Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1091 - Two Abilities

Chapter 1091: Two Abilities

The lady Fairy of Time stood within the sea of sand, raised the Omni Stone in her hands and softly muttered:

“In the past, in order to make sure that the Dusty World would not be disturbed, the four Pillar Gods established the pledge to strip all living beings of their power”

“At the time of the pledge’s completion, I happened to peer into and observe time”

“I saw something leaving from the Dusty World which hid itself within the secret passage for countless years, and was only activated after confirming that its surroundings were safe”

“——-the Samsara Divine Armament, one of the two rulers of the Wraith realm, the Weapon Spirit Devil, Heavenly King Mara”

“Souls and non-living things would not disturb the Dusty World, so while the pledge of the four Pillar Gods had stripped away the power of all living beings, it was unable to affect Heavenly King Mara, a Samsara Divine Armament”

“Heavenly King Mara then killed off all life forms within the secret passage—— other than the pixies who were experts at hiding”

“After a hundred million years, Reneedol’s curse would soon be dispelled”

“Taking the opportunity of when the seal was at its weakest, Heavenly King Mara broke open a gap in the secret passage, through which it called out to people with the same way of thinking within the infinite worlds”

“Once the curse was fully dispelled, Heavenly King Mara welcomed a group of guests, the powers of which he borrowed to completely eradicate the pixies”

“As it is already a hundred million years in the future, I could only see sporadic fragments and wasn’t able to infer what exactly was the Heavenly King Mara after; but I hope that both you and the pixies are able to survive”

The Omni Stone slowly burned.

The Fairy of Time shifted her eyes and finally looked at Gu Qing Shan.

She stared closely at Gu Qing Shan with an expression of grieve.

“Stranger from the future, I cannot dispel the pledge of the four Pillar Gods, only aid you in what little way I can”

“Now, place your hand upon the Omni Stone and it shall release two of your abilities”

“I do not know if this will be helpful at all, but it is the most that I am able to do”

“I hope that you are able to change both yours and the pixies’ future”

As she finished, the Fairy of Time turned into grains of sand and vanished.

Only the burning Omni Stone remained in front of Gu Qing Shan.

Staring at the Omni Stone, Gu Qing Shan fell silent.

Two abilities.

I’ll have to fight against the cultivators from the Huang Quan realm, perhaps even the Heavenly King Mara with just two more unsealed abilities?

What really is ‘little’.

However, as this was something that happened over a hundred millions years in the past, the fact that the Fairy of Time can even perform such a feat is already extraordinary.

Gu Qing Shan shook his head and sighed.

If I still have Soul Points that I can use, [Rahu’s Eclipse of Sun and Moon] and [Earth’s Choice] would surely be the abilities I choose.

Gu Qing Shan glanced at his remaining amount of Soul Points.

[Remaining Soul Points: 0/600]

——-I have literally no Soul Points right now.

Even if I can infuse Soul Points into my abilities, I’ve already used up almost all the Soul Points I had when comprehending the Asura Divine Skill. I only have around 10,000 Soul Points left in total, not even enough for [Rahu’s Eclipse of Sun and Moon] and [Earth’s Choice] to start up.


What should I choose now?

Do I actually have two abilities that can actually turn this situation around?

The enemies are Combatants from the Huang Quan realm and Wraith realm, there is simply no way to win this war with the strength of one person.

Gu Qing Shan fell into thought.

After he returned to human form, he could no longer see the pixies.

Everyone came closer.

“How did things go with the pixies?” Guyan asked.

“The monsters who pursued us before had found help and would soon return to look for us” Gu Qing Shan replied.


Everyone exclaimed in shock.

Hazeden turned behind: “Men, use divination to check the situation”

“Yes sir!”

One of his subordinates walked forward and handed a blank Card to each person.

After everyone had a blank Card in their hand, the man abruptly shouted: “Divination!”

Following his words, every blank Card turned jet-black.

“Your majesty, our side will be completely wiped out” the man reported.

Hazeden exchanged glances with Guyan and Sha Qiang.

Guyan pointed behind himself.

One of his subordinates stepped out.

He tossed a mass of flames into the air, then waited for the flame to slowly expand before chanting an incantation.

Figures of people started to manifest within the flame.

A group of masked cultivators were flying at full speed through the darkness.

Behind them were innumerable monsters.

The group recognized over a dozen Black Flame Venerables——— and they didn’t seem to be the strongest among the horde of monsters.

This was an impossible fight!

The subordinate reported: “My Lord, they are a bit over 2000 miles from our location and are quickly approaching!”

Guyan spoke in a heavy voice: “I understand”

『 Wait a minute, weren’t there pixies in this place? Our abilities are currently being suppressed, then does the pixies have a way to win against these guys? 』Sha Qiang asked.

“They can’t, the pixies are actually relying on us to help them” Gu Qing Shan replied.

His brain was working at maximum capacity.

“There’s no time” Gu Qing Shan turned to Su Xue Er: “You have the star chart, check to see if there are any locations that can provide us with refuge or shelter”

Su Xue Er recalled the star chart and replied: “There was an empty area at the very end of the star chart, it was marked to be a hidden war base for the Empire. The star chart said that unless I went there, no one would be able to discover that place”

“Very well, then that’s where we’re heading” Gu Qing Shan nodded and turned back into a black cat.

He spoke to the long-bearded old man in Cat: “The enemy is coming; you need to evacuate along with us”

“No problem” the old man replied.

Gu Qing Shan observed him, then at the sea of light behind him.

Those were the countless souls of pixies.

Gu Qing Shan asked: “How is... your fighting capabilities?”

The old man glared at him and replied: “Don’t look down on us, other than the strongest wraith, we aren’t afraid of the other monsters!”

Gu Qing Shan said right away: “Then that’s good, quickly summon your people and follow our ship, we’re leaving now”

The old man asked: “How do we maintain communication?”

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Do you have any way for us to see you?”

The old man pulled out a slingshot made from leaves and replied: “Although we’re currently souls, we can hold our magic staves like this, it should be enough for you to tell where we are”

“...That is a magic staff?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Of course, this is the reinforced version of the Bifurcation Magic Staff!”

The long-bearded old man raised the slingshot up high for Gu Qing Shan to observe it more clearly.

“Ah, ok, let’s retreat first” Gu Qing Shan said.

He then returned to human form and told everyone:

“Go! Let’s go! Everyone, board the ship”

The group hurriedly went on board.


The ship abruptly took flight, shot out from the cave, and continued travelling through the darkness.

The Cave of Bones regained its silence.

Not too long later, a group of masked cultivators appeared in this place.

Around them, innumerable monsters also showed up.

“Those pixies like to hide in this place?” the leading cultivator asked.

A Black Flame Venerable answered: 『 Not only that, the insects that followed you in here were also intermingling with the pixies 』

The leading cultivator paused slightly, then spoke in an inexplicable, unpredictable tone: “If that’s the case, we had better deal with them all at once”

The Black Flame Venerable asked: 『 Your Excellency, you mean...』

The cultivator replied: “The Heavenly King enjoys eating these souls, so I’ll capture them all as offering to the Heavenly King; as for those insects, they will be handed to you as food”

Seeing him spell it out so openly, the Black Flame Venerable spoke with joy: 『 Thank you, your excellency 』

Another monster sighed: 『 How unimaginable for our guests to be able to achieve such a feat... it had always been tough for us to even discover their tracks 』

The leading cultivator reached his hand out from his sleeves and began to form a hand seal.

He casually replied: “By borrowing the power of the Devil King of Huang Quan, we can naturally bind all souls of the dead. In our world, this is common sense”

While he spoke, he infused spirit energy into the hand seal and completed the technique.

——-Huang Quan Borrowing Technique, Bindings of the Warden Devil King!

The cultivator shouted: “Go!”

After a short while, faint light began to emanate from the cultivators’ body and quickly spread through the entire cave.


Absolute silence.

Nothing appeared.

『 Erm... your excellency, where are the pixie souls? 』the Black Flame Venerable asked in confusion.

The masked cultivator remained silent for a while.

And then.

He dispelled his technique, replying in a grim voice: “There are no pixie souls here, not even a single one”

『 There aren’t? 』the Black Flame Venerable was surprised.

It couldn’t tell if the other party was lying or not.

All of a sudden, a small skeletal bird flew in from outside the cave, speaking in human language: 「 Report—— the pixies have escaped! The pixies have escaped! 」

The Black Flame Venerable immediately questioned: 『 Did you see where they ran off to? 』

The skeletal bird replied: 「 Do not worry sir, my brothers have already begun to tail them from behind 」

The Black Flame Venerable turned to the masked cultivator.

The masked cultivator said: “What are you waiting for? Let’s quickly pursue them, today I shall definitely capture those souls and offer them to the Heavenly King!”

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