Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1215 - The mastermind

Chapter 1215: The mastermind

The black long-handled scythe silently hovered into the air in front of Anna.

The flames of death and ultimate silence drifted along its body, only waiting for Anna to grab it.

Destruction and vengeance will begin here.

Anna reached her hand forward.

“——-Foolish girl”

A cold female voice suddenly resounded in her mind.

Anna paused

This is Su Xue Er’s voice.

Is she here?

Immediately, Su Xue Er’s voice continued resounding:

“Dummy, if Gu Qing Shan is already dead, how are you still alive? Don’t forget about your pendant”

Anna froze.

That’s true.

Gu Qing Shan is still carrying the Life-Exchanging Contract, if something truly did happen to him, I would lose my life as well.

Isn’t this very simple?

How come I was———

Su Xue Er continued:

“Maintain your anger, don’t make any other expressions, just listen to me”

“The Inner Plane’s Starlight Empire ultimate research results were combined with Impartial Goddess’ own research to create a certain thing—— I’m currently immersed in deep evolution, so I can’t come here by myself, having no choice but to bypass Space-Time and connect my brainwaves with yours”

Anna was surprised: “You can send your brainwaves through Space-Time without relying on the power of the three coins?”

“It’s nothing much, if the power of technology couldn’t travel through time, how come other types of power are able to?” Su Xue Er’s voice contained a hint of triumph and pride.

“Anna, I didn’t expect you to actually try to sacrifice your soul. Seeing how you were so impulsive; I have no choice but to step out to prevent you from doing something stupid”

Su Xue Er’s voice became cold again.

“Anna, it’s your turn now, go and help Ye Fei Li win against that monster—– remember, don’t sacrifice your soul again, just attack with your full power”

Anna was a bit confused.

——–Su Xue Er seems a bit different from how she previously was.

Originally, she shouldn’t have known to be this scheming.

How did she think to use these means and even take advantage of me to achieve her goal?

Her tone is also different from before.

——she seems to be standing at an inexplicable altitude to observe everything that happens in the world of the Spire.

However, all of this is secondary.

The most important thing was that Gu Qing Shan is fine

Anna regained her calm and silently asked: “The Soul Shrieker can’t be killed, what are you planning?”

Su Xue Er replied: “During my deep evolution, thanks to my fourth-dimensional senses, I am able to observe what you are experiencing”

“Although I can’t prevent the Era of [Chaos] from granting the Soul Shrieker its power, we can simply seal it instead of killing it”

“Once you and Ye Fei Li have restrained the Soul Shrieker, I will temporarily halt my evolution and awaken, then throw this guy into a collapsed Space-Time Tomb”

Space-Time Tomb?

Anna silently repeated that word.

Su Xue Er immediately sensed her thoughts and replied: “Yes, it is a branch of the River of Time, but it has already been thoroughly destroyed——- even if the Soul Shrieker is the founding Deity of [Chaos], it would never escape from that place”

“Got it” Anna replied.

Dispelling the soul sacrificial technique from before, she held her scythe and turned her gaze to the air.

Ye Fei Li had already gone berserk so he was fighting against the Soul Shrieker with reckless abandon.

The Soul Shrieker roared: 『 「 Despicable, you aren’t worthy of becoming a Deity of [Chaos], you’re nothing but an insane suicidal bastard!” 』」

It focused the power of Divine Retribution into its hands to attack Ye Fei Li.

Ye Fei Li spat out some fresh blood, then the wings on his back reached forward to attach to his hands and form a pair of razor-sharp claws.

“Ahahahaa! I’m also filled with the power of [Chaos] right now, let us see who’s more afraid of getting hurt!”

Ye Fei Li laughed maniacally, then charged forward like a rabid dog once more, madly tearing off every bit of the Soul Shrieker he could reach.

The two of them wrestled and spun in the sky, rapidly moving around as they fought. While the others on the battlefield also wanted to attack, they couldn’t keep up with their movements at all.

“Ye Fei Li, keep him still for me!”

Anna suddenly shouted.

Ye Fei Li was stunned, then regained his senses.

Although I don’t know what Anna is trying to do, since she had asked for it, she surely has some sort of plan.

Ye Fei Li immediately leapt forward, endured the Soul Shrieker’s Divine Retribution, then held it tightly without minding the damage.

Anna swung her scythe and flew up.

“Chains of death, shackles of living beings, restrain that thing!”

The scythe scattered into numerous shadows that wrapped around the Soul Shrieker’s body.

“Hurry, right at this moment!”

Anna shouted to the void of space.

A cluster of stars descended from above the gloomy grey fog.

These stars gradually converged to form a feminine figure out with their light.

Su Xue Er.

“By my power of fate, break through the wound in Time, let the destroyed isolated branch of the River of Time manifest in this world once more”

She quickly chanted an incantation.

The void of space parted by itself.

A dried up river appeared in front of everyone.

The riverbed was full of filth and destructive power of darkness, simply gazing inside could rouse a heavy sense of breathlessness in one’s mind.

「 『 No, you can’t possibly—— 」』the Soul Shrieker furiously roared.

Ye Fei Li leapt forward and punched the Soul Shrieker with all his might.


The Soul Shrieker was sent flying, unable to alter its course of falling into that dried up branch of the river.

—–if it was banished right here, it would be an extremely long time until it could return.

Although Ye Fei Li was a Deity of [Chaos] as well, he would surely not attempt any destruction.

Ye Ru Xi was the same.

[Order] will earn itself a period of peace and prosperity, leading all living beings to gradually become stronger.

All threats would be dispelled.

“We won!”

Anna clenched her hands.

At this time, something unexpected occurred——-

A faint figure appeared in front of the crack in the void of space and pushed their hands inwards.

The crack immediately closed up and collapsed, causing the dried-up riverbed to disappear from their visions as well.

That figure turned to Su Xue Er.

“Since you are deep in slumber at another period in time, you can return to your sleep. Once I’ve dealt with matters here, I’ll eliminate you in the future”

He swung his fist from afar.


Su Xue Er’s body of light was instantly destroyed.

The faint figure turned towards Ye Ru Xi.

“This façade is over, Harbinger of Apocalypse’s End, it’s time to accept your historical mission——”

Following his declaration, the grey fog in the sky fully converged.

This grey cluster of fog suddenly became as bright as the sun itself, causing everyone to close their eyes.

“The Prayers of 10 trillion years, finally it is time for you to be used!”

The figure spoke emotionally.


An overwhelming light descended from the sky to envelop Ye Ru Xi.

“Aaaaahhh, this power—– it’s Prayers!”

Ye Ru Xi tried to struggle but was easily caught by the faint figure, unable to move away from this envelopment.

Her expression changed as she shouted in panic: “No! Everyone quickly stop him, don’t allow him to imbue me with more power, otherwise I will summon entities that will destroy everything!”

“I’m currently providing power for the Awaitings!”

In the blink of an eye.

Ye Fei Li and Anna both leapt forward.

The figure merely waved his other hand.

“New Deity of [Chaos], you are everything we have imagined you to be, but you hold unnecessary thoughts in your mind”

“And you, Death God from the Inner Plane, you bunch have always looked down on us outsiders, but your glory was buried by your very own hands; you are nothing but a stray now”



The sound of two heavy strikes.

The ground trembled.

Ye Fei Li and Anna were both smacked down to the ground, each forming an incredibly deep hole.

“We can’t let him do as he pleases, charge!” Boss declared.

Everyone responded at once.

The faint figure held Ye Ru Xi still with one hand, while his other hand waved down from afar.

“Ah, the heavily injured fallen Abyssal King, and the living beings of this reality, you only need to be patient”

“Very soon, you will witness a decisive historical moment”

An invisible force descended from above, overwhelming everyone present, ensuring that they wouldn’t be able to move.

Even mustering all of his strength, Boss could only slowly move forward one step at a time.

“Greatest Above the Star Crown, I really couldn’t imagine that you’d fall so low, like a dog that can’t even lord over his own fate”

The faint figure slowly stated.

Boss kept silent and continued heading towards the faint figure.

The figure waved his hand again.

Boss was also smacked away, the Firefly of Stars in his hand scattered to the wind.

“How pitiful, Abyssal King, your era has already passed, and now, after 10 trillion years of planning, the end finally approaches. We shall win the right to decide Fate, and there’s nothing you can do about it”

Following the faint figure’s words, the descending light from above grew increasingly more intense.

Ye Ru Xi gradually fell to despair within the light.

She was sobbing as she shouted: “I don’t want to summon them! I don’t want to destroy the world! Why!? Why do I have to accept such a fate!”

The faint figure was now unable to contain his emotions as he replied: “Because this is the day of [Chaos]’s triumph. After all things, all living beings, and everything in between had been destroyed, the infinite worlds will begin anew, and you will be the deciding factor of it all”

Ye Ru Xi’s tears continued to flow.

Unprecedented supernatural phenomena appeared from her body.

The projection of a large bronze gate slowly manifested behind her, then slowly opened.

All of a sudden——–

From some unknown location, the sound of a flute resounded.

The descending light suddenly veered away from Ye Ru Xi and instead headed towards a faraway mountain.

A snow-white unicorn was standing on the side of the mountain.

A single man rode on the unicorn, softly playing the flute.

The Prayers of 10 trillion years descended onto him, manifesting the embryonic form of various components and circled around him.

This scene was so extraordinary that everyone couldn’t avert their gazes.

The man continued to play the flute, slowly moving towards the battlefield.

In front of his eyes, a line of glowing text quickly appeared:

[Attention, the Demon King is about to attach itself to you and descend on this world]

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