Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 243 - Cultivation world again

Chapter 243: Cultivation world again

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: VindiFan#1

The Capital’s outskirts.

Mountaintop mansion.

“I’ve been hesitant about this, but I think I should ask your opinion first,” Anna said.

“Is it dangerous?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“I’m not sure, but it will definitely be an extremely long journey” Anna said.

“Then it’s easy, there’s so many of us there, even the Game of Eternal lost to us, so we should all go with you” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“Why does everyone need to go” Liao Xing silently muttered.

“Everyone’s a team after all” Ye Fei Li said as he patted his shoulder.

“No need” Anna glared at Liao Xing, then addressed Gu Qing Shan: “This road, if a member of the Medici clan so wishes to walk it, it must be walked alone”

“What exactly is the clan bestowal that your father left you?” Zhang Ying Hao was a bit interested and asked.

“I’m also not sure” Anna looked clearly confused, “I’ve only heard that only our clan’s founders used to hold this power”

“If that’s the case, it sounds difficult” Ye Fei Li commented.

“Isn’t it fine right now? Why do you need to risk it?” Liao Xing chimed in.

“You should go” Gu Qing Shan said.

Everyone looked at him.

Gu Qing Shan continued: “What has happened is already passed, and the future is full of unknown. Only through getting stronger will you be able to deal with everything that comes your way, I truly hope that you will succeed”

He looked outside.

The rain was pouring down without letting up.

Anna’s voice suddenly became a bit hesitant: “For the bestowal… I… might need something”

“What is it?”

“Death’s relic”

“Ah, then take it” saying so, Gu Qing Shan took Death’s relic from his neck and put it on Anna’s.

Glancing at him, Anna saw his calm expression without a bit of hesitation and felt a sense of warmth inside herself.

“What! You have Death’s relic!?” Zhang Ying Hao shouted in shock.

He couldn’t believe it: “This is the Holy Empire’s Royal heirloom; how did it get into your hands!?”

“That’s because ———“as soon as Gu Qing Shan opened his mouth to speak, Anna blocked it.

“You don’t need to know that, unless you want to fight me?” Anna glared straight at Zhang Ying Hao, her face was flushed red, but was still bluffing.

Seeing how she was, Zhang Ying Hao instantly understood.

“Right, arbitrarily peeking into other people’s personal business is unbecoming of an Aristocrat, I’d better not ask about it then” he very seriously answered.

Anna sighed with relief, then peered into Gu Qing Shan’s eyes and said: “Then I’ll be leaving”

“Go, be careful, and try to return as soon as you can”

“Got it”

Everyone left the mountaintop mansion to send Anna away on her Blazing Fire super-speed shuttle.

The shuttle instantly went supersonic and flew South.

“Right, you guys should go settle down for a bit, I have something I need to do” Gu Qing Shan told everyone before he also left.

Bracing the wind and rain, he made his way down the mountain, arriving at a forest.

“Its practically hailing…”

Gu Qing Shan frowned.

“Impartial Goddess, connect to weather satellites around the world, I need to look at the global weather situation”

[Understood, sir] Impartial Goddess responded.

She quickly reported: [The rain is spreading, currently it’s covered 70% of the land surface]



[Sir, rain is currently falling on all non-oceanic areas of the planet]

“What about the air temperature?”

[There’s fluctuation, but not enough time has elapsed to draw a conclusion]

Gu Qing Shan shook his head and muttered: “What should come will come”

In a flash of light, Gu Qing Shan disappeared from Reality.

The cultivation world.

Demon Clouds River bank.

Military camp.

Gu Qing Shan found himself still sitting on his cushion, as if he hasn’t left at all.

He silently sat for a bit.

War God UI was still inert.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but asked: “System, where’s the Quest?”

No answer.

“Fine, then I’ll ask something else, how long can I stay here this time?”


The System answered: [After user has completed the Quest, he can return whenever he wants to]

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Then where’s the Quest?”

Silence again.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t even retort.

Seems like the Quest [Decisive battle (2)] won’t trigger as soon as he returns here.

And the sphere in the middle of the War God UI is still not responding.

Both the Destiny Quest and Thaumaturgy Quest seems to require some sort of trigger to activate.

Gu Qing Shan stretched.

He decided to ignore them, tapped his Inventory Bag and took out a jade bottle.

Opening the bottle, he turned it upside down to take a pill out.

“Hm? It’s empty already?” Gu Qing Shan raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

These are the Healing Pills that his senior brother Qin Xiao Lou made, during the last few days, he’s been eating one after another to heal his wounds.

He didn’t expect to finish them all so quickly

Gu Qing Shan released inner sight to check his acupoints.

His wounds were still very serious, the recovery rate has actually started to slow down and even stopped from time to time.

He’s a bit nervous now.

The cultivation world will begin its assault on Shen Wu world in 3 days.

In this period of time, two very important Quests will be triggered.

But he’s so heavily wound that he can’t even fight right now.

After hesitating a bit, Gu Qing Shan tapped his Inventory Bag and took out a communication talisman, speaking into it then let it go.

A few seconds later, instead of the communication talisman, Qin Xiao Lou himself came back.

“Junior brother, it was such a big bottle of Healing Pills, I don’t believe that you’re able to use it all in such a short time”

“You probably took my pills and used them to hit on some female cultivators, didn’t you?”

Before he even entered the tent, Qin Xiao Lou was already teasing him.

Then Qin Xiao Lou entered.

At first he was smiling, but as soon as he saw Gu Qing Shan, his expression changed.

Not saying another word, Qin Xiao Lou went up and checked Gu Qing Shan’s situation with his own spirit energy.

Gu Qing Shan let him do as he liked.

“How did you get so badly wounded!” Qin Xiao Lou almost yelled.

Gu Qing Shan answered: “I got careless and practiced too hard”

“Not good, this can’t be cured with just pills, I need to find Shifu”

“You don’t need to bother Shifu like that”

“What do you know, your current situation is extremely dangerous!”

“Does Shifu understand medicine?”

“Of course! Many spirit beasts come to Shifu for help you know. She’ll have to see your wounds herself!”


Qin Xiao Lou waved his hand and went out, not waiting for Gu Qing Shan to say anything.

Gu Qing Shan had no choice but to wait.

Not long later, Bai Hua Fairy and Qin Xiao Lou both came into his General’s tent.

“Foundation Establishment peak?”

Glancing at Gu Qing Shan, she came up, took Gu Qing Shan’s hand and sent in her spirit energy to check him.

After a while, she sneered and scolded him: “What did you do to make your body in this much of a mess?”

“I was practicing [Seven Swords Flowing Dragon]” Gu Qing Shan honestly replied.

He once went with Qin Xiao Lou to the sect’s library, there were innumerable scriptures and books in there, but most were Martial Arts and Elemental Arts, there weren’t many Sword Styles.

After looking through everything, the only one powerful enough that he found was [Seven Swords Flowing Dragon].

At that time, Gu Qing Shan was still only Foundation Establishment early stage, he didn’t even meet the requirement to read it, so he just returned the book back to its shelf.

Bai Hua Fairy didn’t quite expect to hear that and asked: “Ah? How far have you practiced? Did you manifest a dragon yet?”

“A lightning dragon”

Bai Hua Fairy’s frown loosened, instead turned into a prideful smile: “Quite decent, you’re already able to use [Flowing Dragon] before you’re even 20”

“Of the 3000 acknowledged sword cultivators, who can even compare to my disciple?”

“Sure enough, my Bai Hua Sect is still the best”

Sword qi concentrated to its very limit manifest into sword phantom.

Sword phantoms are able to cut through anything, they’re extremely powerful. But at the time they’re formed, the sword phantom is similar to a wild horse without reins, exceptionally hard to control.

Being able to tame your own sword phantom and control it to accurately hit a target qualifies calling yourself a sword cultivator.

This bar is set very high, high enough that numerous cultivators who learn the sword couldn’t make it.

And to be called an acknowledged sword cultivator, you need to not only be able to form a sword phantom, you must also accurately demonstrate three full sword styles without any mistakes.

This bar is set much higher, and much harder.

In the entire cultivation world, there’s only about a total of 3000 people who reaches this height.

But Gu Qing Shan is already able to demonstrate too many sword styles to count.

And now, he’s even already learnt one of the four strongest Secret Arts below the realm of Sword Saint, generally considered to be the hardest of them all, [Seven Stars Flowing Dragon].

Even with Bai Hua Fairy’s sight that’s set higher than the sky itself, couldn’t help but admit that Gu Qing Shan is truly exceptional.

“First heat some water for him to soak in, I’ll go get a few things from the old monk” saying so Bai Hua Fairy casually left.

A bit later.

Gu Qing Shan is currently soaking in hot water.

“Shifu said she’s going to Spirit Leaf Temple, what kind of medicine do you think she’ll bring back?” Qin Xiao Lou was curious.

“How would I know that” Gu Qing Shan answered.

But he can actually already guess.

The most powerful Thaumaturgy of Spirit Leaf Temple, Unbreakable Diamond. It’s extremely common to make a mistake during the process of cultivating it, and they’re all exceptionally fatal.

Thanks to that, Spirit Leaf Temple has created a series of medicine specifically made for healing heavy bodily wounds.

But this type of medicine is very hard to get, so Spirit Leaf Temple almost never sell it to outsiders.

In the past, one of Yao Guang sect’s most talented Martial Artists cultivators underwent demon possession during his training and damaged his core, so they couldn’t help but seek help from Spirit Leaf temple.

They had to prepare 10 million low-grade spirit stones, and the sect’s master himself had to beg for a few days for Spirit Leaf Temple to give them a single set of this medicine.

From then on, whenever that’s mentioned, the Great Monks of the temple always regretted it, saying that they sold it for too cheap.

While they were thinking a few dozen ceramic jars flew into the tent, neatly lining up next to the bath.

Bai Hua Fairy’s voice came: “Use 3 jars at a time, 4 times a day, you’ll heal after 2 days”

“Qin Xiao Lou, stay there and watch him, tell me if anything goes wrong”

Leaving that, Bai Hua Fairy left.

They took and opened one of the jars.

Inside was a set of medicine already well-mixed, with a note that says they only need to mix it with hot water to use.

Gu Qing Shan counted the jars on the ground.

There were a total of 30 jars.

“Hah, junior brother, it seems you’ll get well soon enough”

“I know” Gu Qing Shan sighed.

“Why do you seem so down?” Qin Xiao Lou was a bit confused.

“Of course I’m happy, but Shifu took so much medicine at once like that, someone is bound to cry” Gu Qing Shan said.

“Shifu has spirit stones, no need to worry about that”

“There’s a total of 30 jars of medicine here, with Shifu’s personality, I doubt she’ll actually pay that much”

“Ah, right. Well, if Shifu shows up to tell them that she herself took it, that’s already respecting them a lot” Qin Xiao Lou casually accepted that.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t retort, then suddenly remembered and asked: “Do our sect have any Qi Training realm scriptures?”

“We do, when Shifu formed the sect, she spent a bit of effort to collect a few thousand kinds of elementary scriptures in the world”

“That’s great, can I get a copy?”

“Of course, but I don’t bring it with me, so you’ll have to wait. I’ll teleport back to the sect and get you a copy”

“Thank you, senior brother”

“We’re brothers, no need for such formalities” saying so, Qin Xiao Lou left.

Gu Qing Shan was able to let loose a bit, luckily the sect have them, otherwise if he wouldn’t know how long it’ll take for him to go gather the scriptures bit by bit.

For the sake of teaching Reality how to cultivate, he was thinking about spending some effort.

A few hours later, Qin Xiao Lou returned.

He threw a thick white brick over to Gu Qing Shan.

“What is this? A brick?” receiving the white brick, Gu Qing Shan was a bit surprised.

“Didn’t you say you wanted some Qi Training realm scriptures? That’s all of them right there, a bit over 2000 kinds”

“All of them are in this brick?”

“What brick, this is a mega-sized jade tag”

“Alright then”

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