It had been a while since Chen Xiang entered the Aoshi Holy Stage, but he had not tried to level up in the past, so he naturally did not know how difficult it was to level up in the Aoshi Holy Stage.

"Before, I used Red fire dragon to devour a large amount of World Defying Stage Fierce Soul, but now that the Six beasts are all sleeping, I don’t know when they’ll wake up." This made Chen Xiang more anxious. If his Red fire dragon woke up, he felt that he could defeat it.

"It will be hard to reach the middle stage of Aoshi Holy Stage in ten days!" Qin Shuang said: "All of the World Defying holy soul in Aoshi Holy Stage need to be promoted to a certain level before they can be considered to have stepped into the middle stage of Aoshi Holy Stage. Only then would they be considered to have greater strength, and this process will not be easy."

Chen Xiang thought for a while, then said: "Seems like I can only try to see if I can comprehend the Tao-creation’s incantations now! If you can’t, then you can only fight it out. If you lose, it will only be the loss of one villa for that idiot crown prince. After all, he has lost so many good things, so he isn’t afraid of another villa. "

If Ma Tianhai knew what Chen Xiang was thinking, he would definitely be angered to tears.

Chen Xiang releasing the Time Domain to cover himself was only him, the You Yao Mountain Villa that did not surround him was already Divine Sense Sea, if not the consumption would be huge, and with Su Meiyao and the other women from the Aoshi Holy Stage, even if it was only at the first stage of Time Domain, he would not be able to maintain it for long.

"I wonder how Master succeeded in comprehending it last time!" Chen Xiang looked at the Six Realms mirrors, the Tao-creation’s incantation was hidden inside the Six Realms mirrors, he infiltrated his consciousness inside the Six Realms mirrors, looking for the Tao-creation’s incantations.

The last time he fused with the Tao-creation’s incantation, it allowed him to unleash an extremely powerful force. Just by stepping into the Aoshi Holy Stage, he was already able to defeat Leader, who was at the late stage of the Aoshi Holy Stage.

"I will count to see how many incantations there are." Very quickly, Chen Xiang saw the Tao-creation Incantation among the Six Realms mirrors. He counted, there were eighty-one Incantations.

"There are a total of nine sets of Tao-creation’s incantations, eighty-one in each group. Let me try and see if I can arrange the Tao-creation’s incantations in an orderly manner so that it will be convenient for me to arrange." Chen Xiang did not know why, but he suddenly felt that the Tao-creation Incantation was not that hard to understand.

"It’s quite regular!"

Chen Xiang very quickly formed the nine groups of Tao-creation Incantation, the first group was formed by a single stroke, it was extremely simple, the second group required two strokes, the third group three strokes, and so on, the ninth group’s Tao-creation Incantation was formed by nine strokes.

Although they were lined up, Chen Xiang did not know how to use them nor how to release their energy.

"Let’s give it a try first!" Chen Xiang began to try the simple Tao-creation Incantation for the first group.

He used his own proud power to draw out the Tao-creation Incantation in the Divine Sense Sea ...

Before he started, he felt that it was easier, but when he started, he realized that it was very difficult to turn his power into the incantation, because he could not accurately make his power become the same as the incantation!

As long as it was any different, Chen Xiang could feel that something was wrong. This was because the real Tao-creation Incantation was filled with spirituality, it looked extremely natural and comfortable.

Although it was only a simple drawing, it still appeared extremely mysterious. The dao was complete and the mystery contained within was difficult to describe.

Chen Xiang wanted to use his own power to draw up a simple Tao-creation Incantation, but it was extremely difficult to do so. Even though he had a template, he was still unable to draw out that kind of charm.

"No wonder!" Unknowingly, Chen Xiang had tried thousands of times to draw, but none of them had reached that realm.

Now he finally understood why it was so difficult to master the Tao-creation’s incantation. Even though Lei Yichen had spent dozens of years of time, he could only comprehend a few, and those were the simplest ones.

Even if he could not draw out the real Tao-creation Incantation, Chen Xiang did not feel frustrated at all. The Tao-creation Incantation seemed to have some kind of mystical power that could captivate people and make them unable to leave their bodies.

Lei Yichen had said before, that he needed to fuse his power with the Tao-creation’s incantation, sense the wonders contained within the Tao-creation’s incantation, and fuse himself with the Tao-creation’s incantation in order to it to be considered as under his control.

Right now, every time Chen Xiang used his own energy to draw up the Tao-creation’s incantation, he could feel the mysteriousness of the Tao-creation’s incantation.

Many days had passed, and Chen Xiang did not know how many times he had tried it, but in short, he was already using the Triple time field, so he could deeply feel the time it took to comprehend the Tao-creation’s incantation.

"I’ve finally completed one!" Chen Xiang finally succeeded in drawing out the simplest Tao-creation Incantation with his proud power.

This Tao-creation Incantation was drawn using the Sun madness fire s he released. After this Sun madness fire turned into the Tao-creation Incantation, it became three times stronger!

With the same energy, it would turn into the Tao-creation’s Incantation and would be three times stronger than normal, and it was even the simplest Tao-creation’s Incantation!

It had to be known that Chen Xiang had become proficient at it. In just an instant, he was able to turn a Sun madness fire into a Tao-creation Incantation. It was effortless for him to make the Sun madness fire become three times stronger!

"This is only the first layer of Tao-creation’s Incantation. I wonder what the ninth layer of the ninth layer of the Tao-creation’s Incantation will be like?" As Chen Xiang felt the increasing power, he was extremely shocked in his heart.

There was only one stroke of the simplest Tao-creation’s incantation. Chen Xiang called it the first stage, and the second stage was the second stage ... He needed to master all nine of the Tao-creation’s incantations. He needed to master all nine of the sets of the Tao-creation’s incantations!

After successfully mastering one of the Tao-creation’s incantations, Chen Xiang had gained some experience. Now, he only needed to spend some time to master the other eight incantations for the first stage.

"The Tao-creation’s incantation should be able to stack up!" Chen Xiang suddenly thought of something. He remembered that when he was fusing with the Six Realms mirrors before, the Tao-creation Runes on his body were extremely complicated and his brushstrokes were extremely dense.

"Could it be that these nine sets of Tao-creation Incantation are the most basic? If I master it all, I can use the Tao-creation Incantation to combine the incantations and the released energy will be even stronger! "

Chen Xiang took a deep breath. If these eighty-one Tao-creation Incantations were to superimpose on each other, it was unknown just how many Tao-creation Incantations he could create.

Not to mention the rest, even the simplest combination of the nine incantations for the first stage of Tao-creation could be combined into many different types.

Now, he finally understood why it was called the Tao-creation Incantation. These incantations contained a very mysterious power.

"That’s a matter of the future. Let me try and see if I can master the first stage of the Tao-creation’s incantation within a limited amount of time."

In the beginning, he could still use the Triple time field very easily, but it wouldn’t work after that, because when the ninth Tao-creation Incantation was formed, he already consumed a lot of energy. In order to maintain the balance between his energy replenishment and damage output, he could only use the dual Time Domain.

From here, the first thing he did was to look at the genuine content!

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