Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1391 - Omens of the Apocalypse early stages

Chapter 1391: Omens of the Apocalypse early stages

Watching the diamond statue, Gu Qing Shan quickly pondered.

Red Wraith’s true form is a talisman.

Without the Mara Heavenly King here, Red Wraith was the true ruler of the Wraith realm.

——perhaps, all of the Wraith realm’s Life Talismans actually originated from Red Wraith?

If that’s the case, since I know part of Red Wraith’s talisman creation technique, would I be able to dispel the soul-taking Life Talisman within the wraith’s soul vessel?

With that in mind, Gu Qing Shan turned to Fei Yue.

“Fei Yue, can you give that final wraith to me? I’ve thought of another solution”

Fei Yue glanced at him in surprise.

It would have already been considered impressive to pry one secret from the wraith’s mouth, but now he’s even got another idea?

“Very well, big sis blind nun, please release this wraith’s soul position for Dragon King to investigate him further” Fei Yue replied.

The blind nun lightly tapped the diamond wraith’s head, allowing his head to return to normal.

Gu Qing Shan walked in front of the wraith and carefully pondered.

From Red Wraith’s Life Talisman technique, [Wicked Thoughts Burning Spirit], he was able to reverse-engineer several thousand basic talisman runes, each of them could be combined and used in conjunction to create innumerable talisman techniques of varying levels.

—–but which one would be able to release the soul-taking Life Talisman within the wraiths’ Thought Sea?

While he was thinking, Fei Yue’s father on the screen swung his hand.

Following his gesture, the Combatants who had pledged their allegiance to the wraiths cast their talismans forward one after another.

All the talismans turned into light and flew towards Void City.


Various sounds of explosions could be heard.

Outside Void City, a bright red dome of light enveloped in mist had manifested.

——Great Formation of Myriad Worlds: Soul Stealing and Life Locking!

Fei Yue’s father nodded satisfactorily.

From this point on, anything or anyone within Void City would be trapped inside the barrier, even if they died, ultimately being left for the wraiths to take away.

This was a large-scale formation that the wraiths frequently used when they were destroying other worlds.

—–the wraiths had always been famous for never letting their enemies go, even if the only thing left of them was a soul.

In the City Lord’s manor, someone recognized this formation and shouted: “Hong Yi Jue, are you really ruthless to this degree!?”

Hong Yi Jue shook his head and simply looked at Fei Yue, slowly telling her:

“My daughter, I’m here on orders of the three Wraith Lords to escort you to the Wraith realm and join in matrimony with the Wraith Lord Karmic Fire”

Fei Yue questioned: “Wraith Lord Karmic Fire’s real name is Bai Yuan, famous for his hobby of torturing living beings to death, do you really want me to get married to him?”

The Ominous Demon Tower’s master couldn’t help but speak up as well: 「 Old City Lord, I won’t stop you from pledging yourself to the wraiths, but if you’re marrying Fei Yue to that Bai Yuan fellow, you’d just be pushing Fei Yue to her death 」

Hong Yi Jue scoffed: “I’m sure you understand that remaining in Void City right now is the guaranteed way to die”

Everyone fell silent.

Now that the Great Formation of Myriad Worlds: Soul Stealing and Life Locking had been completed, there would be no escape even in death.

The Great Flood was also approaching.

This was an Unlivable Apocalypse, capable of completely destroying Void City without giving anyone a chance to escape even in their deaths.

What they didn’t expect was for the old City Lord to stand completely on the side of the wraiths, using this method to force his daughter into a wedding with a wraith.

How should we deal with the current circumstances?

Frankly speaking, there was no need to try and fight the Great Flood.

Because many predecessors had proven that this wasn’t a force that living beings could resist against, let alone destroy.

At that moment, the morale of the City Lord’s manor fell a bit low.

The very next moment——-

An abrupt change occurred!

Four swords suddenly appeared around Gu Qing Shan.

They all gave off intense sword qi and spoke up at once:

“”「 Gu Qing Shan, careful (oong)! 」””

Gu Qing Shan had also noticed this change.

He felt his heart being suppressed by a huge mountain and countless shadows gripping at his throat, leaving him unable to even properly speak a full sentence.

This feeling——

What exactly is it? The Great Flood shouldn’t have arrived yet!

Such thoughts flashed through his mind as he quickly released his inner sight to observe their surroundings.

The big shots also changed their expressions one after another.

They all brandished their weapons, staring intensely at their surroundings.

—–but nothing occurred at all.

『 Who has a predictive ability? 』 one of the Combatants shouted.

Everyone turned to Crow.

Only to see Crow kneeling with both knees on the ground, his hand clutching his head as he was trembling uncontrollably.

Gu Qing Shan rushed to calm him down, asking in a whisper: “What’s the matter with you?”

Crow replied while still trembling: “I don’t know, it’s like there’s an intense premonition, I have to—-”

He raised his head straight up to spit out blood, then pushed Gu Qing Shan away.

A second later, his entire body began hovering in mid-air, his eyes turning white as he howled in a harrowing voice.

Gu Qing Shan was about to jump up to catch Crow out of worry.

Fei Yue held him back and quickly retreated, explaining: “Don’t touch him, he’s currently in a prophetic state!”

Gu Qing Shan kept his eyes on Crow.

While hanging in mid-air, Crow abruptly called out with a high-pitched voice:

『 Heed! The omens of the Great Flood have arrived, these are the preliminary fluctuations of an Unlivable Apocalypse, representing the absolute destruction of all things! 』

Everyone’s hearts became tense.

Without waiting for them to react in any way, a gust of wind suddenly blew towards them.

The City Lord’s manor was instantly scattered away like dust in the wind.

All the structures of Void City also turned to nothingness in this wind.

Everyone couldn’t help but hover within the endless void.

With nothing but a gust of wind, all material substances were completely gone!

“My heavens, many of our Guild’s war machines had been destroyed all at once!” the Hitman Guild’s master exclaimed.

The Ominous Demon Tower’s master also spoke in a heavy tone: 「 The entire Ominous Demon tower itself was a large war machine, but it had been erased as well 」

Everyone looked around only to find that not even a single tile remained within this empty void.

——and that was nothing but the first fluctuation of the Great Flood.

“Terrifying...” someone muttered.

Gu Qing Shan was also speechless.

He had witnessed numerous Apocalypse, but never had he seen such a terrifying Apocalypse before!

Damn it!

If a single fluctuation was able to cause this damage, then this type of Apocalypse truly isn’t something that living beings can resist.

Gu Qing Shan released his inner sight to observe the surroundings.

——the giant formation that had entrapped Void City still remained!

“Life Talisman...”

Gu Qing Shan muttered, then flew towards the last remaining wraith.

He put his hand on the other’s forehead and closed his eyes, throwing away all useless thoughts and silently focused on looking for the way to undo the Life Talisman’s structure.

In just a few moments, he had found the other party’s memories.

All of these memories displayed a regular cultivation life, displaying life in the Wraith realm.

——Gu Qing Shan had once used [Soul Reading] on several wraiths’ souls, which displayed basically the same scenery with this wraith.

But this time, Gu Qing Shan commanded the peak level of Life Talisman expertise, which allowed him to instantly notice various disparities.

“Strange, these don’t look like real memories. They look like illusions that are being created through talisman techniques, specifically used to deceive Cultivation-type enemies...”

He kept his hand on the wraith’s head while drawing several mysterious runes in the void of space.

In a few moments, the runes were completed

——Illusion Dispelling Life Talisman!

Instantly, all the scenes shown inside the wraith’s memories disappeared.

——-so they were, in fact, illusions created by talisman techniques!

Gu Qing Shan was shocked.

The wraiths are truly sly, to specifically prepare illusions using the Life Talisman just to prevent other cultivators from using [Soul Reading] on them and discover the secrets of the Wraith realm.

If Gu Qing Shan was clueless about Life Talismans like before, he would have been fooled once again.

Most likely, this illusion was made in case any wraiths failed to take their own life and deceive those capable of using [Soul Reading] on them—– truly a good method to fight against powerful Cultivation-type enemies.

“Good! Good! Good! So everything I’ve managed to learn about them through [Soul Reading] before has been nothing but fake illusions, how impressive!”

Gu Qing Shan whispered but remained calm as he continued investigating.

He had already dispelled the illusory representation of the Life Talisman and was about to touch the Life Talisman itself.

——-while he focused his attention on dispelling the Life Talisman, a sudden change had occurred around him.

Crow was still hovering in mid-air; while covering his mouth, he ignored the blood that he was spitting up and shouted with a hoarse voice:

“This preliminary omen of the Great Flood is able to destroy all things, but against living beings, I cannot predict its power and effects”

“——stay cautious, this isn’t over!”

As soon as he declared that, everyone saw their surroundings turned into pure white emptiness.

The space vortex had disappeared.

At the horizon of his vast white world, something was flying towards them through the wind.

Everyone had their guards completely up.

Seeing Gu Qing Shan deep in thought, Xiao Die flew next to him and took a defensive stance.

A second later.

A jet-black shadow landed in front of them all

——a black snake.

This snake coiled around itself into a circle as it fell on the white emptiness, it then looked up at the group and hissed at them.

Regardless of how one looked at it, they could only see it as a regular black snake.

“How would such a thing be here?” the Hitman Guild’s master scowled and said.

He casually unleashed an attack towards the snake.

At the very next split second.

The black snake appeared on the Hitman Guild master’s body, opened its mouth and swiftly bit him before vanishing!


The Hitman Guild’s master uttered a maddened howl.

He looked around his surroundings, his gaze seemingly contained his last bit of clarity.

In an instant, this great Hitman resolutely affirmed his determination.

He abruptly unleashed all of his power to fly away from the group and towards the Great Formation of Myriad Worlds Soul Stealing and Life Locking.

Halfway there, this old man abruptly transformed into a gigantic bird clad in blue flames and crashed into the barrier without hesitation.


He unexpectedly punched a big hole in the Great Formation of Myriad Worlds Soul Stealing and Life Locking.

The old man landed among the Void City big shots who surrendered to the wraiths.




Around him, everyone howled in madness.

They all had lost their sanity!

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