Chapter 1317: Probing

The sword struck the large battle-axe head-on, sending the giant flying before scattering it into a mist of blood.

The blood entered the sandstorm and disappeared without a trace.

On the other side, Crow’s battle was also over.

He thrust his rapier into the caster’s chest, directly blowing him into the wall of howling sand around them.

As Crow turned around, he saw Gu Qing Shan embracing the infant in diapers, cradling it as he sang a lullaby.

“Ah~ ah~ ah~ don’t cry, don’t cry” Gu Qing Shan gently said.

Crow face-palmed and said: “Hey, you’re holding it upside down, a baby’s head should be close to your chest, not its feet near your chest and head upside down”

Gu Qing Shan was surprised: “I thought this would help it sleep better”

After adjusting the baby’s posture, he looked at Crow: “You seem like you’re experienced, how about you hold it instead?”

Crow immediately took one step back, refusing: “I’ll fight all you want, but I’ve only just seen other people calm a baby down, never done it personally”

Gu Qing Shan looked down at the wailing baby in his embrace and wondered: “Maybe this little one is hungry?”

“No idea. Regardless, since both you and I don’t have milk, let’s quickly get to the Royal capital, there’s definitely something for children to eat over there” Crow replied.

“You’re right, let’s go!” Gu Qing Shan agreed.

Just as they were about to set out, their ID cards vibrated once again:


[Attention all personnel!]

[All civilians have been evacuated to the Gloom Obsidian Star; the Gloom Forest World’s destruction can no longer be prevented]

[We have kept the following warp gates active to facilitate the evacuation of all Professionists towards the Gloom Obsidian Star]

Several rays of light emerged from the ID card to manifest as sets of coordinates.

“Fallen so quickly?” Gu Qing Shan muttered in a deep voice.

Crow muttered: “The situation seems a bit off, the Apocalypse we’ve come across so far clearly isn’t enough to force everyone to evacuate”

Gu Qing Shan didn’t think the same, answering him: “No, I’ve come into contact with this Apocalypse more times than you have——— I noticed that the more times one runs into this Apocalypse, the more powerful it would grow”

While saying that, Gu Qing Shan silently asked the War God UI:

“System, earlier you said that this Apocalypse is similar to the Final Sandstorm, can you confirm it now?”

The War God UI replied:

[There isn’t enough information, no conclusion can be drawn as of right now]

Gu Qing Shan questioned further: “If it is the Final Sandstorm, then it would be an Apocalypse capable of growth. From what you know, is the current rate of growth normal for this Apocalypse?”

[Abnormal, its current rate of growth is too rapid] the War God UI replied.

Gu Qing Shan turned to his remaining Soul Points value.

———-two questions, 2000 Soul Points gone.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help himself from sighing.

Soul Points was secondary, the main issue right now was that everything was too chaotic.

A foul smell wharfed throughout the air.

Crow’s nose twitched and commented: “After drinking breastmilk, children are prone to peeing, usually this is what it smells like”

Gu Qing Shan but the baby forward, telling him: “If you know so much, then keep this little——–”

Before he even finished his words, Crow had already fled several dozen meters away, waving both hands dismissively: “I just happened to have a few friends who have children that currently need to be breastfed. I’m completely clueless when it comes to washing up and changing diapers, you’re still the one who’s gotta do it”

Gu Qing Shan kept the baby forward, his gaze locked with Crow’s gaze.

“Do your best, you’ll learn after doing it a few times” Crow encouraged him.

Gu Qing Shan stayed silent.

The baby cried even more loudly.

“Calm down, I need to calm down” Gu Qing Shan muttered to himself.

He put the baby on the ground and undid its diapers.

The baby’s clothes were now soaked with excrements of both kinds.

——-but there wasn’t even anything clean for the baby to change into.

What now?

At the moment, the Apocalypse has already wiped this world out...

Gu Qing Shan finally came up with an idea.

He drew the Heaven sword and looked at the crying child.

“You’re going to kill it?” Crow asked.

“You think I’m some sort of devil?” Gu Qing Shan asked him in return.

“Well, you ARE an evil creature”

“No, I just have an idea———”

Saying that, Gu Qing Shan began communicating with his swords.

“——–Bing Li, can we use [Chaotic Flow] now?”

Luo Bing Li asked in confusion: “This baby is completely alive and well, what do we need to use [Chaotic Flow] for?”

Shannu asked: “Gongzi, do you want to make this baby grow up?”

The Earth sword also said: 「 That’s not going to work. The Heaven sword can certainly make this little one skip its current state in time and turn into a state in the future, but since this little one hadn’t experienced anything that it should, its mind would remain immature, that won’t do any good 」

Gu Qing Shan explained: “You don’t understand. I want to use [Chaotic Flow] to turn this little one back to its state a few hours ago. That way, it would stop crying, and this entire mess would also disappear”

The four swords all laughed.

“Gu Qing Shan, my Thaumaturgy isn’t something to be used for cleaning up, can’t you just use a cleaning hand seal?” Luo Bing Li practically exclaimed out loud.

“I’m currently a fiend, I can’t expose myself as a cultivator” Gu Qing Shan insisted.

“Gongzi, you should think about other solutions. We’re currently in the middle of an Apocalypse, you had better save [Chaotic Flow] for later” Shannu suggested.

Gu Qing Shan wracked his brain.

——-what a blunder, I actually don’t know how to properly clean and change a baby’s diapers.

If I can use a hand seal to resolve this, there wouldn’t be any issues.

But Crow is right here, and this is a complete ruin without any water.

Crow is a Fire Elemental swordsman, while I’m supposed to be a Fear Fiend, a Shadow Elemental evil creature, so the both of us can’t produce water.

Crow suggested: “Hey, how about we just head straight to the Gloom Obsidian Star? There are surely civilians who know how to do this over there, perhaps even breastfeed this little one”

“How far is the warp gate?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“A bit further away compared to the Royal Capital, we need to hurry up” Crow replied.

Gu Qing Shan abruptly paused, then clapped his hand out of delight: “I have a solution, Crow, wait here for a bit”

He happily embraced the infant again, then used his World Technique——

[Fog Realm Descent]!

Layers of fog enveloped him and took him away.


On the other side.

Void City.

A small brick house.

Xiao Die was making some food in the kitchen when she sensed something, then placed the spatula in her hand down and went to the living room.

Layers of fog started to appear out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Qing Shan appeared with a crying baby in his arms.

Xiao Die’s eyebrows twitched a bit, asking: “Whose belly did you knock up to get this little one? Kitty?”

“No” Gu Qing Shan hurriedly denied it.

He explained what happened.

Xiao Die rolled up her sleeves, received the baby from Gu Qing Shan’s hand, skillfully cleaned it up, then sang a lullaby while gently rocking it in her arm.

The baby slowly fell asleep.

Gu Qing Shan praised: “Sure enough, professional matters should be left to the professionals”

Xiao Die scoffed at him, went into her room, placed the baby on a bed, then returned.

“Want something to eat before you leave?” she asked Gu Qing Shan.

“I can’t, I’ll leave this baby with you, for now, I need to return to my large-scale mission” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“No problem. In fact, you’re the one who needs to watch out. I heard that something went wrong with the mission, a lot of Professionists have already lost their lives” Xiao Die said.

“Alright, I’ll be careful” Gu Qing Shan cautiously replied.

His figure became obscured by the fog and disappeared again.

——-he had left.

Xiao Die didn’t bother to get back to cooking, instead, headed to her room to look at the baby.

“He’s already gone, you still want to lie down there?” Xiao Die asked.

The baby suddenly opened its eyes, its body gradually grew larger until she became a feminine girl.

“Your bed feels really comfortable” the girl commented.

“If you want to sleep, go back to the City Lord’s manor, what are you sleeping at my place for?” Xiao Die crossed her arms and asked.

The girl sat up on the bed, then replied: “Alright, then I’m leaving”

She began to float.

Xiao Die suddenly said: “Why did you come here? And why were you with him in the first place?”

The girl answered: “You told me about him, and since I’m the one who gave him his codename, I wanted to personally take a look”

“And the verdict?” Xiao Die asked.

Perhaps thinking of something funny, the girl lightly giggled.

“He seems ok for now. Once that event begins, I’ll give the Hitman Guild another slot for a Titled Hitman to participate—— as for whether or not this ‘Dragon King of Atrocity Jail’ gets that slot, it’ll be completely up to him”

The girl fixed up her appearance a bit, then said: “Xiao Die, make sure not to tell anyone about this”

After that, she vanished.

Xiao Die stood still, shivering a bit.

“For her to personally check, that’s quite some precaution she’s taking...”

She whispered to herself.

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