Book 5: Chapter 32: Interference

High Above the Frontlines

Amelia purses her lips for a second before beginning to fly down to stop the five Nobles. But just seconds later, she backs away without any hesitation, following which a twister of miasma appears where she was just standing.

Miasma? On the frontlines?

Her gaze quickly locks onto the source of the miasma, which she quickly finds to be someone who shouldnt be here.

A man with stark white hair just like her own and pitch black orbs as eyes lacking any sort of color or even white, with pitch black claws extending from his fingers as sharp as talons, and pale white skin. And Amelia immediately grimaces at the hungry look on the mans face that he is clearly restraining as he stares at her without blinking for even a moment.

Amelia immediately presses a button on her terminal, sending a signal to all of the other Knights and the general of the military to notify them of a clan demons arrival.

Then she asks, What are you doing here Damien?

Damien doesnt say anything for several seconds as small black and red embers begin to leak from his eyes, making Amelias own eyes widen in shock and fear.

Shit. Hes losing his sanity, isnt he?

The man just continues to stare at her for several seconds before looking down at Scarlet and continuing to stare, leaving Amelia feeling confused.

Is he not attacking me? Wait, hows he even holding himself back from devouring everyone here if hes losing his sanity to his Sin? Black and red embers leaking from the eyes is the first sign of a demons consciousness being swallowed entirely by their Sin, so unless Im mistaken on that

Despite Amelias thoughts, Damien just continues to look down at the battle in silence, not attacking anyone as he simply floats there.

Hes really not attacking me but what was with that first attack, then? Does he not want me to interfere?

Just to test it, Amelia begins moving down towards the battle again, but right when she does, Damien turns his gaze towards her again and sends another twister of miasma at her. One that moves downwards towards the ground after missing her and wipes out tens of thousands of demons before turning most of them into undead. And when Amelia backs up again, he returns his attention to Scarlet.

He is seriously just trying to keep me away from her but why?

Several seconds pass in silence before Amelia looks down at Scarlet again, finding her beginning her battle with the five Nobles already. And she quickly begins to lose too much of her blood, with it devouring the nearby demons, growing stronger, and spreading while also digging downwards.

Amelia immediately tries to nullify the blood, but for some reason Damien sends another twister her way, making her turn a glare on the man. But this time he actually speaks, albeit only a single word.


And it comes out as a growl. One nearing being feral.

Thats when it clicks in Amelias mind.

He wants Scarlet to grow as strong as possible, as fast as possible so that she can clear his curse and save him from being lost to it. Even if it means the end of the Earth and the slaughter of millions of his own demons.

Amelia feels panic quickly rising within her and she opens her terminal, wondering where everyone else is and why they havent arrived yet.

Then she finds that Gabriella had just told a prophecy and is recovering from it, meanwhile Red himself had just barely survived an encounter with Satan. Black is still missing from when he disappeared not too long ago, leaving Alexander as the only remaining option for backup.

But hes not responding.

Why the fucking hell did Noah have to have another squabble with Satan right now?! And what was the prophecy Gabby told anyways?!

Amelia doesnt have the time to find out as she grits her teeth and looks down at the Red Plague quickly turning the area around them all to red ash. Even after Scarlet tries to stop using the skill.

From what Amelia can tell though, Scarlet simply isnt able to handle all of the Red Plague that had replicated during the battle up till now and not been dealt with by Amelia.

Shit, shit, shit, I shouldnt have let her come here!

She quickly sends a message to her brother simply stating, Come here now or the world ends!!!! Then she tries to create a full null magic field down on the field using her Bane of Magic Title-Bearing Mythic skill. But even that does nothing to the Red Plague.

In fact, it even seems to make things worse as it appears to weaken Scarlets control over the plague.

Amelias eyes widen in further shock, and she immediately cancels the use of her skill while her daughter looks up in confusion and more than a little irritation at her. Only for Scarlets eyes to lock onto Damien as well and a grimace to form on her face.

And all this happens while the other demons on the frontlines continue fighting with the humans, neither side having any idea about the dangers that are coming.

Scarlet is fighting far on the demons side of the frontlines, away from any humans. But its only a matter of time at this point before the Red Plague reaches the parts of the battle where humans are as well.

Amelia hears a grinding sound from her own teeth as she grits them even harder, but she pays it no mind as she finally returns her attention to the level 1801 ghoul floating in front of her and still fighting back his loss of sanity.

I dont have a choice. Even if I cant beat him on my own, I should at least be able to push him back so that I can clear out some of the Red Plague down there.

So Amelia raises both of her arms and begins making a complete null magic field around the ghoul.

Lets just hope this stops him for long enough to act.

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