Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 308 - Long-range communication

Chapter 308: Long-range communication

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Juicetin

Proofreader:? Arya

The Confederate.

The mountaintop mansion.

Both Zhang Ying Hao and Gu Qing Shan weren’t here.

Ye Fei Li came out of his room to see Liao Xing was sitting on the sofa.

Liao Xing was drinking while watching TV.

The TV was showing news from the Presidential election, as the two hosts were interviewing a Presidential candidate.

“Our President is seeking re-election; do you have the confidence to beat him?” one of the hosts asked.

“Well I would have to try at least once, after all, I too would like to do a few things for the people” the Presidential candidate smiled and replied.

Ye Fei Li came and sat next to Liao Xing.

“You’re not watching those TV dramas anymore huh?” he asked.

“Not in the mood to” Liao Xing took a sip and answered.

Ye Fei Li suddenly noticed the book in Liao Xing’s hand.

“Gene Theory?” Ye Fei Li asked

“Yeah, my old friend’s previous work. Truthfully speaking, regarding genetics, he’s always been the no.1 expert, no one would even come close” Liao Xing replied.

Seeing his downcast appearance, Ye Fei Li commented: “Your relationship must’ve been quite good”

“That’s right. When I was under pursuit by the 9 Lords, at the end of my ropes, old Tang was the one that saved me” Liao Xing answered.

“I heard Qing Shan said that you used a clone to fake your own death to be able to escape, what does that have to do with your friend?” Ye Fei Li couldn’t help but ask.

Liao Xing just patted the [Gene Theory] book.

“——got it, he’s the one that provided you the clone” Ye Fei Li was a bit surprised.

He then became intrigued and asked: “Even I know that the success rate for cloning humans is really low. Even if you succeed, there will be countless problems regarding disease and compatibility, so countries around the world have already banned this type of research, how did he manage to do it?”

“Cloning just the appearance is the simplest thing to do” Liao Xing explained, “Stamina, IQ, memories, these are the hard things to replicate. Of them, the hardest gate to pass is memories, aside from old Tang, no one else has managed to succeed”

Only when the clone and the original shared the same memories could cloning be considered true cloning.

Without memories, the clone would only be identical from a biological standpoint, while truthfully they’re already completely different people.

“Then what about organs? Aren’t organs easy to make? And it’s not a taboo in current medical professions” Ye Fei Li asked further.

“Of course organs are easy, old Tang was originally a military expert in both biology and medicine” Liao Xing answered.

“Such a person would definitely be a good doctor huh” Ye Fei Li sighed and commented.

Clank claaaaaank~

The liquor bottle fell down.

Liao Xing suddenly stood up, his face incredibly grim.

That’s right, how could a medical expert like Tang Jun die from a sudden heart attack.

Liao Xing took out his Holo-Brain and spoke: “Impartial Goddess”

The Holo-Brain stayed silent.

“Impartial Goddess, I have real business this time, I swear on my name as a scientist!”

The Holo-Brain lit up

[Please state your business, Mr. Liao] Impartial Goddess responded.

“I want to investigate everything regarding Doctor Tang before his death, please help me”

[Doctor Tang has already passed, the profiles are under lock-down at this point in time, any attempt to investigate is rejected] Impartial Goddess replied.

“This is related to a homicidal case; you have to help me!” Liao Xing insisted.

[My apologies, but the lock-down is ordered from the Confederate Intelligence Bureau, Mr. Liao’s personal authority level isn’t enough to unlock the corresponding profiles] Impartial Goddess replied.

Liao Xing yelled: “He was murdered! Why are you acting like nothing happened!”

Impartial Goddess answered: [Mr. Liao, I’ve compiled three replies below, please consider them yourself]

[First, the nature of the case is still under investigation]

[Second, I am not an omnipotent god, and under normal circumstances, I am obliged to operate under Confederate laws]

[Third, Mr. Liao, please pay attention, because your authority level truly isn’t enough to unlock the corresponding profiles]

Liao Xing went silent.

He thought about it, then silently took out his phone.

Very quickly, Gu Qing Shan’s voice came.

[What is it?] he asked in a low voice.

You could almost hear banquet music over at Gu Qing Shan’s side.

“I need your help” Liao Xing said.

[With what?]

“There’s a problem with Tang Jun’s death, but I don’t have the authority to view his profiles —-he’s my good brother, I want to find the culprit and avenge him!”

[Impartial Goddess, I authorize Liao Xing to view all of Tang Jun’s related profiles]

[Understood sir]

The phone hung up.

Impartial Goddess continued: [Mr. Liao, the corresponding profiles has been unlocked for you, please check them as you like]

Liao Xing’s hands quickly operated his Holo-Brain, gritting his teeth: “Old Tang, no matter who it was that killed you, I will definitely take revenge”


The desert oasis.

The place

The Emperor was still on the dancefloor.

Despite the mature lady’s multiple layers of clothes, the Emperor’s hands still managed to reach her bare skin.

The lady showed a flattered smile, softly muttered: “Your Majesty…”

The Emperor whispered: “Let us not say anything, alright?”

His hands didn’t stop what they were doing.

The lady blushed, but nodded without saying anything.

The dance continued.

On another side.

A silent gambling room.

Gu Qing Shan’s inner sight has arrived.

The Empress was playing cards with a few ladies.

“Are we going to go at this all night again?” one of the ladies asked.

“Of course, I want to win against all of you tonight” the Empress coldly said.

“If you aren’t there with His Majesty for so many nights, wouldn’t he have something to say to us?” another lady carefully asked.

“He supported my revenge of you” the Empress replied.

The ladies finally exhaled.

“Very well, Your Highness, we’ll be waiting” one of the ladies smiled.

These ladies were all genuine gambling addicts.

During the last few days, they were kept in the palace by the Empress, gambling day-in, day-out, but didn’t complain a single time, instead they felt honored.

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

So that’s why.

No wonder the maids said the Empress has only just woken up, she was up playing cards all night every day.

She didn’t want to sleep together with the Emperor and played cards with the ladies all night instead.

Seems like there really is a problem.

After a bit of thought, Gu Qing Shan decided to send his voice to the Empress from afar.

“I am Gu Qing Shan”

The suddenly voice surprised the Empress enough for her to tense up.

But she naturally used the motion to stand up, removing her coat.

“It’s a bit hot, bring me a thinner coat” the Empress gestured behind her and said.

A maid came to receive the coat, quickly stepped down and brought out another coat.

The Empress slowly put it on.

When she sat back down, her expression has returned to normal.

The Empress restarted playing her hand.

“Listen to me, tonight, I’ll come find you” Gu Qing Shan continued sending his voice.

The Empress seems unfazed and put down a card: “Three of clubs!” (1)

Gu Qing Shan continued: “When I give the signal, invite them to a midnight snack, then make an excuse that you want to choose the food yourself and find somewhere hidden from view, that’s when we’ll talk in detail”

While the Empress listened her expression was unchanged.

It was her turn again.

The Empress drew another card; it was 8 of hearts

This card can be used to form a pair, but she doesn’t want to play it with the 7 of hearts.

She was about to play the 8 of hearts.

“If you’re willing to meet me, play the 9 of spades”

The Empress stopped her hand.

She put down the cards in her hands and took a sip of tea.

As the Empress, the ladies playing with her didn’t dare to rush her.

Squinting her eyes, the Empress put the 8 of hearts in hand and put down a different card.

“9 of spades” she said.


(1) the cards aren’t actually normal cards and they’re not playing poker. I’ve no idea what card game they are playing, but it doesn’t really matter in the long run so I just replaced it with normal cards for simpler understanding, just imagine they’re playing Uno if you really want to.

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