Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 342 - God’s Chosen

Chapter 342: God’s Chosen

Translated by: La0o9

Unedited (temp)

On her way back, quite a few Disciples had found out what happened in the House of Law.

Everyone were gossiping, sneaking glances at Su Xue Er from afar.

The way they look at Su Xue Er aside from jealousy, now contains a bit of wary as well.

Wherever Su Xue Er went, the people there would open up a path for her on their own.

“Thank you”

Su Xue Er maintained her smile and nodded at the people around.

Seeing her attitude, the crowd started to think a bit differently.

At least, their animosity has been hidden away, instead of shown right to her face like before.

Su Xue Er finally returned to her own quarters.

She closed the door behind herself.

Su Xue Er sat kneeling on the bed, her head softly touched the wall.

Tears were falling down her face, dripping on her single bed.

“I’m so sorry… Qing Shan, I lost the booklet you gave me…”

After crying for a while, she wiped the tears off her face.

A hair crawled out from inside her mouth and fell on the bed.

It turned back into a ring.

“What’s the situation?” Su Xue Er asked.

The ring answered her: “Their life signs has disappeared”

“Do you think someone would notice something out of place?” Su Xue Er spoke.

“The mother’s study notes were excerpted from 31 handout notes in the library. They are antiqued with the latest nanotechnology, and the material is decayed at the micro level. It is no different from the paper that has existed for decades, so there is out of place”

Su Xue Er was relieved and reached into the void of space.

A blood-colored scroll appeared in her hand.

This was the scroll that the Sentinel gifted her.

Having only arrived at Fog Isle not too long ago, I already managed to receive an official God’s Chosen scroll.

—–and one from the Sentinel himself.

If this were to spread, who knows how many would go red with jealousy.

Su Xue Er carefully unraveled the scroll.

It was a scroll donned with a properly drawn pattern.

It depicted a white-robed angel.

The angel’s eyes were hollow, pure.

Around the angel’s head, countless black shadows loomed.

Below the scroll, two lines of words were written.

“Moment of God’s lapsed”

“Note: High-ranked automated type scroll. When an enemy is about to inflict lethal damage, the enemy’s mind will suddenly become blank, duration: 3 seconds”

Su Xue Er’s expression showed joy…

From her knowledge of history and power, this is a scroll that’s powerful enough to cause countless strife.

More importantly ——this scroll depicts an angel, which obviously refers to Guru Isa.

The Sentinel’s reputation isn’t just for show, he actually noticed something.

Su Xue Er carefully put the scroll away before glancing at a phantom UI in her eyes.

This was where her System was.

On the UI, the first Quest [Live or die] is already completed.

She managed to survive and receive a new identity.

In this world, her parents were people who died for Fog Isle, while she was their orphan who drifted to another world.

This was history that has been verified by the world’s laws, all documents and records can prove this.

This was Su Xue Er’s official identity.

As for the second Quest, it still hasn’t appeared yet after all this time.

The System has remained silent ever since then.

Su Xue Er stared blankly at the phantom UI and sighed: “Hey System, when exactly can you talk to me again”


The System suddenly replied to her.

[The System has used up all its powers to create a perfect identity for you]

[Please remain cautious, the other beta tester has been notified of what happened and is currently erupting in fury]

[She still wants to kill you]

Su Xue Er’s heart tightened.

“I already know that she’s Guru Isa, but why does she want to kill me?” Su Xue Er asked in confusion.

“Because only when you die will she have the right to take the entire System to herself”

“But why?” Su Xue Er yelled out.

This was a mystery that has been bothering her the whole time.

I didn’t even know who she was before, yet she wanted to kill me from the very start.

The System responded: [Aside from the world of Fog Isle, no matter where they came from, only one person may use the God’s Chosen’s power to restructure their own world’s order]

“Which means, since I have you, she lost that right?”

[That is the case]

“So she came from the same world I did…” Su Xue Er was surprised.

In her eyes, a line of text began to appear on the System UI.

[Now commencing the second beta test Quest]

[Quest: God’s Chosen]

[Quest objective: Become the only beta tester left]

[Note: Of the two beta testers, only one may continue to hold the System]

[Note 2: Once a player leaves Fog Isle, they will be disqualified, permanently unable to connect to the System again]

Reading the Quest description, Su Xue Er fell into contemplation.

Guru Isa wants to kill me.

She probably also received this Quest just now.

How could I deal with such a powerful God’s Chosen who holds such well-hidden animosity towards me?

Tonight, I had just proved my innocence, judged by the Sentinel himself.

Even Isa wouldn’t dare to summon myself over to kill me right now.

The Sentinel also seems very considerate of me, enough to give me a scroll!

But there is no time, and the Sentinel cannot keep looking out for such a minor person like myself.

I have to join the qualifications test right away…

Su Xue Er thought for a while, then abruptly asked: “How is the Sentinel’s impression of me?”

This time, she didn’t talk to the System.

[According to a triple analysis of his facial expression, choice of words and gestures, he seems to hold a newly found good will towards you] the ring answered.

Su Xue Er asked: “Is the Sentinel the strongest person on this island?”

[Through comprehensive data analysis, combined with 270 documents in the library, and analyzing 1496 historical events, a conclusion can be drawn: The Sentinel is one of the four strongest people on the island]

[His only weakness is his emotions; in which he misses the people of his past dearly]

“Seems like our plan wasn’t wrong, it’s only the timing that’s off” Su Xue Er spoke.

To fight against my own fate, to gain more power, I have been thinking of a way to become the Sentinel’s Disciple.

But then what about what happened with Guru Isa?

The ring suddenly spoke up: [According to the knowledge we’ve gathered over the past few days about Fog Isle, if I still exist, your plans will be found out by more powerful Gurus]

Su Xue Er silently nodded.

The ring continued: [It’s time to say goodbye, I will have to self-destruct in order to ensure your plan is a success, Su Xue Er]

The corner of Su Xue Er’s mouth twitched, but she said nothing.

She had no more tears to shed today.

[Please remember, I am the combined effort of Impartial Goddess and sir Gu Qing Shan, the Precision Nanomachine ring]

The ring continued.

[I will now find an unrelated location to self-destruct, farewell]

Saying so, the ring dropped down from Su Xue Er’s bed and started to roll outside the room.

Very quickly, it arrived at the door.

Su Xue Er silently sat there, staring as the ring melded itself through the door and disappear from sight.

It’s gone.

First the scripture book, now the nanomachine ring, the items that Gu Qing Shan gave her had left one after another.

They both saved my life.

I was already trying to become stronger, I’ve already used everything I could, but I still had no way to save the things he gave me.

Su Xue Er bit her lip until it started bleeding.

She then caught the blood that was dripping down her chin with her finger and guided it back into her mouth.

A heavy smell of iron mixed with a unique stench.

This feeling that she’s never felt before had replaced her tears and sobbing.

Isa, if you wish to get the System so much, I will make sure that you will part with it forever.


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