World of Beasts: I Can See Their Hidden Stats!

Chapter 95 - The White Family Brought This On Themselves

Chapter 95: The White Family Brought This On Themselves


A series of tremors could be heard. The principal and Locke immediately knew who was coming.

“Principal! Locke! Are you guys okay?” Tristan looked around anxiously, and Jacques trailed behind him.

“Lower Your Voice. Are you trying to deafen me?” Hobrick angrily spat.

“Did you get injured that badly?” Tristan hurriedly rushed over, only to be greeted by the principal’s sorry state.

Locke, on the other hand, was unharmed. He maintained a calm expression just like usual.

“Where’s Old Man White? Did he flee once he was beaten?” Jacques paid close attention to his surroundings.

“Where else can he go? This entire valley is his grave…” Hobrick’s voice was soft. It seemed that he still had lingering attachments to his old friend.

After all, they had known each other for fifty years. It was impossible for him to be unfazed by his death.

After getting the rundown of what transpired, the two instructors looked at Locke as if he was a monster.

Locke did not mind it, however. Instead, he suggested, “Let’s head back. The principal needs treatment, and I’m famished!”

Trista and Jacques nodded. They were having trouble coming to terms with Locke’s monstrous strength.

The nightscape of the academy was gorgeous!

Naturally, Diana was leading the welcome party at the field!

The field was fully occupied by both instructors and students.

Locke yawned as he walked out from the Black Tortoise’s cabin. It was not an understatement to call him the academy’s superstar!

Countless people were shouting his name!

“Locke! Give me an autograph…”

“Can you take me as a disciple?”

“My idol! This is a VIP card for one of the Diamond District’s restaurants. Please take it as a gift!”

“I want to marry you…”

“Here’s some mana milk! Your battles must have consumed a lot of mana, right?”

Locke, wanted nothing more than to leave the scene quickly. Other than the “Restaurant VIP card”, Locke paid no attention to anything else.

After all, eating was a necessity! Moreover, the restaurant was rather well known within the Diamond District!

However, Locke worried that it came with strings attached, and as a result, he teleported away via Lil’ White’s Spatial Movement instead. Naturally, no one could tell where he had gone to.

Once the students had finally quieted down, a few instructors with medical Battle Beasts came forward to check on Principal Hobrick’s injuries.

Looking at the completely unconscious old man, the teachers said,

“He’s in a serious condition. I’ll immediately arrange for blood transfusions…”

“There are traces of Battle Beast attacks on his body, he needs stitches…”

“A few of his bones are broken…”

“If he had arrived any later, he would definitely die…”

Tristan and the others gasped. It had been ages since the principal had used his full strength!

However, what terrified them even more was Locke.

Locke had easily defeated Old Man White, who Hobrick had struggled desperately against!

‘There’s more to this kid than meets the eye!’

After a night of hard work, the medical instructors had finally saved Hobrick from death’s claws. However, they were not sure how long it would take for Hobrick to gain consciousness.

To be exact, they were not sure whether Hobrick would ever be able to regain consciousness.

Tears began to form at Diana’s eyes once she heard the news.

Tristan, John, Jacques, and the other instructors all had ugly expressions on their faces.

Hobrick was the pillar of the Federal Academy!

The current iteration of the academy had lacked any outstanding lecturers. As such, if the renowned Principal were to pass away, the academy, no, the Holy City would lose its standing in society!

“We can only leave it to the hands of God… As for the next agenda, I propose that the non-medical instructors take turns patrolling the lighthouse. As for the monitoring of Principal Hobrick’s state, just leave it to us..” A senior medical instructor offered the reasonable, yet depressing arrangement.

After walking out of the lighthouse, Jacques whispered to Tristan and Diana, “Right before the principal fainted, he told me to keep Locke’s disposal of Old White a secret. If anyone asks, just tell them that Old White died after exhausting his mana…”

Tristan and Diana nodded in agreement.

After all, Old Man White’s defeat was a major event, not only in the Holy City, but the Federation itself.

Should anyone learn of Locke’s feat, he would undoubtedly encounter challengers every day. Should that happen, Locke would no longer be able to study in peace.

Moreover, Hobrick’s idea was also in line with Locke’s low-key personality.


The White family was in chaos!

After learning of Old Man White and the three young masters’ deaths, the White household’s servants fled the castle. They knew that the family was on the verge of collapse.

Moreover, Old Man White’s Secretary, Mars, was nowhere to be found.

It was up to Adrian, who was bounded to a wheelchair, and his sister Alice to maintain order.

However, the servants paid no heed to the siblings. After all, now that they had lost their Battle Beasts, they had posed no threat at all.

This was in addition to the cruel treatment the siblings had given to the servants before this!

“Brother! What should we do?” Alice was a sobbing mess.

Adrian, who had a panicked expression on his face, was also at a loss of what to do.

Moreover, this was not the most serious problem that they had to face.

The plan that Old Man White and Moto concocted had succeeded!

At present, more than 80% of the nobles in the Holy City had listed the White family as their number one enemy.

As soon as the servants left, nobles who sought vengeance arrived at their home.

“Let… Let me go!” Alice was being strangled by a member of the Kane family.

The young man said, “Your brother killed my father and two brothers. How are we going to settle the score?”

“Our parents also died by their hands. I have already inquired the federal court. We can take revenge for this!”

“My daughter had just turned eighteen, and now, I’ll never see her and my two sons again…”

“I’ll skin you alive! And once I’ve flayed you, I’ll chop you to pieces!”

Several Battle Beasts had occupied the White castle’s hall.

The siblings were surrounded by bloodlust from all sides!

“P-Pay! We’ll pay you!” Adrian stuttered out of fear. Although his father and brothers were gone, the White family was still very rich.

However, could such a deep-seated grudge be easily solved with money?

The nobles’ relaxed brows had given him his answer…


It seemed that the nobles had already planned it out beforehand. Upon hearing Adrian’s words, the nobles withdrew their Battle Beasts and began to discuss with one another.

At this moment, Adrian and Alice realized that Moto’s plan had actually helped these new leaders instead!

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