Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 194 - Doing it by hand

Chapter 194: Doing it by hand

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: VindiFan#1

Proofreader:? Arya & Kiwi

“You mean there’s some hope?” Liao Xing glanced and asked.

“Of course, just wait until the guy returns to reality and my black cat will most likely be able to find him” Zhang Ying Hao answered.

All of them breathed out in relief as they hear that.

Seems like, the Game of Eternal won’t be able to achieve the victory it wants like it had thought.

“Impartial Goddess, please bring Zhang Ying Hao somewhere to buy strawberries” Gu Qing Shan said.


After Zhang Ying Hao left with the black cat, Gu Qing Shan looked at Ye Fei Li who was staying silent and asked: “What’s with you?”

Ye Fei Li answered: “I suddenly feel like, although I have so much power to use, I’m severely lacking in technique and skills”

Gu Qing Shan patted his shoulder: “Many assassins had to polish their craft since very young, while you just happened to wander onto this road, of course you’re lacking compared to them”

“But you’ve went extremely far on your road of evolution, from strength alone, you’ve surpassed every one of them, and you still have such a long way to go”

Ye Fei Li silently said: “The first time I met you was the same. I was clearly stronger than you are, but couldn’t kill you no matter what I did”

“Should I start learning something now?” he asked.

“No need to rush, just wait a bit later, I have something good for you” Gu Qing Shan smiled and said.

Liao Xing suddenly spoke: “We may have won this time, but if we keep going like this, we might not necessarily be able to overturn every time that the Game of Eternal changes its rules”

Ye Fei Li agreed: “Right, even if we keep killing its champions, we have no real method to stop humanity’s desire for eternal life”

“For us right now, all we can really do at the moment is wait” Gu Qing Shan crossed his arms and spoke with a nonchalant expression.

“Wait?” Liao Xing asked.

“That’s right, it’s not enough for us to just kill its champion, we have to wait for that moment when it finally lets its guard down” Gu Qing Shan said.

“The current situation is nothing but a stalemate, we’re both unable to deal the finishing strike, still trying our best to look out for the opponent’s weakness so that we can take advantage of it”

“We can only wait until it makes a mistake, only then can we focus all our power and deal with it once and for all” he spoke very slowly.

Ye Fei Li and Liao Xing both looked at him.

“We… are still holding back?” Ye Fei Li asked.

“Of course we are” Gu Qing Shan squints his eyes, looking like an old tiger that’s acting tired, lying in rest.

Ye Fei Li and Liao Xing exchanged looks.

“I suddenly feel like, coming down from space to do all this with you lot isn’t exactly the best idea I’ve ever had…” Liao Xing mumbled.

While they were talking, the assassin was slowly but surely killing each and every person there and finally made his way to the top.

It was now that Zhang Ying Hao brought the black cat back.

The old voice was heard again.

『 Bystanders, this round of the Game of Eternal has finished 』

『 Our king has been born, for the sake of our king’s dignity, we shall first heal his wounds 』

Everyone closed their eyes and observed the arena.

Almost a thousand corpses were littered around the arena, the only one still standing was a man holding a jet black dagger.

He has wounds all over his body, really frightening to look at, but if you observe clearly, you’d notice none of those are fatal wounds.

He was wearing a wolf head mask.

Following the old voice’s order, he went into the black coffin to recover his wounds.

『 Our king of this round stands right here on our stage, but for the sake of his safety, we shall keep his name a secret between ourselves 』

『 It’s time for the exciting part 』

『 Let us see what rewards he shall receive! 』

A shining treasure chest descended from the sky.

Just like the last two times, he touched the treasure chest.

And it opens.

A black pill and a pair of black shoes.

The man doesn’t hesitate one bit to take the pill and put it in his mouth, after chewing once or twice, he swallowed it.

Because his appearance was hidden beneath the mask, no one really knows what his expression was, only that he was clenching his fists and swinging them, running around while screaming in excitement.

『 This round is the most elaborate as well as the most rewarding round ever since the Game has started 』

『 Our champion, please calm yourself down and check the shoes 』

Everyone’s sight calm and focused on the pair of ugly shoes.

The winner also stopped celebrating and took the shoes in his hand to observe it carefully.

『 Our champion, this pair of shoes was made specifically for you 』

『 Its ability is when you activate your God’s Chosen Skill, the range shall be extended to include yourself 』

『 They also have the ability to change their shapes as you will, definitely unrecognizable! 』

Not a lot of people really understood the meaning of that, most of them didn’t really pay attention to him before, so they have no idea what it means.

But the person was trembling when he heard the ability of the shoes, even his hands holding it was shaking.

Since Gu Qing Shan’s group has taken notice of him since the very beginning, they knew his God’s Chosen Skill and they know just how valuable this pair of shoes is for him.

This assassin has a God’s Chosen Skill that is essentially teleportation, he’s able to change the location of the things he throws.

It could already be considered a top level attack-type God’s Chosen Skill.

But with these shoes, whenever he uses his God’s Chosen Skill, he can teleport not just his weapon but also himself anywhere in the range that he picks.

This was exactly the same as the Divine Skill [Ground Shrink].

So you could say, this pair of shoes just made his God’s Chosen Skill become as strong as a Divine Skill.

Gu Qing Shan opened his eyes and said in a low voice: “Seems like I’ll have to go with you this time”

“Ok then” Ye Fei Li replied.

“To be able to provide such a powerful ability, seems like the game is holding nothing back” Gu Qing Shan muttered.

The old voice continued to speak:

『 This round of the Game of Eternal shall end here 』

『 We shall protect our champion’s secrets, to make sure those pesky fleas do not bother his life 』

『 At this moment, we shall randomly transport our champion back to Earth. Even we do not know where he will appear on the planet, of course, we can guarantee it will be a safe place 』

The winner suddenly disappeared from the arena.

『 We welcome everyone to enter the next Game of Eternal 』

『 As our game guarantee the champion’s secret and safety, you can be assured and enter the challenge 』

『 Let us meet again in the next round 』

The old voice disappeared.

The scene went dark.

The arena as well as the almost a thousand corpses on it disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“What does the black cat say?” Gu Qing Shan instantly asked.

Zhang Ying Hao raised black cat up and asked gently: “Precious, do you know where the person is right now?”

The black cat meowed a few times.

“He can feel the person’s existence” Zhang Ying Hao said.

Gu Qing Shan breathed out with relief and said: “Impartial Goddess, the world map please”

The screen turned on, showing the map of the world to the black cat.

The black cat extended its claw, stared at the map for a bit, then tapped a place.

“Magnify” Gu Qing Shan ordered.

The map magnified, as the spot that the black cat tapped zoomed up to become a mountainous area with a few dozen cities.

The black cat looked again, then tapped at another place on the map.

The map zoomed in again.

It was a city this time.

The black cat pointed again.

The map zoomed in.

Pointed again.

Zoomed again.

Pointed again.

And then the black cat meows.

Everyone looked.

It was a dojo.

As the apocalypse comes, dojos has become the number one most popular and profitable business.

“Satellite imagery” Gu Qing Shan ordered.

Footage from the satellite surveillance was shown.

On the outdoor training platform, about 10 beautiful girls were stretching and warming up.

This was a martial arts dojo in Fuxi Empire.

And it seems today is a special self-defense course for women.

[Where’s coach?]

[Why isn’t he here yet?]

[I’m only here for him]

The girls were busy discussing between themselves.

[I’m sorry I’m late]

A slender, flexible man slowly walked out to the platform, apologizing on the way.

The complaints all stopped.

[You’re here!]

[No need to worry, no need to worry, you’re not that late]

[You’re a few minutes late, could it be, a girlfriend?]

[Stop guessing, our coach is still single you know]

The girls looked at his handsome face and spoke one after another.

The black cat pointed at the man on the screen.

“Didn’t they say it was a random transportation? He seems to be this dojo’s master, how did he come back to this exact dojo?” Ye Fei Li asked in confusion.

Zhang Ying Hao just stared at the man without blinking.

“No, the real coach was already killed by him” Zhang Ying Hao had a serious look in his eyes.

“You’re saying this is a fake?” Ye Fei Li was surprised.

Zhang Ying Hao nodded: “This is a professional who knows how to change his face, his voice as well as his bone structure to match someone else’s”

Only now did Ye Fei Li understand.

“He’s really cautious, as soon as he got randomly transported, he has already taken another person’s identity” he shook his head.

In the satellite footage, the man was smiling and apologizing: [Then, let us start with the basic fist techniques]

[Have a drink first, you looked like you rushed here] a girl offered him a drink.

[Thank you]

The man accepted it, but didn’t drink, instead leaving it to one side.

The girl saw that but said nothing, he already took it so he’ll drink it sooner or later.

The man walked in front of the ten girls, took off his coat and began to demonstrate to them how to punch.

The large tattoo that was on his arm has disappeared without a trace, leaving only his bare skin.

His skin was a healthy bronze tan that looks naturally formed from long exposure to hard work under sunlight.

He looked nothing like the assassin in the arena.

The girls looked at his demonstration and began to follow it.

The man looked over the entire room, seeing nothing out of the ordinary.

It was now that he lightly nodded.

[Very well, first, we’ll learn a new fist technique, please watch as I demonstrate it first, then we’ll do it together]

The man began to enter teaching mode and said very seriously.


The S.W. Divine Temple.

“Good, now it’s time for us to act” Gu Qing Shan said.

“Let me kill him myself, my ears need to evolve” Ye Fei Li said.

Gu Qing Shan advised him very carefully: “You have to use all your strength from the start, otherwise when he escapes from your suppression, he’ll very quickly be able to use Lightning to increase his speed, we might not be able to give chase”

“You’re also there aren’t you?”

“If and when I attack, it’ll also be with my full strength, I won’t necessarily be able to leave him alive for you”

“Fine then, I’ll do my best to kill him right away”

[Sir, do you want to do it live?] Impartial Goddess asked.

“We won’t do it live this time, it’s not too late to broadcast after he’s dead” Gu Qing Shan answered.

About half an hour later.

Gu Qing Shan and Ye Fei Li had arrived at their target.

The two of them stood on the building across from the dojo, already worn their armors.

The self-defense course has ended, and all the students had already left, the man stood on the outdoor training platform and waited for the next group of students to begin his next lesson.

[The lesson is finished, how are we doing this?] Ye Fei Li asked.

“Just charge at him, you go first, I go after” Gu Qing Shan replied.

[I thought you’d have some sort of plan] Ye Fei Li glanced over.

“This type of person has a very strong sense of danger, if we use some sort of plan carelessly and he notices, he’ll just run away” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“He looks like he’s a bit anxious right now”

“That means he’s already feeling danger; we have to go now”

“Also, we must finish this in 1 minute, if the battle is drawn out too long, not only will the dojo people notice, but officials from Fuxi Empire will also notice, that’ll create more problems” Gu Qing Shan said.

“I’ll do my best”

Saying so, he swiped the air at the direction of the outdoor platform.


A blood glow rose all the way to the sky, devastated the outdoor platform.

A black figure barely escaped from the blood glow and landed on the streets.

The man looked around, then looked up.

He saw a person standing at a high place.

A cold and stiff smile, a jet black suit of armor, and a pair of black wings of light.

“The Murder Clown!” the man shouted silently.

He jumped up and rushed towards Ye Fei Li.

[Brave] Ye Fei Li covered himself in the blood glow and attacked directly towards the man.

Suddenly, he disappeared, then reappeared behind Ye Fei Li, stabbing with his dagger.

Ye Fei Li couldn’t help but stop his charge and turn around to catch the dagger.

In a flash, the dagger disappeared and reappeared behind Ye Fei Li’s head once again.

The brain isn’t like other organs; even Ye Fei Li doesn’t dare to carelessly take an attack there.

He had no choice but to shift his body to avoid it.

As soon as Ye Fei Li dodged, the man’s body let out a small arc of lightning.

This was the Thaumaturgy to increase his body’s speed.

The man shifted his body, increasing his speed exponentially and turned into a shadow, heading towards another direction.

The man had no interest in continuing the battle.

This place was close to a densely populated business area, as long as he’s able to find a large business complex and hide, the Clown wouldn’t be able to find him.

Unless it pursued him inside.

But if it does that, it’ll definitely become a huge ruckus, and Fuxi official police as well as other organizations would definitely react right away.

At that point, the Clown will have no choice but to face the Fuxi’s war machines while he slips away in silence.

Just when he was thinking that, in front of his eyes was a sword.

The sword was slashing towards him.

The sword appeared at such an opportune moment, which was right as he was about to land and had no way to dodge it.

This sword’s speed, angle and time were all perfectly accounted for so that the man cannot stop it no matter what he does.

A 60,000-ton strike.

And he can’t even dodge it!

In the line between life and death, the man shouted and the shoes on his feet let out a shine.

He disappeared, appearing a few dozen meters away.

But he didn’t have time to feel lucky, because the sword was still right in front of his face, it was even getting closer and closer.


The man’s expression changed.

He couldn’t understand.

He clearly used the shoes’ power just now to teleport away, to get away from this sword,?so why is it still in front of his eyes?

Even a Martial Saint couldn’t possibly be this fast.

The sword was still getting closer, and so was the shadow of his own death.

The man gritted his teeth, using all his strength to teleport again.

He once again disappeared and reappeared at another location a few dozen meters away.

But the sword was still right in front of his face!

The man’s face paled, about to do something else, then the sword suddenly sped up.

A cold gleam.

The man’s head flew into the air.

The headless body was able to take two steps before falling down and permanently stopped moving.

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