Chapter 370: First blood

The Holy Empire.

This was an area where the Frozen Hell erupted and left the most impact.

Although the majority of the monsters have been cleaned up, the ice and snow they left haven’t.

This in turn caused a change in the climate.


The slums.

The people who are supposed to rest were already resting.

It was hailing from above as the freezing wind blew past the small, empty passageways, letting out screeches and screams.

There were almost no people on the slippery road.

During such a night, not even thieves could find their targets.

The gang members who were usually here have all retreated back to their night clubs, casinos and bars, drinking themselves senseless.

At a corner of the slums, a new, shiny, slightly glowing machine suddenly appeared.

It looked a bit like a vending machine, at the same time similar to a large arcade machine.

The machine was jet black, painted with a number “1” on both sides.

The Prayers Trial Machine.

It had changed its appearance a little bit.

Inside a layer of clear glass, bottled drinks, chips bags as well as hot, canned food were placed.

To the hungry people of the slums, this is undoubtedly a piece of coal given on a snowy day (1)

Within minutes, two groups of homeless people as well as poor people have tried to violently break it open to get the food inside.

But the machine was completely unscathed.

The homeless people were all lying on the ground, moaning.

When they finally carried each other away, a group of young children showed up at the corner of the street.

“Look, they couldn’t break that food machine at all” one of them said.

“We have to try, it’s possibly our only meal ticket tonight” another child said.

They surrounded the jet black Prayers Trial Machine.

Their attempt at destroying the machine started.

But every time that they attacked the machine, they themselves would receive an equivalent amount of damage.

A few moments later, just like the homeless people from before, they were all writhing on the ground.

The Prayers Trial Machine stayed intact.

“The fuck, what is this thing!?”

A young kid rubbed his belly and begrudgingly complained.

The rest of them couldn’t bother to talk because of the pain.

The Prayers Trial Machine suddenly spoke up in a rumbling voice.

[Although you have been very rude, since you asked a question, I shall answer]

Exciting music rang out.

[The Divinity of Huang Quan, from the goodness of their heart, while listening to the desires of mortals, created me]

[That’s right, I am the great entertainer of the Divinities]

[The Ultra Cool Prayers Trial Machine!]

Complete silence.

The children exchanged looks.

The machine could talk!

And it’s clearly different from regular electronic voices.

It seems to be sentient.

In the middle of the night, such an incomprehensible thing appeared out of nowhere.

This was very eerie.

The slum children silently stood up, helping each other stand before staggering away.

Who cares what it is, let’s just get away from it.

They decided this even quicker than they normally do.

But one young boy at the back of the group still couldn’t give up and begrudgingly yelled: “If you really are the kindness of Divinities, then give us food”

[I’m sorry] the Prayers Trial Machine rumbled, [there is no such thing as a free meal in this world]

What the hell!

The boy then gritted his teeth and asked: “Then what can you do?”

[Spread justice! Judging Evil! As long as you have such desires, I can complete them on your behalf] the Prayers Trial Machine answered.

The boy was stunned.

He’s only 11 years old, but his family doesn’t have any money to let him learn anything, and definitely none to help with his future.

There’s only his grandma at home, lying sick in bed.

Because of that, he could only wander the streets, team up with a few other children of similar situations and steal from others as a source of income.

“If that’s the case, then you must be really an advanced technology huh” the boy summed it up.

[Using your language, I would actually be considered Black Technology] the Prayers Trial Machine answered (2)

The boy’s friends came back and tried to pull him away.

The boy angrily shouted: “Bullshit! If you really are Black Technology, then go and kill Max!”

Max was this area’s boss.

All drug deals, human trafficking, robbery and murders, even inflation was decided by him alone.

The parents of these children have more or less lost something to the man, a few of them even lost their lives to him.

The boy here was indeed an orphan.

His father was a straight-forward man who wouldn’t bend down, so he got ‘dealt with’ by Max, while his mother was sold away.

The Prayers Trial Machine answered: [I can’t randomly kill an innocent person]

Hearing that, the children broke into laughter.

“Hak… innocent…”

“Hahaha, Max is innocent, that must be the funniest thing I’ve heard this year!”

“This machine’s AI must be faulty”

The boy looked incredibly disappointed.

[However!] the Prayers Trial Machine continued, [if you are willing to put him to Trial, and the Trial does indeed find him to be guilty, then I will have a way to deal with him]

[Do you wish to put him to Trial?]

“Of course I do!” the boy yelled.

His friends also: “I’m willing! I’m willing!”

[Very well, then please present your fresh blood] the Prayers Trial Machine spoke.

The area went silent.

The Prayers Trial Machine explained: [Mortal’s blood carries a faint amount of Prayers, and only Prayers can activate this machine]

“Let’s go, what a strange thing” the boy’s friends said.

They pulled him away, very quickly leaving the area.

The street corner returned to silence.

Not too long after.

The boy once again returned to the Prayers Trial Machine

He wiped the rain water off his cheeks, asking: “Can you really spread justice?”

[That’s right, as long as you give up your own blood] the Prayers Trial Machine spoke.

“How much?”

[I guess the one you’re trying to expose is a guilty bastard, and such an Ultimate Trial must be invoked]

“How much?”

[Just like I said, a lot of blood shall be required, because there is only a faint amount of Prayers in blood]

“How much?” the boy’s body was trembling, but his eyes contained nothing but desires.

Within his tragic and dark destiny, the boy only wished for the smallest bit of sunlight, even though this might not be anything other than a cruel joke, he’s still willing to give it a try.

A light came from the Prayers Trial Machine, scanning through the skinny young boy’s body.

After a while, the Prayers Trial Machine sighed.

[You are the first customer in this entire world, so all I need just a single drop of blood as representation] it said

The boy softly exchaled, then hurriedly: “I’m willing to give up this drop of blood!”

[You are a very good boy, having the bravery to fight against evil. Now, place your hand on the black area on my left]

“Like this?”

[Correct… just like that]


The boy pulled his hand back and stared at it.

No wounds.

And he didn’t even feel like anything happened just now.

Truly, it was only a single drop.

Even a boy who’s been starving for a whole day could endure that.

The Prayers Trial Machine started rumbling.

[Ah, I got the first blood!] it said in a low voice.

[Honorable customer, please tell me the sinner you wish to be judged as well as his status]

The boy shouted in anticipation: “Max, the gang’s boss, Max!”

The Prayers Trial Machine rumbled more and more.

[The Trial is about to begin]

It spoke with a solemn tone.

[As the first Trial, careful consideration is needed]

[Currently reviewing this world’s judging methods]

[Within this world, the most impactful method of judging has been found]

[A world-wide livestream of the Trial has been prepared to be shown on every Holo-Brains in the world]

[Selecting a Judge]

[The most fearful Judge in this world has been found]

[Requesting the Murder Clown to host the Trial]

[The appropriate price have been paid]

[The Murder Clown has agreed]

[Now, let the Trial begin!]

All over the world, every tool that can project an image all lit up at the same time.

Flashbacks of the Murder Clown judging the Game of Eternal’s Champions once again appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

A cold and stiff smiling clown mask, a jet black armor with a pair of dark light wings behind its back.

The Murder Clown walked out from the shadow as a spot light coincidentally shone on him.

The Clown placed a finger in front of its mouth, whispering: [I found a new job]

It looks left and right anxiously before exhaling from relief.

Pulling a wrinkled paper out from somewhere, the Murder Clown opened it and whispered: [And so, today’s guest will be Max, the Holy Empire’s Max!]

The clown clapped its hand seriously.

A person manifested right next to it.

Neatly combed-back hair, a black shirt and coat, hawk-like nose, black beard and still holding a glass of wine.

It was the local gang’s boss, Max.

Abruptly appearing there, Max appeared clearly shocked.

“The Murder Clown…” he looked at the clown, gulping in disbelief.

Max reflexively reached into his coat to grab something.

But a second later, he seems to realize just what kind of existence he was facing.

His hand became stiff, trying to force a smile: “What do you want, sir?”

The Murder Clown grabbed his hand tightly and spoke: [Congratulations, I really want to speak with you more, but the time we have for our livestream is short, and since we don’t have any sponsors, we’re beginning the Trial right away]

[Max’s exciting life is about to begin, please pay attention everybody!]

The scene changed.

Every evil deed that Max had ever done were being shown one by one.

Pit fighting, robbery, murder, trafficking of women and children, collection of ‘protection fees’, drug dealing and usage, unauthorized casinos, foul play, mass murder.

The heinous atrocities, the inhumane crimes that makes your blood boil appeared on the screen one by one.

Each scene only lasted a few seconds before moving to the next, showing everyone not just every crime, but every instance of his crime from start to end.

Over a few dozen minutes later, the slideshow on the screen finally finished.

The Murder Clown and Max reappeared in front of everyone.

The Murder Clown let go of his hand and spoke: [According to the degree of Mr.Max’s crimes, his appropriate punishment has been selected]

Five ropes came flying from the shadow, wrapping around Max’s arms, legs and neck.

The ropes tied themselves into nooses.

The other end of the ropes were unseen, hidden deep in the shadow.

“Damn it, just what is going on!?” Max tried to struggle.

The more he tried to free himself, the tighter the ropes became.

Until finally, the ropes were so tight that Max couldn’t even move anymore.

He was hung in the middle of the air, forming a “大” character.

[Now, time to leave it to you] the Murder Clown spoke.

[Please begin voting]

[If you agree that Max should die, please donate one drop of blood to kill him]

[Ah, yes, you can always donate more than once]

As soon as the Murder Clown finished, a red counter appeared in front of Max’s chest.

Below the counter was a countdown that’s still frozen.

The Murder Clown explained: [Each time the red counter goes up by one, it means someone had put in one drop of blood hoping for Mr. Max’s death]

[Within three minutes, if the counter reaches 1 million, Mr.Max will receive the ancient punishment of 5 chariots body dismemberment]

[Now, let the countdown begin]

The seconds began to tick.

In Reality, a notification popped up in front of each person.

[Would you like to use your blood to vote for the gang boss Max’s death?]

A few people were cautious and didn’t bother to pay attention to the Prayers Trial Machine’s prompt.

But the majority didn’t think that way.

Max’s life was full of crimes that most people would curse about, any normal person would feel uncontrollable anger seeing such acts carried out before their eyes.

There are always people who despite not knowing him, wouldn’t mind paying one drop of blood to see him die.

All around the world.

“Peh! Such a scum deserves to die!”

“Calm down a bit, old man”

“Calm down what, I’ve already lived so long, I don’t care even if the Murder Clown wants to kill me. I’m donating!”

Another place.

A man was trying to persuade: “Honey, calm down a bit, don’t listen to the Murder Clown, it’s a terrifying monster”

His wife glared at him with bloodshot eyes, saying: “Cut the crap! This Max character is disgusting, he caused so many deaths and suffering, I don’t care, I’m donating blood!”

Saying so, she donated one drop of blood.

As she thought more about it, she was still unsatisfied.

She then asked the phantom message floating in front of her: “I want to donate more, can i?”

The message changed into a different one: [Of course you can, you can donate as much as you want]

“Then I’ll donate 10 more!”

The Fuxi royal palace.

“Your Majesty, what you’re doing is too dangerous” an official tried persuading her.

“No need to worry, I know the Murder Clown, this is very interesting, so I’ll watch a bit longer”

“I’ll donate 20 drops of blood to see Max die”

Monarch Varona appeared as if she found a fun new toy as she spoke.

The Holy Empire.

The underground casino.

A boss-looking person spoke: “Ah, so it’s Max, just in time, since we have a grudge we haven’t paid yet, everyone donate to him”

“Boss, aren’t you afraid that this is a trap?” one of his subordinates asked.

“The world is already like this, what else is there to be afraid of? Not to mention, the Murder Clown is terrifying, but it has never killed a civillian before, you have to pay attention to that”

The boss then proceed to donate one drop of blood.

“The rest of you as well”

“Yes sir!”

Those that knew Max and those that doesn’t all made their decisions within this time.

Not to mention, countless people in the slums hold nothing but grudge against Max.

Quite a few people immediately chose to donate blood.

The red counter quickly increased each second.

In a mere 20 seconds, the 1 million drops of blood asked for has been reached.

And this was only the beginning.

People noticed that giving one drop of blood didn’t affect them badly in any way.

More bystanders started to chime in.

The counter representing the amount of blood donated increased even more.

Three minutes quickly passed.

It’s time.

[1 million drops of blood collected in 20 seconds]

[3 minutes, 89 million drops]

[What a moving scene to see how people are so motivated for another’s death] the Murder Clown exclaimed.

[Mr.Max, you’ve received an impressive support count, winning the punishment of 5 chariots dismemberment]

[Enjoy your rewards, because I certainly won’t]

Saying so, the Murder Clown disappeared into the darkness.

Only Max was left on the screen.

The ropes tied around his arm, legs and neck quickly tightened.

An irresistible force visible pulled on the ropes, making everyone watching anxious.


Max began to scream horrifyingly.

It takes a lot of work to just chop off a person’s head and limbs and even more to slowly pull them apart.

So it doesn’t take a lot to imagine the kind of pain he’s going through.

A few dozen seconds later.


Blood spurted like a fountain.

The five ropes pulled Max’s arms, legs and head away into the darkness.

Only Max’s torso was left in sight.

[The first Trial have ended] the Prayers Trial Machine announced.

[The Trial used up 1 million Prayers, leaving a lucky 88 million Prayers left]

[Because excess Prayers have been collected, this machine shall use them to deal with the problems left behind by Max]

[All his remaining possessions will be converted to credits and distributed to his victims according to the unjust that they faced]

[This Trial is finished, please keep your eyes peeled for the next one]

All the screens shut down by themselves as devices world-wide went back to normal.

The Trial was over.

The boy stood before the Trial Machine.

“Is Max really dead?” he asked.

[That’s right, he’s on his way to report to hell] the Prayers Trial Machine answered.

“Is this real? It’s not a dream right?” the boy was still in disbelief.

[Of course it’s not a dream, I’ve put out an amount of credits under yours and your mother’s name at the Holy Empire Central bank, the password is 8 number 8s]

[Now pleaser turn around and look behind you]

The boy turned around as instructed.

His mother was standing behind him, wiping her tears while looking at him gently.


The boy jumped into his mother’s embrace.


(1)a piece of coal given on a snowy day: A chinese idiom that I’ve seen used with two completely opposite meanings. It either means “an act of kindness at the most opportune moment when someone needs it most”, or “a meaningless act that only alleviate the problem at hand but not the root cause”

(2)Black Technology: technology so advanced and incredible that it seems like magic – because it actually is magic disguised as technology. Think Asgardian technology in the MCU, or the various ways Venerable White and the other cultivators in Cultivation Chat Group improved their phones.

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