Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 663 - The border outpost

Chapter 663: The border outpost

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader:? Arya

The post-fusion Shen Wu world.

Bai Hua hall.

Xie Dao Ling was sitting on her Throne of Ten thousand Flowers.

——at the moment because of the change in her height, she wasn’t able to lean comfortably on the throne as she used to do. She had to scoot in a bit more in order to lean on it comfortably.

Both her legs were now off the ground, dangling in the air.

She couldn’t do anything but leave them that way.

An immature female voice resounded inside the hall.

“This really is—– very irritating”

Carefully thinking about recent events, Xie Dao Ling felt both helpless and cautious.

Considering the Lords’ words from before, she had concluded with her instincts that she should seriously think about what Yun Ji said.

“Do not… go out, huh?”

Xie Dao Ling mumbled.

She put the plush doll down next to herself and took out a turtle shell.

The 6 arts of cultivation included: Divination, Formation, Smithing, Alchemy, Talisman, Cooking. (TN: Alchemy was previously translated as Pill-making)

Among them, Divination was able to predict good and bad luck, sneaking a look into the future, the deepest and most mysterious of them all.

From when she was still a Sainted realm cultivator, Xie Dao Ling was already an expert in Divination, now that her cultivation had increased, it only deepened her understanding of the worlds Laws.

Her Divination expertise had greatly improved compared to before.

A small light appeared at the tip of her finger as she quickly wrote a few words onto the shell.

[Hidden Dragon, waiting to pounce]

When the light had formed into those words, Xie Dao Ling reached out her now-tiny arm, raising the shell upwards and uttered: “Burn!”

Intense flames emerged from her hand, burning the turtle shell.

In just a few moments, the shell began to give off sizzling sounds.

After a few more moments, when the shell was thoroughly charred without any other changes, the flames died out.

Xie Dao Ling put the shell in front of herself and began to carefully inspect it.

The shell was now cracked all over from being burnt, many places were already so loose they could break off at any time.

The only place that wasn’t even charred was where she had written [Hidden Dragon, waiting to pounce]

Xie Dao Ling muttered: “Travel is not beneficial and unfortunate, only staying put is beneficial… seems like I really shouldn’t go anywhere”

She put the shell away, glanced at the plush doll next to her and couldn’t help but sigh.

“So they were really thinking about my safety”

“Very well, I’ll stay right here and cultivate until I breakthrough”

Putting the plush doll into her chest, Bai Hua Fairy sat neatly on her throne, closed her eyes and began to cultivate.

A few moments of silence.

Hurried footsteps could be heard.

As her meditative state was interrupted, Xie Dao Ling scowled as she opened her eyes.

To see that Qin Xiao Lou had brought Xiuxiu, both standing at the gate of the hall.

Bai Hua Fairy was about to speak, but then recalled her current state.

——–how should I explain this current form of mine?

While she was hesitating, Qin Xiao Lou had already loudly questioned her: “Who is this little girl? You dare to sit on the Throne of Ten thousand Flowers? Are you tired of living?”

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Bai Hua Fairy sighed and explained: “Xiao Lou, I am your Shifu”

Her expression was as stern as always, but due to her small stature, a stern appearance instead turned into one of cute false bravado.

“Ahahahaha, you claim to be Shifu?” Qin Xiao Lou loudly laughed.

He had already assumed that this little girl must be someone brought along with from a big wig of another cultivation world who came to meet Shifu.

Xiao Lou then pulled up his sleeves and acted intimidating: “Don’t you dare act cute, get down from that throne right now, otherwise, this uncle is going to show you why I’m called the tickle master!”

Bai Hua Fairy scowled as an imposing air——

———did not actually appear on her body, her appearance right now was simply too young, so besides acting cute as if she was sulking, there was absolutely nothing else she could show.

This, in turn, caused Xie Dao Ling to become even more irritated.

“Uncle? Tickle master? Why do I have an idiot of a disciple like you?”

As she spoke, her hands began to form a hand seal.

Not long after, a desperate scream could be heard from the hall.

On another side.

While the 4 Lords were reading the news.

Gu Qing Shan was also reading from a newspaper.

“The automatic machine gun died…”

He muttered to himself.

For the moment, he was unable to process that information.

Such a powerhouse simply died without anyone even knowing the cause.

Just what kind of creature is that ‘thing’ hiding inside God Institute?

While he was thinking, a female voice asked him.

“What are you reading? I can’t understand a single word”

Ning Yue Chan was feeling a bit helpless.

This emotion was something that she very rarely had.

Ever since arriving here to this foreign place, she noticed that she didn’t understand the words other people spoke or even the signboards of the various shops around here, not a single bit.

Thanks to her sharp observation, she noticed that the signs weren’t using the same language.

Quite a few people also weren’t speaking the same language as they conversed as well.

But before coming here, the sect only prepared for her the three most common languages.

Her sect had already done everything it could.

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Gu Qing Shan put the newspaper away and consoled her: “It’s ok, now that we’re here, we’ll deal with the problem of your language barrier first”

“How did you deal with it before?” Ning Yue Chan asked.

“I was friends with a certain organization, they helped me” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“Then what about me?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll think of something”

Saying that, Gu Qing Shan took out a map.

—–this was the outpost’s map, detailing the various buildings and areas of this world.

The border outpost was the Super Dimensional world closest to the Strife Zones, so it had been responsible for being a hub for transporting personnel into the Strife Zones for countless years.

Anyone who entered the Strife Zones would have to stop here for a short period of time.

Which was why, after so many years of development, this world had become unimaginably prosperous. It looked nothing like a military outpost, instead it looked more like a bustling trading port.

“Found it, we can head 2 squares in that direction, there should be a few bookstores there” Gu Qing Shan put the map away and said.

Ning Yue Chan nodded and walked together with him.

Various novices of all shapes and sizes walked the streets, a few of them had really strange appearances that took Ning Yue Chan’s attention.

“Look at him, why are his teeth so long?” she silently sent her voice.

“Ah, that’s a Combatant from the Mammoth clan”

“He’s a monster?”

“Indeed, the reason why he took human form is because his original form was too big to conveniently move around this place, another reason was because the Old God’s appearance was supposedly exactly the same as humans, so races of the infinite worlds tacitly agree to use the human form as a common appearance to make communication easier”

“You mean——- a lot of the guys here aren’t actually human?”

“Yup, you scared?”

“How interesting” Ning Yue Chan giggled.

At this time, a man covered from head to toe in black fur walked by Gu Qing Shan and whispered to him: “I overheard your conversation, this novice lass is quite a fine one, how about you sell her to me?”

“Not for sale” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The man looked at Gu Qing Shan a bit, pulled out a small device and checked the data on it before grumbling and left.

“I’m sure that from this point onwards, as long as there’s a reasonable cause, there’s no rule against killing right?” Ning Yue Chan suddenly asked.

“You can understand what he said?” Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

“I don’t, but I can feel the ill will from his eyes. Just look, he’s already turned his back to us, can I pursue and take his head?” Ning Yue Chan replied.

While she was talking, she was already prepared to draw her Blade.

Gu Qing Shan wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, pulled her hand back, and quickly persuaded her.

“We still haven’t entered the Strife Zones, there’s still time for that after we go in”

“No need to pay attention to garbage like him”

“——-How regretful that Leng Tian Xing isn’t here, otherwise our little stroll would’ve been a lot more fun”

“Him” Gu Qing Shan’s efforts to change the subject finally caught Ning Yue Chan’s attention as she smiled: “I think it was better that he isn’t here”

“Why not?”

“He already found a Dao companion, his child should be born soon as well”

“What!?” Gu Qing Shan exclaimed.

“You didn’t expect that huh? His Dao companion is Xia Zong sect’s Li Xiao Yu”

“Ah, one of the female cultivators in the Shenyu Luoyan duo huh” (TN: a pun from ch244, means beautiful woman)

“You know her?”

“Qin Xiao Lou was quite envious of their combo name, so much that he tried to form the Qing Lou combo with me” (TN: another pun from ch244, means brothel)

Ning Yue Chan laughed.

After laughing, she spoke: “Li Xiao Yu was a beauty famous across the land, the fact that Leng Tian Xing managed to become her Dao companion also benefited his cultivation”

“Why do you say that?”

“His natural Element was Water, growing mostly towards the frost, so he’s naturally a cold person, but with Li Xiao Yu, he couldn’t stay cold”

“I remember one time when Leng Tian Xing and I were leading troops to eliminate a group of evil beasts that remained on Shen Wu world, Li Xiao Yu suddenly sent him a communication talisman saying that she wanted to try his personal cooking skills”

“And then?”

“After a short pause, he replied with ‘alright’”

“And did he really leave?”

“At the time, the elimination was already basically done, so he asked me to take over the rest while he quickly rushed back to cook a meal”

Ning Yue Chan shook her head: “I will probably never forget his awkward expression at the time”

At this point, they reached their destination.

There were a total of four bookstores on this street.

Gu Qing Shan immediately saw an acquaintance.

Behind the counter of the Spire Keeper Association’s bookstore, a worried old man was sitting there.

The same old man who took him to Aboul.

“Ah? It’s you? Dear friend, it has been a long time”

The old man barely squeezed out a smile as he saw him.

“It has, I brought a friend here to buy a language book” Gu Qing Shan told him.

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