Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1685: We’re heading out!

Chapter 1685: We’re heading out!

“I don’t want to!”

Laura loudly said.

She took hold of Gu Qing Shan’s hand and firmly told him: “I don’t need to remain in the Dusty World. Gu Qing Shan, wherever you’re going, I’m coming with you!”

Gu Qing Shan said: “This place is safe”

“Hmph! I still have the entire Bramble Bird Kingdom to take care of as well as all of my subjects. If I remain in the Dusty World for the sake of my own survival, what kind of sovereign would I be?” Laura refuted.

Gu Qing Shan smiled.

He had merely relayed everything he was told to Laura.

All of Laura’s decisions will be made by none other than herself, as Gu Qing Shan had no intentions of making them for her in the first place.

And since Laura had made up her mind...

“Alright, then after I finish casting the Key, we’re going to head back together” Gu Qing Shan followed up.

“Hmph! Now that sounds more like it”

Laura said in an irritated tone, but her eyes were happily smiling as brightly as a pair of crescent moons.

Standing next to them Liao Xiao Pao confusedly asked: “Hey, have the two of you really understood the situation? This place is the Dusty World. Just by remaining here, you can guarantee that you’d never be invaded by any Apocalypses, and both of you want to leave?”

Laura glanced at him.

“Gu Qing Shan, this guy has already seen me collecting an artifact, if we let him keep following us, he would only see even more of our secrets, do you really want to take him?” Laura silently sent her voice.

Gu Qing Shan looked at Laura, then also turned to Liao Xiao Pao.

At this point, he was seeing a lightbulb above Laura’s head, while Liao Xiao Pao had a question mark above his.

“What are you both looking at me for?” Liao Xiao Pao asked in confusion.


Laura didn’t answer and just pridefully turned her face away.

——-after which the lightbulb over her head lit up.

“...” Gu Qing Shan.

Do both of you have some loose screws?

Can’t you think about things properly?

Why are you playing with symbols?

“Let’s move forward, look over there, a gate had opened up on that side”

Gu Qing Shan mediated for them.

Following the direction he was pointing in, the two of them saw another gate opening up next to the gate they used to enter.

Evidently, this gate would lead them into the next world system.

——-so the gate to enter and leave were right next to one another.

Some black smoke could be seen emerging from the gate, followed by the occasional loud noises, the sound of battle, as well as various types of echoes.

Is the next world in the middle of a war?

Everyone couldn’t help but think this.

“Alright, let’s go check it ou——”

Liao Xiao Pao shifted his body and prepared to fly forward.

The saintly girl, Tear, suddenly spoke up: 『 Liao Xiao Pao, you need to go back 』

Liao Xiao Pao tripped and fell over nothing, then crawled back up and asked in confusion: “But why? Is there a reason why I can’t follow them to their destination?”

『 The entire Dusty World is about to undergo a total positional shift. Since you don’t belong here, you will be transported back to your original world when that time comes 』Tear explained.

“Then they—–”

『 They are about to attempt something exceptionally dangerous, after which they would also be transported away 』


Liao Xiao Pao looked at Gu Qing Shan, then at the jet-black gate and felt a bit regretful.

I can’t latch onto this huge pair of golden legs this time around, so let’s just hope I get another chance the next time.

But with my current level of strength...

It should still be possible to leave a good impression before I go back...

With that in mind, Liao Xiao Pao patted his chest: “If it’s something dangerous then I would naturally do my best to help, after all, Gu Qing Shan had just saved my life once!”

『 Really? 』Tear asked.

Liao Xiao Pao straightened his back even more and resolutely declared: “This great one was the boss of the hard-headed faction, but the brothers still recognized and call me Ironman——– I’m sure you can tell that I wouldn’t tell a lie”

“Now that’s more like what a man should be” Laura praised.

The lightbulb above her head also disappeared with that statement.

Gu Qing Shan slightly nodded.

—–Liao Xiao Pao truly does seem like the straightforward kind of person.

Tear also smiled and took off a length of glowing string from her hand, wrapping it around Liao Xiao Pao’s shoulder.

『 This is the Thread of Transmission. If you ever run into a dangerous situation, simply chant ‘Return!’ and it will take you back to your original world right away 』she gently explained.

Liao Xiao Pao didn’t expect that she would do something like that, so he felt his entire soul leaving this body.

“Return? You look down on me too much...”

He chuckled emotionally, then looked at the gates that led out of this world.


Since things have come to this——

Having made up his mind, he laughed: “This time, let me scout the way”


Liao Xiao Pao turned into a blurred image as he flew across the sky like a bolt of lightning.

He approached the gates closer and closer!

He had reached the steps leading up to the gates!

With a cool pose, he stood and looked into the gates!

No one was sure what he actually saw——-

But in short, the grin on his face immediately vanished as it turned into surprise, then turned into solemnity, and finally unspeakable horror.

He only took a deep breath and shouted:


With a curt ‘sha’.

Liao Xiao Pao’s figure vanished.

He had simply disappeared.



The world became silent again.

Gu Qing Shan: “...”

Laura: “...”

Tear: 『 ... 』

You’re going to leave NOW?

All three of them were in disbelief.

A second later, an enormous black finger poked through the gates and reached towards them.

This finger was abruptly cut off and fell to the ground.

After that, a few transparent tentacles also reached through the gates——-

Only to be cut off as well.

Several rays of magical energy were then shot through the gates and disappeared into nothing as well.

Some screams and howls resounded from the other side, signally unwillingness to accept the situation.

Eventually, the noises gradually disappeared.

Tear quickly explained: 『 This was part of the Dusty World’s ironclad rules—– unless you are a newcomer, or received an invitation, world systems cannot arbitrarily interfere with one another, and violators would receive punishment from the Dusty World as a whole! 』

Laura shrugged and commented: “So all it takes to see clearly through a person is a single moment”

“Don’t say that, he was probably powerless to deal with those guys” Gu Qing Shan gently said.

But in his mind, he had already given Liao Xiao Pao an X mark.

This guy—–

You should have at least told us what you saw before you ran away.

Not only did you manage to scout anything, but you also caused me to feel a bit more unsure, literally nothing but trouble.

Gu Qing Shan sighed.

Tear looked at him and asked: 『 Should I also give you the threads for you to return to your worlds? 』

“No need, I can’t return even if I die, otherwise, it would be hopeless for my side” Gu Qing Shan replied.

『 ...Are you going to head into a war with the intention to die? 』Tear asked.

Before Gu Qing Shan even said anything, Laura had obediently taken a seat on his shoulder and opened a small flower umbrella.

“A bit later” Gu Qing Shan told her.

Laura was a bit surprised: “Huh, so you don’t want to scout the situation first before deciding how to fight?”

Gu Qing Shan didn’t answer and simply stared at the jet-black gates.

An immense sense of pressure could be felt from the gates that was giving him a faint prickling sensation.

Very powerful.

Whatever it is, the thing on the other side of those gates is extraordinarily powerful!

Gu Qing Shan raised his hand and grabbed the Earth sword as well as the Six Paths Great Mountain sword from the void of space.

“I just feel like giving it a try, after all, I’ve just gotten a suit of armor that will allow me to ignore defending...”

Laura opened her eyes wide: “It’s very dangerous, Gu Qing Shan!”

Gu Qing Shan just smiled while exuding intense fighting spirit and lightly answered her: “In reality, for a sword cultivator, having a good set of armor makes it much easier for them to fight to their heart’s content”

“It’s been a really long time since I’ve had that chance”

His gaze moved around the void of space before settling on the lines of glowing text that was continuously appearing from the void of space:

[You’ve equipped the Title: Saint]

[You’ve activated the Title Skill: Saint Sentry]

[The Phase Realm: Sanctum, has been opened]

[After five seconds, the Sanctum will arrive]





Gu Qing Shan took a deep breath and muttered:

“Yeah, it’s been a really long time since I got to freely fight”

He took long strides as he approached the gates.

Laura and Tear exchanged glances, both having complicated expressions on their faces.

Gu Qing Shan was exuding a heavy sense of resolution from his entire body.

——-at this point, he would definitely not listen to any persuasions!

This thought appeared in both their minds.

“I’ll be coming with him, see you later”

Laura quickly told Tear, then followed Gu Qing Shan with her umbrella in her hands.

Tear stood still and continued to watch Gu Qing Shan’s back.

He flew up and gradually approached the gates.

Suddenly, Tear opened her eyes wide.

——she wasn’t a living being, but the spirit of a world system, so she was naturally able to see it—–

A Holy Temple suddenly manifested behind Gu Qing Shan.

An old man in a red robe emerged from inside.

He wielded the scepter in his hand and pointed it at Gu Qing Shan, muttering: 『 Fate, allow me to share the injuries he would sustain! 』

A transparent length of chains appeared out of nowhere, connecting him and Gu Qing Shan.

The chains then faded away with a gleam.

Following that, two beautiful angels flew out of the Holy Temple and stood behind Gu Qing Shan, one on the left and one on the right.

One angel chanted: 『 I shall continually bless you in battle, our Saint 』

The other angel hummed: 『 I shall continuously protect you in battle, our Saint 』

Two bursts of light entered Gu Qing Shan’s body.

A warhorse clad in iron armor while exuding holy light also galloped out from the Holy Temple.

Gu Qing Shan leapt into the air and sat on the horse’s back while wielding one sword in each hand.

Various visions manifested around his body into unclear humanoid figures.

——the heroic spirits of knights in full armor rode their horses and gathered around Gu Qing Shan on his left and right.

They solemnly stood in formation.

The second row of knights appeared.

The third.

The fourth.

The fifth.


Gu Qing Shan looked around and couldn’t help but comment: “I had thought that this Spirit Realm War Armor was supposed to be for defense”

One of the angels behind him answered: 『 Our Saint, offense is the best defense 』

After a short pause, Gu Qing Shan nodded in agreement: “That makes sense”

He waved his sword and loudly declared: “Charge!!!”

Rumble rumble rumble——–

The cavalry army proceeded forward.

At this point, the Phase Realm Sanctum and the main world had overlapped.

The intense torrent of metal followed Gu Qing Shan and accelerated as they charged straight towards the gates.


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