Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 5: Chapter 39: The Warden’s Return

Book 5: Chapter 39: The Warden's Return

The Arctic

Satan immediately turns his head towards the Southwest when he senses a powerful wave of power shooting out from above the ocean. One that he recognizes.

How is

He quickly begins to fly towards the origin of the power, deciding to see for himself before jumping to any conclusions. And after he gets close enough to see the crimson light, he finds his body locking up in an instinctive fear.

Sweat begins to build up across his body, and he feels a strong urge to flee. But he still pushes forwards, deeper into the crimson light. All the way until he is finally able to see the origin of it.

Floating hundreds of meters in the air, letting off a bright crimson radiance as her hair that reaches all the way down to her mid-thighs in length flows elegantly behind her in the non-existent breeze. Her eyes are closed, but even with that, even with all of the distance still between Satan and her, he can still see the crimson light shining from beneath her eyelids. Meanwhile orbs of crimson blood float all around her as the Princess gradually absorbs all of them.

But what catches Satans attention the most is the pure instinctive fear that he feels just at the sight of the glowing crimson blood.

And the sight of the Princesss identify.

A chill runs down his spine and he fails to stop himself from kneeling midair, shaking slightly in the process despite Her Highnesss eyes not even opening yet.

She climbed from level 1000 to level 1702 in less than half a year. Shes even more of a monster than His Majesty.

And hes not the only one to feel this way. Every last human and demon within sight of the Princess begin to instinctively fear her and the Red Plague locked within her, whether they wish to or not. No matter what their level is.

As the crimson light of the Princess, the Warden of the Red Plague, rains down across the world around them.

And unknown to the Princess of the Demons, a small portion of the humans and demons witnessing the light begin to think of her as a god.

Hence begins the first religion on Earth in two centuries.


After I finish absorbing the last of the Red Plague, I finally open my eyes, only to realize that Im back on Earth again.

Huh? When did I get here?

Father teleported you back while you were finishing up absorbing the Red Plague, Tar comments with a yawn, sounding rather tired. And bored. Ive been watching you do nothing but devour void creatures for a week straight. How could I not be bored?

Right. You didnt have to wait for me though.

He doesnt say anything in response for several seconds before changing the topic, Youve got a rather large crowd of spectators, if you were curious.

I blink at that before finally focusing on everything around me, letting the crimson glow finally fade. And what I find is a massive crowd of people covering the entire port of the capital city on Earth, just all staring at me in both awe and fear.

But its not just them. I also see the Knights floating in the air nearby, along with more than a few of the Noble demons who stayed behind on Earth, including Satan.

Oh. Yeah, why exactly did your father teleport me here of all places?

The competitors for the tournament will all be called in three hours and brought to the artificial universe, so he called you back here now to give you a few hours to catch up on what the tournament is before that, Tar explains, sounding slightly amused at my discomfort.

That aside though, why exactly are the demons all kneeling midair? It looks just as weird now as it did before that little training trip.

That should be obvious, Tar says, making me frown. You do realize its not normal to level up almost five hundred times in a week, right?

Well, yeah. But still.

Tar floats up in front of me and gives me a look filled with pity. Then he simply shakes his head and says, I think your common sense has finally reached the point where its beyond saving.

I frown at him.

Thats rude.

My common sense is perfectly normal.

Tar doesnt respond.

It is!

He stays silent again.

I roll my eyes before glancing down and finding that Im currently wearing the little makeshift outfit I learned to make while absorbing the Red Plague from the void invasion. A little set of armor entirely made of Red Plague.

The only thing that the Red Plague wouldnt completely devour, leaving me without a scrap of clothing.

A rather annoying side-effect of my strongest skill, but whatever.

Wouldve been far worse if I didnt realize I could make makeshift clothes out of the Red Plague. Even if theyre shabby looking and look like Im wearing a cloak.

I sigh at the clothes I destroyed rather quickly. Not to mention my magi-tech armor which is no longer with us today.

Rest in peace armor. You will be missed.

Tar snorts.

Youll get better at making the clothes and armor over time, Tar says, comforting me. Or at least, until he adds, You kind of have to. Unless you enjoy fighting naked or in such shabby clothes.


Come to think of it, do you think Gramps and Leonidas can control the Red Plague with their Blood Domains?

Its unlikely, Tar says, surprising me. The Red Plague isnt just blood. And Blood Domain isnt absolute. He frowns for a moment before adding, There are no absolute magic control skills. Only ones that are extremely close to absolute, like Blood Domain.

Okay, I get it.

Its still disappointing though.

Yeah, Tar mutters.

Silence fills the area as I look around.

So how long do you think theyre gonna stare at me?

No idea, he answers honestly.

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