Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1209 - Blank Time of Birthless Emptiness

Chapter 1209: Blank Time of Birthless Emptiness

In a world different from the sea of trees where Gu Qing Shan was located.

Another dreamscape world.

The entire world was a gigantic city with no borders.

Ye Fei Li descended from above and landed in a gloomy small alley.

The gigantic face of skulls manifested from the void and observed him.

「 Come, subject of [Chaos], World Destroyer, mundane and feeble one, show me what you can truly achieve 」

After saying so, the face disappeared.

A watch with black leather straps and a white clock face appeared from thin air and hovered in front of Ye Fei Li.

Lines of grey text started to manifest from the void of space:

[The dreamscape trial had official begin]

[You’ve obtained the Dreamscape Soul Artifact: the Watch of Crime, Blank Time of Birthless Emptiness]

[You can do anything you wish in this city]

[The Watch of Crime will rate you step by step in accordance with your performance]

[The lowest rating is 0:00, the highest rating is 12:00]

[You must somehow increase your rating from 0:00 to 12:00 within 12 hours]

[Only by doing this would you obtain this Dreamscape Soul Artifact, as well as the bestowal of the ultimate Chaos seed of power from the chosen Awaiting]

[In order to complete the trial, your powers have been fully released]

[This world’s highest power level is three times that of yourself]

[Break a leg]

After the text finished displaying, they soon faded away.

Ye Fei Li reached his hand to take the watch and wore it on his left wrist.

“Using time as a rating system, and there aren’t any other reminders, how unusual. So how exactly do I increase this rating?”

While Ye Fei Li was pondering this, he heard a commotion outside.

The sound of explosions could be heard all over.

A high-pitched police siren.

The sound of gunshots.




A very close sound:

“Give me all your money!”

Ye Fei Li looked towards that direction.

Only to see two burly men with daggers in their hands who had cornered a lanky thin man.

“Hand all of your money over, or I’ll tear you a new one”

“Hurry up!”

The two of them threatened.

The lanky thin man prostrated to the ground and begged: “Big brothers, please I beg—-”

“Cut the crap!” one of the men shouted as he swung his dagger.

The dagger was aimed straight at the thin man’s body.


A bright red flash of light.

The burly man’s dagger was sent flying.

The sudden occurrence caused the two of them to divert their gazes towards where the flash of light had come from.

They saw a handsome young man standing on the other side of the street, currently raising his hand to check the time on his watch.

“You tryna play hero? Scram! You were still sucking your momma’s tits when I gained my ability” the other burly man shouted.

He then drew a short sword from his hip

Flames began to drift above his short sword.

A flaming sword.

Sensing the power of this flaming sword, Ye Fei Li finally looked up at the two men.

“A supernatural ability? Even a random mob has one?”

He was very surprised.

At this point, the lanky thin man who was prostrating on the ground suddenly turned into a pile of mud that was absorbed underground and disappeared from the scene.

Ye Fei Li muttered: “An entire population of superhumans?”

He put up one finger.

The finger manifested a bright red streak of light that shot forward.

By the time the burly man lifted his sword, his body had already been chopped to pieces by the red streak of light.

Next to him, his companion was also beheaded.

“How unfortunate, when it comes to utilizing abilities, you guys are still sucking on your momma’s tits”

Ye Fei Li said apologetically.

He checked his watch again.

The hour and minute hands remained completely still, but the second hand had begun ticking forward.

A line of grey text appeared following it:

[From your performance, you’ve entered the first minute]

[You’ve achieved a good beginning]

[Combined with your personal characteristics, the Watch of Crime has bestowed you with the first supernatural ability:]

[Mask of the Clown]

[Causality: When you put this mask on, anyone will consider you to be their ally]

[This ability can be used once per day for 10 minutes at a time]

[While using this ability, you must kill an entity that considers you to be their ally in order to fulfill the Causality Law]

[If you use this ability but do not kill any ‘ally’ that you deceived, the Mask of the Clown will take away 10 years of your lifespan]

[When you attack an ‘ally’, the effect of the mask would also fade away]

[Note: The mask’s appearance can be changed at will]

Ye Fei Li quickly read through everything and muttered: “That’s a bit unimaginable... it’s almost like I just entered a hidden quest in a game...”

——-if every minute of this watch represented a single Causality supernatural ability, then this ‘Watch of Crime’ artifact contains a total of 720 Causality Skills!

What incredible power that would be!

However, this will need to be confirmed.

At this point, the commotion on the street was becoming greater, the sound of intense battle seems to be spreading in every direction.

Ye Fei Li walked to the end of the alley and looked out.

Dozens of men in police uniforms were hurriedly fleeing.

Behind them, 7-8 police cars had already been completely destroyed.

A corpse was thrown out from the bank.

“The Captain of the special forces!”

A policeman exclaimed in fear.

The corpse was literally riddled with bullets, filled to the brim with enough lead to be killed several times over.

A voice shouted from inside the bank: “If you try to attack again, we’re going to kill the rest of them!”

“Runaway as far as you can!”

“Bunch of useless garbage, the money is ours!”

Loud laughing voices could be heard resounding from the bank.

The policemen lowered their heads and hurriedly ran out of sight.

“Let’s run, this is a personal match between those at the top, we can’t get involved”

“Right, right, right, we’re merely hired to maintain order. This matter is between those VIPs...”

The two policemen whispered to each other in a low voice as they ran across the alley.

Ye Fei Li leaned on the wall and silently listened.

The situation seems complicated...

He looked down to check the Watch of Crime.

The hands on the watch remained still, the second hand had stopped after it made one full revolution.

The minute hand has reached the first tick.

The first minute.

——-I still need another 719 minutes to earn this Dreamscape Soul Artifact...


[Attention, crooks in the building! You have been surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender yourselves]

The bank robbers peeked out from inside the bank.

On the chaotic main square right in front of the church, several police cars laid all over the ground, having been turned on their heads.

Only a single person stood next to a relatively intact police car.

He was the only living person on the square.

He was holding a loudspeaker and loudly declared through it: [I repeat, crooks in the building! You have been surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender yourselves]


You’re the only person here, what the heck do you mean by surrounded?

The robbers couldn’t help but look at the man.

He was relatively unremarkable in every way, except for the mask on his face—–

The eyes were blank, it had a stiff expression, a long nose that looked almost like the beak of some bird, as well as a stiff smile.

This was a long-nosed clown mask with a smile that seemed like it was trying to flatter someone, but also like it wasn’t trying to flatter anyone at all, simply a blank expression.

All the robbers froze.

“It’s an ally, don’t shoot!”

“It’s an ally”

“That’s our guy”

“Ahaha, what a funny guy, he tried to impersonate a cop!”

All of them signaled to one another.

The Clown randomly tossed the loudspeaker behind and swiftly made his way into the bank.

“Did you return from killing those cops?”

The leader of these crooks looked closely at the Clown and smirked.

“Ah, that’s right. Those guys knew full well that we had a bigshot backing us and still tried to act like heroes, how annoying” the Clown sighed.

“Bahahaha!” the robbers broke into laughter.

All the bullet-proof glass windows of the bank had already been dismantled, which left the lobby of the bank as a wide empty hall.

The dead bodies of the special forces agents laid all over the hall, soaking the wooden floor red.

The majority of the hostages had already been killed, leaving only a few women with half-torn clothing in the corner, weeping and sobbing.

The Clown looked around, silently memorizing where all the crooks were.

“So, did you get to kill any of those dumbasses?” someone shouted in question.

The Clown appeared dejected.

“Ah, sorry about that, I didn’t kill them. But I can try again”

He sorrowfully said as he grabbed a khopesh from the void of space.

The Forgetting River Soul Flaying Hook!

A faint glow mixed with a streak of blood red light flashed across the entire hall of the bank, then faded away.

All the crooks collapsed at the same time.

The Clown returned to where he stood and crouched down.

Looking at the frightened souls currently hooked by the Forgetting River Soul Flaying Hook, he appeared pleased.

The Clown spoke with a frenzied pleasure: “There, I’ll send you into reincarnation now. Next time you grow up, you can find me again—–”

“I guarantee that I’ll do much better next time”

When the Clown was about to activate the Forgetting River Soul Flaying Hook’s power to completely send these souls away, a voice called out.

“Stay your hands!”

A deep male voice resounded.

From the body of the robbers’ leader, a shadow appeared.

The shadow slowly manifested as a clear figure of a man.

It was a middle-aged gentleman in a proper business suit.

“I don’t know who you think you are, but I want you to know, these are my men” the middle-aged man declared.

“Who are you?” the Clown curiously asked.

The middle-aged man appeared surprised, then quickly regained his calm expression.

“If you don’t recognize even me... then this was merely an accident”

“Very well, I will tell you. I am the Supreme Judge of this city of crime”

This time, the Clown was truly curious.

He then waved his khopesh and pointed at the corpses of the crooks and said: “Then, mister Supreme Judge, your way of enforcing the Law is quite the unusual one”

The middle-aged man replied: “In this city, dirty deals, small-time and big-time crimes are constantly being conducted. Such behaviors are being condoned by the ruling brass of this city, and I, as the representative of its law and justice, would never allow these men who abuse their power over the people to have their way”

The Clown asked: “And that’s why this operation occurred?”

The middle-aged man smiled and replied: “That’s right. In truth, they are also spreading justice, so please let them go, consider it doing me a favor”

The Clown looked at the bodies of the dead special forces agents, then pointed his khopesh at the dead hostages and asked with a clearly confused tone: “You call that spreading justice?”

The middle-aged man replied: “For the sake of a better tomorrow, sacrifices are always necessary”

The Clown slowly raised the Forgetting River Soul Flaying Hook.


The khopesh vibrated.

A faint glow broke apart the void of space, displaying an endless great river.

The souls of the crooks were all sucked into the river, falling directly into its water before they were washed towards Hell.

The glow quickly pulled back.

All the supernatural phenomena disappeared.

“Very well, I can see that you’re trying to offend me, trying to go against the only justice in this city” the middle-aged man said with a dark expression.

The Clown walked up to the middle-aged man, wiped his khopesh on the crook leader’s body, examined it carefully for any blemishes before casually putting it on his back again.

“Sorry, mister Supreme Judge. Even if you weren’t peddling your bullshit sense of justice, I wouldn’t have heeded your demands”

The Clown said with an apologetic tone: “Because I represent the forces of evil, only by killing would I feel happy”

As he declared so, the watch in his wrist started moving, both the second and the minute hand quickly started spinning.

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