Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1836 - 1836: The 3 Void Arts

Chapter 1836: The 3 Void Arts

Translator: La009

Warning: this chapter is unedited, its readability might be lower compared to normal

Within Huang Quan, two figures clashed and chased after one another.

The residual of their battle had caused everything between heaven and earth to become chaotic and blurred.

Heavenly beings and devils alike have all retreated, afraid that they would be caught inside it.

-this isn’t a battle that they can get involved with.

There were no other entities within the battlefield between the Devil King and Heavenly Emperor.

Well, that’s not quite correct.

Within the Huang Quan realm, aside from the Devil King and Heavenly Emperor, there was one other person.

He was at the riverbed of the Forgetting River.

Gu Qing Shan uttered another cry as he took one more step forward.

His entire body was soaked in his own blood, which made him look like a walking humanoid mass of red.

The water of the Forgetting River couldn’t approach him at all, the few drops that managed to come close would then be scattered by the power of his [Virtue].

Lines of text continued to pop up from the void of space one by one:

[Warning: The powers employed by the Heavenly Emperor and Devil King can be divided into many categories, ‘Virtue’ cannot absorb them all!]

[After this battle, you can only choose to convert all the types of power into one single type among them]

[ —- -But first you must try to survive]

Gu Qing Shan swiftly skimmed through the text, then grasped the Delimitation Divine Sword while suppressing the immense sensation of pain from his body.

He was barely able to raise the sword and lightly swung it down.

[All-Encompassing Sword Realm]!

Instantly, the entire world became peaceful.

Gu Qing Shan collapsed into a sitting position within the empty world, desperately gasping for air.

The Delimitation Divine Sword hurriedly said:

r The residual fluctuations from their battle is too powerful, my current power isn’t enough to protect you. After five breaths’ worth of time, the sword realm will shatter! J

“So it can hold for five breaths’ worth of time? That’s great”

Gu Qing Shan said as he wiped the blood from his chin.

His gaze turned to the void of space, focused on a certain Title in his Sequence UI.

[Pure Love Gang]

– -the last person who was summoned was Barry.

Barry’s ability allows him to never die while in combat.

Gu Qing Shan has been saving the ability this entire time without using it.

But now, there was no other choice.

He sighed and invoked the Title Skill.

One breath’s worth of time left J

The Delimitation Divine Sword reminded him.

Gu Qing Shan staggered back to his feet and grasped his swords tightly with both hands.

– – – -he was forcing himself to prepare to fight!

At the very next instant.

The entire empty world shattered to pieces, revealing the faint yellow water of the Forgetting River outside.

The invisible residual fluctuations once again came at him from every direction.

Gu Qing Shan uttered a resounding battle cry as his hands became a blur, swinging his swords to produce a flashy display of sword images.

An unfamiliar sensation then enveloped him.

As if something was protecting him, ensuring that he wouldn’t lose his life as long as he was in combat.


Continued to flow from all over his body.

Occasionally, shockwaves imbued with immense destructive auras would rampage within the water of the Forgetting River, but Gu Qing Shan simply gritted his teeth and endured it.

He focused all his strength on his dance of swords while maintaining the power of [Virtue], slowly moving towards the Grand Tie Wei Mountain step-by-step.

The Heavenly Emperor and Devil King were there!

One breath.

Two breaths.

Five breaths.

Ten breaths.

Suddenly, a thunderous voice echoed throughout the world:

“Devil King, I believe that’s enough mutual probing for the both of us already, time to do it for real”

Hearing that, Gu Qing Shan almost felt like collapsing.

Such an intense battle that caused countless heavenly beings and devils to retreat, shaking the foundation of the Huang Quan realm itself, that was only the initial wave of mutual probing for the Heavenly Emperor and Devil King?

Another voice responded: r Heavenly Emperor, you will surely lose this Clash

“Oh? Why is that?” the Heavenly Emperor asked.

r Because I’ve invited a helper from the Void, she has joined Huang Quan and will join hands with me to defeat you J the Devil King answered.

Another voice resounded from far above the sky: Samsara Heavenly

Emperor, it’s best that you surrender now. This way at least you will continue

– – -this is the skull woman’s voice.

[You’ve invoked ‘Divine Guidance’]

[As the Death God, you’ve guided yourself into the Hell of Huang Quan]

[You’re safe for now]

As Gu Qing Shan scanned his gaze through these words, he suddenly heard a furious roar from outside:

Heavenly Emperor, you betrayed the Samsara! J

The Heavenly Emperor firmly replied: “The Samsara needs to become stronger, and how do you know for sure that this isn’t the Samsara’s future?”

The sound of intense battle then resumed.

Carefully listening to this, Gu Qing Shan was silently surprised.

What exactly did the Devil King see?

How exactly did the Heavenly Emperor betray the Samsara?


Followed by a brutal explosion was the skull woman’s screams.

The battle outside had become even more intense.

Gu Qing Shan was growing anxious.

It’s impossible to know what exactly is happening outside by eavesdropping like this.

Maybe— – –

Should I try and peek?

Gu Qing Shan shook his head.

I’m too close.

In a battle of this level, it’s verypossible for me to simply be erased as soon as I even come close to going outside.

– – – – -I might not even have the chance to invoke [Divine Guidance]

Well, I should come back to life first.

He invoked [Divine Guidance] again and brought himself a new life, enabling him to come back to life.

– -this ability is very useful, but it has its limits.

– – – -the authority and power of the Death God has now been infused into the Samsara, so this ability to bypass the limit of life and death can only be used within a Samsara world.

Furthermore, life and death would mean very little in the face of entities at the Devil King and Heavenly Emperor’s caliber, as they can simply bypass the constraints of life and death to simply destroy everything!

The Devil King’s voice was suddenly heard again.

r One Being Myriad Lives! You’re using the One Being Myriad Lives Art! J

This time, his voice contained anger and fighting spirit just as before, but it was now composed of something else as well.

It almost felt like- – –


Gu Qing Shan was startled, then flipped open the Book of the Sea and asked: “What is the One Being Myriad Lives Art?”

Lines of text written in human language swiftly appeared on the Book of the


[There exist 3 supreme techniques within the Boundless Void]

[Legend says that there are certain extremely rare spells and techniques within the Boundless Void, ones that if practiced to their very limits, they would undergo unimaginable change and sublimate to become peerless techniques above all imagination]

[A total of three such techniques are known, commonly referred to as the 3

Void Arts]

[One Being Myriad Lives is one of them]

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but ask: “What exactly is that technique?”

[The 3 Void Arts are secrets among secrets, so unless you can take me to witness it first-hand, even I can’t tell you what it actually is] the Key of the Wind answered without hesitation.

It then added: [These are the most well-hidden techniques within the Boundless Void, as well as secrets of the utmost value. If you can have me witness it first-hand, I will nullify all of your debts up to now]

Gu Qing Shan clenched his teeth.

Witness it first-hand?

But I’ll die instantly ifI step outside, how can I witness it?

As Gu Qing Shan was pondering this, another declaration echoed outside:

“So this is it, Devil King, you’re going to lose, and the whole Samsara will be mine!”

This was the Heavenly Emperor’s voice.

As Gu Qing Shan wanted to focus on listening further, a person abruptly appeared in front of him.

This person was wielding the Devil King Warden Rod in one hand, his body riddled with horribly wounds, while his other hand was holding the skull woman.

It was the Huang Quan Devil King!

He glanced at Gu Qing Shan and grunted: Leave now, you can’t stay here any longer J

Gu Qing Shan was confused and wanted to say something, but the Devil King suddenly pushed the skull woman away.

She then fell into the void of space and vanished without a trace.

r You should also leave, my successor, this is the only safe opportunity for you to eavesdrop. Do not return to this piece of history again, otherwise, the

Heavenly Emperor will surely discover you! J

r The Samsara will grow increasingly weaker… but the Heavenly Emperor will only grow increasingly stronger. Without the confidence to overcome his One Being Myriad Lives Art, you must flee and hide! J

Take the Devil King Warden Rod, use its power, and flee as far as you can! J

After saying that, the Huang Quan Devil King thrust the Devil King Warden Rod into the ground.

He took a deep breath as his eyes gradually became ferocious.

r To protect the Samsara as a whole, I have no choice but to first shatter it—– hurry up and leave! J

Being at the receiving end of his glare, Gu Qing Shan felt his entire body being restrained and was unable to move.

At the very next moment.

He vanished..

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