Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1171 - The variant Sumeru Thaumaturgy

Chapter 1171: The variant Sumeru Thaumaturgy

In front of Mount Sumeru.

Gu Qing Shan hovered in the air.

Countless sprites of light quickly flew out from his left eye and started to circle around him.

Gu Qing Shan could sense the emotions of joy and delight from these sprites of light.

「 Our... hope...」the world fragments whispered.

“If that’s the case, then don’t wait any longer. Go!”

Gu Qing Shan endured the aching pain of his left eye and urged them.

With his goodbye, all the sprites of light flew towards the Divine Mountain and slowly entered it.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.


The Divine Mountain of Sumeru suddenly exuded numerous lazuli lights that illuminated the boundless void.

A total of six worlds clearly appeared in front of Gu Qing Shan’s eyes.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze passed through these six Samsara worlds and noticed that the Samsara Laws were slowly being perfected.

From this point on, those who reincarnate into the 6 realms no longer had a choice.

They would first need to enter Huang Quan, then reincarnate into the other worlds from Huang Quan.

This was the correct method of reincarnation.

——–having obtained the power of the remnant world fragments, the Divine Mountain of Sumeru had fixed this issue before anything else.

Gu Qing Shan’s gaze fell onto the Heaven realm.

He saw that the people he had ‘guided’ into the Heaven realm were busy constructing the Heavenly Palace.

——–anyone who was worthy of reincarnating into the Heaven realm were naturally great people with firm minds and endurance, their willpower wasn’t comparable to ordinary mortals.

A heavenly presence started to manifest from the very Heavenly Palace they were constructing as well as the clouds around them, then slowly and silently entered their bodies.

They were being nurtured by the heavenly presence, which would allow them to eventually shed their mortal bodies to become true heavenly beings, gradually maturing step by step, and finally become heavenly immortals.

This process would be long and arduous, but since they directly reincarnated into the Heaven realm without any cultivation level requirements, there shouldn’t be any issues.

———unlike cultivators who needed to face countless dangerous Tribulations just to obtain a chance to become a heavenly immortal.

Gu Qing Shan silently observed for a while, then suddenly put a hand over his right eye.


His eyes couldn’t see anything.

Having housed so many world fragments, his left eye had suffered great injury.

Gu Qing Shan glanced towards the War God UI.

Sure enough, a line of glowing text was already waiting for him there:

[Attention: You’re now blind in one eye]

Gu Qing Shan sighed, feeling a bit helpless.

Suddenly, all the lights emanating from Mount Sumeru were retracted.

Everything returned to normal.

Bai Zhuo appeared and told Gu Qing Shan: “Brother Gu, I really don’t know what to you. Both of the Divine Mountain’s issues had been perfectly resolved, so we wouldn’t have anything to worry about from now on, we only need to peacefully enjoy our days”

Gu Qing Shan saw his bright smile, pondered a bit, then told him: “I won’t be able to remain here for too long, Bai Zhuo, you must keep something in mind no matter what: As a cultivator, you must never hold the thought of leisurely enjoying yourself without worry”

“Why not?” Bai Zhuo asked in confusion.

“Because all peace and calm in the world is an illusion that could disappear at the blink of an eye, just like the slipping sand during a sandstorm, they cannot be fully relied on” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Brother Gu, I don’t understand” Bai Zhuo said.

“I ask you, why was the Divine Mountain almost destroyed last time? Why did you have to fight? And why were you resurrected?” Gu Qing Shan said.

He then questioned further: “If I did not come to face my Tribulation the previous time, what would have been the outcome of the human cities behind the frontlines? Would your father, mother, or your loved ones have survived from the attack of the demon beast army?”

Bai Zhuo thought for a long while, then slowly shook his head.

Gu Qing Shan pointed straight at him from afar, then stated with a low voice: “Remember well, there is only one path you can take in this world, that is the path to become stronger, strong enough to protect everyone and everything that you hold dear”

A flash of lazuli light appeared in the sky.

Gu Qing Shan disappeared together with the flash, transported to the summit of Mount Sumeru.

Bai Zhuo stood still in shock for a long while.


The summit of the Divine Mountain.

Gu Qing Shan appeared in this place, then gazed at the climbing path below.

———the Divine Mountain did not make things difficult for those cultivators and pixies, but the Samsara world itself was vast, so they had no choice but to travel as fast as they could in order to reach the summit of the mountain.

The clouds around him started to scatter.

As heaven and earth resonated, an unnamed power was naturally born.

Standing on the summit of Mount Sumeru, Gu Qing Shan silently sensed the unseen but vast power above.

This was the power of the Divine Mountain!

—–the Divine Mountain had requested two things from Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan had accomplished both.

And now, the Divine Mountain was about to fulfill its promise.

Lines of glowing text quickly appeared on the War God UI:

[You have helped the Heavenly Palace gain its first group of population, as well as aiding the Divine Mountain of Sumeru in regaining sufficient World Origin power]

[The Divine Mountain of Sumeru will help promote your Mahesvara Thaumaturgy ‘Mountain of Orange’ into a Sumeru Thaumaturgy that fit you best in accordance to your ‘Feline Sovereign’ epithet; in exchange for your actions this time]

[Your Mahesvara Thaumaturgy: Evil Suppressor – Mountain of Orange, is about to evolve]

[The Divine Mountain had gotten used to communicating with you through your spear, please hold the True Crimson Demon Spear tightly like the previous times and wait for the Divine Mountain of Sumeru to connect with you]

Gu Qing Shan then summoned the [True Crimson Demon Spear] and held it.

Only to find an unseen power in the sky abruptly descend and drift around the spear before entering Gu Qing Shan’s body.


Gu Qing Shan was enduring the infusion of the Divine Mountain’s power.

Suddenly, he noticed that the unseen power above the spear was slowly exuding tiny glittering star lights.

Another line of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[The spirits of destroyed worlds are currently giving you their blessings to display their gratitude for everything you have done]

[Your Sumeru Thaumaturgy is undergoing change]

[Please wait for 5 seconds, your Thaumaturgy evolution is about to complete]







[Your Mahesvara Thaumaturgy had evolved into a Sumeru Thaumaturgy]

[Special note: Due to the blessing of the world spirits, this Thaumaturgy had been modified]

[In accordance with your epithet, you’ve obtained the following Sumeru Thaumaturgy:]

[Orange Sovereign Transformation (variant)]

[When you use this Thaumaturgy, you will transform into the Orange Sovereign, thus obtaining the following abilities]

[Power absorption: You will no longer obtain the scattered origin power of the soul from the void, but the origin power of the soul you can obtain from eating and consuming will double]

[Ghostly Shadow of Night: At nighttime, by connecting with any supernatural artifacts, with their permission, you are able to borrow one of their abilities at will. Once per night]

Reading the description of [Ghostly Shadow of Night], Gu Qing Shan’s heart jumped just once.

It was definitely the power of the Divine Mountain combined with the blessing of the world spirits that gave birth to this ability.

Gu Qing Shan looked down.

The others still hadn’t reached the summit yet.

Since there wasn’t anyone else here, he couldn’t help but feel tempted and used the [Orange Sovereign Transformation] right away.

An orange cat appeared on top of the mountain.

The orange cat looked at his tail, his physique, his paws, then reached up to touch his ear and whiskers before narrowing his eyes.

...this is the Orange Sovereign?

There’s no difference at all.

Fortunately, my Thaumaturgy changed——–

The orange cat glanced at the sky.

The sky was only a bit dim, but it was certainly after sunset, so it can be considered ‘nighttime’.

The orange cat put up his claw and called out ‘meow meow meow’ to the air.

A few moments later.

An intrigued ‘wu wu’ sound came from the air.

Adorable had agreed!

With its permission, the orange cat immediately activated his Sumeru Thaumaturgy – [Ghostly Shadow of Night].

He slowly melded into the darkness and fully vanished.

The orange cat sat down on the ground and examined himself.

He couldn’t perceive himself at all.

The orange cat then began to run.

No traces were left where he traversed.

This way, no one would be able to discover his tracks.

The orange cat nodded.

——-this borrowed [Spotless Jade] is quite interesting.

Also, [Ghostly Shadow of Night] seems quite different from Adorable’s [Hundred Lanterns]

[Hundred Lanterns] can borrow and use an enemy’s ability, but only a single time.

While [Ghostly Shadow of Night] can only borrow the abilities of supernatural artifacts, but can be used for an entire night.

The orange cat started to stroll around the summit of the mountain to examine the potency and applications of this Thaumaturgy.

If I can fully meld into darkness, a lot of things would be considerably more convenient for me.

My way of combat will also change.

A Sumeru Thaumaturgy is quite incredible indeed, although it appeared to be unchanged from my Mahesvara Thaumaturgy, it was a lot more useful!

While pondering, the orange cat continued to walk.

At a certain point, he suddenly stopped and retraced his steps a bit.

The orange cat was now standing at the back of the summit, in front of a small rock.

He was looking at the void of space outside the mountain.


The orange cat uttered a low cry as his expression turned serious.

Earlier, he noticed a very faint but real spirit energy fluctuation outside of the mountain!

Strange, this feels like a Bai Hua sect spirit energy seal...

The orange cat pondered for a bit and recalled his previous Tribulation.

I returned first at the time.

Did Shifu discover something here?

Since she knew that I would eventually return to Mount Sumeru to face my Sumeru Lord realm Tribulation, she left a clue for me?

With that in mind, the orange cat formed a hand seal with his paws.



Instantly, a spell manifested at the cat’s paw and flew outside the mountain, turning into rays of light.

These rays of light gathered at a certain point in the air and revealed a flight of stairs that headed to the sky.

Lines of glowing text quickly appeared in front of the orange cat’s eyes:

[You’ve discovered the Path To Heaven of Mount Sumeru]

The orange cat hesitated a bit, reached his paw forward, and cautiously stepped onto the flight of stairs.

He stepped onto nothing.

The orange cat tried a few times but couldn’t even touch the first step.

He looked confusedly at the stair.

——-why can’t I walk on it?

The orange cat thought for a long time and tried many things, but still couldn’t touch the stairs.

The light of the spell only lasted for a while before it vanished.

The Path To Heaven has once again hidden away and became unseen to all.

A line of glowing text suddenly appeared on the War God UI:

[You have the identity of two Huang Quan Deities, thus unable to ascend to heaven]

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