Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1068 - Anna And Kitty

Chapter 1068: Anna And Kitty

The fake Anna and Kitty were caught, tied up, and thrown to the ground.

“Don’t move. If you move, you’ll die”

Gu Qing Shan crouched down, placed his hand on the fake Anna’s forehead, and used Soul Reading.

A few moments later.

“Ah... so that’s the case” Gu Qing Shan muttered to himself.

“What happened?” Boss asked.

Gu Qing Shan replied: “They’re people from the [Chaos] army, and they did come back from the past”

“On the day of the Spire’s destruction, we fought against the Soul Shrieker’s [Chaos] army several times, neither sides were able to do anything to the other”

“Kitty and Anna were also among our ranks, both selected to travel to the future to see me”

“But the Soul Shrieker learnt about this beforehand, so the Demon Dragon and the Soul Shrieker arranged for these two to disguise as Anna and Kitty to find me first, then lure us into a trap”

Everyone stared at the two on the ground.

From just their appearance, it was very believable that they were Anna and Kitty.

Laura couldn’t help but declare: “Why are the two of you still disguising as our people? Hurry up and return to your original forms!”

The two could only dispel their disguising technique.

—–revealing themselves as a couple of muscular men.

These two men actually disguised themselves as the two weak and feminine young girls from before.

At a glance, anyone could see their buck teeth right below the exposed nose hairs, as well as the tattoos all over their half-naked torsos.

——-one of them had tattooed roses, while the other had lilies.

The group turned completely speechless.

Ye Fei Li muttered in that dead silence: “Flowers... are the two of you brothers?”

“Big brother, your eyes really are sharp” the man who kept a thick chin beard tried showing his best flattering smile and lowered his head: “Big brothers, we didn’t want to disguise as those girls, but since it was our Deity’s orders, we had no other choice. Please forgive us”

“That’s right, please forgive us this once, big brothers” the other muscular man who had pockmarks all over his face also spoke up.

Laura muttered: “For some reason... I feel like killing them even more...”

Everyone was then startled.

An intense wind current started to surge within the dark space vortex.

Something else was heading towards them from an unpredictable direction.

Could it be, these two’s helpers?

Everyone had the same thought.

Having rested up for a short while, Boss had recovered quite a bit of stamina, so he drew the black trident from his back, wielding both the trident and the book in his hands as he gazed into the void of space:

“If it’s an enemy, I’ll act first”

“Alright, we’ll follow up” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The group readied themselves to face the enemy.

Several breaths’ worth of time quickly passed.

Two figures appeared from the void, swiftly landing on the Bramble Bird airship.

Compared to these two, whoever came this time was considerably faster!

Everyone turned to look——–

A beautiful black-haired young girl who exuded a mysterious aura while wielding a long scythe.

And a beautiful young girl who wore a striped shirt, a long skirt, and black stockings with a pair of cat ears on her head.



It was them!

The two seemed to be in a hurry, both of them had various wounds all over their bodies.

“I’m so thirsty!” Anna exclaimed.

She randomly dropped the scythe on the ground, ignored everyone as she came straight for a bottle of liquor on the dining table, practically guzzling it down.

Kitty also loudly complained: “So many spatial warps, I’m so tireddddd!”

She looked for a chair, plopped herself on it, and breathed heavily as she leaned her entire body on one of the armrests.

“Gu Qing Shan, make me a few snacks, I ran completely out of stamina already, I need something to replenish my energy” Kitty said.

Everyone exchanged glances.

Gu Qing Shan tapped his Inventory Bag, took out a few dishes of spirit cooking snacks that he made, arranged them on a tray, and placed it in front of Kitty.

Kitty’s eyes practically glowed as she hurriedly caught a couple of snacks and wolfed them down without reserve.

Gu Qing Shan sat down next to her and slowly said: “Eat a bit slower, there’s no need to hurry”

“Can’t help it, can’t change a habit, and my brother eats a lot faster than this”

While stuffing herself, Kitty still managed to answer him.

Gu Qing Shan chuckled and shook his head helplessly.

Kitty and Barry lived in poverty for many years, frequently starving for months at a time, so both of them were used to stuffing every bit of food they saw into their mouths, preventing the other sibling from stealing it.

A white alarm clock abruptly appeared between the two girls.

The minute hand of the clock just ticked over.

A mechanical voice sounded from the alarm clock: [Attention! Attention!]

[You have three minutes remaining!]

The two girls immediately panicked as they saw that.

“Hey... what was that?” Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but ask them.

Anna hurriedly explained: “We came from the past to provide you information. It was thanks to this clock that we managed to locate you immediately like this, but as soon as the time on the clock ends, we would need to return right away”

Kitty continued: “Because of that, we don’t have any time to lose!”

After saying that, neither of them paid any further attention to Gu Qing Shan.

Like a starving tiger, Kitty sped up eating.

Anna had already finished a bottle of liquor, randomly tossed it to the ground, and went ahead to her next one, pouring it down her throat without a pause.

Everyone: “...”

Ye Fei Li whispered: “Didn’t they just say they came here to provide information?”

Laura whispered in return: “Yes, that is certainly what they said”

Gu Qing Shan softly sighed and waved his hand dismissively: “No need to be on guard anymore”

The group put their weapons away.

One minute passed.

Then another half minute.

While still eating, Kitty said with a stern expression:

“Anna, we don’t have much time left, let’s get to business!”

Anna could only put the second bottle of liquor down, then put the remaining liquor bottles away into her personal storage.

After that was done, she turned around, gave Gu Qing Shan a hug and explained: “We’re back here to tell you somethi——- wait, are these two allies?”

She cautiously glanced at the two men on the ground.

“Ah, they impersonated you earlier and tried to lead us into a trap” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Anna scowled.

“This one is the God of Death, those who dare to impersonate the God of Death shouldn’t remain with their lives” she declared.

The two men immediately went limp, no longer exuding any signs of life.

They were dead.

Anna turned back and told Gu Qing Shan: “At that moment in the past, we fought together with the army of [Chaos] numerous times. There were victories and defeat, but as our supplies ran dry, we still couldn’t obtain thorough victory”

The group was surprised.

——no wonder these two seemed like they were starving to death earlier.

Anna continued: “There were several occasions where ultimate victory seemed like it was within our grasp, but still ended up slipping away, mostly due to the Soul Shrieker——— we were not able to kill it no matter what we did”

“Qing Shan, you had to direct the entire campaign and were unable to leave the battlefield, nor could you return to this time period to meet yourself, so you sent the two of us back with a message”

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but ask: “What was the message I sent to myself?”

“The Soul Shrieker cannot be completely killed. It can always absorb the souls of others to replenish itself”

“Because of that, do not hurry back to the past, you must find that item first”

“What item?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Anna complained: “You were so careful that you didn’t even tell me what it is, only that you have a fragment of that item”

A fragment!

Gu Qing Shan recalled what happened in Riddle world.

For a brief moment, the Earth Creator’s voice seemed to resound in his ears again:


「 While you have this fragment, you will be able to sense where the spear is 」

「 Take it, it will lead you towards the location of the spear—– I do not know why, but I can sense that this spear might be a crucial turning point in fighting against the Soul Shrieker 」

「 In truth, I did not discover this at the beginning, I had only left this fragment here in order to send you to that spear’s location」

「 All hope shall begin there 」

「 Time... is of the essence 」


While Gu Qing Shan was carefully reminiscing, the white alarm clock abruptly screamed:

[5 seconds left!]

Anna’s face became flushed, then kissed Gu Qing Shan’s cheek right in front of everyone.

While Kitty hurriedly packed up the remaining snacks.

[Time’s up!]

The alarm clock let out an ear-piercing noise.


The two girls vanished at the same time.

The group: “...”

Ye Fei Li asked: “What kind of situation is this?”

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