Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 634 - Gu Qing Shan’s announcement

Chapter 634: Gu Qing Shan’s announcement

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader:? Arya

Gu Qing Shan brought the Wraith realm’s String of Law and returned to the human realm together with Kitty.

They returned to the snow mountain at the North Pole.

“This is the String of Law of a world?” Barry asked in interest.

“Yes, it connects directly to the Origin of the Wraith realm, we can use it to merge worlds together at will” Gu Qing Shan explained.

A few lines of glowing text appeared on his retina.

[You’ve obtained a String of Law]

[This is the String of Law from the Wraith realm of the Samsara world]

[If you bring it to the human realm, the Wraith realm will be pulled by the String of Law and slowly merge with the human realm into a new world]

Gu Qing Shan walked to the edge of the mountain and reached his hand out with the String of Law, about to let it go.

Then he stopped.

“What’s the matter?” Barry asked.

“What are you waiting for?” Kitty also asked.

Gu Qing Shan thought briefly and told them: “I need to return to Shen Wu world as soon as possible to help my Shifu, so…”

“So?” Kitty urged him.

Gu Qing Shan turned around at the two of them: “Might as well do them all at once and directly eliminate the problem at the root”

The brother and sister were surprised, then quickly understood.

“So you want to deal with the problem once and for all huh?”


“That’s great thinking alright”

Barry raised a thumb and praised him.

Kitty was also excited: “That sounds like a lot of fun indeed!”

“Let me arrange it”

Saying so, Gu Qing Shan took his Holo-Brain out and contacted Impartial Goddess.

[Sir, is there a problem?] Impartial Goddess asked.

“Have the Asura, Demi and Beast King realms left yet?”

Answering his question, three screens were projected on the Holo-Brain.

The Asuras were all gathered in one place, currently discussing something under the Asura King’s lead.

The Demis were quickly collecting their spoils of war and directing the captured human slaves towards a large-scale warp formation.

The Beast Kings were actually doing something different—– they were heading to the North Pole.

Impartial Goddess explained: [The Asuras are currently discussing whether or not to go meet you, the Demis are preparing to leave, while the Beast Kings are preparing to surrender]

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Kitty, can you seal off space so that the Demis can’t leave?”

“That’s easy”

Kitty took out a staff and stabbed it into the ground.


She groaned.

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An invisible ripple spread from the staff, expanded outward until it covered the entire planet.

“Done, they won’t be able to leave now,” Kitty told him.

“Thank you, next, I’ll need to talk with them”

He gestured to Impartial Goddess.

[Sir, you want to use the same channels as the Murder Clown to make a live broadcast?]


[Please wait a moment, I will begin the necessary preparations]

Impartial Goddess began to make the arrangement.

On another side.

The Demi’s base.

The Heavenly God loudly ordered: “Hurry! They’ve headed for the Wraith Fortress, the Frost Flame Wraith King might be able to hold off for a few more minutes, we need to hurry up and leave now!”

“Sir, the warp formation is ready”

“Activate the warp formation!”


Very quickly, the Heaven realm’s large-scale warp formation began to vibrate intensely.

The formation had reached full capacity and started to warp towards a predetermined direction.

A screen of light appeared and enveloped everyone on the formation.

And then, they all disappeared.

A few moments later.

The formation lit up again.

Everyone reappeared as if they had never left.

“Well do—– NO! What’s going on, why are we still here!?” the Heavenly God shouted in anger.

“Sir, space itself has been sealed, we can’t leave!”


“It’s true sir, the entire world is being locked in place by a layer of mysterious power, no one can conduct long-distance spatial warp!”

The Heavenly God was first stunned, then his heart sank all the way down.

At this time, a Demi called out: “Look!”

Everyone looked up as he pointed out.

Countless mini flying machines appeared in the sky.

The machines began to arrange themselves in a unique pattern and turned on.

The light they gave off collectively formed a hologram in the sky.

The same thing happened where the Asuras and Beast Kings were as well.

The North Pole.

Gu Qing Shan silently sat waiting for several minutes.

Impartial Goddess’ voice came again: [It’s ready, sir. You can begin the broadcast at any time. When you speak, the entire world will be able to hear your voice]

“Then we’re going to begin now” Gu Qing Shan said.

Following his words, the screen of every device in the world turned on.

Humans, Asuras, Beast Kings, Demis, everyone was able to see Gu Qing Shan from a device near them.

[Hello everyone, how are you doing?]

Gu Qing Shan began to talk.

[I am a scientist of the Confederate, Gu Qing Shan]

[I believe many of you know me, especially our friends from the Demi, Asura and Beast King realms, as we’ve already met not too long ago]

[I’m here to make an announcement]

[The entire Samsara world is about to fuse together, please remain calm as various changes occur during this world-scale event]

[Attention human Professionists, you must all take this chance and quickly increase your strength]

[Friends from the Demi, Asura and Beast King realms, please proceed towards the North Pole and tell me the location of your world’s Elemental Roots]

[Even if the Elemental Roots have been used or infused into your armors and weapons, they would not disappear, so go ahead and tell me everything you know about them]

[A reminder, this is, as I told you before, only an announcement]

[Which means, I’m only notifying you about this, none of you have any choice in the matter]

[Ah, and also]

[After the 6 worlds have fused into one, the government of each country and their laws will remain the same for human countries]

[As for Demis, Asuras and Beast Kings, you may all form your own governing states, or join the human world—— feel free to do as you like, I won’t stop you, and no one will be allowed to stop you]

[I have but a friendly reminder]

Gu Qing Shan raised a single finger and smiled: [I hope that our races can live in peace and harmony, as any actions that harm another race’s life will be met with appropriate punishment from the law]

[Very well, now the races of each world may come to the North Pole and inform me about the location of your world’s Elemental Roots]

[You have the right to choose to not cooperate, or even go against me, but I have the right to use other means to collect the information I want]

[Trust me, that will not be a pleasurable process]

[Another thing, for those ‘friends’ who may harbor any unnecessary thoughts]

[No matter what kind of ill will you hold, no matter what method you may think of using to cover your tracks, or any solutions you may think of to ruin peace in the human realm…]

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Gu Qing Shan clapped his hands twice.

The Six Paths Great Mountain sword, the Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook and Devil King Warden Rod all appeared from the void of space, lightly hovered behind his back.

The three Divine Armaments of Huang Quan.

The presence of Huang Quan Law they gave off made sure that those in the know understood what they were.

Gu Qing Shan continued.

[A very simple reminder, the Huang Quan realm is my turf]

[I can guarantee a single thing. The unsavoury characters that I mentioned before will not only receive untold torture and suffering of the worst kind, you won’t even get the chance to reincarnate]

[That is all I wish to say]

Gu Qing Shan looked straight at the camera.

He was staring at everyone through the screens.

[One final thing I need to say to our friends of the other worlds, there is no need for any of you to feel grudgeful or hostile towards our worlds’ fusion]

[The moment that you laid your eyes on? the human realm and arranged all sorts of means to invade it, you should have already understood one thing clear]

He spoke very gently: [There’s a price one must pay for their deeds]

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