Chapter 288: Gu Qing Shan

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Juicetin

Proofreader:? Arya

Amidst the wind, Bai Hua Fairy’s whispers could be heard.

“We can’t continue like this, if this repeats again, I would still be powerless to stop it”

She dismissed the vine whip, staring at her own hands.

They were white like the color of jade, untainted and pure.

—-but such a pair of hands still couldn’t take hold of their own fate.

She clenched her hands tightly.

“The one thing this Xie Dao Ling doesn’t mind the least in this life had always been cultivation…”

While Bai Hua Fairy was thinking, a female voice came from next to her.

“What are you planning?”

The Raging Wild Flame Armored asked her.

“To merge our world with yours, how do you feel about that?” Bai Hua Fairy spoke.

The Wild Raging Flame Armor agreed: “Our world’s living beings have already gone extinct, but if it merges with your world, the spirits can once again take new masters, only then will the spirits have a chance to step forward once more”

“If that’s the case, it will also be a chance for our cultivators to increase their own strength as well” Bai Hua Fairy commented.

“I still hold countless secret techniques and scriptures of our world, including the method to breakthrough while cultivating, there’s even fully detailed techniques and guides to last until your breakthrough to Virtualized realm” the Wild Raging Flame Armor continued.

“Then we’ve decided” Bai Hua Fairy answered.

“Very well!” the Wild Raging Flame Armor agreed.

Just a few words between a person and an armor had decided the fate of the two worlds.

“Monk!” she shouted loudly.

“Amitabha, I’m here” a dim golden light flew over from afar.

“I’m leaving the matter of merging the two worlds to you”

“What about you?”

“I need to go into seclusion, breaking through to even higher realms.

Xie Dao Ling explained: “We can’t just sit still and let other worlds do as they please to us, and I’ve been enlightened from the battle just now. If I get some time to go into seclusion, I can definitely take another step forward”

The Great Monk of Sorrow stared at Bai Hua Fairy Xie Dao Ling, completely shaken.

How long has it been, and yet she could already break through again.

“Amitabha, benefactor Xie’s talent is unparalleled, this monk is ashamed” the Great Monk of Sorrow replied, a bit at a loss.

“Amitabha, no need to look down on yourself too much, you’re only a bit old” the bowl consoled him.

The bowl then flew up by itself, heading towards a certain direction.

“Sorrow, I know the method to combine the two worlds, follow me” it said.

The Great Monk of Sorrow followed behind him.

Looking at the two of them leave, Bai Hua Fairy asked: “And what are your plans from now?”

The Wild Raging Flame Armor answered: “From the moment that you donned me, I’ve already accepted you as my new master”

Bai Hua Fairy had a warm look in her eyes.

“Then you’ll come into seclusion with me”

“Very well”

Gu Qing Shan was travelling across the space vortex.

Every time he broke through, his soul vessel would always leave his body and enter the space vortex.

But this time it was different, his actual body had entered the space vortex itself.

The small formation plate led the way, enveloping the three people in a ball of light while flying forward.

The green flame chains have already been dismissed long ago.

The two women looked exceedingly exhausted, the chains and shackles that bound them had resealed their spirit energy once more.

“Just now, was that [Shadow Shift]?” Qing Rou stared at Gu Qing Shan and asked.

“That’s right” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“You and the Tianma Empress had cooperated to send Qi Yan into the Tianma world?” Qing Rou asked further.

“Correct” Gu Qing Shan answered again.

Qing Rou finally breathed out, both hands holding down her own chest, muttering: “The Tianma world is a closed-off world, and the Tianma would definitely not let go of a soul as powerful as his”

“Which means… Qi Yan is definitely going to die”

Two streams of tears suddenly started flowing from her eyes.

Wan Er hesitantly asked: “Big sis, what did you just say?”

Qing Rou turned and hugged her, crying while speaking: “Wan Er, Qi Yan had fallen into a sure-death situation, he’s dead, he’s dead!”

“I-is it true, you’re not trying to fool me?” Wan Er was still in disbelief.

They themselves saw the situation with their own eyes, but were still a bit hesitant to confirm it.

“I’m not trying to fool you” Qing Rou wiped her tears and said, “I swear upon my Dao heart, if I’m trying to fool you, my body and soul will be destroyed”

“He’s… dead…” Wan Er finally confirmed it, her eyes were dull.

She then suddenly burst into tears, crying, choking: “Father, mother, I’ve survived, I’ve avenged you both!”

Qing Rou hugged her, and she hugged Qing Rou, both of them crying tears of joy.

Gu Qing Shan originally wanted to say something, but seeing them in that state, he just silently stood on one side.

After crying for a while, Qing Rou turned to look at him: “Perhaps you don’t understand how important what you just did is to us, but it’s fine, I will tell you about it later”

She was still sobbing, but said: “Don’t worry, there’s still a while until we reach the other world, just let us cry for a little bit first”

“Alright” Gu Qing Shan answered.

Qing Rou nodded, then tears started flowing again.

Like someone who’s been suppressed for too long, she was trying to vent all the frustration and suffering she’s gone through for the past few years all at once.

Wan Er was crying even harder, her tears and snot were all over.

Two Tribulation realm great cultivators were crying like two little girls.

A while later, they finally calmed down.

Qing Rou held Wan Er, walked in front of Gu Qing Shan and knelt down together.

Qing Rou spoke first: “I am Nan Gong Qing Rou”

Wan Er? followed: “I am Yun Wan Er”

Nan Gong Qing Rou explained: “We came from different worlds, but both our worlds were invaded by Guang Yang sect, our family members both died at the hands of Qi Yan and his father, our worlds were absorbed by Guang Yang sect as part of their personal sub-world”

“Thanks to our beauty, Yun Wan Er and I had our cultivation sealed and forced to become Qi Yan’s slaves, living every day with a fate worse than death”

“We thank you for borrowing the power of the Tianma to kill him, but Wan Er and I have no way to repay you aside from doing everything we can to ensure you survive”

Yun Wan Er also nodded: “Thank you for helping us kill him, even if I die now, I no longer have any more regrets”

The two women looked at each other, understanding their respective thoughts.

“And so, when we reach the other side, we will both use a method to risk our lives and attack Guang Yang sect, causing chaos to create a chance for you to escape” Qing Rou explained.

Yun Wan Er followed: “At the South of Guang Yang sect is Bai Yan river. You can hide in the river and follow the current to look for a way to escape from Guang Yang sect, they will then have no way to find you”

Nan Gong Qing Rou continued: “As long as you change your name, you will be able to survive, cultivate and find a chance to return to your own world.

She then added: “Please don’t worry, after killing a few Guang Yang sect disciples, we will immediately detonate our own soul vessels to make sure Qi Yan’s father cannot catch us and reveal your existence”

“Wait, wait, slow down” Gu Qing Shan felt his head hurt listening to that and couldn’t help but asked: “Are you saying we have no choice but to risk our lives as soon as we appear?”

Nan Gong Qing Rou replied: “You’re not a Guang Yang sect cultivator and your cultivation is only at Rejuvenation realm, as soon as they see you, they will catch you without mercy”

Thinking about it for a bit, Gu Qing Shan asked: “What about Qi Yan?”

“What do you mean?” Yun Wan Er didn’t understand.

“What if the one that appears is Qi Yan?”

Nan Gong Qing Rou was a bit confused, but still answered: “He is Guang Yang sect master’s son, no one would dare to pick a fight with him”

Gu Qing Shan thought about it for a bit, then suddenly remembered Leng Tian Xing’s evaluation of himself.

These two also said the same thing.

He very casually muttered: “I heard I look very similar to Qi Yan”

The two beautiful women were stunned.

“You mean you want to…” Nan Gong Qing Rou’s eyes glowed a bit.

Gu Qing Shan nodded: “If they’re as strong as you say they are, risking our lives is simply throwing our lives away, why fight them at all?”

He looked at the two women and slowly spoke: “I hope you won’t think of your lives so lightly, you should aim to live for your family members who have died, only then will your efforts of enduring so much over these years be worth it”

Yun Wan Er still didn’t understand and spoke: “Of course we would be very willing to keep on living if we can, but we can’t deal with so many high-levelled Guang Yang sect members”

Nan Gong Qing Rou looked at him, her lips slightly curving.

“I have a little immature idea” seeing Nan Gong Qing Rou already understanding what he wanted to say, Gu Qing Shan smiled and spoke: “Can you cooperate with me for a little bit?”

Nan Gong Qing Rou nodded: “I will tell you everything about Qi Yan”

“That’s not enough, I want his personal profile and as well as the information of the last three generations of his family, everything that he has ever done, every sentence he has ever spoken, every enemy he has made, what kind of food he likes to eat, what clothes he wears daily, how he sleeps, what kind of woman he likes, what methods he had used to kill people, his antics and behaviors in the sect, the kinds of spells he’s the best at, I want to know everything”

“And then, what kind of world this is, what is Guang Yang sect’s internal situation, you’d better tell me everything that you know”

Gu Qing Shan quickly made his demand.

Yun Wan Er finally understood and looked at him in shock: “But you only look a bit like him, you’re not actually him”

“I’ll take care of that, you only need to prepare the information, I’ll be needing it very soon” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Then how will you deal with Qi Yan’s father? He’s currently facing the Tribulation and is about to become a Cryptic realm cultivator already” Nan Gong Qing Rou asked.

“I’ll improvise”

Gu Qing Shan touched the Tianma rattle on his wrist and spoke curtly.

His words were so calm and collected that it was unimaginable for both of the women.

Nan Gong Qing Rou stared at him, then remembered how he dealt with Qi Yan.

He is a Rejuvenation realm cultivator who managed to gain the cooperation of the Tianma Empress.

He successfully killed a Virtualized realm cultivator with the help of the Tianma…

Completely unprecedented.

Suddenly, Nan Gong Qing Rou believed in him a little bit more.

She took out a jade tag and gave to Gu Qing Shan.

“We’ve always been watching and recording this, preparing to find a chance to kill him” she explained.

“You two are really willing huh” Gu Qing Shan took the jade tag and praised: “This is a good beginning, and a good beginning signifies at least half the success”

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