Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 732 - Elemental Lightning of Life

Chapter 732: Elemental Lightning of Life

Translator: La0o9 Editor: La0o9

“The Age of Old? You’re saying that I actually travelled back to the Age of Old?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

「 To be exact, it was most likely a kind of power even more potent than my Space-time Infiltration, the power was set up in a way to turn a certain event that happened in the past into a fragment of time 」the dark figure of light explained.

It sighed: 「 Fortunately, it was only a fragment, otherwise you would have been stuck there forever, living in the time period millions of years ago, unable to go back here through my Space-time Infiltration 」

Gu Qing Shan thought about it: “If it’s a fragment, then how do I get out after I go in?”

「 The simplest way is to die. After you die, I’ll be able to pull you back here 」the dark figure of light replied.

“Is there any other way?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

「 No one would spend so much power and effort to create a fragment of time for the sake of it. I guess that you will have to fulfil some sort of condition in order for that fragment to let you out 」 the dark figure of light answered.

“Fulfill some sort of condition? I get it” Gu Qing Shan said.

「 Did you really? 」the dark figure of light asked.

“Yeah” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 That world was really too dangerous, I’m actually a bit worried now 」the dark figure of light said.

“Don’t worry” Gu Qing Shan smiled: “Just send me back, I won’t die so simply next time”

The dark figure of light asked: 「 What are you going to do? 」

Gu Qing Shan explained: “Up until now, I died because I didn’t understand the Law of Time, and then because I didn’t know the Primordial Heaven Realm well, and that time fragment was completely out of my expectations, now that I’ve understood the situation better, I won’t easily use my life to test danger anymore”

「 Are you sure? 」the dark figure of light asked.

Gu Qing Shan replied: “I really am, as a cultivator, I’m used to using my spirit sense to judge how dangerous a situation is. But now that my spirit sense is temporarily disabled, I’ll adapt accordingly to fit my circumstances”

He sincerely spoke: “Don’t worry, I won’t die so easily again”

The dark figure of light appeared trustful: 「 Good, then let’s try again 」


The tidal waves of darkness swallowed up Gu Qing Shan, bringing him into the abyss of time.

Once again going back seven days, Gu Qing Shan headed toward a certain time node.

All of a sudden, a gigantic jaw several hundred feet wide came out of nowhere.

A monster from the fog of time!

It swallowed Gu Qing Shan and various other unknown creatures around him.

Gu Qing Shan’s vision immediately went dark.

He opened his eyes.

The dark figure of light was standing right across from him.

“…” Gu Qing Shan

「…」 the dark figure of light.

“That was an accident” Gu Qing Shan spoke with a stern expression.

「 Again? 」the dark figure of light asked.

“Again!” Gu Qing Shan replied.


The tidal waves of darkness swallowed him.

This time, it went a lot smoother.

He obtained the formation plate from Shifu, returned to the Justice Iron Fist Club, warped to the Primordial Heaven Realm, and spoke to the Tortoise again.

Following that, the fragment of time once again appeared.

Gu Qing Shan was once again standing among the ranks of the cultivator army.

Armoured cultivators completely covered the ground, waiting to be dispatched.

In the sky, the light of travelling airships could be seen.

The giant war fortresses drifted about.

The sky and ground were filled with solemn silence.

Only the wind’s howling could be heard without stopping.


Someone shouted.

Gu Qing Shan directed his gaze towards where the shout came from and saw a general.

The general was wearing a crimson red armour, lightly hovering in the air right in front of the army with a weapon in his hand, currently directing commands to the troops.

Gu Qing Shan held his breath.

A split second before the giant head appeared in the sky, he activated [Ground Shrink].

The beam of white light came down.


A dull but loud explosion came from his back.

Shockwaves rippled through the air.

But that wasn’t important.

Gu Qing Shan had escaped, he dodged it!

He reappeared among another squad of cultivators, pulled his weapon, and attacked the creature in the sky with everyone else.

This time, the monster’s body was completely revealed to the troops.

It didn’t have a body, only a single head with countless eyes, whenever one of its eyes opened or closed, a beam of white light would shoot towards the cultivators on the ground, followed by deafening explosions.

The cultivators all attacked the monster without regard for their own lives.

In an instant, the monster was completely decimated.

Its blood rained down.

Even a monster with such impressive offensive powers was nothing when faced with this many cultivators.

Gu Qing Shan silently clicked his tongue.

This monster’s use of Elemental Light had reached a level that Gu Qing Shan hadn’t even heard of.

Several dozen more heads full of eyes appeared in the sky.

Someone shouted: “The Desolate Demon Eyes army has shown up! Everyone, charge!”

The cultivators continued to advance towards the monsters in what seems to be predetermined squads.

The war had already reached a tragic level right when it started.

Gu Qing Shan stood in mid-air, observed the situation of the battlefield, then stopped moving around.

He silently thought to himself: “So they’re called Desolate Demon Eyes, this fragment of time seems to have come from a period between the Age of Desolation and the Age of Old”

Gu Qing Shan didn’t intend to just slack off either, he quickly evaded a few beams of white light as he formed a hand seal to manipulate his swords.

Both his swords appeared!

The two swords streaked across the sky like flashes of light, quickly heading towards one of the monsters.

It was true that the damage he can cause was ridiculously little when compared to other cultivators here.

But he had a certain Thaumaturgy.


[Severance: Any creature struck by your Elemental Lightning spirit energy will have their consciousness separate from their body, the effect persists for 3 seconds after the attack hit]

[Note: This is the upgraded version of Seven Shackles and Stiffness, no living being is immune to it]

No living being is immune to it.

This was the description from [War God Thaumaturgy].

The only thing Gu Qing Shan wasn’t sure about is if these Desolate Demon Eyes count as a ‘living being’ or not.

He activated his sword art.

I’ll get an answer right now!

The Chao Yin sword struck one of the Desolate Demon Eyes.

The Desolate Demon Eye’s body suddenly trembled and froze.

It stood still in the air.

The squads of cultivators were all exceptionally good at reading the situation and took that opportunity to attack with everything they had.

3 seconds quickly passed.

The monster roared with a dull tone.

After being stunned for 3 seconds, all of its eyes were ready to attack.

Faint white light manifested outside its hundreds of thousands of eyes.

In that split second, the Six Paths Great Mountain sword caught up and stabbed the Desolate Demon Eye’s body.

The white light all dissipated.

The Demon Eye once again trembled and froze.

This time, everyone attacked it with reckless abandon.

Everyone was clear, this was the last chance they had, if they couldn’t take this opportunity to kill this monster right now, everyone here will have to face its rage.

The final attack.


The monster exploded into chunks of meat, falling from the sky.

The monster is slain!

The cultivators all cheered.

Gu Qing Shan also grinned, although he was a bit regretful.

Since he didn’t kill the monster, he didn’t get any Soul Points.

However, [Severance]’s power was being displayed at full force.

After being upgraded twice, from [Stunned] to [Rigid], then from [Rigid] to [Severance], the Elemental Lightning of Life he chose had finally shown its true value.

A crimson figure flew down from the sky, stopping next to Gu Qing Shan.

He was this battlefield’s general.

He was the one who has been commanding this war so far.

“Just now, was that your Thaumaturgy?” the general asked.

“Yes” Gu Qing Shan casually admitted.

“Well done, there are very few Thaumaturgies that could affect Desolate lifeforms. I’ll be counting on you to put it to use even more” the general said.

“I understand” Gu Qing Shan nodded.

The general waved behind him: “Men!”

Two squads of considerably powerful cultivators came.

“His cultivation is lacking, you’re in charge of his protection” the general ordered

“Roger!” the cultivators loudly responded.

They quickly surrounded Gu Qing Shan and the general, protecting them inside.

The general glanced at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan smiled.

During an extremely tragic war like this, he originally only wanted to protect himself.

But now, it seems my survival can be more or less guaranteed.

Since I’m being protected, I’ll join the battle without fear.

In the sky, the two swords gave off intense sword phantoms.

They quickly flew across the sky, striking or stabbing each Desolate Demon Eyes one by one.

As soon as a Demon Eye was struck, they would immediately lose the ability to attack.

“All troops, follow the attack of the two swords!” the General shouted his order.

The other cultivators have already noticed what was happening here, so as soon as they heard their orders, they swiftly followed and attacked the Demon Eyes that the two swords had hit.

Although there were quite a few Desolate Demon Eyes, their numbers didn’t help them against being forcefully restrained and killed one by one.

Soon enough, all the Demon Eyes were dead.

The cultivators cheered.




The battle is won!

The general spoke emotionally: “Youngster, what kind of Thaumaturgy is this? Which of the 5 Elements was it derived from?”

Gu Qing Shan was surprised: “You don’t know about it?”

The general shook his head: “I’ve never seen it before”

Gu Qing Shan told him: “This is Elemental Lightning of Life”

The general scowled: “Elemental Lightning? The 5 Elements only consist of Metal-Wood-Water-Fire-Earth, there’s no such thing as Elemental Lightning. What is Elemental Lightning?”

Gu Qing Shan was shocked.

From the look on the general’s face, it didn’t seem like he was pretending not to know either.

Could be it, there were no mutated 5 Elements in the Age of Old?

While they were talking, the sky suddenly became dark.

The general’s expression warped, he shot straight to the sky and shouted: “All troops, prepare the large-scale defensive formation!”

Following his order, every cultivator descended to the ground, quickly returned to their own squads as the formation users arranged the formations.

While they were anxious, the cultivators were preparing the defensive means in proper sequence and order.

The cultivators who were protecting Gu Qing Shan had also begun their work.

They were preparing a defensive formation around Gu Qing Shan.


Everyone couldn’t help but look towards the sky.

The sky seemed to have been ripped open.

The sun, the moon, and stars were nowhere to be seen above, only the sight of another world slowly coming towards this one.

Gu Qing Shan could faintly see the scenery of the other world.

Countless fierce and cruel figures were waiting to move out in that world.

They were all monsters he had never seen before.

They were waiting for the two worlds to crash.

In the sky, the general shouted furiously: “They are coming towards us! This isn’t them scouting! This isn’t scouting! They intend to go all-out!”

“Messenger, quickly inform the council of elders, we need to call upon the Divinities!”

Before he finished his words, far underground, wave after wave of enormous tremors could be felt and heard.

Countless screams of pain and curses were resounding across the entire world.

Immediately after, a huge gust of wind blew from afar, bringing with it a wave of fresh blood and severed limbs that dyed the ground red.

The cultivator army was clearly shaken.

Gu Qing Shan also felt doubtful.

In another world, countless Desolate lifeforms were looking to completely take over the Primordial Heaven Realm, but during this crucial point in time, something huge seemed to have happened within the Primordial Heaven Realm itself.

Finally, a bloody and tattered cultivator followed the gust of wind to fly here from extremely far away.

While flying, he was also wiping away the bloodied tears in his eyes.

His sturdy-looking armour was already completely broken, only half a piece of the breastplate was left, barely clinging on to protect his heart.

The cultivator was struggling to fly, almost unable to land.

The general was the first to see him.

The general came up to catch him and asked: “Deputy Wang, what happened?”

The cultivator swallowed the blood in his throat to speak in a weak voice: “Divinities…”

“What of the Divinities?”

“The Divinities have betrayed us, they fled!”

“What did you say!!?”

“The Divinities… suddenly ambushed us, the command center is already completely destroyed”

With those words, the cultivator’s body became limp as he breathed his last.

Everyone on the ground went silent.

The cultivators were unable to process what they just heard.

Meanwhile, in the sky, the other world was quickly approaching the Primordial Heaven Realm.

Gu Qing Shan stared blankly at this.

A second later, everything disappeared.

Gu Qing Shan found himself once again standing on the desolate, barren land.

He had escaped the fragment of time.

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