Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1235 - Wind Listener

Chapter 1235: Wind Listener

Through the sea continuing downwards, there was a city.

This city belonged to the School of Shan Hai.

After 30 minutes, Gu Qing Shan had gone through numerous layers of testing to stand in front of this famous School’s VIPs.

“Is he that child?” a man with a long beard wearing a white coat asked.

“Indeed, Extinguishing Saintly Hands sir, after all of our tests, his identity had been confirmed beyond any doubt” Li Qiu Yu replied.

“I heard that you gave him a name, Li Qiu Shan?” Thousand Saints Blade Venerate——– as well as Li Qiu Yu’s big brother, Li Chun Dao asked.

“That’s right” Li Qiu Yu replied.

“Isn’t that a bit hasty?” Li Chun Dao appeared full of complaints.

—–sister, why did you suddenly take in a little brother?

“It was after careful considerations that I granted him a name, and he also agreed” Li Qiu Yu didn’t care to hear his complaints, instead, staring straight at her brother and glared back at him.

Brother, you don’t know just how good this kid’s cooking—— no, I mean——- how excellent his spirit linking talents were.

While the pair of brother and sister talked through their eyes, another man with a sword on his back looked at Gu Qing Shan and asked: “Child, I want to ask you. When you were at the School of Fei Yu, why did you suddenly tell Zhao Qiong to kill Steward Liu?”

Gu Qing Shan had already noticed his man beforehand.

He was also a swordsman, he gave off quite a considerable presence, and the sword on his back didn’t seem to be a normal item either.

There were three kinds of Combatants in the Tomb of Myriad Beasts: Bone Masters, Spirit Linked Martial Artists, and Weapon Wielders.

This man is most likely a Weapon Wielder.

Gu Qing Shan immediately felt itchy, wanting to spar with him and feel the extent of his swordsmanship.

But it was not the time for that yet.

He slightly lowered his head and replied with a slightly trembling voice: “Because in our School of Fei Yu, only the Patriarch and the Elders were qualified to open the secret room, but since Steward Liu was the one who arrived, something must have happened”

“Just because of that?” the man continued to ask.

Gu Qing Shan continued: “And also, as far as I can remember, the cherry blossom forest of our School of Fei Yu had never had fog in the middle of the night, but when Steward Liu opened the door, fog immediately poured in, so the situation outside must have been extremely unique”

That man said: “Then, you noticed two points of discrepancy?”

“Yes, I felt that was more than enough” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The man praised: “Hm, how very sharp, no wonder you managed to survive and return from the battlefield”

At this point, the conversation was over.

All of a sudden, an elusive female voice sounded: “Li Qiu Shan, have you felt any changes recently?”

From the void of space, a woman wearing a crimson robe descended from above, standing in the middle of everyone.

She was extremely pretty, her eyes were like the reflections of moonlight in a deep bog, her lips a healthy pink on top of a snowy complexion, her hair long and flowing as a waterfall, there was a faint glint of a star in between her eyebrows.

Li Qiu Yu pulled on Gu Qing Shan’s sleeves and gestured with her eyes for him to quickly bow.

Everyone quickly bowed to greet her: “Greetings, Dean”

Seeing this reaction, how could Gu Qing Shan not recognize who this was?

This woman was the Dean of the School of Shan Hai, a legendary character in all the 8 Grottos of the world, Shan Hai Qi Xia.

Gu Qing Shan respectfully bowed: “Yes there were, a few strange runes had appeared on my arm”

Everyone turned to his arm but didn’t see anything.

“When did you notice this?” Shan Hai Qi Xia asked again.

“In the past, I had practiced some fist techniques and archery, which I recently did again during my free time. After that, the runes appeared” Gu Qing Shan replied.

This was all true, so this was immune to lie detection.

Gu Qing Shan then made a gesture to throw a punch.

Faint rune patterns then appeared on his arms.

Everyone was speechless.

“That’s a bit too arbitrary” the sword wielding man sighed.

“That’s right, that is a bit too arbitrary, is it that simple to become a Spirit Linked Martial Artist?” Li Chun Dao agreed, then asked.

The long-bearded man in a white coat replied: “Not at all. I had to undergo many processes at the time: I had to bathe, fast, light an incense and coat my fists with numerous secret medicine; after that, I recited various martial scriptures for three whole days before I managed to activate my Spirit Linked Extinguishing fists”

An old man added: “This old man had only seen one other person like this throughout my entire life”

“Who?” Shan Hai Qi Xia asked.

“Dean, it was the founder of our School of Shan Hai, your father” the old man replied.

“Regretfully, he lost his life in the great tomb” Shan Hai Qi Xia was a bit sorrowful.

Everyone turned to Gu Qing Shan.

Such a young man... does he really have that level of terrifying talents?

Or perhaps, the power he formed a spirit link with had already surpassed the understanding of this world?

The atmosphere became a bit sensitive.

After a few moments, Shan Hai Qi Xia said: “Li Qiu Shan, as you currently are, you have formally become a Spirit Linked Martial Artist”

“Huh, then what should I do now?” Gu Qing Shan asked, still a bit clueless.

Shan Hai Qi Xia put her pure white jade palm up in front of herself and said: “Come, use your Spirit Linked fist technique to strike me once”

“But senior Zhao said that I might attract an Apocalypse” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“It’s ok, all of us are here, there’s no need for you to fear” Shan Hai Qi Xia replied.

Gu Qing Shan walked forward and threw a punch at her palm.

——other than a curt sound of a hit, there were no other changes.

Everyone was a bit disappointed.

“Very well, it seems that no powers have manifested yet, let us confirm it later on” Shan Hai Qi Xia said.

Gu Qing Shan pondered for a bit, then felt like he didn’t need to hide his strength, or act like a young teenager who doesn’t understand anything any longer, so he simply told them straight: “This Spirit Linked fist technique seemed to be triggered by a second strike”

Li Qiu Yu immediately reminded him: “Oi, you brat, if you tell everyone your trump card, who’s going to let you hit them the first time from now on?”

Li Chun Dao loudly rebuked her: “Nonsense, would any of us here arbitrarily reveal it?”

He then turned to Gu Qing Shan and said: “But don’t do that again next time, it’s best that you don’t tell others about it”

Gu Qing Shan understood that they were reminding him out of goodwill, so he smiled and replied: “It’s ok, this is only my first Spirit Linked technique”

——–even if you know, how would you stop the Divine Skill [Skyfall]? Lightning [Dreamjolt]? Or me calling your name?


Force me to use my sword? Or the Dance?

Everyone at the scene were highly experienced people, so they immediately understood: “So it is a spirit link that can only trigger after hitting the first strike, that’s quite a considerable prerequisite”

Everyone understood.

“So that was how it was” Shan Hai Qi Xia casually replied.

Nine rays of light slowly manifested behind and circled around her.

“Come, your second strike” Shan Hai Qi Xia said.

Since it had gotten to this, Gu Qing Shan was a bit concerned and said: “Please be careful, this strike seems to be very powerful, although it can’t hurt you, I think it will destroy certain defensive techniques on you”

Everyone chuckled.

Li Qiu Yu glared at Gu Qing Shan and said: “Don’t talk nonsense, just care about yourself. If the Dean wants to stop your strike, she doesn’t even need to use any defenses”

But beyond everyone’s expectations, after hearing Gu Qing Shan, Shan Hai Qi Xia pondered a bit before forming a different hand seal.

The nine rays of light once again returned behind her, manifesting into hundreds of thousands of colorful lights that illuminated her like a goddess.

“That should be enough, come” Shan Hai Qi Xia replied.

Gu Qing Shan then swung his fist towards her palm.

——this was the power that came from that entity!

Spirit Linked Martial Arts, [Inch Desolation]!

As his fist met her palm, all of her colorful lights were scattered like fog in the wind, completely vanished in a single moment.

The countless ornaments that Shan Hai Qi Xia was wearing uttered a howl, followed by a faint flash of light before going completely silent

The ground began to tremble.

Oo——- ooong—— ooo—-

A heavy resounding call erupted from deep underground that disseminated in every direction.

“This strike is able to destroy all defensive means, oh no——” Shan Hai Qi Xia’s expression changed: “The Divine Beast Spirit Guardian has awoken! Extinguishing Saintly Hands, Old Man Embracing Bones, quickly come with me to soothe the mountain Spirit Guardian!”


The long-bearded white coat man and an old man replied, then vanished with Shan Hai Qi Xia from the room.

Everyone fell into complete silence.

They were all staring at Gu Qing Shan.

This kind of gaze...

Gu Qing Shan relaxed himself, feeling them to be a bit uncalled for.

What are you looking at me for?

I’m just a bumpkin young man, you told me to throw a punch, so I threw a punch, there’s nothing else even if you keep looking at me.


A long while later.

“Very well, you may leave. Wait outside” Shan Hai Qi Xia said.

Gu Qing Shan stood up, bowed to all the VIPs in the room, then left.

As he left, he heard everyone begin to discuss the matter of Zhao Qiong’s promotion.

Quite obviously, the School of Shan Hai had already conducted numerous investigations and re-investigations, all of which turned up without any issues, so the VIPs weren’t too concerned.

Only the two strikes he made were unexpected.

As for what kind of thing this unexpected occurrence was going to bring him, Gu Qing Shan didn’t know yet.

Gu Qing Shan simply waited outside the door.

Both Li Qiu Yu and Zhao Qiong were still inside, and since their meeting wasn’t over, they still hadn’t decided where he would stay, so he had nothing to do but wait here.

Without anything to do, Gu Qing Shan looked up at the sky.

Although I said sky, it was actually the blue ocean.

Above the ocean wasn’t the sky, but rather a mountain.

Then what about above the mountain?

Most likely, also not the sky, but rather that tomb.


What a wondrous world.

Gu Qing Shan looked around.

Under the reflections from the surface of the water, every structure in this city appeared to be painted in black, making them seem mysterious and dignified, giving off an indescribable sense of safety as they looked down at it from above.

A few moments later.

Zhao Qiong and Li Qiu Yu both emerged.

Li Qiu Yu grabbed Gu Qing Shan’s wrist, then poured a handful of sand onto his bone bracelet.

The sand was then slowly absorbed into the bracelet, turning it a golden color.

“What is this?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“This is sand”

“I know it’s sand, but what is it for?”

Li Qiu Yu stroked his head again, then answered: “A proof of identity for newcomers, by which you can go to the Study Lodge to learn”

Gu Qing Shan pursued further: “Then, from now on I’m part of the Study Lodge; where I would begin my studies right away and learn various knowledge with other people?”

“No, you won’t have that much free time, you can only go there when you have time for yourself, while normally——”

Li Qiu Yu displayed a playful smile and said: “Congratulations for becoming a Wind Listener, from now on, you’ll be accompanying big sister on various missions”

“Wind Listener?” Gu Qing Shan instinctively repeated that title.

Zhao Qiong explained to him: “This is a department of our School of Shan Hai, devoted to the research of ‘Secrets’ and ‘Mysteries’, it’s a very well-respected position”

“Li San Lang, do your best”

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