Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 235 - Eternal life vs the Goddess

Chapter 235: Eternal life vs the Goddess

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: VindiFan#1

Proofreader:? Arya

Liu Shi Man looked around, found a public toilet, went inside a stall and closed the door.

Lifting her hand up and stared at the golden ring, Liu Shi Man was a bit unfocused.

Can I really?escape from danger at any time?

She circulated her Elemental energy and infused a bit of it into the ring.

The ring then let out a blinking aura of light, wrapped around Liu Shi Man, then she disappeared.


A figure lightly landed from the height of about half a foot off the ground.

This is the Game of Eternal arena.

No lights, no people, no sound, complete silence.

Liu Shi Man looked around, then started to burst out laughing.

“Ahahahaha, it’s not a dream!”

“Eternal life!”

“Teleportation at will!”

“4th stage Earth Elemental power!”

“I have no other regrets on this world!”

She began to run around, dancing for joy. Then finally stopped after a while.

It was now that the old voice came.

『 Well if it isn’t our Champion, how do you feel? 』

“I feel very good, exceptionally good” Liu Shi Man excitedly replied.

『 The scene just now was very valuable, we shall broadcast it at the beginning of the next challenge, allowing for everyone in the world to see, what do you say? 』 the old voice asked.

“You can’t! I don’t want anyone to see my embarrassing antics, let me leave now” Liu Shi Man disagreed.

『 Very well, we shall send you away now 』 the old voice said.

Liu Shi Man then disappeared.

The arena became silent again.

Suddenly, sounds of discussion began to appear.

「 A servant that doesn’t listen to orders… 」

「 Who cares what she wants, just use that scene just now at the introduction, it’ll attract even more souls 」

「 Right, after all, she won’t be herself anymore by tomorrow anyways 」

Suddenly, the voices all stopped.

Liu Shi Man once again appeared on the arena, excitedly looking around.

“It’s so great! I feel like I have the power of a god!” she shouted.

After a bit more, she teleported away again.

The voices came again.

「 Do we keep letting her waste our power uselessly like that? 」a voice asked.

「 We have no choice, Demoness is still in her primary growth phase, this is the way it has to be, not to mention the existence of that detestable clown 」

「 That’s right, we have to guarantee her safety 」

The voices stopped again.

Liu Shi Man appeared again.

Liu Shi Man knocked out a man and pulled him into an unseen dark corner.

She opened the man’s backpack, checking his personal belongings one by one.

“Nothing to eat again” she frowned.

She took out his Holo-Brain, but found that it was in a locked state, inaccessible to her.

Liu Shi Man threw the Holo-Brain down angrily.

But she didn’t notice that the Holo-Brain was already unlocked, although the screen didn’t light up, it was still recording something on the way of being thrown down.

The S.W. Divine Temple.

The thousands of screens flashing images one after another suddenly stopped.

Impartial Goddess’ voice came.

[Total surveillance of humanity has been stopped]

[Detected anomalies on 352974 Holo-Brains, begin comparison and cross reference with target’s brainwave signature and facial features]

[Target detected]

[All surveillance units will begin step 1 observation of target]

[The target has not disappeared, remaining time is longer than the last four times]

[Real-time intelligence gathering and reporting begin]

On another side.

“Found her, she didn’t immediately teleport away this time”

Zhang Ying Hao stood up and put out his cigarette.

“I’m going to arrange things first; you guys just wait for my news”

“Liao Xing, warp him to the arranged city” Gu Qing Shan said.

[Let’s go!] Liao Xing’s voice came from the Holo-Brain.

Zhang Ying Hao touched his personal warp device and quickly disappeared from Gu Qing Shan and Anna’s sight.

Liu Shi Man is very troubled right now.

It’s been over 10 hours since she first entered the Game of Eternal, she spent so much stamina and mental strength, but has yet to eat anything to replenish energy.

With her Professionist physique, she should be fine with not eating anything for a couple of days.

But right now, not knowing why, she’s feeling hungry.

Extremely hungry.

In this day and age, as technology improved more and more, paper money has long been removed from use.

No matter where anyone goes, they always use their Holo-Brain to pay.

If they forgot to bring or lose their Holo-Brain, they can pay without needing it as well.

Everyone’s brain waves are different to each other, like how fingerprints are.

You only need to stand in front of the counter, let them scan your personal brainwave and confirm it with your biometric scans to be able to pay.

The bank will directly deduct the money from your account.

Normally, Liu Shi Man uses a modified Holo-Brain she got from the underground black market. But right after she became Champion, she instantly threw it away.

The underground black market has probably sold her personal information many times over already.

Those damn hackers could very well have left a backdoor in the Holo-Brain they sold.

She doesn’t mind it normally, but she has to now that she’s a person of interest of many organizations.

If she keeps bringing that Holo-Brain with her, she’ll definitely be found out.

Even if the Ring of Teleportation can teleport infinitely, once her Holo-Brain gets caught, there’s a chance they might be able to take control of it and find her any time they want.

She also can’t just keep teleporting all the time, she still needs to eat, to sleep, to take a shit.

Not to mention, there’s simply too many strange and mysterious God’s Chosen Skills in the world, maybe one of them could find her with the smallest of traces.

Should I steal some food?

How ridiculous, I’m already a 4th stage Elementalist, and have eternal life, but I need to stoop so low just to survive?

After the initial excitement has passed, Liu Shi Man began to cool her head down.

Rubbing the ring on her finger, she decided that she should head to the secret hiding location she established.

Thinking so, she quickly acted. First she hid the man into a secluded location and turned around to leave.

Teleportation is random, but the place she needs to go to requires a transportation to get to.

Pulling the cap down to hide her face, she looked around the area and found a large shuttle parking lot.

Silently, she sneaked in, making sure to always be at dead spots in the surveillance camera system, stay hidden inside the shadows of the wall and carefully made her way inside.

She was already circulating her Elemental power.

As soon as she feels that something isn’t right, Liu Shi Man was prepared to activate the ring and get out of there instantly.

Not long after, she saw a man start up his shuttle but hasn’t went inside yet.

The man stood next to the door of the shuttle, talking with someone through his Holo-Brain.

“I think I still need to go there myself, that’ll be more sincere”

“After this diagnosis, I’ve confirmed with the specialist that I’ll be doing the surgery”

“…Right, then I’ll be at Capital Hospital tomorrow, hm, I think I’ll be on my way now…”

Liu Shi Man didn’t hesitate for a second and acted.

Right as the man was about to turn off his Holo-Brain after hanging up, he was struck, knocked out and pulled into the shuttle.

The entire process was lightning quick, completely in the dead space of the surveillance, so no one would ever notice.

The man himself didn’t see anything either.

No blood, no screams, the danger detection unit on the shuttle didn’t detect any anomalies as well.

This was a professional, perfect assassination-level act.

Liu Shi Man closed the door of the shuttle.

She wanted to kill the man, but heard an electronic voice from the shuttle’s GPS system.

[According to your notes, I’m reminding you that you need to come to meet with the specialist at Capital Hospital, sir]

Liu Shi Man’s hand stopped in mid-air.

She searched around the man’s body and found his Holo-Brain.

Luckily, the man has only hung up, he didn’t have time to turn off the Holo-Brain yet.

Liu Shi Man checked the man’s health record.

A heart problem for over a few dozens years.

He’s been diagnosed over a hundred times, been in surgery twice.

Liu Shi Man checked his wrist, sure enough, there was a health tracker bracelet.

The health tracker will constantly monitor the man’s heart rate and other statistics, synced with the hospital system’s emergency center so that the ambulance can be dispatched as soon as something happens.

If this bracelet is taken off or he’s killed, the emergency center will be notified, thinking that there’s a problem with his heart again.

Then an ambulance will very quickly come for him.

What should I do now?

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