5 years, but I will surely think of some way to change the fate of our race”

“If I die, you shall be the next Divine King”

The Strength God was shocked and questioned: 「 Is that really true? 」

“A Divine King does not lie. But you must promise me, you mustn’t continue to be timid and evasive like the previous Kings, you have to follow my path, until one day when you achieve victory!” the Divine King declared.

The Strength God’s expression slowly shifted.

He sighed: 「 A path of no return 」

As he said so, he had already knelt down.

「 Your Majesty the Divine King, I am willing to follow your path, leading our race down the road of victory. Even if what awaits me is death 」

The Strength God made a solemn and somber vow.

The Divine King nodded: “Very well, from today onwards, you and I no longer need to compete for anything, because we have the same goal. That is to fight for a better future of our race, or die trying!”

「 Indeed! I have been itching to kill those damned Desolate creatures since long ago! 」the Strength God furiously roared.

At this point, the Divinities slowly left their Divine palaces and stood in the air below the Divine King, silently bowing to him.

All the Divinities were here.

After bowing to the Divine King, they bowed to the Strength God.

This meant that the Divine race had agreed and supported the Divine King’s will and arrangements.

They would fight following the Divine King’s orders.

Once the Divine King dies, they would follow the Strength God’s footsteps and continue their struggle.

Watching this from one side, the Golden Flame Divinity’s expression was complicated.

He muttered to himself: 「 Knowing fate, he immediately became reborn anew… this is truly how a Divine King should be 」

The figure of light appeared next to him.

The figure of light shook his head and sent his voice to the Golden Flame Divinity: 「 But unfortunately…」

The Golden Flame Divinity followed up his words, full of emotions in his voice: 「 Indeed, he only exists within a fragment of that era, a phantom image. He cannot affect the true history 」

「 For the last few ten thousand years, our Divine race had done nothing but evade and attempt a few small schemes, constantly questioning ourselves on how to survive. But never once did we think to go against this fate 」

「 If he could return to the actual past and lead our Divine race forward, perhaps our race would’ve been able to change the path of fate and create a completely different future 」

「 What a pity 」

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