Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1545 - Talking with Reneedol

Chapter 1545: Talking with Reneedol

The Spirit of Prophecy waved her hand.

The vision changed again to display another scene in the Age of Immemorial.

The Lord of Infinite Origins was using all of his black tentacles to dig up the icy ground and discreetly heading deep underground.

『 Finally, you should already know a certain thing 』the Spirit of Prophecy said.

“What do you mean?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

『 The Lord of Infinite Origins had once felt despair facing the Apocalypses, so he went to the frozen corpse in search of greater power 』

『 These powers greatly improved the Deities’ strength and allowed them to win against the Apocalypse 』

『 The Deities then used these powers to forge the three Divine Artifacts of Fate—– and so all three Divine Artifacts had actually been in a hibernating state, both the two in Reneedol’s hands and the most powerful Divine Artifact 』

The Spirit of Prophecy lowered herself a bit and whispered the secret incantation to Gu Qing Shan:

『 Remember well, for Fei Yue to awaken and become the Divine Artifact of Fate once again, you only need to chant this incantation 』

『 With this greatest Divine Artifact, you shall win against Reneedol 』

After she said that, all the starlight in the air began to spin around them and swiftly vanished.

Everything returned to normal.

Gu Qing Shan found that he was still standing in the secret room.

He turned to Crow, only to see him taking out a small flint to sharpen his rapier.

Boss was flipping through the Book of Prophesized Destinies, seemingly examining something with a serious expression.


Only a second had gone by.

Crow noticed Gu Qing Shan’s gaze and looked up, asking him: “What’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing”

Gu Qing Shan turned his gaze towards his wrist.

The Fate Prophecy had disappeared.

Only faint yellow starlight slowly entered his hand.

Followed by lines of glowing text in the void of space:

[A new power had entered your Fate Ability: Longing]

[This ability is activating by itself]

A black strand of thread appeared from the void of space, one end wrapping around Gu Qing Shan’s wrist, while the other end reached into the distance.

[Please follow the direction of the Thread of Fate to find Fei Yue]

Gu Qing Shan felt a bit out of this world.

——–the fact that Fei Yue was actually the most powerful Divine Artifact of Fate was truly unimaginable.

Not even Reneedol had discovered this secret.

Suddenly, another line of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[You’ve obtained the secret awakening incantation of the Divine Artifact]

[Please use it carefully]


What is that supposed to mean?

Gu Qing Shan scowled and asked: “What? Would there be some sort of issue when I use this incantation?”

[It’s a long story] the War God UI replied.

“Just explain it in detail, I’m here” Gu Qing Shan replied.


His Soul Points value on the War God UI was silently deducted twice.

Gu Qing Shan: “...How come you’re already employing these tactics?”

[To stockpile more Soul Points] the War God UI replied.

His Soul Points were deducted again.

[This secret incantation included a unique method of awakening. Once used, it would cause damage and alteration to the target’s body, turning their soul into the Artifact Spirit while their body into the Divine Artifact] the War God UI explained.

Gu Qing Shan nodded and asked: “Is there anything else?”

[Nothing else] the War God UI replied.

Gu Qing Shan then felt cautious.

If this was true...

The incantation would kill Fei Yue and convert her into the final Divine Artifact of Fate.


Crow suddenly tapped him.

“What’s the matter?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Something seems to have happened to your dog” Crow replied.

Gu Qing Shan turned to Boss, only to see him staring silently at a page on the Book of Prophesized Destinies, almost like he was blanking out.

Gu Qing Shan approached him and looked at the Book of Prophesized Destinies.

An image was being displayed in the book.

Within a pool of infinite blood, a giant eyeball had just floated up.

Standing across from it was a woman in dark dress armor who wielded a scepter in her hand.

The woman was saying something to the giant eyeball with her arms spread.

“This is... has Reneedol and the eyeball already met?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“No” the black dog replied, “This is a vision of ten minutes later. After ten minutes, Reneedol will meet the giant eyeball”

He rolled on the ground and transformed into a mass of black flames that rose to the sky.

The black flames slowly turned and manifested into a human form.


Boss had once again appeared in front of Gu Qing Shan.

“I can’t maintain this form for too long, so I need to borrow your power in order to say a few things to Reneedol” he told Gu Qing Shan.

“Right now?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Yes, right now. After all, we’re no match for her right now, I just hope that my warning will let her understand what exactly she’s doing” Boss replied.

“How are we supposed to meet her? I don’t even know where she is” Gu Qing Shan said.

Boss replied: “She’s currently in the Isle of Protection,[1] you’ve already been there during the Age of Immemorial”

Gu Qing Shan sighed deeply and said nothing.

Boss continued: “Your [Fog Realm Descent] technique was created from the power of countless worlds of the past, it contains all the Laws of Reality, as well as the power of Occultism, giving you the power to freely travel anywhere you want to, combined with this sword capable of cutting through all Laws, we would be able to come and leave as we pleased”

“Alright, then we’ll make a trip” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He held Boss’ shoulder and entered a mass of white fog.

The two of them vanished without a trace.

Only Crow remained in the secret room.

A gust of wind blew past.

“Huh? Huh, huh?”

Crow opened and closed his hands as if he wanted to say something, but the metal facemask had covered his mouth, so he wasn’t able to say anything.


The Isle of Protection.

Reneedol stood on top of the highest mountain, silently waiting here.

A vast galaxy of stars continuously drift and circle around her body.

The three Wraith Lords knelt with one knee on the ground, silently waiting for her orders.

A bit further away, the angels stood in the air with two 12-winged seraphim leading them, hovering in the sky and waiting for Reneedol to give her orders.

An angel flew in from afar and reported: “According to estimations, it will arrive in nine minutes”

Reneedol nodded with a curt and unchanging expression.


Just a bit in front of her, a mass of white fog manifested.

The fog scattered.

Two men stood in front of Reneedol.

Gu Qing Shan.


“Who are you!?” one of the Wraith Lords solemnly shouted.

“I’m merely here to tell her a few things, then I’ll leave” Boss replied.

“How impudent!” the Wraith Lord immediately prepared to draw his weapon.

“Stop, let him speak” Reneedol waved her hand dismissively to stop the Wraith Lord.

Seeing that, the others also stayed their hands.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze scanned through the entire area.

——one of the two 12-winged seraphim was Lin.

She had obtained a high enough position to infiltrate Reneedol’s side.

But currently, he naturally can’t greet her, nor even keep his gaze on her for even a single unnecessary moment.

Gu Qing Shan discreetly put his hand over Boss’ shoulder, preparing to use [Fog Realm Descent] to leave at any moment.

Boss looked closely at Reneedol and calmly said: “You shouldn’t see it. It had gained sentience and its power is far beyond your imaginations”

Reneedol chuckled: “And here I thought you wanted to say something useful. I’ve never been willing to surrender myself to Fate, this had always been my faith”

“Fate had never wanted you to surrender, it had given you everything” Boss refuted.

“But I don’t care for anything that Fate gives me, I can summon the power to destroy it all on my own” Reneedol replied.

“Listen Reneedol, if you truly see it, you’re definitely going to be done for” Boss insisted.

Reneedol’s mouth became cold and calmly said: “Shroud, you’re already a thing of the past. The era itself had discarded you, the infinite power you once wield is no longer with you, where do you get the gall to still interfere with my business?”

Boss replied: “I’m not interfering with you, I’m merely here to tell you that you’ve made misunderstood a very crucial detail”

“What might that be?” Reneedol questioned.

“That eyeball is no longer me. Any entity whose strength far surpasses your imagination would no longer treat you the same way I treated you in the past” Boss stated.

Reneedol’s eyes went cold and mockingly said: “I am the one who provided myself with everything I currently have. If I were able to connect with you in the past, I would naturally be able to connect with other powerful entities. Now that you’re standing in my way, you can’t blame me for being cruel”

“Shroud, you should understand your Fate already, the current you can’t even stop my subordinates”

She nodded behind herself.

Receiving her signal, the three Wraith Lords prepared to act.

In that instant, Gu Qing Shan abruptly opened his eyes wide and shouted: “What are you trying to do? A lover’s quarrel between spouses isn’t the place for you to butt in!”

Complete silence.


The three Wraith Lords froze and instantly stopped their spells.

——that’s a very serious matter, if we misunderstand, not even ten of our lives would be enough to make up for it.

“Master, what is your order?” one Wraith Lord cautiously asked for confirmation.

Everyone turned and stared closely at Reneedol.

From their previous conversation, it was clear that they knew each other in the past, and if they thought carefully about it, that was very similar to a conversation between lovers.

——so, are you two spouses or not?

If he’s your spouse, it’ll be very difficult for us subordinates.

There’s no problem with us following your orders now to thoroughly beat your husband up.

But after you two have made up, if you remember today and want to take revenge for your husband, or if your husband wants to take revenge himself, then who are we supposed to cry to?

In the split second that they hesitated; the other side’s technique had already finished.

World Technique, [Fog Realm Descent]!

A layer of white fog drifted around Gu Qing Shan and Boss’ body.

Reneedol furiously shouted: “Ridiculous! I am the Grand Empress of the Pantheon, who dares call themselves my husband!? Kill them all!”

She manifested a bow from the starlight around her and instantly let loose an arrow.


The arrow of starlight flew through the afterimages of Gu Qing Shan and Boss, then continued to fly.

——in that instant, Gu Qing Shan and Boss had already left the Isle of Protection.

[1] In case anyone forgets, the secret room was taken underwater by the first Lord of Infinite Origins and remained there, so it’s detached from the Isle of Protection

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