Book 5: Chapter 47: A Passby


Time passes as I continue devouring the minotaurs in the maze. A process that is rapidly shooting up both my level and my points. Even though there arent actually that many monsters in the maze.

Which makes sense in hindsight, considering that one minotaur gives as many points as getting first place in this competition gives.

Come to think of it, wasnt there something mentioned about a multiplier? How do I know what my multipliers are?

Tar quickly answers from his spot on my shoulder as we fly, Your multipliers will be shown after the first competition. When the points are being tallied for the publics view.

Wait, arent my points in the corner of my vision? Why would they need to tally them?

Its just for the crowds entertainment, Tar answers, making me glance at him with a look. Yes, this tournament is largely for entertainment purposes. You can blame Grandmother for that. She was big on entertaining herself.

Right. That was one of the reasons for the Systems game-like form in the first place.

Almost forgot.

Hmm. Well, anyways, I return my full attention to what Im doing as another monster finally shows its face. And then is devoured without a moments notice.

Is that enough? Tar asks, making me nod my head. Good. Ill be taking a nap now.

I snort at that, but hes not the only one.

Now that Im familiar enough with the minotaurs, I can directly order the Red Plague to ignore anything that isnt the minotaurs. So the other competitors arent in danger anymore. At least, so long as I keep moving.

So without any hesitation, I let out a massive flood of Red Plague that moves in a wave through the maze with me resting on top with a yawn, lying down on my back.

Thats an interesting night sky despite the fact that were supposed to be in a stadium. Wonder how it was made?

Somewhere else within the Maze

Aria calmly jogs through the maze corridor with her hair flowing behind her and a blue barrier of energy covering her body. One blocking any sound from making it out of the barrier. But after jogging for a while, only occasionally stopping to get the points from a loot box.

Youre doing well, child, her fae says with a motherly tone of voice, the fae having basically acted as her only mother figure until Scarlet appeared.

Although Aria still isnt sure if she thinks of Scarlet as her big sister or her mother. But either way, she doesnt know what she wouldve done if she hadnt met her.

Then again, Id probably be dead if it werent for her.

She continues jogging for a while, only to end up running into something when shes about to turn the corner, sending her falling backwards with a yelp. But she quickly climbs back to her feet and readies her skills, only to pause when she sees the man standing in front of her.

The man looks to be about the same age as Scarlet and is wearing a simple t-shirt and shorts which she can tell are infused with skills and mana. Meaning theyre magi-tech.

Why someone would make shorts and a t-shirt into magi-tech armor is beyond her though.

Oh, she mutters, the mans identity finally clicking in her mind. Youre the void weirdo who would always train half naked in the Lions Heart Guardians University training hall!

Anthony stumbles after hearing that, only having just regained his footing from their collision. Then he rubs the back of his head and asks, Seriously? Is that how she described me?

Aria shrugs and answers, Its how I remember you from her stories.

The man opens his mouth to say something, only for a loud roar to echo down the corridor, sending both of the competitors into a panic as they begin to run away from the sound of the roar. But regardless of how fast they run, they soon feel the shaking of the ground as the roaring grows closer. And soon enough they find the maze guardian charging directly at them with its head down, ready to gore the both of them in two.

No! I cant lose this quickly in the first competition!

Aria feels more than a little panic at the idea of disappointing Scarlet and losing so quickly. But right when the maze guardian is about to reach them, it suddenly stops moving and collapses, face planting into the ground.

Both Aria and Anthony stop running and turn around in confusion, only to find what looks like an illusionary bug person stepping out of the creatures corpse. One that seems to fade and reappear over and over again.

The bug person turns their head to look at the two of them, only to turn again to find a vortex of blood appearing right next to them, following which Scarlets biological father appears from the vortex.

Aria feels uncertain as she stands face to face with two of the Demon Lords. But right when shes in the middle of trying to figure out what to say, a loud ringing sound echoes throughout the entire maze, following which something falls from the sky, somehow ending up landing in the same corridor theyre in.

And when Aria identifies the creature, she feels a major chill run down her spine.

This must be the hidden secret Father mentioned, Rowena says, making Aria nod her head in agreement as she slowly backs away from the massive creature.

Even the two Demon Lords next to her look incredibly apprehensive about fighting the creature.

Then, to her and the other three people alongside hers surprise, a large wave of what looks like glowing red blood suddenly crashes into the massive creature that happened to be crossing an intersection. And within seconds, the creature seems to dissolve into nothing but red ash.

Meanwhile Scarlet passes by on top of the wave while yawning. As if she didnt even notice what had just happened.

And just as quickly as she had arrived, she leaves again, moving through a different way in the intersection and bringing the flood of what Arias been told is Red Plague along with her. Silence fills the corridor as Aria, the two Demon Lords, and Anthony all stare at the red ash left behind in her wake.

Well, thats Scar for you.

Then Aria begins jogging through the dungeon again, ignoring the others that are still staring.

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