Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1095 - Divine Invitation

Chapter 1095: Divine Invitation

Two lines of glowing text swiftly appeared on the War God UI:

[Your Divine Skill: Rahu’s Eclipse of Sun and Moon killed a total of 13 cultivators and 761 wraiths]

[This battle was a combat where the few triumphed over the many, you obtained a total of 930,000 Soul Points]

Gu Qing Shan sighed in relief, feeling emotional from the harvest.

As long as he had Soul Points, he was confident.

However, was it coincidence that the amount of Soul Points I obtained from this battle was a round number...?

Gu Qing Shan paused for a few moments and decided no to think about it any longer.

——if he tried questioning the War God UI, it would even charge him a fee for it.

Damn miser.

Gu Qing Shan silently complained.

The Earth sword’s heavy voice resounded from next to him: 「 With this Mind Sword, from this point on, regardless if an enemy is on the same or higher level, you would most likely always be at an advantage 」

Gu Qing Shan shook his head: “My will, spirit, stamina, Soul Points, and swordsmanship must perfectly fuse with each other to perform the [Sun Moon Eclipse] strike”

“Because of that, I’m currently feeling extremely drained and would require some time to slowly recover, it isn’t a Divine Skill that can be unleashed without pause as long as I have Soul Points”

The Earth sword commented: 「 In other words, this Mind Sword can’t be use arbitrarily, each use would greatly drain you and might affect the follow-up combats 」

“Indeed” Gu Qing Shan replied.

A line of glowing text then appeared on the War God UI:

[You’ve successfully performed Rahu’s Eclipse of Sun and Moon, thus accomplishing the first step in grasping this Sword Divine Skill]

[You will need to practice and get used to this Divine Skill more to slowly grasp the ideal behind this Divine Skill, thus unleashing its true power]

Gu Qing Shan silently sighed.

Using the sword this way would make it so that every attack becomes impossible to parry or evade unless they understand the mystery behind it.

I’ve only just come into contact with the Mind Sword, yet I already obtained an unprecedented level of understanding of swordsmanship.

This technique in particular will greatly benefit the growth of my swordsmanship.

But this sword technique is too draining to perform, I would most likely need to become much stronger in order to leisurely perform it.

Gu Qing Shan shook his head.

There’s no need to think too much about that right now, the most urgent thing right now is to search for the 7-colored spear as soon as I can.

He took out the 7-colored fragment and held it tightly in his hand.

A faint, almost unintelligible whispering voice came from the faraway void, ringing in his ears.

「 Come... quickly... here...」

Gu Qing Shan turned towards a certain direction.

Over there?

But that direction isn’t the deepest chamber of the secret passage, instead it was a completely unknown direction.

For some reason, Gu Qing Shan felt cautious.

There’s too little information right now.

Gu Qing Shan hesitated, took out his Inventory Bag from his Thought Sea and removed the colorful rooster from within.

As he pulled the comb of the rooster, it came to life.

It rubbed its sleepy eyes and muttered: “Wah, it’s still so dark out—– what do you want, waking up a rooster in the middle of the night?”

“...Sorry for disturbing your sleep, but the situation is a bit urgent, so I need some information” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The rooster stretched its back and scoffed: “You need some information? Pardon me from being frank, but a guy like you is: 1, not a god; 2, not a messiah; 3, not a ghost; 4, not a scientist; 5, not an actor; 6, not working a graveyard shift; and 7, not a nocturnal creature like a cat—— you’re still working over-time in the goddamn middle of night, is it really necessary to be this desperate?”

Gu Qing Shan thought seriously about those words, then helplessly replied: “That’s just how life is. Sometimes, for the sake of survival, you just have to work”

The rooster stared at him for a long while before saying: “Hah, poor over-timer, give me the Soul Points”

Gu Qing Shan was now swimming in Soul Points, and since he woke the other party up in the middle of the night, he generously transferred 10,000 Soul Points over.

Being eased by the Soul Points, the rooster appeared ecstatic before finally telling him: “Listen very clearly, whatever it is you’re trying to do, quickly seize the time, because the news of death regarding the people you just killed had just been transmitted, more powerful pursuers are coming soon”

After saying so, the colorful rooster turned back into a motionless statue.

Gu Qing Shan no longer hesitated.

Regardless of what’s in that direction, I don’t have time to be delayed.

He put the rooster statue away, turned into a streak of light and quickly flew towards a certain direction


At the same time.

The Heavenly King Mara’s location.

Two masked cultivators silently stood in the air, waiting for their leader to return.

All of a sudden, one of them tapped their Inventory Bag and took out something.

It was a black jade badge that cracked and broke as soon as it was taken out.

“Oh no, it’s the leader’s Soul Token!”

The cultivator turned pale and exclaimed.

It could be inferred from their voice that this was a female cultivator.

The other person immediately took out a purple talisman as they saw the broken badge.

“It can’t be helped; I’ll make the report” another female voice came from behind the mask.

——-this was also a female cultivator.

She prepared to activate the Communication talisman in her hand.

The first female cultivator stopped her and shook her head: “This is a very serious matter, using a talisman is too slow, we need to ask for orders through the ranks”

As soon as she said so, the broken jade badge fixed itself and began to emanate immense spirit energy.

An old voice sounded from the jade badge:

[There is no need, the Wraith Envoy’s soul had returned, we have also received the corresponding information]

The two female cultivators immediately knelt and lowered their heads: “Understood”

The old voice sighed and continued: [For a sword technique like Rahu’s Eclipse of Sun and Moon to come to light, this had truly gone beyond our expectations. But the matter between us and the Heavenly King cannot and will not be stopped by a single excellent Asura swordsman]

One of the cultivators asked: “Sir, what should we do next?”

The old voice pondered briefly before replying: [We have dispatched more powerful hands, they should arrive where you are very soon, before that... each of you should have received a secret black box before you set out, it is now time to take it out]

“Understood, sir”

The two female cultivators tapped their Inventory Bag to take out a completely sealed black box, raising it in their hands.

[Open it] the old voice ordered.

The two cultivators opened the boxes.

Immediately, a black talisman flew out from inside the box and attached itself onto their masks.

Both female cultivators went completely pale, one of them muttered in fear: “This is... the Deity Inv...”

The other person couldn’t even say anything as her body started convulsing.

A few moments later.

The black talisman was fully absorbed into the mask.

[Of course, it is the Divine Invitation Talisman] the old voice resounded in broken bits, [That Asura killed so many of our people, they would naturally not be weak. I would naturally want to kill him regardless of the price, if only to prevent him from ruining our business]

While he spoke, the two masks that originally depicted yakshas slowly turned into a black snake and white snake.

The two girls’s auras changed.

A boundless air of darkness drifted around one of them, manifesting as a black cloak.

While the other was enveloped in white mist before it manifested as a white cloak that she donned.

The originally silent Heavenly King Mara sensed it and displayed an ever-so-slightly cautious expression.

“For what reason did you summon us?” one of the girls coldly questioned.

The old voice became respectful and carefully explained: [Someone is massacring our people; I beseech the Deities to take their life]

A vision of light was displayed on the black jade badge, depicting how Gu Qing Shan killed the cultivators.

“Where is the offering?” the other girl asked.

[Do not worry, we have properly prepared everything for our Deities] the old voice devoutly answered.

The black-cloaked girl reached her hand out to grab a jade-green fishing rod.

While the white-cloaked girl raised an azure glazed lamp in her hand.

——-Black cloak reels in the soul, White cloak returns life!

“Very well, then we shall make the trip once” the black-cloaked girl declared.

The two girls leapt up and flew away, soon out of sight.

After they left, the old voice from the black jade badge resounded again:

[Heavenly King, the matter of the pixies was a bit rocky, I hope that you can forgive us]

The Heavenly King Mara turned his closed eyes away before his voice answered from the void: 『 It is no matter, that person is truly hard to deal with, all of my subordinates had been killed as well 』

The old voice continued: [Heavenly King, our men had already gone on their way. This time, it would not be an envoy who deals with official matters, but rather true Combatants, please do not worry, Heavenly King]

『 Very well, once your men arrive, I will also dispatch the truly powerful wraiths on my side 』

The Heavenly King Mara raised its voice: 『 Existences the likes of pixies, I will make sure they go extinct without fail! 』

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