Book 3: Chapter 47: Lazy Prince


Surprisingly, or I guess unsurprisingly considering what I know about blood lycans and hunts, Leonidas lets me leave the castle as long as I have my bodyguards. So thats the very first thing I do, after eating breakfast that is.

The first thought that comes to mind after leaving the palace though is that the city further down on the floating island is rather scarce of people judging by the sounds I hear coming from it. But then again, its supposedly a city meant just for blood lycans, with no one else living there.

A place I feel Ill probably end up uncomfortable passing through. So I ignore the city to go to the edge of the island before skirting around it to one of the bridges leading to other islands.

The bridge is made of blood metal and isnt even so much as swaying in the wind as I reach it, the blood red metal thats so dark its nearly black shining with the light of the blood moon above us. Not to mention the reflected blood moons light thats coming from the blood down below us.

After poking at the bridge for a moment to test it, I quickly begin to make my way across, constantly feeling the gazes of my bodyguards watching me from the shadows as I do so. Which I cant help but wonder how theyre even doing that considering Im on a damned bridge thats only spanning about four meters in width.

Once I make it to the center of the bridge, I find a crack in it going from one way to the other with latches between the two sides, denouncing it as a drawbridge. But I continue walking without spending much time to study it.

Overall Im kind of surprised Grandpa let me leave the palace. Particularly because he seemed to have wanted to spend more time with me from what I saw yesterday.

I could be wrong though.

Although theres also the possibility that Leonidas simply didnt tell him I was leaving. Which would be amusing.

And very likely, Tar comments, adding his own thoughts to the matter. Doesnt matter though. Blood lycans do not interrupt hunts.

True. I keep forgetting that they have a completely different set of common sense than what Im used to.

If a blood lycan marks something as their prey, it is a social faux pas for anyone else to take it from them or interrupt the hunt, Tar says, making me smile slightly.

That sounds nice. Maybe itll mean these bodyguards wont damage my EXP gathering then.

As long as you dont shoot too high in terms of your hunt, theyll leave you be, Tar says, clearing most of my worries. The only times I can see them interfering is if you try fighting something midway through Class III or higher. Although one of them may interfere if you fight something at Class III at all, but that would depend on the bodyguard in question.

Right. Thats good then.

For now

Vincent, would you mind telling me where some good prey are? I ask the air around me, following which the bodyguard in question appears right in front of me and points towards one of the islands to the East. Much appreciated.

Of course, Your Highness, he says with a bow before vanishing again.

That is kind of annoying.

What? The vanishing thing or the Your Highness thing? Tar asks, sounding genuinely curious as he appears in the air, briefly glances back at the palace, and sits on my shoulder with a happy look on his face, making me raise a brow in amusement.

Both. And did you just look back at the palace to see if that head maid was anywhere nearby?

He doesnt say anything for a few seconds. No

You totally did.

I begin walking along the edge of this island towards the bridge leading to the one the guard pointed out. A bridge that is currently up in the air and not connected.

Then again, he probably wouldnt have pointed it out to me if I couldnt get them to lower it.

Anyways, I dont like not knowing whats around me. Its unnerving and makes me uncomfortable. So knowing the guards are always around me even if I cant see them and feeling that uncomfortable tickling sensation whenever one of them glances at me, it just sets me on edge.

And of course I dont like the whole Your Highness thing. It makes everything feel stiff and formal. Not to mention that it feels weird having people who can swat me like a fly talking to me like Im the sun. Borderline creepy even.

Yeah, I guess I can understand that, Tar murmurs before adding, wake me up when we get there.

I do a double take at the tanuki before rolling my eyes and continuing towards the drawbridge.

Once we reach the drawbridge its as simple as asking the Noble standing guard to pull the drawbridge down and somehow theyre immediately able to recognize me as the Princess. Which is a tad unnerving.

They rush to open it at least, so I guess its best that way.

The guards arent showing their faces right now, or their mana, so there shouldnt be anything signifying me as oh.

I glance down at my chest where the crest is shown.

This is the royal familys crest. Duh.

Also, whys the crest not symmetrical? Its annoying.

I keep my frustration inside, not wanting to show the poor Noble whos already terrified for some reason any other reason to be frightened.

Why is he so scared of me? Im literally a thousand levels below him. Whats there to be afraid of?

Youre the Princess, Tar comments, apparently having woken up as he stretches on my shoulder before just draping himself across it in a lazy display.

Says the prince whos draping himself across the shoulder of a nineteen-year-old publicly as he lazes around using her as his personal carriage.

He glances at me at that, only to look down and close his eyes, not bothering to retort.

I snort as I begin crossing the bridge, making the poor Noble flinch in the process.

Such a lazy prince.

Anyways, time to find something worth hunting.

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