Book 5: Chapter 6: Home


Im begging you, could you please just leave a corpse fully intact for the researchers? Just one will do! the annoying nuisance of an annoying pain in the ass researcher in front of me says for the fourth time as I sit in the chair in the middle of a lovely courtyard located at a home I bought with the money Ive been amassing. A nice, large house standing at four floors and bordering on a mansion with a large swimming pool in the backyard.

I shush the guy with a scowl while glancing down at Aria who is sleeping on my lap with her head and shoulder resting against me, making sure he didnt wake her. Then I look back up at him and tell him, quietly, of course, Ive told you this once and I will tell you again. I will not waste the blood of the demons I kill, much less Nobles. Despite their attacking of us, they are still sapient beings and shouldnt have their corpses defiled for experimentation.

The guy just wont learn.

Im already fighting on the side of the humans and killing the demons that Im technically a princess of. So Im not just gonna go and let the humans experiment and treat the demons I kill as nothing but lab experiments.

That would just be cruel to the demons who practically worship me.

Besides. Their blood makes for good fuel for my skills, and I know the demons would be happy to know that their blood is being used for my skills even if I kill them.

A few of them have even said it to me themselves. Which was kind of creepy.

Yeah Tar mutters, sounding creeped out as he no doubt remembers those bizarre times.

But please, Lady Archeron, the full corpses of Noble demons would advance- the nuisance continues, making me cut him off with a scowl. And to add to my intimidation factor, I make blood rain slowly begin to fall around us at a very light amount before controlling the blood to float around the two of us in the air.

The researcher from the newly created Researchers Union made up of the remnants of the old union clears his throat, the old looking man saying, Ah-hem, my apologies Lady Archeron, but I need to be leaving now.

Right. Sure you do.

I watch him quickly make his way out with a raised brow, then I turn my attention back to Aria who is peacefully sleeping on my lap.

Now that hes gone, I stuff the blood into my Bloodwell Keep, finding the storage skill capable of holding a lot more blood than my old Blood Bank skill could. Even though its not a skill focused on blood. Which is rather convenient.

I always wanted a storage skill, and its really nice to finally have one.

Speaking of skills, I glance at my status while lightly playing with Arias hair, making sure not to wake her in the process.

Name: Scarlet Art Asger de ArcheronSpecies: Human/Blood Lycan HybridMagic: Blood Titles:The Apex Predator Age: 21Level: 1012SP: 6 Stats: Physical: 3,136Mental: 3,135Magical: 3,135 Physical/Level: 5Mental/Level: 4Magical/Level: 5 Free Points: 0Mana: 832,396/ 34,398,787.5Free Points/Level: 10 Active Skills: Bloodborne Apocalypse

Skill Level: 3Description Pain DiffusionSkill Level: 30Description Null Magic FieldSkill Level: 30Description Blood of RuinSkill Level: 30Description Metallicized BloodSkill Level: 29Description Power DrainSkill Level: 28Description Blood NullificationSkill Level: 27Description Rain of BloodSkill Level: 26Description Blood TransformationSkill Level: 21Description Healing ReversalSkill Level: 1Description Blood ControlSkill Level: 1Description Beast TransformationSkill Level: StaticDescription Partial ShiftSkill Level: StaticDescription Blood SwarmSkill Level: 23Description Gradual Corruption NullificationSkill Level: 30Description Blood PlagueSkill Level: 35Description Crimson OverdriveSkill Level: 30Description Vampire AscendancySkill Level: 30Description Scarlet AegisSkill Level: 20Description Eldritch BloodSkill Level: 20Description Blood ShadowSkill Level: 30Description Blood RetributionSkill Level: 20Description Passive Skills: Lycan's RegenerationSkill Level: 3Description Blood ManipulationSkill Level: 26Description Princess's DecreeSkill Level: StaticDescription Apex Predator

Skill Level: StaticDescription Bloodwell KeepSkill Level: StaticDescription Blood ThirstSkill Level: 30Description Bloody ThornsSkill Level: 30Description

Over the past few months I managed to level up my skills quite a bit. Although the two mythic skills have proven rather difficult to level up.

Well, theyre mythical skills after all, Tar says while floating around rather lazily. Of course theyre harder to level than legendary and below rarity skills.


By the way, Tar suddenly adds while looking over at me, When you thought earlier about having something important you needed to do, was it really just playing around with Aria?

I firmly nod my head.

Of course it was. I basically became her guardian after letting her live at my house, even if the Bloodhound decided to move in as well to take care of her, so of course I need to drop by every now and then to spend some time with her.

Tell that to the general, Tar points out, but I just roll my eyes and look up at the beautiful full moon high in the sky.

The general can wait. Its not like Im beholden to the man in any way.

Besides. Ava helped me a while back when I went to her Association for the end of year thingy, so I dont care much for the Golden Rider anyways.

She also helped heal me after my battle with that nightshade before the ceasefire.

You didnt like him before you even realized who he was though, Tar comments.

Well, yeah, but still.

I feel Aria shifting around slightly, making me glance down to find her waking up.

Morning sleepyhead, I tell her, to which she groggily mutters a brief morning back. Then she gets off of me and begins slowly trudging into the house without another word.

At this point it feels more like shes my daughter than my cousin in some ways. Which feels weird.

Speaking of, I glance up at the moon again while pursing my lips in thought.

Blue has been gradually gaining his emotions over the past several months, but not very fast. Right now the man barely ever shows himself in public anymore, and doesnt even fight all that much anymore. Like hes trying to figure himself and everything out.

Which really does mean that the Devourers tactic is working.

Then again, hes getting his emotions back in the end, so thats all that matters to me.

I sigh at that thought before closing my eyes, deciding to just relax in the peace and quiet. Because unlike most other rich people houses, mine is located on its own land far away from any cities. Although its covered in defenses to protect the inhabitants, mainly Aria. And since theres only a few people living here, including me, some maids who make the food, Aria, and the Bloodhound, there hasnt been a single Fracture anywhere nearby.

So its a rather peaceful place to live.

But I cant stay here for long since the war needs me, so I stand up from my seat and stretch a little before calling out to Aria, Im heading out.

After hearing her grumble something, knowing that I can hear it all the way from here, I begin flying through the sky using Blood Manipulation on my own blood to do so. A rather convenient method of using the skill.

Time to go see that annoying general.

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