Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1269 - Apocalypse categorization

Chapter 1269: Apocalypse categorization

[Worlds Apocalypse Online – NEET]?

Gu Qing Shan was stunned.

He muttered in confusion: “But, why is it called [NEET]? I really don’t understand, why would the Awaitings create this kind of [Order]?”

The other ‘Gu Qing Shan’ replied: “Ah, don’t think too much about it. Actually, this [Order]’s original intent was to protect those with potential, preventing them from dying prematurely within the rampaging Apocalypses”

“But then... the more the Awaitings finished this [Order], the more potential they felt from it, so they slowly became serious about it, and eventually turned it into this state—– excuse me, but I need to go to sleep for a bit”

As he said that, he swiftly took out a futon mattress, laid on it, and covered himself with the blanket.

Gu Qing Shan: “...”

Shan Hai Qi Xia: “...”

Gu Qing Shan said: “Oi, don’t sleep just yet——”

He sent his voice to ask: “Earlier, you used [Mystery of All Beings Equal], and the other ‘me’ seems to also know this technique, so have both of you met the giant corpse?”

“Yeah, we did meet it. I still can’t imagine what kind of entity it is—— and I actually have a few questions too”

The NEET Gu Qing Shan appeared intrigued and asked: “What kind of [Order] are you carrying?”

When Gu Qing Shan was just about to answer, lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI.

[You cannot tell him]

[You and I spent great efforts during the Age of Old to return to your past, thus creating a perfect closed loop that prevents all entities from probing our backgrounds]

[Although the other party is another ‘you’, and there is very small chance for this secret to reveal itself, you must still maintain absolute precaution and not expose any hints of the secret]

Gu Qing Shan silently said in his mind: “But ‘myself’ would definitely not reveal something like this”

The War God UI replied: [Within the infinite worlds, there are always abilities that you do not know about, and even the slightest mention is a risk of an unnecessary leak of information]

That’s true.

Seeing how careful the War God UI was, Gu Qing Shan also stayed cautious.

“I also carry an [Order], called [Human Regiment]” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“So it’s a large-scale combative [Order], huh?” NEET Gu Qing Shan asked.

“That’s right”

“Hah, how envious. You can simply fight whenever and wherever you wish, but I have no choice but to remain a NEET in order to grow stronger”

“As a NEET, what kind of thing do you actually need to do?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Ah, since I just participated in a battle just now, let me see...”

NEET Gu Qing Shan turned his gaze to the void of space and muttered: “To better obtain power, my current objectives are——”

“After a short nap, read 20 minutes of manga, eat a bowl of instant noodles, drink 2 beers, ah, and also complete my game dailies. Not too difficult, but takes quite a bit of time... seems like I’ll have to seize my time”

He closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep.

The sound of snoring could quickly be heard.

Gu Qing Shan: “...”

Shan Hai Qi Xia: “...”

“Gu Qing Shan, could someone like this, truly be you?” Shan Hai Qi Xia couldn’t help but ask.

“Of course, to be able to fall asleep so quickly, he had clearly been through relatively strict training. Many people aren’t able to achieve the same thing he does” Gu Qing Shan crossed his arms and told her with an affirmative tone.

“Right, what did you do when you left the city earlier?” Shan Hai Qi Xia asked.

Gu Qing Shan explained everything to her, making a point to emphasize the tombstones and the monster’s Causality Skill.

Shan Hai Qi Xia scowled: “Oh no, so it was an Apocalypse of this rank, then we’re in trouble”

“What do you mean by rank?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Shan Hai Qi Xia replied: “Our Tomb of Myriad Beasts had always been fighting against the Apocalypse, so as the upholding pillars of the entire world, our group had devised a categorization of Apocalypses in accordance to how much threat they pose——- I assume that your 900 million World Layers would also have a corresponding categorization of Apocalypses”

“No, our 900 million World Layers does not have a way to categorize Apocalypses at all” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Shan Hai Qi Xia was shocked: “How is that possible? Do you not have a Spatial Grandmaster?”

Gu Qing Shan replied: “We’ve been dealing with an [Order] that went out of control, followed by the threat of [Chaos], so we haven’t been able to pay too much attention to Apocalypses”

“So there haven’t been any Apocalypses that ravaged your world? No, that can’t be right, we’ve been able to observe quite a few of them” Shan Hai Qi Xia asked.

“We indeed had to face quite a few, but for the longest time, we’ve had to deal with too many issues, the Apocalypse is only one of them” Gu Qing Shan sighed.

—–during this period of time, the Spire that represented both history and knowledge had already been destroyed, so the 900 million World Layers didn’t have the same level of understanding and research as the Tomb of Myriad Beasts, nor did it had any documents like the bone pieces that recorded as well as analyzed Apocalypses...

“Wait a moment, what did you mean by Spatial Grandmaster?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Shan Hai Qi Xia replied: “An individual with precise and powerful control of Space, capable of traversing from world to world, recording the uniqueness and power of each Apocalypse, while not being afraid of mundane Apocalypses, thus able to research them”

Gu Qing Shan froze briefly.

—-an individual with precise and powerful control of Space?

There is one.

But she’s already gotten addicted to going shopping and cuisine, too lazy to even write new chapters for her novel most of the time, so there’s no way anyone can trust her to have enough interest to make a categorization of Apocalypses...

The fact that categorization of Apocalypses could be done also means that they have a very deep understanding of Apocalypses.

This is something that must be done!

Ever since the great tomb appeared, the Tomb of Myriad Beasts had been continuously fighting against the Apocalypses without stopping, so they could certainly be considered experts more than anyone else.

With that in mind, Gu Qing Shan immediately clasped his fist to Shan Hai Qi Xia and said: “I still haven’t learnt any knowledge about Apocalypses in the Study Lodge. I’d like you to inform me of how the Tomb of Myriad Beasts had been categorizing Apocalypses up to this point, I’d be eternally grateful”

Seeing how solemn he was about it, Shan Hai Qi Xia sincerely replied: “After studying the Apocalypses for so many years, our Tomb of Myriad Beasts had divided the Apocalypses into 4 ranks. To avoid mass panic and confusion, we’ve put the two latter ranks among the secrets that only high-leveled combative personnel are allowed to research and access”

“These 4 ranks are, respectively: Sealed rank, Unsolvable rank, Unlivable rank, and Unfathomable rank”

“I’d like to know more” Gu Qing Shan said.

“Sealed rank, are Apocalypses that can be fought against and eradicated with the power of living beings. Or in the case that we cannot destroy it, we would still have a way to seal and ensure that it could not exert its power nor destroy any worlds”

“Unsolvable rank, are Apocalypses that we simply cannot seal away or eradicate. In reality, the Vengeful Spirit Apocalypse that appeared not too long ago was an Unsolvable rank Apocalypse; the stronger someone was, the easier they would die from it”

“Furthermore, whenever an Apocalypse of this rank manifests, the lives of living beings are like pieces of driftwood in a tsunami; there exists no means of retaliating against or resolving these Apocalypses. The only thing living beings can do is to find the smallest hope of survival within the infinite possibilities of death”

“The third rank is called Unlivable rank. Once an Apocalypse of this rank appears, there would surely be no survivors—– as no one had ever been able to survive an Apocalypse of this level, the information we have about it are extremely sparse”

“You mean, there’s not even a single bit of information?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“That’s not the case. Whenever an Apocalypse of this rank appears, it would systematically destroy many worlds at once, sometimes up to a billion worlds. During the few times they had appeared in history, our Tomb of Myriad Beasts had managed to observe and secretly record them——— each of which were scenes of unimaginable horror”

“The final rank is known as ‘Unfathomable’, we’ve only ever recorded one such Apocalypse ever before. It was said that it appeared outside of the void, not within the Reality Gate, but I don’t know for sure what it was like. The reason for this was because our strongest ‘inheritor’ once managed to use a unique Causality Skill to observe it a single time, after which he lost this life; however, before he was completely dead, he managed to tell us through mouthing that above the rank of ‘Unlivable’, there was still the rank of ‘Unfathomable’”

Gu Qing Shan seriously listened to her, then nodded: “It was truly eye-opening, our 900 million World Layers will be able to continue using your categorization from now on”

Shan Hai Qi Xia felt a bit triumphant, then asked: “Earlier, during your conversations, you mentioned a certain term, ‘Awaitings’, what kind of entities are they?”

“They are boundlessly powerful entities that took refuge behind the Reality Gate. As a way of fighting against the Apocalypse, they created [Order] and [Chaos]” Gu Qing Shan explained.

Shan Hai Qi Xia went speechless.

She also knew about the existence of [Order] and [Chaos], but never how someone could have created such things.

Right at this time, the sound of rumbling echoed from outside.

The ground itself was trembling.

The ‘Gu Qing Shan’ on the bed, waved his hand to arrange several layers of soundproof formations before going back to sleep.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t take too much notice of his NEET ‘self’ and walked up to the window, opening it to look outside.

Only to see the black fog boiling intensely just outside the city gates.

The sound of several unrivaled powers clashing against one another caused thunderous resounding echoes.

Storm-level shockwaves spread into the surroundings, kicking the ceilings of several structures away.

Several people who were just walking on the streets were also blown into the air.

“Such power... that truly is...” Gu Qing Shan muttered.

Suddenly, a streak of light flew across the sky, approaching him from the horizon.

The sword stopped perfectly right in front of Gu Qing Shan.

Shannu’s excited voice came from the sword:

“Gongzi, they’re fighting!”

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