Chapter 1386: Taken Away

Flames descended like rain upon the Church.

Squads of angels took flight one after another, attempting to stop the descending waves of flames.

But facing this [Chaos] Divine Skill, their efforts were doomed to fail from the very beginning.

The angels who tried to face the flames were swiftly burnt to ashes.

Screams resounded throughout.

The angels gradually noticed that they were outmatched and quickly retreated, hurriedly dodging what they could.

Under the rain of fire, the Church’s defensive arrays were fully activated.

The unending sound of a holy aria resounded.

A mass of holy light manifested in the air above the church to form a transparent barrier with dozens of layers.

The layered barrier completely isolated the Church from the outside world.

The rain of flames crashed into the barriers, causing earth-shaking explosions.

The layered holy barrier naturally couldn’t completely stop the rain of flames, but it was regenerating rapidly, instantly reforming right as it was broken through.

The angels returned inside the Church, cooperating with the defensive array to stop the rain of flames.

However, the barrier was only able to block the rain of flames from a small part of the Church, while the remaining [Cyan Flames] continued to ravage the rest of the Church complex, committing mass arson.

–[Chaos] Serpentes King, Ouroboros.

This was an Awaiting who managed to survive until the very last moment of another parallel world.

A [Chaos] Divine Skill unleashed by such an entity could only be fought against by Combatants of at least Red Wraith’s level.

Not even Red Wraith managed to completely defeat it and was only able to temporarily seal it away.

——-And that was under the circumstances where the [Chaos] Serpentes King was previously wounded, unable to fully exert its power.

Gu Qing Shan only helped it recover from the wounds inflicted by the Plague Apocalypse, not the wounds it sustained before that.

And this level of attack wasn’t something that the angels could resist.

In the shadow of the night, intense flames illuminated the sky.

The orange cat maintained a cold expression as he sat on the other side of the street, carefully observing the Church’s situation.

The intense flames reflecting in the orange cat’s eyes did not cause any fluctuations.

He just silently sat there.

And waited.

Time slowly passed.

The rain of flames finally destroyed a few crucial buildings.

The layered holy barrier became unbearably dim.

The situation was gradually becoming more chaotic.

It was now that the orange cat slowly stood up, took out a formation plate, and began operating it with his claws.

Very quickly, a miniature warp formation was arranged at a dark corner of the street.

The orange cat put the formation plate away and raised his tail.

An autumn water-like blue steel sword silently appeared from the void of space, falling into the orange cat’s tail and was tightly held by it.

The orange cat took a few steps forward, clearly preparing to charge.

He continued to wait.

Time continued to pass.

A large sphere of flame descended from the sky, broke through all the holy light and landed in the main Cathedral of the Church.


With an ear-ringing explosion, the entire Cathedral was destroyed, scattering as embers.

The holy barrier in the sky flickered, then slowly vanished.

Right at this moment!

The orange cat’s figure shifted and disappeared.

Before the layered barrier could regenerate, he had appeared next to the collapsed Cathedral, releasing his inner sight to observe his surroundings.

Very quickly, the orange cat discovered something.

At the Southwest corner of the Church, a large squad of angels were protecting a single building.

Whenever a shot of [Cyan Flames] fell towards this structure, many of the angels would immediately leap forward and unleash their magic without any regard for their own lives to resist the descending [Cyan Flames].

Although the angels continued to fall in battle, more and more angels also continued to pour out from the structure without fear.

The orange cat silently watched for a while, feeling a bit confused.

——every once in a while, a group of angels would fly out from the building.

There were so many of them that it had far surpassed the number that could be contained inside the building.

Could there be a warp formation inside?

The orange cat silently walked past a group of angels who arrived to douse the fire.

Thanks to [Ghostly Shadow of Night], none of the angels discovered the orange cat’s existence.

And so, the sword that the orange cat had coiled around his tail also did not unleash any attacks.

He slowly continued forward, carefully avoiding the dwindling [Cyan Flames] attacks while approaching the building.

After a while, the building’s door opened again.

The orange cat took that chance to abruptly activate his Divine Skill——

[Ground Shrink]!

Instantly, the orange cat appeared behind the large squad of angels and entered the building.

As soon as he entered, he heard a familiar voice:

“Who exactly was it that dared to openly attack the Church in Void City? I want him dead!”

The orange cat’s ears twitched.

This was Yu Juan’s voice, the Yu Juan that he knew.

The orange cat looked into the main hall of the building, only to see several angels kneeling on one knee around a unique angel with six natural wings on his back and clad in holy light.

——-A six-winged seraph.

Who would have thought that ‘Yu Juan’ was actually a six-winged seraph?

He had a cold expression on his face mixed with clear anger as he shouted towards an angel:

“Why haven’t you found the source of this flame magic yet?”

The angel fearfully responded: “This subordinate has been investigating, but could not find such a technique within our records of the last few thousand years”

“Then search in the records of ten thousand years ago!” the six-winged seraph shouted.

“Yes! Yes sir!”

The angel hurriedly flipped through the magic book in his hand and continued to search.

Next to these angels, there was a rune formation created from pure holy light.

Every few moments, an angel would be transported here through the rune formation.

——sure enough, there was a warp formation here.

The orange cat narrowed his eyes and hid in the corner.

—–for the sake of safety, he did not mention the battle between Red Wraith and the [Chaos] Serpentes King in too much detail.

This was nothing but a basic precaution.

When Gu Qing Shan had just returned, quite a few people wanted Gu Qing Shan to explain everything that happened, but the City Lord’s manor was on Gu Qing Shan’s side, coupled with the Ominous Demon Tower’s influence and the Hitman Guild’s nature as a murder organization—-

Investigating a Titled Hitman’s secret could easily offend them as well as the murder organization they represented, and the Ominous Demon Tower had also made their stance very clear.

That was why no one really knew the specifics of the combat situation.

They only confirmed through investigations that the Plague Apocalypse did disappear, and a new world was indeed forming.

Someone used a unique ability to communicate with the world spirit, who confirmed Gu Qing Shan’s words.

That was why everyone believed Gu Qing Shan’s version of events.

But no one knew about the [Chaos] Serpentes King in detail.

Which included Yu Juan.

The orange cat silently thought as his tail twitched.

The Six Paths Great Mountain sword followed his tail’s movement and pointed straight at Yu Juan.

—–there’s nothing to regret about killing someone who sold me out.

But then, why did he do such a thing?

The orange cat fell into thought.

A series of hurried footsteps sounded.

“Holy Son, we can’t hold it off, that technique is growing increasingly stronger, almost like it’s never-ending” someone reported.

Yu Juan’s anger abruptly vanished, he calmed down and ordered: “If it had gotten to that degree, there is no need to continue forcefully holding it off, evacuate everyone from the Church’s vicinity.

“Then what about you, sir?” an angel asked.

“I’ll return to Heaven” Yu Juan casually replied.

The angel then advised: “You can’t, sir. If the other party can unleash such a technique, there’s no guarantee that Heaven is safe either”

Yu Juan wanted to say something, but then slowly closed his eyes.

“You’re right, no one in the Church can withstand such a technique, I wouldn’t be safe even if I return to Heaven...”

He muttered to himself.

The orange cat silently continued to observe and quickly saw something he found to be strange.

Yu Juan glanced at the clock on the wall.

The other angels also turned towards the clock one by one.

The orange cat carefully examined it, only to find that it was a normal clock in every meaning of the word.

Yu Juan then declared: “We’ve stalled for long enough, let’s first return to Heaven before we head to that place”

“Understood, Holy Son”

“You will be safe there, Holy Son”

“Please go ahead”

The angels agreed.

Yu Juan ordered: “Everyone qualified will remain here, the others evacuate from the Church complex, immediately!”

“Sir, yes sir!” the angels responded in unison.

The angels here swiftly scattered.

The angels who were trying to hold off [Cyan Flames] swiftly left the Church complex, fleeing to other areas.

Only a handful of angels remained around Yu Juan.

What exactly is going on?

Where is Yu Juan heading to?

The orange cat’s eyes flickered a bit.

...Killing Yu Juan doesn’t seem to be my first priority anymore.

“Let’s go” Yu Juan ordered.

The angels followed and stepped onto the warp formation with him.

The warp formation radiated white holy light and fully initiated—-

The angels’ expression became relaxed as they waited for the warp to complete.

Yu Juan had also begun to ponder the background of the terrifying technique in the sky.

Right at this moment, the orange cat finally made his move.

Divine Skill, [Shadow Shift]!

Yu Juan switched places with the orange cat who was outside the formation!

Swiftly, the orange cat switched places with the clock on the wall as well.

The warp formation was activated!

The angels and the clock were all transported away.

Only Yu Juan remained inside the room.

He only felt his vision becoming blurred and a faint spatial fluctuation.

These are the signs of the warp formation activating.

But, why am I still inside the room?

As soon as he thought that, a sword had already been propped against his neck.

A light-blue flash of lightning flickered!

Thaumaturgy, [Dreamjolt]!

Yu Juan’s body trembled, unable to move.

The orange cat instantly took out a formation plate and clicked on it with his claw.

Warp activated—-

The orange cat and Yu Juan both disappeared, then reappeared outside of the church complex where the previous formation was set up.

The orange cat then used [Ground Shrink] and took Yu Juan away without leaving a trace.

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