Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 728 - The Primordial Heaven Realm

Chapter 728: The Primordial Heaven Realm

Translator: La0o9 Editor: La0o9

Gu Qing Shan stood still within the tidal waves of darkness, silently thinking.

「 You’re feeling the unwillingness to accept, so you still haven’t thought of a solution?」

Another Gu Qing Shan was sitting cross-legged on the ground, trying to learn how to use chopsticks to eat and commented.

Gu Qing Shan looked at him: “You’re reading my emotions”

The other Gu Qing Shan boastfully spoke: 「 Thoughts, desires and the emotions of the living, I can sense these things as easily as I breathe, this is my naturally born talent?」

Gu Qing Shan told it: “If you want to get out of here, stop reading my thoughts”

「 Alright?」the other him answered.

A few moments later.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the other him with a questioning look.

The other him immediately answered: 「 You’re not wrong, there are only 795 chances left. Sorry, next time I won’t read it?」

Gu Qing Shan scoffed.

“Send me back”

「 Alright?」

The tidal waves of darkness surged and swallowed him whole, sending him back into the abyss of time.

Bai Hua hall.

Bai Hua Fairy briefly thought about that: “That is true, after entering the Strife Zones, you will have to stay there for a long time, and forcing you to return to Shen Wu world specifically for this isn’t beneficial to anyone”

She took the Primordial Heaven Realm warp formation out and gave it to Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan put the formation plate away and sincerely said: “Shifu, thank you for bestowing me this”

“There is no need to be so formal between us student and teacher” Xie Dao Ling smiled.

She fell into thought and was about to say her intention when time suddenly froze.

Seven days later in the Strife Zones, Drifting Sand world’s seal, the dark figure of light stopped eating.

It muttered: 「 How impressive, he already figured out a new branching path to avoid being erased by the Law of Time, seems like there’s hope this time?」

Back in Bai Hua hall.

Gu Qing Shan’s figure suddenly twitched.

Waves of spatial power rippled from his body like waves of a silent drop of water, expanding to the entire Bai Hua hall.


Being pulled by a spatial force, the Gu Qing Shan who secretly came from the future suddenly disappeared.

Almost at the same moment, time returned to normal.

The original Gu Qing Shan from this timeline appeared.

Returning to Bai Hua hall, he continued his discussion with Bai Hua Fairy.

“Qing Shan, I’ve decided to send you to the Strife Zones to fight with your life on the line” Bai Hua Fairy told him.

“Will this help me save the Earth sword faster?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“It surely will, only by increasing your cultivation faster can you travel to the Primordial Heaven Realm and find the Heaven Sword to save it” Bai Hua Fairy told him.

Gu Qing Shan allowed the void string to pull him through countless worlds.

The void string that Kitty gave him was carrying him across over a hundred million World Layers.

He already activated the void string ahead of time and counted the time exactly so that it would activate just as Bai Hua Fairy was about to mention the Strife Zones.

A few minutes later.

Gu Qing Shan, now carrying the Primordial Heaven Realm warp formation plate, arrived at the Justice Iron Fist Club.

This way, he managed to avoid everything that happened in Shen Wu world and later on in this timeline.

There was currently no one in the Justice Iron Fist Club.

At this point in time, Barry and Kitty were both still enjoying themselves in his original world.

Since it was being modified by the power of the Old Gods and undergoing heavy spatial interference, no one could enter or leave it.

It could be said that the Club was currently the best possible stop for him, as it wouldn’t affect any event that would unfold later on.

Gu Qing Shan took out the Primordial Heaven Realm warp formation plate, feeling a bit emotional.

I can finally go look for the Heaven Sword.

He engraved the various slots on the formation plate with perfect-grade spirit stones.

Then he activated it.

A wave of light slowly became brighter on the formation plate.


The wave of light formed a gigantic pillar of light that shot all the way to the sky.

A few moments later, this pillar of light gradually dissipated.

Gu Qing Shan had left together with the formation plate.

The Primordial Heaven Realm.

Above a layer of obscure, boundless white fog.

A figure appeared.

It was Gu Qing Shan.

As soon as he appeared, he took out his own formation plate and quickly operated it.

Flashes of light emerged from the formation plate one after another.

He arranged several large-scale war formations in the blink of an eye.

Keeping a pill in his mouth, Gu Qing Shan then grabbed hold of the Chao Yin sword and Six Paths Great Mountain sword.

After everything was done, he cautiously glanced around.

He couldn’t be blamed for acting so paranoid.

Bai Hua Fairy informed him that ever since the Primordial Heaven Realm was cut off from the cultivation world, the sect masters of Barren Cloud Heavenly Palace could only barely survive thanks to the power of the Heavenly Palace protective jade disk.

It could be inferred that the environment inside Barren Cloud Heavenly Palace would be extremely hostile.

According to Bai Hua Fairy’s own words: “As soon as you take a step out of the Heavenly Palace, you can die”

So as soon as Gu Qing Shan arrived at the Primordial Heaven Realm, he exhausted all his power to make sure he stayed alive.

He carefully observed his surroundings.

The sky was vast and gloomy.

A cluster of palace structures resided around a faraway mountain range.

Gu Qing Shan noticed that he was actually standing on a lone cloud.

As he saw this, Gu Qing Shan glanced back at the faraway mountain range.

He found that the mountain range was also being suspended mid-air by a layer of clouds.

Maybe the entire Primordial Heaven Realm is floating above the clouds?

Gu Qing Shan walked to the edge of his cloud and took a look below.

Below him was vast, solid ground.

Seeing that the ground existed, Gu Qing Shan was a bit relieved.

This place wasn’t the same as the Suspended world, since the ground of the Suspended world was the Realm Demon itself, as soon as anyone touched it they would be eaten.

Gu Qing Shan carefully observed the ground.

It was completely desolate and devoid of any life.

The world itself was also deathly silent as if it had been in this deserted state for the last several ten thousand years.

Gu Qing Shan felt a bit emotional.

What could’ve happened in the Age of Old that there wasn’t anyone or anything left in this whole world?

He looked at the cluster of palace structures on the mountain faraway mountain range.

According to what Shifu said, that place should be the main area and structures of Barren Cloud Heavenly Palace.

It was quite a bit away from where he stood.

But this couldn’t be helped.

The warp formation could only guarantee that the one being transported would arrive in the vicinity of Barren Cloud Heavenly Palace, but the exact location would be completely random.

Gu Qing Shan tried sensing around but found no danger.

However, the System said that after going through Tribulation realm, my spirit sense will become a bit dull.

If leaving the area of the Barren Cloud Heavenly Palace was supposed to be more dangerous, then I should go into the Heavenly Palace and gather some information first.

Making his decision, Gu Qing Shan quickly moved.

His figure flashed again and again as he ran towards the palace.

The wind howled by his ears.

Beside the path made of clouds, there wasn’t anything around him at all.

Gu Qing Shan felt more and more doubtful.

There isn’t even a single shadow of a creature here, where would danger come from?

After running for a while.

He found a giant stone the size of three people standing alone in the fog.

Gu Qing Shan stopped and looked at the stone.

Two large characters were written on the stone using the cultivation world’s language.

[Feeding Ground]

Feeding Ground?

Gu Qing Shan felt even more doubtful.

In the cultivation world, a ‘feeding ground’ was referred to the area used to raise spirit beasts.

But as Gu Qing Shan looked around, the entire layer of cloud here was completely empty without a single structure or thing.

The only thing written were these two large letters on a stone, signifying that this place was supposedly where spirit beasts were raised.

What does this mean?

A second later, the stone seemed to have sensed his existence and let out a faint light.

Gu Qing Shan quickly took a step back to prevent anything unexpected.

This entire place was completely obscured by fog, both figuratively and literally.

A few moments later.

Nothing happened.

Gu Qing Shan slowly lowered his swords and shook his head.

He was about to continue forward.

But after he took a few steps, he suddenly stopped and looked up at the faraway sky.

“What is that?” he muttered.

Some light finally appeared at the end of the horizon.

The light wasn’t constant but rather faintly fluctuating, obscured by the clouds so that he couldn’t see what it really was.

As time slowly passed, the light flew towards Gu Qing Shan.

As the light got closer, the sky was visibly getting darker.

Day suddenly turned to night.

Instantly, the weather changed.


Thunder cracked.

Rain began to pour.

Intense storm wind howled nonstop.

Standing silently in the storm, Gu Qing Shan focused his gaze.

From this far away, he could finally see what the light was.

The light was still obscured by the dark clouds, still a very long distance away from Gu Qing Shan.

But thanks to his inner sight and his own eyesight, Gu Qing Shan recognized what it was.

It wasn’t light.

It was a dragon.

A golden dragon.

Far in the sky, the golden dragon also sensed Gu Qing Shan’s existence.

It lowered its head as its gaze fell onto Gu Qing Shan.

Within the storm and heavy rain, the human and dragon silently exchanged looks.

Gu Qing Shan’s vision suddenly went dark.

He opened his eyes again.

He suddenly found himself still standing within the tidal wave of darkness.

“Did I die?” he asked.

「 Correct, you have 794 chances left?」the dark figure of light replied.

The dark figure of light was now carefully sniffing a pill.

Gu Qing Shan yelled out in surprise: “That can’t be right! There wasn’t anything around me just now, that dragon was still so far away in the sky, how did I die?”

The dark figure of light asked: 「 You still don’t get it??」

“I don’t” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The dark figure of light put down the pill and slowly answered him: 「 The dragon looked at you, so you died?」

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