Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 3: Chapter 38.3: The Blood Calamity Part III

Book 3: Chapter 38.3: The Blood Calamity Part III


The amusement on his face dies down a little bit at my question before he answers, Because I wanted to see you. And so that you can train more efficiently as Im sure youd wish to do.

I narrow my eyes at that.

I couldve trained perfectly well back on Earth with my family, I bluntly tell him. But surprisingly, unlike White, he doesnt flinch. Instead his expression just retains the same neutrality as before. Although the amusement is finally gone.

Okay, the faes joking aside, they are right about one thing. He does seem similar to me in terms of personality.

Yes, but it wouldnt have been as efficient, nor would you have been able to meet my side of your blood, he explains, not giving an inch.

Our eyes lock for who knows how long before I state, As true as that is, it doesnt excuse not giving me a choice.

He nods his head and admits, Yes, that is true. But you wouldnt have chosen to meet me and your grandfather. It also wouldve slowed down your training significantly from what it could be. The man then tilts his head and adds, And besides. Dont you want a fighting style more fit for claws and our beast forms? You cant get that on Earth. Not the royal familys style of fighting at least.

Now that catches my attention.

The Demon Lords lips quirk ever so slightly in the corner as he says, You do want it, dont you?

I grimace at that before glancing around the very fancy medieval style room for a moment and eventually nodding my head.

Thought so, he says, but surprisingly without any smugness to his tone. Which I appreciate. Im assuming youre also going to want to go out to train?

I turn my attention back to him before nodding my head again and answering, Yeah.

Good, he says while walking over to the balcony and opening the doors, letting the tanuki inside as he goes out onto the balcony himself. And after a second, I walk out to join him.

What I find outside though is a large castle overlooking an even larger ocean made out of blood. Which is far below the actual ground. As if were floating in the air.

This is my Duchy, the Bloody Duchy, my biological father explains. I personally created these lands myself half a millennia ago through blood Runes, along with the assistance of your grandfathers Blood Domain. He pauses for a moment as he reaches back and scratches the back of his neck, adding, Although nowadays, I have his Blood Domain as well. He turns to me and nods. You will likely get it too one day.

I blink at that, utterly confused about why hes describing his duchy to me. But in the end, I decide to just let him talk. Because I can tell hes trying.

And Im pretty sure he also just casually mentioned two mythic skills. Because there isnt anything else I can think of that could create something like this.

Just ask him, Tar says while landing on my shoulder.

I glance at him before shrugging, turning back to the Demon Lord, and asking, What are blood runes? And whats a blood domain?

He looks at me, slightly surprised that Id spoken for some reason, then smiles a little and says, Theyre mythic skills. And without any warning, the area around us begins to get tainted with a deep crimson while droplets of blood appear all around us. Blood Domain is a skill that your grandfather attained that grants him absolute control over blood within the domain. And its a skill he etched, following which I obtained through the achievement-locked variety of it.

I watch with more than a little awe as he begins to create animals out of blood without so much as moving a finger. The animals then start dancing around us as if alive. And to top it off, he creates several orbs of different types of blood. Some of the blood is black, some green, some red, some is even blue. Then one of the orbs the red blood gains a slightly blackish green color to it that makes me think its corrupted somehow.

With the blood domain, we can manifest blood, dispel the blood we manifested, and control any and all blood within the domain, he explains while looking up at the orbs of blood. Now, people have a natural defense against us messing with the blood directly in their bodies, but that defense is only as strong as their own reality. The man turns to look at me again, a slightly happy look in his eyes rather than the neutral expression he seems to have as his default one. Just like me. But we can generally do whatever we want to the blood inside of a living person a couple hundred levels below us and there isnt anything they can do to stop us.

And I can get this skill too? I cant help but ask, truly understanding the power of a mythic skill for the first time.

The blood domain vanishes, and he nods his head, Yes, you can. Then he raises his hand and begins drawing in the air, leaving a trail of glowing red blood behind. Blood Runes on the other hand is a mythic skill that I personally etched. Something your grandfather doesnt have. And it lets me use any type of rune magic related to blood in all of reality. And thanks to that, Im also able to enchant items. To give them magic and skills.

My eyes widen in shock.

Holy shit thats strong.

Rune magic is by far the strongest magic in terms of making magi-tech, or in Tartarus terms, magical items. Especially because they dont even need to infuse the item with a skill. They can instead just enchant it entirely, giving it magical properties.

I step up to the railing and lean slightly over it with my arms folded across the red and black bricks.

So all of these islands I mutter, and my biological father finishes for me, Are enchanted by me, with your grandfather providing the blood to do so. He then reaches over and points down at the ocean of blood. Which you can find the leftover blood down there.

I hold myself back from snorting.

Leftover, he says.

An entire ocean of blood is leftovers from making a large array of enchantments.

On that note though, I look back at the Demon Lord before asking, What other mythic skills do you have?

He looks at me with a full smile for the first time since he hugged me and says, Im glad youre interested. Although Im sure youre just snooping to figure out what etched skills you can get. I blush slightly at that, since hes absolutely correct. We dont have the time to get to that though, as much as Id like to.

Wait, what?

Your grandfather has finally broken through the divination block on the palace and has just learned of your presence here, he explains, making my eyes widen in both shock and fear. He basically told me that hell be visiting in two hours to give you time to prepare. And weve already spoken for half an hour since then, so youll need to start preparing. And so will I.

I blink at that.

Prepare? I ask. Prepare what?

You stink of the human world, my biological father states rather bluntly while scrunching his nose a little. Of their putrid environment tainted by their technology. Something that makes me wonder if our technological curse wasnt such a bad thing after all. And before I can say anything about the clean skill, he adds, And its not something the clean skill can eliminate.

Well, thats annoying. I cant really smell much of anything bad.

Actually, the only new smell I can smell is the near overwhelming scent of blood coming from the ocean down below. And a bunch of new scents Im assuming belong to demons.

Also a mix of ash, smoke, and trees. The same thing I smelled from the Fracture cores.

My biological father suddenly pats me once on the head, making me glare at him before he turns around and begins walking towards the fancy double doors of what Im assuming is my bedroom. And right when he reaches them, he steps to the side and whistles a sharp whistle that actually has me wincing slightly.

And to get rid of that smell, youre gonna need a bath, he says as the doors open, and a few female demon maids walk in before bowing. Then you can meet your grandfather before the ball scheduled for later today.

I feel a shiver run down my spine at the mention of a ball.

I wish I could talk to you more, but I put off a lot of work recently and need to catch up on it a bit, he says, sounding slightly awkward as he does. Then he heads out of the room after a brief, Esteemed Blood Lord, from the maids in respect.

The maids then turn to me and bow again with a short, Greetings, Your Highness. Please follow us to the bath. We are running short on time, and His Highness would like you changed afterwards as well into something more fitting for the ball.

A second shiver runs down my spine at the mention of them getting me changed into something more fitting for the ball.

I get the feeling Im not going to like this.

At all.

That feeling only grows stronger when Tar quickly says, Well, Ill see you later! and vanishes without a trace.

Well, shit.

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