Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1335 - Continuing forward

Chapter 1335: Continuing forward

An autumn water-clear blue steel sword descended, lightly hovered next to Gu Qing Shan, and tapped its hilt on his shoulder, almost like it was consoling him.

“Gongzi, that was only a technique earlier, since I didn’t see you give me the signal, I refrained from acting” Shannu said.

“I know” Gu Qing Shan didn’t look up.

Shannu hesitated for a bit before speaking: “This technique was left behind countless years ago, it’s about to fade away now”

“I know” Gu Qing Shan answered her in a mutter.

Luo Bing Li suddenly spoke up: “Your mother and father might still be alive; this is something to be happy about”

The Earth sword’s mountainous heavy voice also followed: 「 That’s right, old Gu, if you really aren’t happy, I’ll send two girlies to have a drink with you tonight 」

The Chao Yin sword followed up with an ‘oong’.

The Heaven sword and Six Paths Great Mountain sword both started beating the Earth sword, causing it to ring like a bell.

The Chao Yin sword hurriedly hid back into the void of space.

Gu Qing Shan shook his head, walked up to the window, and stood next to his younger self, both looking up at the gloomy night sky.

The four swords all went silent as they hovered behind him.

Shannu’s voice became softer, gently telling him: “Gongzi, cheer up. The technique is about to be dispelled; we’ll soon return to the world we were in before”

“Don’t worry, I’m fine. Just like Luo Bing Li said, I’m a bit worried about them, unsure whether or not they’re still alive” Gu Qing Shan sighed, then continued: “It’s a good thing if they’re still alive”

His gaze fell onto his younger self, muttering:

“To specifically prepare [Return of a fallen star] for me, they most likely hoped that I’d be able to live a peaceful life. At the same time, they were afraid that I might not want to remain still and wouldn’t know that looking for them was a highly dangerous thing to do, but they still miss me, so they also made [Compass] and left me with a choice”

“Did you notice anything unusual about your parents compared to normal people when you were younger?” Luo Bing Li carefully asked.

After a moment of silence, Gu Qing Shan replied:

“Now that I think about it, there really were a lot of questionable points—-”

“When I was very young, mother and father never really cleaned the house, but it had always remained pristine”

“We opened a small diner in the slums, bringing in basically no profits. Orphans, single mothers, old people, my father never took a single penny from them, but the diner never went out of business”

“Public order was extremely good in our part of the slums, any thugs or gangsters that tried anything would simply drop dead the next day”

“It wasn’t until a few months after I became an orphan that the very first homicide occurred”

“My father had never liked the 9 Lords aristocrats, always looking at them as if looking at a pile of poo, so he used to always cause trouble whenever he left the slums for work. At that time, mother worriedly asked why he liked going out to play with poo, after which he stopped going out as much”

“My father would always do really strange things out of nowhere, sometimes blowing a breath, sometimes slapping something in the air. When I curiously asked what he was doing, he answered that practicing old people martial arts early on is good for the body———”

“But if my mother looked at him questioningly, he would always pridefully boast that he’s undefeated no matter the era. I had always thought that he was joking around, but now that I think back, he probably wasn’t”

Shannu chimed in: “Did he teach you anything?”

“When I was in kindergarten, I said that I wanted to become a scientist when I grew up, he was really happy and helped me study every day——- but by the time I was in elementary school, when homework got harder, he said that he was only a worker so he hasn’t learnt such knowledge before, that I will have to slowly study on my own”

Gu Qing Shan chuckled a bit, then continued:

“My mother, she used to be really lazy. I remember how she liked to sit still doing nothing for hours on end—— but I recall one time, after she sat like that, she proudly embraced me, saying something like ‘my child, you’ll meet so many girls who like you when you grow up, each of them is also excellent, so you’ll have to quickly spread the branches of our family’—— I didn’t really understand what ‘spread the branches’ meant at the time, but now I do”

“It’s not too late yet” Luo Bing Li encouraged him.

「 You still don’t understand at all 」the Earth sword sighed.

The two female swords started beating the Earth sword again behind Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t say anything else and silently looked at the War God UI.

Only to see the golden saber icon silently sat at the very end of all the icons.


Although the technique around him would soon disappear and he would soon return to the Saint Spirit world to face the questioning of the others, Gu Qing Shan still couldn’t help himself focusing his mind to activate this icon.

Lines of glittering golden text appeared from the [Compass] icon, displaying in the void of space:


[There is a message left for you here]

Suddenly, a lot of noises could be heard.

Screaming, shouting, loud magical beams, clashing weapons, magical explosions, etc. a lot of noises that continued for 7-8 seconds in a row.

Finally, all the noises slowly died down.

It was only now that a male voice spoke up:

[I’m done over here, take this chance to leave our son a message]

A hurried female voice then continued:

[My child, listen carefully. In the Roland empire of Saint Spirit world, at the center of the southern wall in the Royal secret vault, there’s a hidden compartment where we left something for you to take. If you like it, you can keep it, if you don’t like it, keep it anyway, it won’t be of any demerit to you]

[This Saint Spirit world is actually not bad at all, so make sure to do your best!]

Her last few words felt like she was boasting.

A line of glowing text then appeared on the War God UI:

[Notice from the Compass: Find that item and you’ll receive a new clue]

Gu Qing Shan immediately asked: “Will the new clue be related to the item I’ll find?”

[Perhaps, perhaps not, but regardless, the Compass will only provide the next clue once you’ve accomplished this task]

Gu Qing Shan sighed.

“Gongzi, what’s the matter?” Shannu asked out of concern.

“The Saint Spirit world is an exceedingly powerful world, and my parents left something in an empire’s royal vault, telling me to get it” Gu Qing Shan said.

“What’s the issue with that, just go take it” Luo Bing Li replied without care.

The Earth sword replied: 「Of course, there are a lot of issues, no identity, no strength, no status, who would let him in? 」

“Then just get stronger” Luo Bing Li replied.

“That’s probably also my parents’ intentions. They’re so sly, setting up a test like this for me. Furthermore, I have a bad feeling about the thing they left me...” Gu Qing Shan muttered.

「 You don’t think it’s some sort of unique treasure? 」the Earth sword asked.

“It’s probably not, the War God UI is the treasure they left me, but I can’t really say the same about that item in the empire’s royal vault” Gu Qing Shan replied.


The scenery around him finally faded.

Gu Qing Shan had returned to the border village of Ramon in the Saint Spirit world.

“How was it, are you ok?” Crow stood on one side, asking.

“What was inside that spatial hole?” Moore asked.

Gu Qing Shan turned to where the hole was earlier.

The large rip in space had already disappeared, the void of space returning to normal.

It was as if everything was a dream, me going through a test, then seeing my mother, obtaining sparse clues about them.

Thinking back, the Deities of this world were able to predict the plague but were also surprised by the appearance of that world fragment.

That crab technique was activated using the overlapping of the two worlds.

How unimaginable.

“I saw another world on that side, a world of nothing but a large ocean. I saw the crimson shadow earlier fighting with another monster, so I hurriedly returned” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Recalling the power of that crimson shadow, everyone couldn’t help themselves from falling silent.

“No, I have to immediately return to Count Heath’s manner and report this to him”

Saying that, Moore looked at Gu Qing Shan: “Rhode, what do you plan to do now?”

“I’ll head off to the Viscount’s manor and prepare to be conferred my Baron title” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Very well, I’ll look for you tonight” Moore patted his shoulder and said.

“Then, see you later” Gu Qing Shan answered.

Moore nodded to the others, then entered the void of space together with his troops.

The village returned to silence.

“That seemed like an accidental world collision event—– I hope everything stops here, otherwise it’ll be a lot of trouble” the Viscount envoy spoke emotionally.

Gu Qing Shan followed up: “This is my village; I naturally also wish for things to be that way”

——but they will definitely not.

Not too much longer, the Plague Apocalypse will descend upon this world like a raging storm.

This would only be the beginning.

More extinct monsters and the plot of the wraiths would also slowly come into light in this world.

Speaking of which, when the Plague Apocalypse descended, the world spirit requested me to use the corpses of plague monsters to give a warning towards the entire world.

My job still isn’t finished...

“Sir envoy, I suggest that we immediately set off and report this matter to the Viscount” Gu Qing Shan said.

“You’re right”

The Viscount envoy wielded his cane and lightly tapped the void of space.

A door manifested.

“Let us go”

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