Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 478 - Please choose one

Chapter 478: Please choose one

At first, the old man’s eyes became sharp, raising both hands as he was preparing for something.

But when he saw the metal seal, the old man was shocked.

His fingers also stopped.

“Strange, why do you have an item of our Spire Keeper Association?”

The old man muttered.

He looked at Gu Qing Shan strangely.

Seeing the seal, Gu Qing Shan recalled what happened on his trip to Huang Quan.

He explained: “I saved—– or did that not really count as saving? Either way, someone gave this seal to me”

In the dark tunnel, that person still died in the end.

But from his reaction, apparently he was very glad about it.

He had another body prepared back in his world, apparently.

Hearing Gu Qing Shan’s explanation, the old man was even more confused.

The old man took out a seal and showed it to Gu Qing Shan.

“Look, this is my seal, it is exactly the same as yours, so do you mind letting me check your seal?”

Gu Qing Shan glanced at the seal in his hand, confirming that it really was identical.

Come to think of it, the man did say that he was a person of the Spire Keeper Association.

Gu Qing Shan casually spoke: “Please go ahead”

“Thank you”

The old man took Gu Qing Shan’s seal and carefully observed it under the light of the flames.

“Leave the truth, remove falsehood” he whispered.

The flames swooped down and enveloped the seal.

After some intense burning, the flames scattered.

But the seal wasn’t damaged at all, instead it began to glow in the darkness.

“This is real”

As he confirmed it, the old man became serious.

Since this person has the seal, he must be a benefactor of the association, I can’t probe him with rude methods.

Thinking that, the old man gracefully bowed and spoke: “I’m sorry to ask, but what exactly happened? If you’re willing to tell me how you got this seal, I’ll be more than happy to compensate you”

At this point, a young man came down from the stairs of the lighthouse.

“Teacher, the guests have all arrived, it’s time for the ship to take off” the young man hurriedly reported.

“You go up first, tell them to wait” the old man replied simply.

The young man looked at the old man, then at Gu Qing Shan and turned to leave without saying anything else.

Gu Qing Shan took this chance to recall what happened.

At the time, I did that to save him, together with the old man’s attitude right now, it’s probably fine to tell him what happened back then.

Gu Qing Shan arranged the words and recounted the story of what happened.

As the old man listened, he looked at the metal seal again.

“Confirm” he said.

The metal seal let out a soft light that covered Gu Qing Shan.

The old man smiled and slightly nodded.

He returned the seal to Gu Qing Shan.

“So you were a benefactor of our Association”

The old man said as he pulled something from the void of space.

A small bookshelf appeared from thin air.

But there were only three books on this shelf.

Their covers were red, yellow and blue respectively.

“The Samsara world has always been an extremely unique existence, and the dark tunnel is the place that’s worth studying the most in that type of world. They show us how such a miraculous unending cycle like the Samsara could take place” the old man slowly spoke.

“Facing the weaponized Remodeled Demon Lords, the scholars of our Association might have wisdom that surpasses normal people, but they are also the weakest, so we’ve always been worried about their souls being captured or taken away”

“But you managed to save the soul of one of our great scholars, so you deserve praise”

Saying so, the old man showed the bookshelf to Gu Qing Shan.

“Please pick one of these three books, it will be my show of gratitude for your brave actions”

Gu Qing Shan took a look at the three books.

They all appeared quite normal and were about the same thickness, only the cover was different.

“This is too luxurious, and I didn’t really do anything” he refused.

“It’s fine, please choose one of them, you are considered a friend of our association, so it’ll be troubling to us as well if you act too distant” the old man smiled and told him

Gu Qing Shan then stopped refusing and said: “But I don’t know what these three books do”

“Sorry for asking but, I can sense an immense killing intent coming from you, so you must have killed over a billion souls, correct?” the old man carefully spoke.

“I did” Gu Qing Shan nodded.

In hell, because the dead didn’t listen, he killed an entire layer of villains from hell so as to set an example for the rest of them.

Seeing how casual he was about it, the old man’s tone also loosened: “The red cover book records a Divine Skill famous throughout 300 million World Layers, if you are willing to, you may take it”

Gu Qing Shan looked a bit at the red book.

After thinking for a bit, he turned his gaze to the other two books.

Since these three books were presented together, the other two must also be quite valuable.

Seeing him eye the other two books, the old man also understood.

He then pointed at the yellow book, introducing it: “Travelling the infinite worlds is a lonely endeavor, seeing how you came here alone, I don’t know whether or not you have a female companion, thus I arbitrarily prepared this yellow Companion Book”

“Companion Book?” Gu Qing Shan was a bit surprised.

“Indeed, written in this book are the contact information of some pretty ladies, at certain times of the day, you are able to summon them as companions, either to talk, travel with, fight side by side or any other activities you might enjoy. Of course, it’s all been paid for, so there won’t be any financial disputes”

“There are a total of 97 beautiful world-class ladies, all of which frequently wanders among 600 million World Layers, each with countless admirers and fans wherever they go, dying to see them in person if only once”

“These ladies have all willingly signed contracts with our Spire Keeper Association to accompany our esteemed guests on their own wonderful travels” the old man proudly presented it.

After listening to the old man’s explanation, Gu Qing Shan looked to the final book.

The blue book.

Seeing that, the old man continued his presentation: “As for this final blue book, it is used for communication”

“What do you mean?”

“Seeing how you only know a very rarely seen type of human language, I prepared this Infinite Worlds Standard Dictionary for you”

“Just hold it in your hand and the book will transfer all currently known languages into your mind. There are simply too many languages in the 900 million World Layers, so you’ll probably need about 100 breaths’ worth of time to grasp a few billion languages”

“And so, please choose one of them” the old man finished his explanation.

Gu Qing Shan looked through the three books.

He recalled the crowd of people outside the lighthouse, talking with each other through their own languages.

I didn’t understand what any of them said.

Thinking that, Gu Qing Shan pulled the blue book out without hesitation.

“Thank you for your good will, then I shall graciously receive this book” Gu Qing Shan expressed his gratitude.

As he held the book, whispers began to come from it.

After listening to it for a short time, Gu Qing Shan found that he could already understand a few dozen more languages.

“How miraculous” Gu Qing Shan muttered.

The old man’s expression changed a bit, but also had a praising look in his eyes.

“Why didn’t you choose the other two books?” he asked.

“Between living beings, communication is always the hardest thing to accomplish. Most of the time, as long as we are able to understand each other, many things would become much simpler” Gu Qing Shan said.

The old man nodded again and again, saying: “That is indeed so. This blue book was a great invention borne through the boundless efforts of countless of our scholars”

“This Infinite Worlds Standard Dictionary is an extremely rare and valuable item in any other place, easily enough to buy off an entire World Layer. Of course, each one is limited to one user”

Gu Qing Shan was shocked and couldn’t help but ask: “It was that expensive?”

An entire World Layer…

Each World Layer contains over a trillion worlds.

The old man pridefully said: “Just as you said, there are many world-class Combatants who only found out the importance of language once they left their own world”

“There is nothing more painful than not being able to even communicate with others”

“Books on languages are sold on every World Layer, sometimes on Super Dimensional worlds as well, but if you ask which one has the most languages, it has to be our Spire Keeper Association’s blue books”

Gu Qing Shan added: “And also the most expensive”

The old man laughed: “You get what you pay for, it’s only fair”

Gu Qing Shan also smiled.

He was actually wondering something else.

The Spire Keeper Association was able to collect and compile so many languages from countless worlds of the 900 million World Layers, how much strength would be required for that?

Compared to them, what worth does a ‘world-class’ Combatant actually have?

Since Gu Qing Shan had already chosen the Infinite Worlds Standard Dictionary, the old man put the other two books away.

He led Gu Qing Shan along the spiraling stairs all the way to the top of the lighthouse.

The sight from here was impressive, enough to see the entire sky and ocean below.

Three other guests had already been waiting here.

Seeing how a new guest arrived, the three guests couldn’t help but curiously glanced over.

“Teacher, we’re late” the young man from before came out and said.

“It doesn’t matter, just destroy the world now”


The young man took out a grenade.

It pulled the pin on the grenade handle and threw it out into the vast ocean.

The young man then began to check his pocket watch.

“The world will be destroyed in 100 breaths’ time”

He reported.

“Good, let us start the ship, go and prepare” the old man said.


The young man received his order and quickly left.

The old man then slightly bowed to Gu Qing Shan: “I’ve got some work to do for now. With that seal, you’ve become our most esteemed guest, please feel free to enjoy the best service we have to offer after boarding the ship”

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