Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 226 - The three treasures

Chapter 226: The three treasures

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: La0o9

Proofreader:? Arya

TN: Some small details regarding the cooldown period for breaking through in succession has been changed in chapter 145. Also I’m trying something out with the upload schedule, there will still be 4 chapters today, just not at the same time

On the screen, the Murder Clown spoke very sincerely:

[A fine pair of shoes, but I hope for even more]

[Perhaps you’re willing to enter the next Game of Eternal and help me smuggle a few more things back?]

[Your end will be the same as the other champions, but rest assured, I will treasure your gifts]

The scene stopped and stayed in front of everyone.

Almost as soon as the Clown finished speaking, the Game of Eternal responded.

The voice was more serious than ever before.

『 To fight against evil 』

『 To ensure our player’s safety 』

『 And to make sure our heroes become even stronger, completely inviolable 』

『 The game rewards shall become even more alluring than ever before 』

『 This round’s champion, aside from eternal life, shall also receive the two following rewards 』

『 Firstly, the Breakthrough Elixir, as soon as you drink it, you’ll advance to the next stage of your Profession 』

『 Secondly, the Ring of Teleportation, at the sight of danger, activating the ring shall allow you to go back to the arena and escape from harm. When you return, it will always be at a safe location on Earth 』

The old voice stopped for a bit, seemingly to let the people digest its words.

Then it suddenly continued:

『 Right, I can hear your suspicions, but it’s completely true, no matter what stage you are right now, using the Breakthrough Elixir will instantly let you advance to the next stage of your Profession 』

『 The Ring of Teleportation has no cooldown, if you need to teleport, simply take your power ——–be it Martial, God’s Chosen or Elemental, and pour it into the ring, you can instantly come to the Game of Eternal’s arena 』

『 After you’ve properly rested and ready to leave again, we shall arrange a random teleport location for you 』

『 We guarantee the random location will be safe 』

『At this moment, winning will grant you eternal life, advancement in your Profession, as well as a ring to allow you to escape from harm at any point! 』

『 You can win all three of these exciting prizes at once! 』

『 What are you still hesitating for? 』

『 This is a never-before-seen opportunity! 』

『 Sign up now! 』

As the old voice finished speaking, the scene of the Game of Eternal’s arena appeared.

When people close their eyes, they can clearly see three items floating above the arena.

The first item on the left is a black pill ——-the Eternal Pill that everyone’s familiar with.

The second item is a glass bottle, filled with a green-ish fluid, slightly concentrating on it will give anyone the feeling of the bottle containing endless power.

The third item was a golden ring, the space around it was occasionally distorting, opening black cracks.

The Eternal Pill, Breakthrough Elixir and Ring of Teleportation.

A dim but glorious light enveloped the three items, showing the desirable power that they bring to those who possess them.

Before the competition even began, the treasures that will be won by the Champion has already shown themselves in front of everybody.

At this moment, even the most cool-headed person would be feeling a bit tempted.

“If this game doesn’t kill people and instead pursue the path of marketing and advertising, I’m sure it’ll be even further” Liao Xing muttered.

“It understands how to exploit the greed in human nature, but I don’t think it’ll succeed” Zhang Ying Hao said.

“Why not?” Liao Xing asked.

“Because the Murder Clown has planted a deep-rooted fear into the people’s hearts” Anna answered.

Every time she sees Ye Fei Li, she still can’t believe it ——–the actual person is way too different from the Clown.

“I feel like there would still be participants, no matter how few, there’s bound to be some that joins this round” Gu Qing Shan said.

No one could rebut that.

Greed has always been a sin of human, even for something as simple as money, there are some who don’t mind risking their lives.

But what the Game of Eternal is offering here are three transcendental treasures!

There’s bound to be a few who couldn’t resist the devil’s temptation.

“That ring that allows for escape from anything, can we stop the Champion from using it?” Liao Xing asked.

“If what it’s saying is true, then it’s almost impossible to stop that thing” Anna said.

“Right now, we have no choice but to see who the Champion is, then try to use professional methods” Gu Qing Shan looked at Zhang Ying Hao.

“Right” Zhang Ying Hao agreed.

“Which profession’s method?” Anna asked.

Zhang Ying Hao coldly replied: “Killing profession”

A few people started to appear in the arena.

Even though the stream of people didn’t stop, it wasn’t like before when large groups of people appeared at a time.

Until the very end of the sign-up period, there was more or less a measly 100 people in the arena.

The old voice came again, without a hint of tiredness.

It seems to know that as long as someone is able to wear the ring and escapes from the Murder Clown, it’s still victorious.

『 Those that wants to become Eternal has been chosen 』

『 From this world, a total of 171 has been randomly selected 』

『 After the fierce battle, we shall see the final winner 』

『 And the winner shall receive these three precious rewards 』

『 I repeat, the three rewards are peerless treasures, the Eternal Pill, the Breakthrough Elixir and the Ring of Teleportation respectively 』

『 Bystanders, you may watch the survival competition from outside by closing your eyes 』

『 Now, let the exciting competition begin! 』

The floor tiles of the arena flipped over, revealing armors and weapons randomly scattered on the ground.

The 171 people quickly scattered, wary of attacks by others while searching for a weapon fit for themselves.

Not that long after, the bloody slaughter began.

“What do we do now? Just wait until the competition is over?” Anna asked.

The three looked at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan answered: “We have to go find Ye Fei Li now”

“What for? Be assured, there’s no Man Killer Fiend that can do him in” Liao Xing spoke in surprise.

“That’s not it, his current situation is very unstable, his ears could start hurting at any time. If that happens, when another Man Killer Fiend manages to catch him off guard, he can be killed” Gu Qing Shan answered with a heavy tone.

“Your body is hurt, I’ll come with you” Anna stood up.

Zhang Ying Hao also wanted to say something, but got glared at by Anna.

He rubbed his nose: “Then Liao Xing and I will stay here and wait till you return”

“No, you two head to the S.W. Divine Temple, as soon as we pick Ye Fei Li up and give him the Serum, we’ll head there as well”

“Alright” Zhang Ying Hao stood up.

Anna took Gu Qing Shan and got on the Blazing Fire super-speed shuttle.

Under the eyes of Zhang Ying Hao and Liao Xing, the Blazing Fire hovered, then quickly disappeared at the horizon.

On the shuttle, Anna pulled out a bottle of strong alcohol from who-knows-where and offered it to Gu Qing Shan

“You want some?”

“No, try to fly the shuttle a bit faster if you can” Gu Qing Shan said.

“What is it? You seem to be in quite a bit of a rush” Anna was confused.

“I’m worried about Ye Fei Li, his ears have hurt a couple times already, the next affliction should be happening quite soon as well” Gu Qing Shan said.

“A God’s Chosen Skill’s awakening is always preceded by abnormalities, I think you don’t need to worry that much” Anna commented, “I’m quite interested in knowing what kind of God’s Chosen Skill would a Man Killer Fiend awaken to though”

“He’s a perfectly evolved Man Killer Fiend, his awakening is probably very different from everyone else ‘s———we’re better off hurrying a little” Gu Qing Shan said.

Putting the bottle of alcohol down, Anna begin to seriously operate the shuttle.

“Leave it to me” she said.

After breaking the sound barrier, the Blazing Fire quickly entered a state of supersonic.

“Impartial Goddess, connect me to Ye Fei Li” Gu Qing Shan said.

[Connecting] Impartial Goddess answered.

Screams and roars emitted from the Holo-Brain.

[Why contact me now? I’m currently fighting a strong enemy] Ye Fei Li complained.

“Go and hide first, we’ll meet up with you soon”

[Hide? What are you joking about, this is my meal time, not to mention the opponent is quite strong, I won’t get away]

Gu Qing Shan said nothing else and hung up.

“Impartial Goddess, project his location to Anna’s GPS” Gu Qing Shan said.

[Yes sir] Impartial Goddess replied.

Anna received the GPS location and said while looking at Gu Qing Shan: “Don’t worry so much, we’ll be there very soon”

Ye Fei Li looked back at the Man Killer Fiend in front of him, a bit annoyed.

This is a grey mutated Man Killer Fiend, also a 6th stage Man Killer Fiend, but evolved slightly later than Ye Fei Li.

Ye Fei Li evolved sooner and got to mingle with Gu Qing Shan’s group every day, learning quite a few battle tactics and skills. So the battle was supposed to be easy.

But this mutated Man Killer Fiend had a very annoying ability.

It can’t die.

No matter how much Ye Fei Li hit it, no matter how heavily wounded it becomes, it’ll very quickly regenerate, not showing any signs of dying.

Ye Fei Li on the other hand, after being careless, he got hit twice by the grey Man Killer Fiend by being mutual hurt.

“Peh, bullshit” Ye Fei Li spat out some blood and cursed.

Flying up high, his hands turned into long blades of concentrated blood glow.

“I wonder if you’ll still be alive after being sliced in half” he muttered.

Seeing that, the grey Man Killer Fiend also turned his hands into blades and roared back.

Ye Fei Li was about to attack.

Suddenly, a loud ringing noise started to resound in his ears, as if countless people were talking to him at the same time.

“Shit! Why now!”

Ye Fei Li’s expression changed.

His ears started to be in intense bone-chilling pain.


Ye Fei Li roared, crashing around in the air.

The grey Man Killer Fiend didn’t let his guard down, instead taking a step back cautiously.

Thrashing around in the air, first Ye Fei Li hit a skyscraper, then a lamp post, back and forth until he finally dropped to the ground.


His fall created a large hole.

In the hold, Ye Fei Li’s cries of pain resounded.




It was now that the grey Man Killer Fiend stepped closer and looked down the hole.

He saw Ye Fei Li covering his ears with both hands, rolling around on the ground, basically losing all fighting power.

After looking for a few seconds, the grey Man Killer Fiend calmed down.

If I kill this bastard, I’ll probably evolve even further.

It didn’t hesitate anymore, smirking while jumping up.

On both its hands, a grey-ish glow started to appear.

This strike will sever his head!

At that crucial moment, a black flame suddenly appeared in front of it in the air.

The flame slowly grew and became a skeleton wearing armor.

The flaming skeleton spreads its arm and hugged it tightly.

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