Chapter 326: Mr. President

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by:? VindiFan#1

Proofreader:? Arya

TN: Late chapters because no internet for 8 hours

On the ground.

After Gu Qing Shan and the Emperor left the presidential office.

The group of the President’s aides inside the building has already fled.

In a secluded corner.

Whether by coincidence or on purpose, when Gu Qing Shan’s sword qi slashed this place, the building and materials from above collapsed and balanced on each other, creating a dead angle when viewed from above.

One of the aides was hiding here.

A tall aide ——the one that brewed tea for Gu Qing Shan and the President from before.

He sat squatted in this dead angle that Gu Qing Shan had created and looked around outside.

Complete silence, no one is there.

The aide then silently laid down and pushed into a certain corner of the wall.

A small hidden hatch was revealed.

The aide then started to crawl inside, closing the hatch as he does.

When the hatch closed, from outside, this looks like a completely normal corner of the room.

The aide kept crawling forward.

As the passage began to widen, he stood up and started to run.

When he finally reached the end of the dark corridor, he was breathing heavily but still quickly placed his hand on a certain tile on the ground.

It was just a single tile out of many that looked exactly like it.

Tick… Tick… Tick…

An electronic voice came from the tile: [Preliminary identity check confirmed, please recite the 9th President secret message]

Hearing that, the aide showed an expression of nostalgia and sorrow.

He only stopped for a second before speaking: “I like that big table in the office, it’ll be perfect with a pot of fresh flower”

[Please recite the 31st President’s secret message]

“Being President is too tiring, in the next life if I get this position again, I’ll have to reconsider”

[Please recite the 21st President’s secret message]

“God, I didn’t want to declare war, but I have no other choice, please forgive me”

[Please recite the 35th President’s secret message]

“I love you, Lancome. Although I’ve become the master of this country, I’ve also lost you forever”

[Secret message identification complete. Access granted]

A warm white light broke the darkness as the thick metal door started to slide open.

The aide then came into the well-lit room.

The metal door slowly closed behind him.

The aide quickly walked to the control panel and opened the briefcase placed there.

There were two rows of injection-type serum inside.

The top row were red serums; the bottom row was blue.

The aide took a blue serum, placed it on his arm and pressed a small button on top.

The blue serum quickly went into his body.

In just the blink of an eye, the aide’s appearance changed greatly.

Silver-grey hair mixed with a few streaks of black, a wrinkled face and eyes full of wisdom.

The Confederate’s President.

Another Confederate’s President.

“Please begin verifying my identity” he said.

From the control panel, an electronic voice started speaking: [Please wait, randomly selecting the testing subject]

[Ping pong!]

[Subject selected]

A soft exoskeleton dropped down from the ceiling, dangling in front of the President.

[Sir, please wear this human physiological fluctuation test kit and give an impromptu speech]

The President seems to be used to this, quickly donning the soft exoskeleton.

He inhaled deeply and stopped for a moment.

After that, a firm and calm voice began to resound in this underground bunker.

“The Freedom Confederate will always belong to us, to each and every citizen of the Confederate. I will protect it like protecting my father, my mother, my brothers and sisters. I will stand my ground and fight against any enemy of my country, whether it’s evil or death, my steps will not be halted, I solemnly swear”

[Ping pong!]

[Test data has been analyzed]

[Language, gesture, physique, expression, emotion, using these five values as determinants, the overall score of your speech is: 92]

[Emotion is sincere, expression is vivid, speech is passionate, you are a qualified instigator and an outstanding politician]

[Excellent impromptu speeches require years of accumulation and a wealth of experience doing presentations. Furthermore, your style of speech is also consistent with the style of the President]

[The final test will be conducted by Impartial Goddess herself]


Impartial Goddess’ solemn rhythmic voice began to rang out: [Greetings, examiner]


[Please answer the following question]

“Go ahead”

[In the long 61 years of the President’s life, there was a man who forced the President to do a lot of things he did not want to do, as well as carried out many violent acts on him. Whenever the President would slack in doing something he asked, he would be met with curses and violence, which lasted for years]

[If you are the real President, please tell me your true feelings regarding this person]

The President thought about it, then smiled.

He seems nostalgic.

“I think he was just in a bit of a hurry” his tone was calm and warm: “Perhaps he couldn’t find any other way to show his love for me, but that is irrelevant, as I hold nothing but gratitude for all that he’s done for me”

“Although he’s already left me a long time ago, I would always remember him fondly”

Impartial Goddess’ voice came: [Is this your final answer?]


[A clone cannot comprehend a father’s love, your answer coincides with the President’s personality and actions, you’ve passed the verification]

[Memory, skill, emotion, after the three series of test, a conclusion has been reached]

[Identify verified]

A second later.

All the lights on the control panel flashed.

Impartial Goddess spoke: [It’s an honor to meet the real you here, Mr. President, unfortunately I have no way other than to flash these lights to show my joy]

The President smiled back: “It wasn’t easy to see you again, I’m glad as well”

Not mentioning other things, the President asked first: “Where is Gu Qing Shan and the Fuxi Emperor fighting?”

The Fuxi Emperor is a powerful 5th stage Elementalist with a reputation to be undefeated up to this point.

If the Fuxi Emperor is allowed to rampage in a populated area, the casualties would be unimaginable.

Impartial Goddess answered: [Considering that a coup is taking place, the Fuxi Emperor will not leave the capital easily, so after careful consideration by both sir Gu Qing Shan and I, the appropriate battlefield has been chosen]


[The two of them took flight for a total of 4 minutes 59 seconds at near-shuttle speed, currently at the outskirts of the capital]

The President spoke in a low voice: “Show me!”

The screen turned on.

A gargantuan mountain sat next to a large river.

This place was quite close to the Congress building, near the river ——the same river that the large-sized Interstellar Warship crashed into before.

The ground here has undergone quite the dramatic change, small buildings around the area were pulled into the air by the mountain were now slowly crashing down, settling in the same place.

The soft material used to make these buildings were also used to mold into permanent fixed furniture inside the buildings.

This guaranteed the most basic requirement of life preservation.

The larger buildings like skyscrapers were quite far away from the scene, as soon as the trembling started, they had already started to grasp the ground tightly.

The unique material used for their foundation stuck close and deeply into the dirt below.

Countless mechanical arms appeared from the bottom third of the buildings, controlled by each building’s self-correcting sensors to maintain balance.

The President sighed and muttered: “You picked a good place”

He continued:” Please tell me, how is our military currently arranged?”

[Sir, the troops of each sectors don’t know the entire military situation yet]

“Then please relay the detailed intelligence to each sector’s commanders and troops” the President ordered.

[Very well, sir]

“Impartial Goddess, if we start arranging the war effort now, do we have a chance at victory?”

[Through my simulations, if the war continues for 5 years, our chances of victory are 49.291%]

“Is there a chance for peace?”

[Peace will be determined by two factors, the first is the victor between sir Gu Qing Shan’s and the Emperor’s battle, the second is whether or not you will lead the Confederate to resist against the Fuxi Empire’s initial invasion]

On the screen.

Gu Qing Shan and the Emperor were both hovering in midair, staring each other down.

Seeing that, the President spoke happily: “Who would’ve thought”

Impartial Goddess asked curiously: [Did sir Gu Qing Shan leave the presidential office in order to give you an opportunity to enter the bunker?]

“That would be so” the President reminiscence: “The last time we met, it was raining outside, we were discussing the matter regarding the genetic modifying serums, which he expressed his support of my decision”

“At the time, I also made tea for us while he and I were alone in the office”

The President smiled: “Just now, I did the same thing again, saying the same words, with my every gestures as closely resembling that time as possible, and my final words were a hint to him”

[What did you hint at?]

“You gave him the Highest Leader authority of the Confederate, so the two of us share the same highest authority ——-this was something we discussed before, so I used the tea cups to hint at that”

“He might only feel a bit suspicious, or choose not to believe it at first, but as he observed the other President more and more, he probably found something amiss, which is why he decided to lead him away”

“Which gave me the chance to enter this place”

[Both of you are extremely brilliant sir] Impartial Goddess commented.

The control panel opened up as a heavy box slowly rose from below.

The box opened by itself.

Impartial Goddess changed the way she referred to him: [Venerable Supreme Commander of the three armies, please give your orders]

The President looked at the mobile combat command platform inside the box and became serious.

He typed something into it, then pressed to confirm.

“By my orders, mobilize the three armies and prepare for battle!”

[Roger!] Impartial Goddess answered.

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