"Hello, Milady?" One of the maids at Rizaha knocked on the door, the sun was just coming out and the village became coated in the silence.

Hina, still in her pajamas, opened the door to see the maid standing outside, "What is it?" She asked.

"I was told to inform you about the Ankia meeting." The maid uttered with both her hands placed in front.

Hina yawned, "Tell them I'll be there." She said before closing the door behind her.

"Alright mam, I'll do so." The maid bowed and walked away.

Hina, right after closing the door, walked toward the room where Zeno was lying on the bed shirtless.

She then wandered over to the bed before sleeping on it with her head resting on Zeno's chest.

"Was that grandma?" Zeno asked.

"No, it's the Ankias, they are having a special meeting again and I'm supposed to the present." Hina responded.

"I see... then shouldn't you go too?" Zeno asked.

Hina raised her head from Zeno's chest and got on top of him before placing her hands on his cheeks and pulling her face closer.

"But I want to stay with you." Hina uttered lewdly before locking her lips with Zeno with a silent morn following right after.

Once she pulled away from the kiss, a trail of linked saliva left her lips with her beet-red cheeks as she looked Zeno in the eye.

"... You still have to go." Zeno asserted.


Hina walked into the garden where all the Ankais were seated and joined them in the circle with her pouting expression.

They all looked at her with a bit of confusion, "Big sis, are you okay?" Slevin asked.

"I'm fine, so what's this meeting all about?" She asked with a cold voice.

"Oh right, let me get on with it then." Lucifer said before standing up from the chair, "Here we go,".

As soon as she heard Lucifer's voice, Hina immediately summoned her sword and moved away from the round table.

"Lucifer? What are you doing here?" Hina raised a question with an angry tone as she glared at him.

Lucifer and the rest looked at her again with confusion written all over their faces, "Uhm… Hina, are you okay?" Lucifer asked.

"Shut up you Demon!" Hina shouted.

"Sister! That's going too far!" Selvin yelled as he stood up from his chair and so did the rest of the Ankias.

"Hina, you know Lucifer hates being called a demon." Andrew added with the glare he was giving Hina.

"What's wrong with you guys, it's Lucifer… unlike Uta, he doesn't need to be here." Hina yelled.

She looked around and saw the angry stares they were giving her, 'Why are they all looking at me like I'm the bad guy here… it's a freaking demon,'.

"Uta? Who's Uta?" Slevin asked while looking at her.

Hina was shocked at the question, "Are you messing with me? Uta the …. Wait… who is Uta? I can't... remember." She pulled her sword down before placing her hand on her head as she tried to recollect something.please visit

"Guys lay off her for a bit, it's obvious she doesn't feel too well." Lucifer voiced out, "Hina, why don't you just take the day to rest,".

"Yeah… maybe you're right." Hina responded and then walked out of the gathering.

She went back to her house in the village and fell flat on the bed the second she got home.

"What's going on with me?" She thought to herself as she stared at the ceiling.

Slowly, Hina started to doze off on the bed, she felt like her mind was floating in space and her whole body was weightless.

Out of nowhere, an image showed up in her head where Alisha and Horina were struggling to fight an enemy.

Hina immediately jolted up from the bed as soon as she remembered the journey she made to Tamron.

"The mission!" She yelled, "I was on a mission wasn't I… I can't.".

Hina suddenly heard someone banging on the door continuously, not sure who it was, she pulled out her sword as she approached the door with caution, for some reason she felt the need to be wary.

The banging kept on getting louder the closer she got, taking a deep breath, she lowered her head to peep through the keyhole on the door.

She couldn't quite see anything, so she sought to stop peeping, but just as soon as she was about to move away from the peep, a loud bang hit the door and a red vained eye looked directly at her from the peep hole.

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom "The hell!" Hine yelled as she suddenly felt startled by the eye, in her moment of fear she began to stab the door multiple times before she pulled back.

"That wasn't human, what is going on here?" She muttered to herself while slowly stepping away from the door.

"I should contact Zen-".

Turning, she slammed into her brother Slevin who was standing behind her with a weird smile on his face.

Hina sighed after seeing it was her brother, "Selvin, how did you even get in?" She asked.

Selvin didn't reply, he just kept his eyes on her with the freakish smile still hanging around his face.

Hina wasn't quick to notice, She was still focused on the door, "Okay listen, we have to leave here now… something isn't right, I may be wrong but what if Lucifer is the one doing all this." She said before grabbing Slevin's hand, "That doesn't matter now, let's go".

Slevin pulled her back, "What do you mean?" She uttered with a smile.

"There's something at the front door! I don't know what it is but my guts are telling me to run, so let's go!" She tried to pull Slevin again but he didn't budge.

Hina then suddenly let go and stood still with her back faced at him, "I should have known." She uttered calmly.

"You're not my brother!" She yelled right after taking a sharp turn and slicing Selvin's head to the ground with her sword.

His head bounced on the floor bit his smile was still there, "Sis, don't leave, play with me?" He uttered.

She moved back only to bump into Zeno who had the same smile on his face, "Are you going somewhere?" He asked.

Different people started popping up, covering her path while uttering the same word over and over again.

"Stay with us. We wanna play".

Hina panicked with her sword stretched out in front of her but that was until she noticed the shadow moving from one body to another on the ground.

She took a deep breath and coated her body in her energy, "I'm sorry Zeno, but… I can stay here if you're going to be smiling like that!" Hina yelled before launching herself toward him.

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