Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1703: Activating the Apocalyptic Divine Weapon

Chapter 1703: Activating the Apocalyptic Divine Weapon

“Gu Qing Shan, the Gates are about to be opened!”

“Gu Qing Shan! Gu Qing Shan! Why aren’t you saying anything?”

Laura was panicking so much that she was screaming.

Gu Qing Shan stood in the void of space, his expression completely blank.

No matter how Laura shouted, he didn’t react at all.

Suddenly, a sword appeared in the void of space.

The Earth sword!

「 No need to keep calling him, he’s not here right now 」the Earth sword spoke with a heavy mountainous tone.

“He’s not here?”

Laura was surprised and took a closer look at Gu Qing Shan.

—–his soul doesn’t seem to be inside his body.

The Earth sword solemnly told her: “The Heaven sword is sleeping, so Chao Yin sword and I will stay here to protect you and Gu Qing Shan”

Another sword appeared and rang out ‘oong’ towards Laura.

It was Chao Yin.

“Then—- where did Gu Qing Shan’s soul go?” Laura asked.

The Earth sword replied: 「 Someone wanted to meet him, and they’re in a lot of hurry, so he left right away 」

Laura silently muttered: “There won’t be any danger right? He’s gone with only his soul... and all of you are still here...”

「 Don’t worry, it’s an old friend. Not to mention, Gu Qing Shan is carrying the Six Paths Great Mountain sword and the three Saint Pillar Soul Artifacts with him 」


Gu Qing Shan was flying rapidly through the void of space.

This time, his speed far surpassed that of the past, he could even sense just how anxious and hurried the force pulling him was.

Everything around him had already become blurred images that vanished in an instant.

A barren world then appeared in front of Gu Qing Shan’s eyes.

A bronze pillar connecting heaven and earth without an end in sight.

As if it had stood there from the beginning of time, firmly remaining for countless eons.

A giant corpse wearing a black suit of armor was pinned onto the bronze pillar.

No one knew who he was, where he came from, or why he was pinned on the pillar.

Gu Qing Shan turned his gaze.

When he came here in the past, he could still see a large number of black skeletons wandering aimlessly on the ground.

But right now, the entire ground was filled with nothing but black skeletons.

These skeletons were piling on top of one another, all gathering at the foot of the bronze pillar.

The black skeletons seemed to have realized something and were in a complete frenzy, climbing the bronze pillar with reckless abandon.

Whenever one of the black skeletons approached the bronze pillar, a bolt of lightning would arc off from the bronze pillar and blast the black skeleton to bits.

“Gu Qing Shan, there’s no time!” the giant corpse suddenly called out.

Gu Qing Shan immediately replied: “What are you talking about? If it isn’t anything important, please send me back immediately, there’s a very urgent matter on my side”

Shifu is gone.

That’s naturally the work of those Samsara bastards.

They’re trying to completely bypass me as the Chosen Saint of the Wraith realm and initiate the Samsara Clash for Supremacy!

I need to quickly find Shifu—–

The giant corpse answered him with a thunderous voice: “No, you can’t go. You’ve made a mistake, and I’ve also made a mistake, everything within this Reality Gate had already been arranged for from the beginning”

Gu Qing Shan was stunned briefly.

He then saw a flash of blurry light appearing in the void of space.

The giant corpse explained: “Among the numerous Boundless Voids, only this void houses the four complete Saint Pillars, and only the four complete Saint Pillars would be able to manifest a Soul Artifact—— they are jointly hailed as the greatest treasures of the void”

The flash of light then turned into a glowing red gem pendant, which gradually became clear as if it was directly in front of Gu Qing Shan.

“Among the Four Saint Pillars, the most powerful Soul Artifact is capable of creating miracles, which was the Pendant of Fire”

“Where is this pendant?” Gu Qing Shan asked

The giant corpse told him in return: “Just listen to me to the end—- if someone was to make a wish to the Pendant of Flame, it would definitely come up with a way to fulfil your wish, but the price would be the most precious thing you have”

As soon as he said that, another image appeared——

In the image, a sky-eclipsing black sword emerged from among the clouds and lightly swung towards the numerous stars in the sky.

Billions of stars were snuffed out in an instant.

The black sword completely took up the sky as far as the eye could see, but it also started crumbling as soon as the swing was finished.

A clear chiming female voice suddenly resounded in the sky:

“Metal – Wood – Water – Fire – Earth, Wind – Lightning – Light – Dark – Sound, halt!”

In an instant, all living beings in the world were put into stasis, not even the wind could move forward.

“Gu Qing Shan, you’ve already witnessed this before. This was your Shifu’s previous life, as well as the scene of when the Samsara entered this Reality Gate” the giant corpse explained.

Gu Qing Shan asked: “That’s right, but why are you showing me this? Could it be that my Shifu had gotten the Pendant of Fire?”

“No, it wasn’t her, but rather the Heavenly King”

“...Heavenly King?”

“That’s right”

The two images became overlapped, displaying the scene of countless fragments of the Samsara flying through the Space Vortex.

Suddenly, a hand reached out from a certain fragment of the Samsara and swiped towards the void of space.

The Pendant of Fire immediately appeared from the void of space, tightly grasped by that hand.

The giant corpse sighed and continued: “When your Shifu broke through the Reality Gate, the Samsara Heavenly King had taken that opportunity to mobilize the Samsara’s power to take the Soul Artifact of the Fire Saint Pillar”

Gu Qing Shan wasn’t in a hurry to leave anymore.

He calmed down and asked with a harrowing low voice: “What did the Heavenly King use the Pendant of Fire to do?”

The giant corpse told him: “I’m not sure what kind of price he had to pay, but in short, he had used the unimaginable power of the Pendant of Fire to obscure everyone’s eyes, including my own—— no one had managed to discover what he had secretly done”

“——What was his wish? Was it fulfilled?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“The Heavenly King is no longer within this Space Vortex, and the entire Samsara had already left this Reality Gate” the giant corpse answered.

Already left?

Gu Qing Shan was stunned, then felt a ominous feeling and asked: “Are you saying——”

The giant corpse replied: “That’s right, Gu Qing Shan, your Shifu was also taken by him—– the Heavenly King’s wish had been fulfilled, that was why the Pendant of Fire’s unimaginable power had scattered and allowed me to discover all of this”

It’s over.

Gu Qing Shan’s heart dropped.

The entire Samsara had been brought to a place without the Apocalypses.

The Samsara had already completed its evolution, and once the Samsara Clash for Supremacy was over, it would bestow its evolved power to the Heavenly King and his subordinates.

——the ultimate weapon of all living beings.

Gu Qing Shan paused briefly and seriously questioned:

“Even you were deceived? Could the Pendant of Fire’s power have been so overwhelming?”

The giant corpse sighed and said: “Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind are capable of giving birth to all things. They are an extremely rare commodity within this Age of Apocalypse, not to mention how they’re related to a certain ultimate secret... unfortunately, no one would be able to find out this secret, as the Heavenly King had already left this Reality Gate together with the Pendant of Fire”

Gu Qing Shan thought through the entire matter from beginning to end and slowly said: “He might have the Pendant of Fire, but I have the Key of the Wind—– I’m going to chase after him now”

“And then what?” the giant corpse asked.

Gu Qing Shan calmly replied: “Other than the Key of the Wind, I also have the Book of the Sea that can tell me how to fight against the Heavenly King; and the Coin of the Earth can grant me absolute luck——- with three Saint Pillar Soul Artifacts, I’m not completely helpless against the Heavenly King’s single Soul Artifact”

The giant corpse said: “Well done, you’ve managed to thought this far, but there’s still one final issue”

“What is it?”


The giant corpse spoke in a heavy tone: “The Samsara Heavenly King’s strength far surpassed anything you’ve ever imagined. Even if he only left 10% of power to guard the bottom of the Eternal Abyss, no one in the Boundless Void had ever been a match for him”

“What about the frozen corpse?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The giant corpse replied: “Him? He would also be no match at all, but if it was only 10% of the Heavenly King’s strength, he would certainly be an entity on the same level. However——”

Another screen of light appeared in the void of space.


On the screen, a giant clad in frost was standing in front of the Reality Gate, using all his strength to keep it shut.

[Laura, hurry and take Gu Qing Shan away!]

The giant shouted.

“Got it!” Laura loudly replied.

She was quickly pulling on Gu Qing Shan’s body to bring him into an airship.


“After your Shifu was taken away, only the frozen corpse was still capable of stopping the Reality Gate so that the Apocalypses do not enter. Other than him, no one would be capable of fighting against the Heavenly King’s clone” the giant corpse explained.

“But he’s currently unable to move away—— was this something the Heavenly King prepared as well?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“From the looks of it, that might be the case” the giant corpse replied.

Gu Qing Shan was speechless.

Such a ridiculously powerful enemy wielded the Pendant of Fire, commanded the entire Samsara, and had been hiding in the shadows for countless years to plan out everything.

——how terrifying he was!

Is there really no way to win against the Heavenly King’s clone to head through that Reality Gate?

He and the giant corpse both fell silent.

A few moments later.

The giant corpse also sighed and couldn’t say anything: “The Apocalypse Sequences are about to finish rallying as well... Alright, you can return to come up with a solution to open the Reality Gate at the bottom of the Eternal Abyss, I will use the last of my power to help you—– as well as helping myself”

“If we cannot win against the Heavenly King’s clone, all of us will die!”


With that declaration, Gu Qing Shan was pulled away from this world with immense force.

Almost instantly, he returned to his body and woke up.

“Gu Qing Shan, you’re awake? Shroud is currently stopping the Reality Gate, but I don’t think he’ll be able to hold on for too long” Laura hurriedly told him.

“I know...”

Gu Qing Shan replied and rapidly wracked his brain.

The Heavenly King had already planned out everything.

Even the frozen corpse was arranged by him to have no choice but to block the Reality Gate, unable to actually fight against the clone.

——-but the frozen corpse headed into this Reality Gate specifically for the sake of this secret.

The frozen corpse had used the Eternal Abyss to mark out that Reality Gate.

Even if he couldn’t win against the Heavenly King, does he really have no other solutions?

...Oh right.

Within these numerous years, the frozen corpse had been continually researching the other party and prepared two swords———

Heaven and Earth.

Gu Qing Shan frowned.

I fully understand the powers of the Heaven sword and Earth sword.

With these two swords, it should be impossible to win against an enemy at the level of the frozen corpse and the Heavenly King’s clone!

Where exactly is the issue?

He opened the Book of the Sea and asked: “I heard that the twin swords Heaven and Earth are capable of defeating the Heavenly King, how exactly would they be able to achieve such a thing?”

The Book of the Sea answered: [I’m sorry, but I cannot answer that]

Gu Qing Shan was surprised: “Don’t you know about all knowledge?”

[I only know the knowledge of the void, all things, and all living beings. I have no Apocalyptic knowledge!] the Book of the Sea replied in an irritated tone.

Gu Qing Shan paused briefly.

Suddenly, a light female voice resounded from behind him:

[Qing Shan, there’s no need to ask it any further, it really doesn’t know]

Gu Qing Shan suddenly turned around.

Long silvery-white hair, a slender feminine figure, and beautifully delicate features—-

Su Xue Er!

Gu Qing Shan quickly stepped forward and embraced Su Xue Er.

Su Xue Er let him embrace her as he wished, then kissed Gu Qing Shan on his lips.

A very long kiss.

Laura covered her eyes.

Su Xue Er gently stroked Gu Qing Shan’s face and softly asked: [Where are the twin swords Heaven and Earth?]

Gu Qing Shan mobilized his thoughts.

The Heaven sword and Earth sword both appeared behind him.

Gu Qing Shan asked: “Xue Er, you’ve done a lot of things, but how were you able to do that? When travelling through time, even I have to——”

Su Xue Er looked at him and waved her hands.

Several dozen components appeared from the void of space and began circling around the twin swords Heaven and Earth.

Gu Qing Shan said: “These are... the accompanying components of the Abyssal Sword... did you create another set?”

[Yes. The twin swords Heaven and Earth must become one in order for there to be a chance to defeat that fellow at the bottom of the Eternal Abyss] Su Xue Er answered.

“I’ve seen how they are after fusion, they definitely don’t have that level of power” Gu Qing Shan was confused.

Su Xue Er faintly smiled and softly answered: [It was because you are a living being that you couldn’t fully exert their latent powers]

With a wave of her hand, the twin swords Heaven and Earth as well as all of the accompanying components started flying towards her.

[This two swords... were designed by the Eradicator of All Things and All Living beings, the unspeakable hushed Secret Apocalypse, it was made specifically to fight that fellow guarding the bottom of the Eternal Abyss]

[In other words, only an Apocalypse would be able to truly exert their powers!]


A destructive aura abruptly erupted from Su Xue Er’s body.

Seemingly sensing the aura she was giving off, all the components as well as the twin swords Heaven and Earth began to give off a loud resonating sound.

Su Xue Er lightly touched Gu Qing Shan’s face again with a longing gaze.

[Qing Shan...]

[Shroud is currently watching over the Reality Gate, so there is only one Apocalypse that stands on your side now]

[That is me]

She finally said.


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