Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1328 - Rhode’s faith

Chapter 1328: Rhode’s faith

Crouching in front of the wolf’s head, Gu Qing Shan was wondering something.

The War God UI gave him 700 Soul Points for killing this monster.

Although it wasn’t much, it proved a certain fact.

That this monster wasn’t weak compared to me.

——I wonder how strong this monster is considered to be within the extinct monster world.

While he was thinking, lines of glowing text appeared in front of his vision:

[You’ve successfully survived, thus taking on your official identities]

[What you should do in this world and how you would do it will be left at your own discretions]

Gu Qing Shan, Crow, and Yu Juan all froze.

A foreign piece of memory appeared in their minds, causing their heads to spin a little.

This world had arranged a bit of the past, helping them perfectly meld into this world.

Gu Qing Shan scowled and muttered: “... I see... the Duchy is powerful... truly powerful... as expected of the most powerful world!”

Crow also endured the headache and spoke: “... I can see... a set of fencing techniques I once learnt—– so even such a profound set of techniques can only be considered mundane in their world...”

The duck plushie didn’t change his expression at all, only curtly said: “I now know how to make duck plush toys”

A few moments later.

After accepting their memories, Crow muttered in confusion: “Why are there so many Wraith realm humans in this world?”

Yu Juan also asked confusedly: “That’s right, this world also told us before that we need to fight against the monsters, Apocalypse, and wraiths—– why are they so against the wraiths?”

Gu Qing Shan pondered but didn’t say anything.

The wraiths’ machinations were so complicated that even now I don’t understand their goals.

Their techniques and skills were also incredible beyond imagination.

Telling the truth now would probably be disadvantageous for Crow and Yu Juan instead.

Gu Qing Shan picked up the duck plushie, then stood up and said: “Don’t think too much, we should head into the village for now”

Crow asked: “What for?”

Gu Qing Shan replied according to the memories that the world spirit bestowed upon him: “The people from the viscounty have arrived, allegedly, they would escort us to the Baron title conferring ceremony”

“I also have this memory, so let’s go” Crow replied.

Just as they were about to set out, a person suddenly appeared in front of them.

A person who wore a yaksha mask.

Gu Qing Shan was a bit surprised.

——I didn’t think I’d run into a Wraith realm human so quickly.

This was only a small village at the border of the Duchy.

From my memories, there shouldn’t be any Wraith realm humans stationed here.

Unless this is a coincidence, these people should have already spread all over the world, normally residing in hidden locations.

The person with the yaksha mask spoke up: “So it was you sir, the new village chief. I sensed some battle commotions just now, so I ran to take a look, fearing that someone might run into danger”

This village was the land Gu Qing Shan inherited from the will, as well as the reason he would become a Baron.

Gu Qing Shan replied: “Ah, we discovered an especially vicious wolf, it wanted to eat us, so we killed it”

“Really? I never thought our village chief would be so skilled”

The yaksha mask man praised him, then walked up to the wolf’s head and carefully took a look.

“Strange... I don’t seem to have seen this type of creature before...”

He muttered in surprise.

A few moments later.

This person took out a communication talisman, whispered something to it, then let the talisman go.

Gu Qing Shan silently watched his back.


This isn’t the time yet.

I need to first obtain a certain level of authority in this world before I can haggle with these wraiths.

With that in mind, Gu Qing Shan replied: “Feel free to take a look, this thing truly is rare”

He winked at Crow, then returned to the village with the duck plushie.

Even as they had gotten far away, the Wraith realm human was still studying the wolf’s head.

“That was a creature from the extinct monster world, no matter how hard he looks, he’s never going to recognize anything” Crow spoke as if to laugh at someone else’s misery.

“Following this, the monsters and the plague will gradually corrode this world, we’ll have to see whether or not this world can handle it” Gu Qing Shan said.

“If it can’t...” Crow muttered.

“Then we’ll also die within the Apocalypse of this world” Yu Juan concluded.

The three of them said nothing else and quickly made their way towards Ramon village.

A few moments later.

The three of them stood at the entrance of the village.

“This kind of structure... why does it look so familiar?” Gu Qing Shan said confusedly.

“Even I have never seen this building style before, but you say you have?” Yu Juan asked in surprise.

“They’re very beautiful, I’ve never seen them in any other worlds” Crow followed up.

In their vision, every building had a white-painted wall, but their roofs were either a profound blue or black, built to form a pointy peak like a tower. The windows were all made from colorful tinted glass, which depicted various scenery or characters, this gave off a sense of solemnity as a whole, as well as a sense of mystery.

Gu Qing Shan was deeply doubtful.

He had definitely seen structures of similar nature before, right at...

——damn it, I had clearly been to a similar place before, why can’t I remember it now?

“Where did you see such structures before?” Yu Juan eagerly asked.

“I can’t remember” Gu Qing Shan dejectedly replied.

“How could a Combatant of your caliber not remember? Could it have been a dream?” Yu Juan asked.

A dream?

Gu Qing Shan abruptly stopped his feet, frozen in place.

That’s right.

In the hidden passage to the Dusty World, the Four Pillar Gods of the past explained the events of the Inner Plane to me.

At the time, I entered an illusion and got to witness a scene from the Inner Plane.

—–this was the exact style of building that the Deities of the Inner Plane resided in!

This can’t be right; this definitely can’t be right.

Among the many parallel worlds, the Inner Plane was unique, a single instance that only existed in the space vortex.

——why would there be buildings of similar style to the Inner Plane here?

Gu Qing Shan was very confused.

“We’re here” Crow spoke up.

Gu Qing Shan regained his senses and saw that he had arrived at the largest manor in the village.

As a toy duck plushie, Yu Juan was currently being carried by Crow (I’m now a girl, it’s normal for a girl to carry a plushie with them)

Two knights in official regulation armor were standing in front of the manor. Paying attention to the insignias on their armor, Gu Qing Shan noticed that they were from the Viscount’s manor.

“Young master Rhode” a knight spoke: “The Viscount’s envoy is waiting for you”

“Ah, I understand” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He went inside with Crow.

A man wearing a full black official outfit stood in the middle of the living room with his back to Gu Qing Shan.

“Has young master Rhode returned?” he asked.

“I have. My apologies for making you wait” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Not at all, it was us who arrived early”

The man turned around, looked at Gu Qing Shan, and gently said: “The reason why we arrived early was that there was something we needed to confirm before young master Rhode set off”

“What would that be?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Your faith” the man replied.

After thinking a bit, Gu Qing Shan understood.

Not having faith was a terrifying thing in this world.

Even the homeless had their faiths.

As a Baron, not publicizing his faith would cause unnecessary terror.

His people would be unsure of which Deity he served, and which faction he belonged to.

“Is there a reason why you need to know my faith now?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Gu Qing Shan was quickly recalling his background in this world.

But information regarding the Deities was completely nonexistent.

For some reason, when the Deities turned themselves into the Laws, they didn’t mention a word regarding themselves, nor did they fill this gap in knowledge within Gu Qing Shan’s memories.

The Viscount envoy explained right away: “During the conferring banquet tomorrow, the Viscount’s eldest daughter would also make her social debut. We have to make sure that none of the guests’ faith clashes with her own”

“Please go on” Gu Qing Shan said.

“The young lady’s faith lies with the God of Harvest, so we have to ensure that every young man and woman present would be a worshipper of either the Dawn or Radiance pantheon. For that reason, if you worship the God of Ruin, God of Death, or God of Darkness, then I would have to excuse you from the banquet. Once the party is over, if sir Viscounts isn’t completely drunk, he shall conduct the conferring ceremony for you”

The Viscount envoy smiled mysteriously, then continued:

“Young master Rhode, you’re already 15 years old, there is no harm in confirming your faith, it would benefit your future as well”

Gu Qing Shan didn’t give his answer right away.

——it was clear, the other party came to affirm my faith.

His tone and speech had implied quite clearly that he hoped I would worship a God from the Dawn or Radiance Patheon.

Seeing how thorough he was about it, it’s clear that faith was an extremely crucial thing in this world.

Also, he mentioned the God of Death just now.

Isn’t the God of Death Anna?

The Inner Plane is a unique world among the infinite worlds.

If someone else was the God of Death, what would Anna be?

With such thoughts circling his mind, Gu Qing Shan decided to walk up to a bookshelf in the corner of the room and take out a brand-new book covered in dust.

This was the Handbook of Deities, which listed the name of every Deity who guarded this world.

“Young master Rhode, Deities of the Dawn pantheon are listed on Volume 5, page 48 to 61; while the Radiance pantheon is listed on Volume 11, page 15 to 23” the Viscount envoy advised.

“Your excellency’s memory is impeccable” Gu Qing Shan praised.

The Viscount envoy smiled and replied: “It is merely part of my duty”

Gu Qing Shan flipped through the book and saw the name of a certain Deity on Volume 5.

After a moment of silence, he told the Viscount envoy:

“Your excellency, my faith, and worship lies with: The Lord of Dawn, Greatest Deity Above The Star Crown”

The Viscount scowled and replied: “This is a unique entity who had lost their Divinity, your worship of him isn’t suitable for the Viscounty’s benefits”

Gu Qing Shan looked down and continued flipping through the book.

At Volume 11, he stopped.

“Your excellency, the Deity I worship is: Grand Empress of the Pantheon, Reneedol”

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